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本文(江苏专用版高考大一轮复习Module2Unit1Talesoftheunexplained题型组合训练英语.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、江苏专用版高考大一轮复习Module2Unit1Talesoftheunexplained题型组合训练英语.单项填空1.These new facts, together with other , prove the prisoner guiltless.A.treatment B.insuranceC.evidence D.symptoms答案C考查名词词义。句意:这些新的事实,连同其他证据,证明了这个囚犯是无罪的。treatment 治疗;insurance保险;evidence证据;symptom症状。根据下文被证明无罪,所以选C项。2.(2018启东中学高三最后一模)When Paul

2、 for the final game of the basketball season, his fans let out shouts of cry.A.made up B.showed upC.caught up D.held up答案B 句意:当保罗出现在篮球赛季的最后一场比赛上时,他的粉丝们爆发出叫喊声。make up组成,编造;show up到场,出现;catch up赶上;hold up举起,阻碍。故B选项正确。3.Who won the election of the mayor? A man to represent every minority group in the c

3、ity.A.claiming claimed D.having claimed答案A考查非谓语动词。句意:谁在市长竞选中获胜了?一个自称代表该市中每一个少数群体的男子。根据语境可知,主语a man和claim之间是主动关系,故用现在分词,故A项正确。4.Helen was always doubting what others said and it took me a long time to her that I wasnt going to harm her.A.promise B.inform C.upset D.convince答案D考查动词词义。句意:海伦

4、总是怀疑别人说什么,我花了很长时间才使她相信我不会伤害她。promise 承诺;inform告知;upset使心烦;convince说服;使信服。根据题意可知选D项。5.Thanks to Mrs Smith, the father and the son eventuallyafter ten years cold relationship between them.A.took up B.picked upC.made up D.turned up答案C考查动词短语辨析。句意:多亏了史密斯太太,这对父子在十年冷战后终于和好了。take up开始做;pick up学会,举起,(开车)接人;m

5、ake up和好;turn up开大,出现。故选C项。6.Much to her delight, threeneighbors showed up and several of them even brought with them some candies and cookies.A.dozens B.dozen C.dozen of D.dozens of答案B句意:使她非常高兴的是,36个邻居出现了,其中有几个人甚至带来了一些糖果和曲奇饼。前面有具体的数字时,dozen用单数形式,且不加of,故选B项。7.Despite his death, Castros courage and w

6、isdom are always believed a new generation of political leaders in Latin inspire have inspired D.having inspired答案C考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管Castro已经去世,但据信他的勇气和智慧始终激励着拉丁美洲的新一代政治领导。分析该句结构可知,该句使用了.be believed to do sth.结构,意为“据信”,故用动词不定式;根据语境可知,believe和inspire之间有明确的先后关系,故用动词不定式的完成式,故C项正

7、确。8. the fierce competition in finding a good job in big cities, many fresh graduates are trying their fortune in medium-sized ones. A.Regardless of B.Apart fromC.Thanks to D.Due to答案D句意:由于在大城市找一份好工作的激烈竞争,所以许多应届毕业生到中等规模的城市去碰运气。regardless of不管,不顾;apart from除了;thanks to幸亏;due to由于,因为。根据题意可知选D项。9.Fame

8、and wealth can be attractive, but will they give you permanent happiness. no time a all times no time答案D考查短语辨析和倒装。句意:名誉和财富都很诱人,但是它们绝不能给你带来永恒的幸福。in no time 立刻,马上;at a time一次,每次;at all times一直,始终;at no time从来没有,在任何时候都不(应该)。四个短语中只有at no time置于句首时,句子需要部分倒装,故选D项。10.(2018南京、盐城一模)Du

9、ring my first year abroad, I was so busy studying and meeting new people that I did not phone my parents as often as I . A.should B.would C.should have D.would have答案C句意:在国外的第一年,我是如此忙于学习和结识新的朋友,以至于我没有像本应该的那样经常打电话给我父母。本题考查虚拟语气。根据句意可知,我本应该经常给父母打电话,但实际上没有,should have done本该做而没做,此处为了避免重复,should have后省略了

10、phoned my parents,故选C项。11.They are very glad that most of the people give very useful answers.A.questioned question be questioning答案A考查非谓语动词。句意:他们很高兴大多数被问到的人都给出了非常有用的答案。根据句子结构可知,that引导的宾语从句中不缺少谓语动词,所以用非谓语动词。question与most of the people之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词作后置定语。故选A。12.(2018无锡市第一中学第二学

11、期期初考试)Mike is one of those people who just cant save money. Every time he gets paid, .A.he has ants in his pantsB.he tightens his beltC.he wears his heart on his sleeveD.the money burns a hole in his pocket答案D考查情景对话。句意:迈克是不能省钱的人之一。每次他拿到报酬时就花钱如流水。he has ants in his pants坐立不安;he tightens his belt勒紧腰带;

12、he wears his heart on his sleeve开诚布公,坦率;the money burns a hole in his pocket花钱如流水。根据语境,故选D。 no possibilitythe engineer can complete the project within two weeks.A.There;that B.It;thatC.There;what D.It;whether答案A句意:工程师不可能在两周内完成这个项目。There is no possibility that.是不可能的。故选A项。14.From 650 BC to 323 BC

13、 the civilizations of Greece made advances in various fields that the world ever since and will continue to do so.A.influenced B.have influencedC.had influenced D.are influencing答案B考查动词时态。句意:从公元前650年到公元前323年希腊文明在众多领域都取得了发展,从那时起就已经影响了世界,并将继续影响世界。ever since意为“从那时起到现在”,常常跟现在完成时连用。故选B项。15.Do you know if

14、 the new CEO is willing to meet the director this afternoon?,does it?A.It takes no timeB.It counts for nothingC.It doesnt hurt to askD.It doesnt make sense答案C考查交际用语。句意:你知道新CEO今天下午是否要和主管见面吗?问一下也无妨,不是吗?C项意为“问一下也无妨,又不是不能问”,符合语境,故C项正确;A项意为“这不花时间”;B项意为“没什么用”;D项意为“没有意义,讲不通”。.完形填空(2018兴化市第一中学考前适应性练习)Just s

15、everal days ago, a violent storm hit our community. I looked out of the window and witnessed a tree being1 by the fierce winds. The branches bent, and swayed back and forth, thanks to their 2 to avoid breaking. The leaves desperately stuck to the branches because their life 3 the tree. The powerful

16、trunk that 4 the tree upright bent slightly backwards from the force in a battle to 5 its position.After the storm had passed, the tree gracefully returned to its6 position standing tall among the chaos. It managed to 7 the storm. It didnt look the same as leaves had shed from its branches and the s

17、oil had loosened a bit, but what 8 is that the tree won the fight for its life.For a long time I couldnt understand why this tree9 my attention the way it did. As time passed, it became 10 that it wasnt just about the tree but about the roots, which, although unseen, dig deep into the soil providing

18、 11 and nutrition. The roots allow the tree to be able to take a 12 because they are there to support them.I couldnt but ask myself how deep the roots are in my life. 13, next time you catch your kids14, when the job is driving you crazy, when you are underpaid and the 15 is tight, and when the stor

19、ms of life are raging, go back to your roots. Life is full of 16. They will make you sway, make you 17, and make you lose some leaves but the deeper your roots the stronger you stand.Faced with18 you might bend but dont break. No matter how hard the wind blows dont let life19 you into an uncomfortab

20、le position. Your 20 lies in your roots.1.A.crushed B.abused C.broken D.removed2.A.height B.thickness C.flexibility D.outline3.A.answered for B.depended on C.catered for D.touched on4.A.held B.tied C.pulled D.raised5.A.achieve B.reach C.establish D.maintain6.A.current C.original D.comfortabl

21、e7.A.explore B.avoid D.survive8.A.counts B.differs C.concerns D.reveals9.A.fixed B.transferred C.escaped D.caught10.A.strange B.obvious C.possible D.reasonable11.A.surroundings B.resourcesC.probability D.stability12.A.beating B.stand C.chance D.turning13.A.However B.Therefore C.Nevertheless

22、D.Besides14.A.misbehaving B.strugglingC.withdrawing B.deadline D.community16.A.surprises B.choices C.storms B.bend C.hesitate D.advance18.A.opportunities B.challengesC.tasks D.differences19.A.trick B.argue C.force D.admit20.A.courage B.ambi

23、tion C.value D.strength答案语篇解读这是一篇夹叙夹议文。讲述了作者看到大树遭遇强风暴时,虽然树枝摇摆弯曲,树叶飘落,甚至根部的泥土都有些松动,但是泥土深处的强劲根部,不仅给大树输送养分,还保持了大树的稳定性,使其在狂风肆虐之下得以生存。作者由此联想到人生,当我们遇到残酷的挑战时,应该像大树那样,从根部树立坚定的信念和勇往直前的勇气,坚韧不拔,不被困难打倒。 1.B我向窗外望去,看见一棵树被狂风肆虐着。crush压坏,压碎;break破碎;remove去除,移开;abuse虐待,摧残,符合语境,因此B项正确。2.C树枝弯曲,来回摇晃,多亏了它们的柔韧性,才得以避免折断。he

24、ight高度;thickness厚度;flexibility柔韧性;outline轮廓。因此C项正确。3.B树叶紧紧附在树枝上,因为它们的生命依赖树。answer for对负责;cater for迎合;touch on谈及,提及;depend on依赖,取决于。4.Atie打结,系住;pull拉;raise提升,养育,均与句意不符;hold使保持,hold sth. upright使挺立,故A项正确。5.D强壮的树干在与狂风抗争,努力维持这棵树原来的位置,不被吹倒。achieve实现;reach到达;establish建立;maintain保持。maintain its position保持自

25、己的位置,因此D项正确。6.C风暴过后,这棵树不再弯曲,恢复了它原先的姿态,在一片混乱中优雅地挺立着。current现在的;final最终的;original最初的,原来的;comfortable舒适的。return to its original position 恢复了它原来的姿态,因此C项正确。7.D它努力在风暴中生存下来。explore探索;avoid避免;chase追逐;survive幸存,存活。根据句意,可知D项正确。8.A重要的是,这棵树赢得了这场生存之战。count重要;differ不同;concern关心;reveal揭露。故A项正确。9.D很长一段时间,我都不明白为什么这棵

26、树吸引了我的注意。catch ones attention为固定搭配,意为“吸引某人的注意”,故D 项正确。10.B随着时间的推移,原因变得很明显了,引起我注意的不仅仅是树本身,还包括它的根,虽然看不见,却深深地扎根于地下,给树提供稳定性(使树牢固地站立)和养分。strange奇怪的,陌生的;obvious明显的;possible可能的;reasonable合理的。符合语境,故B 项正确。11.D随着时间的推移,原因变得很明显了,引起我注意的不仅仅是树本身,还包括它的根,虽然看不见,却深深地扎根于地下,给树提供稳定性(使树牢固地站立)和养分。surroundings环境;resource资源;

27、probability可能性;stability稳定性。结合文意,大树的根深扎于地下,使得大树不被吹倒,即给大树提供了稳定性,故D项正确。12.A树根允许树能够经受挫折,因为有树根在支持它。take a beating受打击,经受挫折,因此A项正确。13.B作者由树想到了自己,问自己的“根”有多深。人和树一样,也有“根”,因此作者觉得以后不论遇到什么挫折,都要回归自己的根。两句之间存在因果关系,therefore因此,符合语境,故选B项。however然而;nevertheless然而;besides除了。14.A此处作者在列举一些人生的不如意,当你发现孩子行为不端时。misbehave行为不


29、ce前进。因此B项符合语境。18.B面对挑战,你可能会弯曲,但是不会折断。opportunity机会;challenge挑战;task任务;difference不同。因此B项正确。19.C无论风吹得多么强烈,都不要让生活逼迫自己处于不舒服的境地。force sb. into为固定短语,意为“强迫某人进入”,因此 C项正确。20.D像上文提到的那棵树一样,抗击风暴的力量来自它的根。你的抗击挫折的力量也来自根。courage勇气;ambition野心,雄心;value价值;strength力量,力气。所以D项正确。.阅读理解 (2018扬州高三上学期期末)This passage is adapt

30、ed from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.Seeing me, she recovered herself. She made a sort of effort to smile, and expressed a few words o congratulations, but the smile disappeared, and the sentence was abandoned unfinished. She put on her glasses and pushed her chair back from the table.“I feel so as

31、tonished,” she began. “I hardly know what to say to you, Miss Eyre. I have surely not been dreaming, have I?Sometimes I half fall asleep when I am sitting alone and fancy things that have never happened. It has seemed to me more than once when I have been in a doze (打盹), that my dear husband, who died fifteen years ago, has come in and sat down beside me;and that I have even heard him call me by my name, Alice, as he used to do. Now, can you tell me whether it is actually true that Mr. Rochester has asked you to marry him?Dont laug

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