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1、中考英语总复习答案中考英语总复习答案【篇一:中考英语总复习 完成句子练习题】txt根据句子所给的汉语意思完成句子,每空一词(缩写计为一词)。 1. 从今以后,我们要更加努力学习英语。 we must study english harder_ now _. 2. 她的梦想就是长大当一名教师。 her dream is to be a teacher when she_ _. 3. 你应该学会如何与他人相处。 you should learn how to _ _with others. 4. 植树可以防止土壤沙化。 planting trees can_ the soil _changing

2、into sand. 5. 他在照顾他妹妹。 he is his sister。 6. 学生们正在谈论那场足球赛。 the sudents are_ _the football match. 7. 不管她多忙,她都不放弃学习英语。 no matter how busy she is, she wont_ learning english. 8. 他们打算参加下一届校运会吗? are they going to _ _ in the next school sports meet? 9. 在英语学习中懂得如何查词典很重要。 it is very important to know how to

3、_in the dictionary in english study. 10. 我们常常在放学后踢足球。we often after school . . 11. 我们中十个人将去游泳,其余的将在沙滩上打排球。 the ten of us will go swimming , _will play volleyball on the sands. 12. 你猜我买那手表用了多少钱? can you guess how much i _ _this watch? 13. 吉姆的父母想知道他的学习情况。 jim parents wanted to know how he was gettings

4、tudy. 14. 水烧开才能喝。 the water cannnotuntil you have boiled it. 15. 他吃了药后才感到好些。 he _ feel better _ he had the medicine 16. 多亏了你的帮助,我们按时完成了作业。 your help, we can finish doing our homework on time. 17. 千里之行,始于足下18. 大家都知道汉语和英语有很大差别。 everybody knows that chinese is quite19. 肇庆因美丽的星湖而闻名全国。 zhaoqing is _ _its

5、 beautiful star lake in our country. 20. 台湾人口数两千两百万。 _ of 22 million 21. 我们都坚信台湾迟早会回归祖国。 22. 除非你尽可能多说英语,否则你很难提高。 it is hard to improve english unless you speak it as _as _. 23. 别放弃,很快我们就会赶上其它同学。 dont give up, we can _ _ with other students very soon . 24. 这些书不能带出阅览室。these books be _out of the readin

6、g room. 25. 你能告诉我你每天什么时候到校? can you tell me _ time you _ school every day? 26. 刘翔是世界上最优秀的运动员之一。 liu xiang is _ of the most excellent in the world. 27. 梅州人民正为创办优秀旅游城市做准备。 the people of meizhou are _ _ ready for setting up the super city of tourist. 28. 他们把那条白猫当作他们的家庭成员。_ dogs? 50我父母昨天不同意我的意见。 my pare

7、nts didnt _51 他根本不会游泳。 at_ . 52 我们上周六同时到达广州。 we arrived in guangzhou at the_ 53 请把他的东西收拾好。 _ 54 你应该立刻送他去医院。 you should send him to the hospital . 55 tim 和jim都是医生。 _ tim _ jim are doctors. 56 黄叔叔在忙于制造机器。 _ machines. 57 他们经常相互帮助。 58. 昨天我把所有橘子吃光了. 59. 他上次语文考试考得很好. _ in the chinese exam last time . 60.

8、你们在广州玩得开心吗? did you _ in guangzhou ? 61. 我们要如何处理这些棘手的事情呢? how do we _ _ our problems? 62. 她的袋子里装满了苹果. her bag is_ _ apples. 63. 我在昨天的考试中犯了许多错误. lots of_ in the exam yesterday . 64. 他喜欢和别人交朋友. _ 65. 明天早上请叫醒我。 please _ me _ tomorrow morning. 66. 上周那个老板打电话给他。_ me _ last week . 67. 他家门前有一条小河。there is a

9、river in _ his house . 68.你可以考虑他的意见。you can _ _ his idea . 69. 他一到那儿就会打电话给我。 he will give me a 70. 他的哥哥一直帮助我。the71. 他至少有3个姐姐。 he has _ _ three sister. 72. 我可以试穿这双鞋吗? may i _ this pair of shoes? 73. 书店里有各种各样的书。 there are all _ _ books in the book shop. 74. 请把自行车归还给我。75.我在等语文老师。_ the chinese teacher .

10、 76. 她语文学得好。she is good_ _ chinese . 77. 那位老人太老了不能走路。 _ he cant walk . 78. 那个小女孩一天吃四餐。_ a day. 79. 我们通常在下午5:30 吃晚餐。 _ 5:30p.m . 80. 如果你吃些药你就会好些。_ the _ . 81. 这个瓶子能装2公斤水。_ two of water . 82. 我姐姐喜欢去打猎。my sister likes _ _ . 83. 李雷昨天收到他爸爸的来信。 li lei _ his father yesterday . a_ from his father yesterday

11、. 84. 我没有回答他的问题,相反,我问了他一个问题。 i didnt answ him a question . 85. 他们对数学感兴趣。 they _maths . 86. 别嘲笑我。 dont _ _ me . 87. 对不起我昨天迟到了。 _ for school yesterday . 88. 上星期天我从李明那儿借了一本字典。 li ming last sunday ._ me last sunday . 89. 他不在努力工作了。 he _ _ works hard . he _ work hard any _ . 90. 他在回家的路上碰到了他的朋友。 his _ home

12、 91每个人都有优点,我们应该互相学习。 . _ each other. 92.他的父母对他要求非常严格。_ him. 93. 他昨天花了两个小时做作业。 yesterday. 94. 约翰家有许多家规,彼得家也是这样。 john has a lot of family rules. _ peter. 95. 九年级的学生应该被允许熬夜(读书)。 96. 他们不是做作业而是闲聊。 homework. 97. 我努力想让母亲更多地注意到我。 _ attention 98. 你总能提出(想出)帮助他人解决难处的好办法。 _ with good solutions to peoples proble

13、ms. 99. 在老师的帮助下,她数学考试及格了。 _, she passed her maths exam. 100. 如果你落在别人后面,你必须赶上他们。 you must try to catch up with the others,if you them 2007年中考英语分类总复习:完成句子参考答案 1.from on 2. grows up 3. get along 4.stop/ prevent from 5. looking after 6. talking about 7. give up8. take part 9. look up 10. play football 1

14、1. the others 12. paid for / spent on 13. on with 14. be drunk 15.didnt until 16. thanks to 17. begins with 18. different from 19. famous for 20.the population 21. sooner later 22. much possible 23. catch up 24. cant taken 25. what reach26. one players 27. busy getting 28.regard / regarded as 29. mu

15、st watered 30. covered with 31. in trouble 32. taking care 33. busy with / doing 34. are used 35. think of 36. teaches / taught us 37. came back.38. turning down 39. as long 40. get ready 41. teach himself 42. paid for / spent on 43.filled with / full of 44. made of 45. keeping fresh. 46. smoking, w

16、hich47. third letter 48. most beautiful 49. afraid of 50. agree with 51. cant / couldnt all 52. same time 53. do out 54. at once 55. both and 56. busy making 57. each other 58. ate up 59. did well 60. enjoy with 62. full of / filled with 63. made mistakes 64. making friends 65. wake

17、up 66. rang up 67. front of 68. think about / over 69. call gets / arrives 70. all time 71. at least 72. try on 73. kinds of 74. return to 75. waiting for 76. at learning 77. too to / so that 78. four meals 79. have supper 80. take medicine 81. hold kilos 82 . going hunting 83. heard from / received

18、 / got /had letter 84. instead asked 85.【篇二:初中英语总复习专项练习及答案】ass=txti根据句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. it is a fine day. the sun _(shine) brightly. 2. they _(visit) the science museum next sunday. 3. mr brown _(live) in beijing since he came to china. 4. mr wang _(teach) us english two years ago. 5. the smiths _(

19、 watch) tv at this time last night. 6. we _(learn) about ten english songs by the end of last term. 7. father said that he _(buy) a new bike for me the next friday. 8. bill isnt here. he _(chat) with his friends in the classroom. 9. the teacher said that the moon _(go) round the earth. 10. the young

20、 pioneers will go to the zoo if it _(not rain) this sunday. 11. listen! they _(talk) about the new film. 12. jim asked us what _(happen) in china in 1976. 13. my mobile phone _(steal) on a bus last week. 14. the host _(interview) the little boy just now. 15. the greens _(watch) tv now. 16. he said t

21、hat he _(ring) me up when he got there. 17. we _(learn) english for about three years. 18. my brother_(join) the league in 1997. 19. the farmers _(pick) apples when i saw them. 20. the red skirt _(cost) the girl forty yuan. 21. the film _(begin) when i got to the cinema. 22. the girl told me that sh

22、e wanted to be an english teacher when she _(grow) up. 23. my sister is a student and she _(study) at a middle school nearby. 24. mr green _(travel) to several places in south china since he came here. 25. you _(catch) the early bus if you get up early. 26. _you been_(wear) glasses all the time? 27.

23、 ill go home as soon as i _(finish) my homework. 29. most science books are _(write) in english. 30. i _(stay) there for two months last year. ii根据句意,选择填空。 31. tell lily to call me as soon as she _. a. will arriveb. gets therec. has goned. reach here 32. -hi, kate. you look tired. whats the matter?-

24、i _ well last night. a. didnt sleepb. dont sleepc. havent sleptd. wont sleep33. -excuse me, look at the sign over there, please. could you stop smoking? -sorry, i _ that. a. didnt seeb. dont seec. wont seed. cant see 34. -well, i found this. i think it must be yours. -my watch! thank you. where _it.

25、 a. do you find b. had you found c. were you finding d. did you find 35. -don you know when dr white _ for dinner this evening? -no, but i think he _ when he is free. a. will come; comesb. will come; will come c. comes; comesd. comes; will come 36. look at those black clouds. it _ rain. lets hurry.

26、a. maybeb. wouldc. hasd. is going to 37. -jimmy is leaving for a holiday.-really? where _ he _? a. has; goneb. will; goc. did; god. does; go 38. -shall we go shopping now?-sorry, i cant. i _ my shirts. a. washb. washesc. washedc. am washing 39. -i called you yesterday evening, but there was no answe

27、r. -oh, i am sorry. i _ dinner at my friends home. a. haveb. hadc. was havingd. have had 40. the oriental pearl tv tower _ thousands of visitors since 1995. a. attractedb. attractsc. has attracted d. will attract 41. -_you _ your e-mails today? -not yet. theres something wrong with my computer. a. have; checkedb. did; checkc. do; checkd. are; checking 42. -how do you like beijing, mr smith?-oh, i _ such a beautiful city before. a. dont visitb. didnt visitc. havent visitedd. hadnt visited 43. -tom, may i borrow your boo

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