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1、中英文文献翻译注塑成型机英文原文Injection molding machineInjection molding machine is plastic machine for short. It uses the thermal physical properties of plastics, the material from the hopper into the barrel, is barreled by heating coil heat, so the material will be melted, which is arranged by the external forc

2、e under the action of the motor driving the rotation of the screw in the barrel. The material in the screw under the action of the screw groove, along the forward delivery and compaction, dual role the material in the heating and shear under gradually plasticizing, melted and homogenized, when the s

3、crew rotates, the material in the screw channel friction and shear force, the molten material is pushed to the screw head. At the same time, the screw with backward in the material, the screw head forming material storage space, completing the plasticizing process, then, screw in the injection cylin

4、der piston thrust under the action of high speed, high pressure, in the material storage chamber, the melt through the nozzle to the mold cavity injection, cavity melt after pressing, cooling, solidification, mold in the mold closing mechanism of action next, open mold, and through the ejection devi

5、ce to finalize the design good products fall from the top die.Configuration according to the clamping member and the injection component type has horizontal, vertical, angle type three(1) Horizontal injection molding machine: horizontal injection molding machine is the most common type. Its characte

6、ristic is the center line injection assembly and clamping assembly center line of concentric or consistent, also with the parallel to the mounting surface. It has the advantages of low center of gravity, steady work, mold installation, operation and repair, which are convenient, the mold opening big

7、, small occupied space height; but covers an area of large. (2) Vertical injection molding machine: its characteristic is clamping device and injection device of the axis line arrangement and perpendicular to the ground. It also has the advantages of small occupied area, convenient assembly and disa

8、ssembly of insert mold, easy installation, since the bucket into the material plasticization is evenly, easy to realize automation and machine automation line management. The disadvantage of it is the top product is not easy to fall off automatically, it often needs manual or other method to take ou

9、t, and is not easy to realize full automatic operation and large products injection; machine height, feeding, inconvenient repair.(3) Angle type injection molding machine: injection device and a molding device axis are arranged vertically. According to the injection assembly center lines are vertica

10、l, horizontal and relative position of the vertical and horizontal installation, recumbent points: horizontal vertical, injection assembly line and plane parallel, and mold assembly center line and the base of vertical and horizontal, vertical; injection assembly center line and the surface vertical

11、, and die assembly center line and the reference surface. The advantages of angle type injection machine has the advantages of both horizontal and vertical injection molding machine, special apply to the mold opening side gate asymmetric geometry products.At present, the injection device are common

12、cylinder form and double cylinder form, I plant the injection molding machine is double cylinder form, and is directly driven by a hydraulic motor of screw in injection molding. Because of different manufacturers, different types of machine components are not the same; the following will make a conc

13、rete analysis of our factory with machine.The working principle is: the plastic, screw in plastic parts in the drive the main shaft to rotate through the hydraulic motor, spindle end is connected with the screw, and the other end of the hydraulic motor key connection, screw rotation, plasticity and

14、melt classified pushed to the storage chamber cylinder front, at the same time, screw back in the reaction material, and through the thrust bearing the thrust seat back, pulling the piston rod through the nut straight back. To complete the measurement, injection, the injection cylinder rod chamber o

15、il inlet through the bearing to push the piston rod to complete the action, the rod chamber piston oil inlet to push the piston rod and screw and finish the injection.The work principle of screw plasticizing components: performs, screw rotation, from the material inlet into the screw groove material

16、 advancing continuously forward, heating ring through the barrel wall of the heat transfer to the spiral groove material, solid material in the dual role of external heating and screw rotational shear, and through the thermal process functional section of screw, achieving the plasticizing and meltin

17、g, melting away the check ring around the screw head, front end through the channel into the screw, and generates backpressure, push the screw after the shift measurement complete melt, at the time of injection screw up, piston effect, with rapid advancement, in the cylinder, will melt reservoir mat

18、erial in the chamber through the nozzle into the mold.Screw plasticizing components generally have the following characteristics:The screw has two functions of plasticizing and injection;The screw in plastic, only for the plasticThe plastics in plasticizing process, thermal process through than extr

19、usion;The screw on the plasticizing and injection were to occur, axial displacement, and screw in working state of intermittent when to stop, thus forming a non - stability of screw plasticizing process.(1) ScrewScrew is a key component of plastic parts, direct contact with plastic, plastic through

20、the effective length of the screw channel, after the heat for a long time, must go through 3 states (glass, behavior, viscous state) transformation, geometric parameters, geometry, length of functional section of screw will directly affect the transmission efficiency and the plasticizing quality of

21、plastic, will ultimately affect the quality of injection molding cycle and product.Compared with the extrusion screw, plastic screw has the following characteristics:The injection screw length-diameter ratio and compression ratio is small;Screw groove of injection screw is section of the deep;The in

22、jection screws feeding sections is longer, and are short;The injection screw work, plasticizing capacity and melt temperature will vary with the axial displacement screw and change.(I) classification, screwInjection screw according to the plastic adaptability, can be divided into general and special

23、 screw, general also called conventional screw, can be processed with low viscosity, most of the thermoplastic, civil plastic crystalline and amorphous and engineering plastics, is the most basic form of the screw, and the corresponding and special screw, is used to process with ordinary screw proce

24、ssing hard plastic; according to the screw structure and geometry characteristics, can be divided into conventional screw and screw, the conventional screw is also known as the three section screw, is the basic form of the screw, screw form has many kinds, such as separation screw, screw, wavy shunt

25、 screw, no metering section of screw.The conventional screw thread effective length is usually divided into feeding sections (conveying), the compression section (Plastics segment), and metering section (averaging period), according to the plastic properties of different, can be divided into gradual

26、, mutation type and general type screw.The tapered screw: compression long, plasticizing energy transfer for PVC relaxation, poor thermal stability of plastic.The mutant compression screw: short, plasticizing energy conversion is more acuteness, used for polyolefin, PA crystalline plastics.The gener

27、al purpose screw: adaptability is strong, and can be suitable for processing a variety of plastic, avoid frequent replacement of the screw, increase production efficiency.DS screw diameter, screw diameter directly affect the plasticizing capacity, will directly affect the injection volume, therefore

28、, injection volume of injection molding machine the screw diameter is large.L/ds - screw length to diameter ratio. L is the effective length of screw thread part of the screw, the ratio of length to diameter is larger, the length of that thread, directly affect the thermal process of material in the

29、 screw, the ability to influence the absorption of energy, while the energy source has two parts: one part is the external heating coil to the barrel, and another part is friction thermal and shear heat generated by the rotation of the screw, the external mechanical energy conversion, therefore, L/d

30、s directly affect the melting effect of material and melt, but if L/ds is too large, the transmission torque increase, increased energy consumption.L1 - feeding length. The feeding section is also called conveying or feed section, in order to improve the transport capacity, screw groove surface must

31、 be smooth, the length of the L1 shall ensure that the material conveying length too short enough, because L1 will lead to premature melting material, thus it is difficult to guarantee the transportation conditions of stabilizing pressure, will be difficult to ensure the screw later. Plastic under t

32、heir own gravity from the hopper to slip into the screw, screw rotation, the thrust surface friction in the barrel and screw groove under the action of the material is compressed into a solid, nut intensive, the relative motion along the direction of the thread, this section, plastic solid state, na

33、mely the glass state.The depth of screw channel H1 - feed section. H1 deep, is receiving materials, improving the feeding quantity and plasticizing capacity, but will affect the shear strength of material plasticization and screw root, general H1 (0.12 0.16) ds.L3 - melting length. Melting section called homogeneous section or

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