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1、南京工大设备习题全作业习题第一章1.给下列容器按安全技术管理分类:1).设计压力,容积3m3,储存中度危害介质的容器2).设计压力,汽车上装液氨的储罐;3).设计压力10Mpa,介质无毒害的容器;4).设计压力的搪玻璃容器.第二章压力容器应力分析1.已知旋转壳体的经线为一段圆弧,半径为 a,已知o ,,求该壳体A点 处的第一、第二曲率半径。2.碟形封头由半径R的球面,高度为h的圆筒以及半径为r的折边部分组成, 试分别确定A、B、C三点主曲率半径Ri和局。3.某贮槽由圆筒形壳与无折边锥壳组成,容器的内径Di=1600(mm),厚度t=12 (mm),半顶角a=30,若P=,度求连接点处的横推力

2、Q。4.周边简支的球状壳体,受自重的作用,设单位面积的自重为 q,试求壳体内5.圆筒形贮液桶,中间支承,内直径 D,壁厚t,桶内液体密度 ,度确定壳壁中A、B和C三处的薄膜应力。(注:无气压)TDAEC6.一直立圆筒形容器、顶部敞口、充满重度为 r的液体,半径为R,壁厚为t, 高为H。现分别采用沿顶部圆周和底部圆周支承。试求两圆筒在 m处的应力。8.圆筒形容器与球形容器相连接如图所示, Di=2000 (mm),S=S=10mm,材料为碳钢,试求:(1)边缘力Q0,边缘力矩M0;(2)连接处筒体上的边缘应力。9.钢制圆筒,内半径a=150(mm),外半径b=300 (mm),已知内壁温度比外

3、壁温度高10C,试作图表示温差应力沿筒壁的分布情况,并分析温差应力对在 操作条件下筒壁应力状况的影响, 已知材料的弹性模数E=xi05MPa;泊桑比=,线膨胀系数 =X10-61厂c。10. 一厚壁圆筒,内直径600mm,壁厚60 mm,受到内压15MPa,外压4MPa的作用,试问:内壁面的周向应力、轴向应力、径向应力分别为多大作图表示其 应力沿壁厚的变化。11.一受内压的钢制圆筒, 内压为,在工作温度下, 圆筒材料的 ts=300MPa,筒体内直径800mm,外直径1000 mm,试用Mises屈服准则判断圆筒的内壁是 否屈服并对内、外壁的应力进行计算。12.某高压试验设备,内径 Di=30

4、3(mm),外径D=350(mm);已知筒体材 料为20号钢,其机械性能为 s=250MPa, b=400MPa,试计算该容器的内壁屈 服压力,整体屈服压力(根据特雷斯卡屈服条件,米赛斯屈服条件) ,爆破压力(按福贝尔公式)并给出压力 P=12MPa时筒壁应力的分布图。13.某化工设备,采用圆形平顶盖,工作压力为 MPa,直径为1000mm,周边 支承情况介于简支及固定之间,若材料为 16Mn0 =150 MPa试确定该顶盖的 厚度。14.受均布载荷的圆板,当其厚度为一定值时,试证明它能承受的总载荷为一 与半径无关的定值015.一反应器内支承板,直径 2000mm,周边简支,承受的总载荷为45

5、000N,如该板允许的最大设计应力为100 MPa,则板厚须为多少最大挠度为多少已知材 料E=x 105 MPa, 二;若板中开一直径为 500mm的中心孔,则相应的挠度为多少16.穿流式泡沫塔内直径为1500 (mm),塔板上最大液层的高度为100 mm, 塔板厚度为6 mm,材料为低碳钢,周边为简支,试求板中心处的最大挠度若工艺要求塔板最大挠度需控制在1.5 mm以下,试问该塔板需增加多少厚(液体重 度 r 液=1500kg/m3)。( E=2*105 MPa , =)17.一钢质圆筒,受均布侧向外压作用,内直径 1000 mm,壁厚8伽,钢板负 偏差mm,腐蚀裕量取2 mm,筒体长18m

6、,内直径1000 m,在长度等分处设一加 强圈,试计算该圆角的临界压力和临界应力材料的弹性模量为x 105MPa.18.A 10m diameter X 25mm thick cylindrical storage tank is filled with water to a depth of 10m. The tank is supported around the perimeter at a lower of 5m from the base. Determine the membrane stressesbelow and above the support and in partic

7、ular calculate the maximum values of these stresses.19.A circular plate radius “a”, and thickness “t ”is simple supported around its diameter. Calculate the central deflection and maximum stress when uniform pressure P is applied to a surface.20.For a circular plate radius b and thickness t which ca

8、rries a concentrated load P at its center and which has its outer edge clamped, find the deflectin at the center.21.A long stee(l E=2*105 MPa , =) cylinder has a mean diameter of 1.2m and a wall thickness of 15mm. Find the displacement and moment acting at a point 0.05m from the end caused by:1)an e

9、dge moment of 7500Nm/m;2)an edge shear force of 200KN/m.k=Et/R2=m3,22.long cylinder 0.04m bore and 0.1m . is made from a material which yields in simple tension at a constant stress of 150MN/m2,calculate;1)the pressure for first yield2)the collapse pressure3)the shakedown pressure23.What is the requ

10、ired thickness of a 6ft. inside diameter cylinder, considering it as a thin wall vessel, to withstand an internal pressure of 1000 psi if the allowable tangential stress is 20000 psi24.What is the thickness of a spherical head for the cylinder of problem 23 if the dilation of the head and cylinder i

11、s to be equal25.vessel composed of two cones each 1/4 in. thick and with 60 degree apex angles welded together at their bases, as shown in Figure, is subjected to internal uniform pressure of 50 psi. Neglecting the weight of the pressurizing media, determine the maximum height of this vessel if the

12、hoop stress is limited to 1000 psi.26.In a thin vessel of revolution of thickness“t”, subject to an internal pressure“p”, the two principle stresses are equal. Prove that this vessel is a sphere.27.A cylinder with a 48 in. inside diameter, and a 60 in. outside diameter is subjected to an internal pr

13、essure of 5000 psi. Determine the value and place of occurrence of :(a) the maximum tangential stress,(b) the maximum radial stress.28.In the cylinder of problem 27, (a) what is the average tangential stress and (b) what percent is this of the maximum tangential stress29.A thick cylinder is subjecte

14、d to only an external pressure directed inward. Derive an expression and reduce it to its simplest form for the hoop stress, radial stress at the inside and outside surface.30.In the builtup shrink-fit cylinder, the inner cylinder has a Rc/Ri ratio equal to . In the outer cylinder, what is the value

15、 of the ratio Ro/Rc if the maximum compressive tangential stress in the inner cylinder is to be the maximum tangential tensile stress in the outer cylinder第三章 压力容器材料1.为下列压力容器部件选择适当的材料 :1).介质为氯化物溶液 ,工作温度 5000C 的筒体;2).工作温度为 -500C 的厚法兰 ;3).多层高压容器,工作温度200C介质腐蚀性不强;4).裙式支座;5).压力容器接管 (压力 6Mpa)6).温度400C设计压力

16、15Mpa的临氢压力容器.第四章 压力容器设计1.设计一内压圆筒,设计条件为:设计压力 P=,设计温度t=100C,筒体内 径Di=1000mm,工作介质有轻微的腐蚀性 C2=1mm,焊接时采用双面对接焊缝, 局部无损探伤,试分别选用 Q235-B, 16MnR 设计筒体,并进行比较。2.今需将锅炉蒸汽压力由原来的提高到,试问汽包能否安全运行已知汽包内径 Di=1200mm, t=12mm,采用材料为 20R, G=0.8mm, C2=1.5mm,焊接采用有 垫板的单面对接焊缝,局部探伤。3.某储罐设计压力P=2MPa设计温度t=90C,工作介质有强腐蚀性,C2=2mm 储罐内径Di=3700mm,焊接接头系数 =,

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