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1、K12学习广东省揭西县学年高一英语上学期期中试题20172018学年度高一英语第一学期期中考试第一部分 听力理解你将听到两段独白,独白播两遍。听完独白后,填出文段中空白部分。并写在答题卷上,一空一词(115)。 Passage 1One day, a fisherman was 1. under a tree by the sea. A rich businessman 2. by came up to him and asked him why he was not working. The fisherman said that he had enough fish for the day

2、. 3. this, the rich man got angry and said, “Why dont you catch more fish 4. of sitting here? You could sell them, make more money, and by a bigger boat.” “What would I do then?” asked the fisherman.” You could go fishing in deep waters and catch even more fish and 5. even more money. Then you could

3、 buy many boats and let many people work for you. You could become a rich businessman like me.” “And then?” asked the fisherman. “You could spend all your days sitting on this beach, looking at the 6. . You could then enjoy your life 7. ,” said the businessman. “What do you think Im doing right now?

4、” asked the fisherman. The businessman became 8. . He at last realized that the fisherman was already enjoying his life. passage 2Once upon a time, there was a poor man. He had an orange tree in his 9. . On the orange tree there were many oranges. One day he 10. one of his oranges was much bigger th

5、an the others. It was like a football. The poor man wanted to 11. it to the king, so the next morning he took the orange to the king. The king was so 12. that he gave the man a lot of money for it. When the rich man heard of it, he said to himself, “Its only an orange. Why did the king give him so m

6、uch money” If I take my gold cup to the king, hell 13. give me more money for it.” The next day he took his gold cup to the king. When the king 14. it, he was also very pleased, so he said to the rich man, “What a beautiful cup! Ill give you something wonderful. Please take the great orange.” The ri

7、ch man made a 15. of himself but could do nothing but accept the orange.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AWhen friends come to visit us in the evening, they spend their time telling us that they are in a hurry and looking at their watches. It isnt that our friends are all very busy. It is

8、just that we havent got a TV set. People think that we are very strange. “but what do you do in the evenings?” they are always asking. The answer is simple. Both my wife and I have hobbies. We certainly dont spend our evenings staring at(盯着)the walls. My wife enjoys cooking and painting and often at

9、tends evening classes in foreign languages. This is particularly useful as we always go abroad for our holidays. I collect stamps and I am always busy with my collection. Both of us enjoy listening to music and playing chess together. Sometimes there are power cuts and we have no electricity in the

10、house. This does not worry us. We just light candles and carry on with what we were doing before. Our friends are lost -no televisions! So they dont know what to do. On such evenings our house is very full as they all come to us. They all have a good time. Instead of sitting in silence in front of t

11、he television, everybody talks and plays games. Yes, life is possible without television!16. The writer and his wife _. A. enjoy watching TV every day B. dont enjoy watching TV in the evening C. are too busy to watch TV in the evening D. are too busy with their work17. When there is no electricity,

12、the writers friends _. A. cant see anything at home B. dont know how to spend their evening C. do something else by the candles light at home D. stay at home and wait until electricity is on again18. At night when there is no electricity, the couple _. A. have to stare at the walls B. can do nothing

13、 but sit in silence C. will have many visitors D. have to go out for candles19. The story tells us that _. A. the writer and his wife dont like watching TV B. watching TV wastes too much time C. we can manage to live without television D. the writer and his wife have a lot of hobbies BSuppose you ar

14、e a visitor in the land of Mongolia, some friends ask you to eat with them. What kind of manners do they want you to have? They want you to give a loud burp (饱嗝)after you finish eating. Burping would show that you like your food. In some countries, if you give a big burp, you are told to say “Excuse

15、 me, please”.In many places people like to eat together. But in some parts of Polynesia it is bad manners(没礼貌) to be seen eating at all. People show their good manners by turning their backs on others while they eat.What are manners like in an East African town? The people try not to see you. They a

16、re being polite. You may see a friend. He may not see you at all. If you are polite, you will sit down beside him. You will wait until he finishes what he is doing. Then he will talk to you. Manners are different all over the world. But it is good to know that all manners begin in the same way. Peop

17、le need ways to show that they want to be friends.20. In Mongolia, burping is a way of showing that _. A . you are impolite B . you enjoyed the meal prepared by the host C . your meal was not enough D . you are friendly with your host21. In Polynesia, to be polite while eating you should _. A . eat

18、quickly B . sit still C . turn your back on others D . say “Excuse me, please”.22. People in an East African town are being polite by _. A . waiting for a long time before visits B . sitting down beside others C . seeing a friend quickly D . trying not to see you23. The best title for this passage i

19、s _. A . Good Manners B . All manners is the Same Way C . Different Kinds of Manners D . Do Have Manners C A young man was walking through a supermarket to pick up a few things when he noticed an old lady following him around. Thinking nothing of it,he ignored her and continued on. Finally, he went

20、to the checkout line, but she got in front of him. “Pardon me,” she said, “ Im sorry if my staring at you has made you feel uncomfortable. Its just that you look just like my son who just died recently.” “Im very sorry,” replied the young man, “Is there anything I can do for you?” “Yes,” she said, “

21、As Im leaving, can you say Goodbye mother? It would make me feel much better”. “Sure,” answered the young man. As the old lady was leaving the counter, he called out from behind her, “Goodbye mother!” As he stepped up to the checkout counter and put what he bought on the counter, he saw that his tot

22、al was $127.5. “How can that be?” he asked, “I only bought a few things!” “ Your mother said that you would pay for her.” said the clerk.24. The underlined word ignore most probably means _. A. not to pay attention to B. to put on a smile at C. to watch out for (小心,当心) D. to look down upon(看不起)25. W

23、hich of the following is the right order of the events in the story? a. the man said “Goodbye mother!” b. The woman left the supermarket. c. The woman spoke to the man. d. The man came to the counter. e. The woman got in front of the man. f. The woman followed the man. A. e,f,c,b,a,d B. c,e,f,a,b,d

24、C. f,e,c,a,b,d D. d,e,c,f,b,a26. What can be concluded(结论) from the passage? A.The man was fooled by the woman. B. The woman was too poor to pay for herself. C. The man didnt pay for the woman. D. The man didnt buy anything in the end.DOn a Friday night, a poor young artist stood at the gate of the

25、New York railway station, playing his violin. The music was so great that many people stopped to put some money into the hat of the young man. The next day, the young artist came to the same place, and put his hat on the ground gracefully. Different from the day before, he took out a large piece of

26、paper and laid it under his hat. Then he began to play the violin. It sounded more pleasant than ever. Soon he was surrounded with people who were attracted by the words on that paper. It said, “Last night, a gentleman named George Sang put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Please come to c

27、laim (认领) it soon.” After about half an hour, a middle-aged man rushed through the crowd to the violinist and said, “Yes, its you. I knew that you were an honest man and would certainly come here.” The young violinist asked calmly, “Are you Mr George Sang?” The man nodded. The violinist asked, “Did

28、you lose something?”“Its a lottery ticket,” said the man. The violinist took out a lottery ticket on which George Sangs name was seen. “Is it?” he asked. George nodded and took the lottery ticket and kissed it, then danced with the violinist. The violinist was a student at an arts college and had pl

29、anned to attend advanced studies in Vienna. Later his classmate asked the violinist, “At that time you needed money to pay the tuition and you had to play the violin in the railway station every day to make money. Why didnt you keep the lottery ticket for yourself?” The violinist said, “Although I d

30、ont have much money, I live happily. But if I lose honesty I wont be happy forever.” Through our lives, we can gain a lot and lose so much. But being honest should always be with us. 27. What did the young artist do at the railway station on Friday? A. He played the violin to make some money. B. He

31、waited for the train to Vienna. C. He came to buy a train ticket to Vienna. D. He walked around the New York railway station.28. Which sentence below best explains the underlined sentence in paragraph two? A. Because the violinist loved to play the violin at the station. B. Because the violinist fel

32、t happy when people surrounded him. C. Because the artist felt happier when he did a good thing. D. Because he felt happy to attend advanced studies.29. The artist didnt take the lottery ticket for himself because he _.A. chose to be honestB. didnt need the moneyC. thought the lottery was worth nothing D. was afraid of blame if he kept it for himself30. From this article, w

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