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1、几个词义的辨析1、【词语辨析】care about/ care for (1)care about和care for都有“关心、照料”的意思;(2)二者的区别是care about还指“介意、在乎”,care for指“喜欢、想要”。 (3)一句话记忆:The man whom you care for never cares about what people say.2、【词语辨析】 excited / exciting (1)exciting既可修饰人也可修饰物。修饰人时,指人“有鼓动力的”;修饰物时,指事物“令人兴奋的,令人激动的”。(2)excited一般只可修饰人,指人“激动的,兴

2、奋的”。(3)一句话记忆:We were excited to hear the exciting news.3、【词语辨析】compare to / compare with (1) compare.with.把和比较(常表示同类相比,比较);(2)把比作(常表示异类相比,比喻)。(3)例句:The poets often compare life to a river. My English cant compare with his.4、【词语辨析】 friendly with / friendly to (1)friendly to指“对友好/友善”,后可跟人或物

3、; (2)friendlywith后一般跟人,指“与某人友好相处”。(3)一句话记忆:He is friendly to the plan and I am not, but we are still friendly with each other.5、【词语辨析】get in /get on (1)get in/get on都指“上(车)”但车不同:get in一般指上小汽车,出租车;get on指上飞机,船,公共汽车,火车,自行车,马等。(2)一句话记忆:People getting on a bus usually travel slower than those getting in

4、 a car.(3)拓展 get off下车。6、【词语辨析】disappointed与disappointing (1)disappointing指“令人失望的,令人扫兴的”;(2)disappointed指某人对他人或某事物“感到失望的”(3)一句话记忆: I am disappointed to learn the disappointing news.7、【词语辨析】effect / affect(1)这两个词都有“影响”的含义;(2)二者的不同在于:一词性不同,affect是动词,effect是名词;(3)二含义有细微差别,affect是因,effect是果。(4)一句话记忆: Ch

5、anges affect us andsometimes make an effect on ourlives.8、【词语辨析】every day / everyday (1)every day指“每天”,在句中作时间状语;(2)everyday是形容词,指“每天的,日常的”,在句中作定语。(3)一句话记忆: I practice everyday English every day.9、【词语辨析】carry on / carry out (1)carry on “继续下去,继续开展”;(2)carry out“开展,执行”。(3)例子记忆:1)Now we can carry on wit

6、h our work. 2)He will carry out his plan.10、【词语辨析】forget doing sth. / forget to do sth (1)forget doing sth.指“忘记做过某事”;(2)forget to do sth.指“忘记去做某事”。(3)一句话记忆:Mary always forgets locking the door, while David forgets to lockit. What a funny and lucky couple they are!11、【词语辨析】 clothes, clothing,cloth, d

7、ress(1)clothes复数,不能用来表单件衣服。(2)clothing只有单数,侧重于笼统指代各种服装衣着用品。(3)cloth指布料。(4)dress既可作不可数名词统指“衣服”;也可作可数名词指妇女儿童的服装;还可表示礼服等。(5)一句话记忆:The dresses in their clothing stores are different from our clothes.12、【词语辨析】day after day/day byday(1)day after day指“日复一日”,强调不变化地重复;(2)day by day指“一天一天地,逐渐”,强调逐渐变化的过程。(3)一句

8、话记忆:It was raining day after day thewhole month. Sothe water level in the river was rising day by day.13、【词语辨析】decide/ make up onesmind(1)decide指根据现有情况,从若干可能中做出选择;(2)make up ones mind强调“打定主意,下定决心”。(3)一句话记忆:He decides to move to thecountryside and makes up his mind tolive a simple life.14、【词语辨析】deep

9、/ deeply(1)deep既可以作形容词也可以作副词,可指空间上和时间上的“深”;(2)deeply只作副词,用来比喻人在思想上、精神上的“深”,意为“深深地,深切地”。(3)例句记忆:a)We are deeply moved by the deep feeling between them.b)The snow is three feet deep.15、【词语辨析】call in, call on, callup(1)call in “召集”;(2)callon “拜访,访问”;(3)call up “号召,打电话”。(3)例句记忆:a)How manyfriends did you

10、 call in?b)Id like to call on you this Sunday. c)She called up a friendjust for a chat.16、【词语辨析】catch up with/ come upwith (1)catch up with“赶上”;(2)come up with “提出”。(3)例句记忆:a)I have to work hard to catch up with the other students. b)He could not come up with a proper answer. 17、【词语辨析】fast/quick(1)f

11、ast指运动速度快,可兼作形容词和副词;(2)quick指在短时间内,快速而敏捷地做出反应。(3)一句话记忆:Which is faster, a trainor a plane? Give me a quick answer,please.18、【词语辨析】for the moment/ for amoment(1)for the moment指“此刻,暂时”;(2)for a moment指“一会儿”。(3)一句话记忆:Would you please wait for me fora moment, and I am busy and can not go with you for th

12、e moment.19、【词语辨析】have a word with/ havewords with(1)have a word with sb. 指“和某人说话”;(2)have words with sb. 指“与人争吵”。记忆方法:“言多必失”,复数形式即表示争吵。(3)一句话记忆:I intended to have a word with him on the problem but we had different ideas and I had words with him.20、【词语辨析】have to/ must(1)have to和must都有“必须”的意思,但感情色彩有

13、所不同。(2)have to指“客观上不得不”; (3)must指“主观上认为必须怎样”。(4)一句话记忆:“You must finishyour homework before you go to play”said my father. SoI had to do so.21、【词语辨析】hear, listen (to),hear of(1)hear指“听到”,强调结果;(2)listen to指“听”,强调动作;(3)hear of指间接地听到“听说”。(4)一句话记忆:Did you hear of Ann? Listen! She is singing in the next r

14、oom. Lets stop talking and listen to her. Now can you hear her?22、【词语辨析】hear from/ hear of(about)(1)hear of指“听说”,从别人那儿间接得知;(2)hear from指“收到的来信”。(3)一句话记忆:Its so strange that I heard from a man whom Ive never heard of.23、【词语辨析】get away, give away,give out(1)get away 指“逃离”;(2)give away 指“赠送,分发”; (3)giv

15、e out 指“分发,用尽”。(4)例句记忆:a)Two of the prisoners got away. b)She gave away all her money to the poor. c)Miss Liu gave out the new books to everyone. 24、【词语辨析】own/ personal(1)personal表示“私人的,个人的”,指含有个性化特点而非群体性所共有,也指“本人所做的;亲身的”;(2)而own常与形容词性物主代词连用。(3)一句话记忆:I heard her personal opinions with my own ears.25

16、、【词语辨析】get on (well) with get along (well ) with(1)与相处(融洽)(2)例句记忆:I am sure youll get on/along well with her because of her kindness.(3)拓展:其他get相关的词组:get on“上车”,get off“下车”, get to“到达”, get up“起床”, get together“相聚”, get out“离开,出去”。26、【词语辨析】high/highly(1)high除了作形容词外,还可作副词,指具体的高;(2)highly指抽象概念上的“高度地认识

17、到、高度评价”等, think highly of sth.“高度评价某人”;think highlyof sth.“高度评价某物”。(3)一句话记忆:He canjump high in the race and so is highly spoken of.27、【词语辨析】in front of/ at (in)the front of(1)in front of表示“在(之外)的前面”;(2)at (in) the front of表示“在(之内)的前面”。(3)一句话记忆:He stands in the front of the room looking at the childr

18、enplaying in front of the house.28、【词语辨析】get through/ look through(1)get through“通过,拨通(电话)”;(2)look through“仔细查看,浏览,温习;看穿,从.中显露”。(3)一句话记忆:Look through your notesbefore the examination.I think you willget through.(4)拓展: gothrough v.经历, 经受, 仔细检查, 用完, 被通过, 参加, 搜查, 履行(表示“仔细检查”时,目的是为了找出某样东西或者把东西归类。)go ov

19、er v.(渡过.)转变,(对.进行)仔细检查, 润色, 但这里人们多用于复习的意思。(表示检查是,通常“指检查(文件、文字)”等书面材料,达到检查、校对、仔细分析的目的。)29、【词语辨析】only/ single(1)only和single都可表示“单个的,唯一的”。(2)但两者用法有区别:only只和定冠词the或形容词性物主代词连用;(3)single只与可数名词单数连用,可以和a 连用,也可以和否定词连用,但only不可。(4)一句话记忆:a)Among themonly Rolyn is single. b)She is the only person for thejob. c)

20、There was not a single person in the house.30、【词语辨析】inspired与 inspiring(1)inspired指“受到鼓舞(激励)的”,表示被动意义;(2)inspiring指“鼓舞人心的”,表示主动意义。(3)一句话记忆:We are inspired by his inspiring words.31、【词语辨析】in the tree/ on the tree(1)on the tree指“在树上”,表示属于树的一部分,如花、果、叶等;(2)in the tree也是“在树上”,但表示不属于树的一部分,只是停留在树上;(3)一句话记忆

21、:There is a boy in the treepicking fruit on the tree.32、【词语辨析】once/ ever(1)once和ever都表示“曾经”。(2)但once 通常用于一般过去时,而ever通常用于完成时及过去时的疑问句。(3)一句话记忆:Have you ever been toCanada?Yes, but only once.33、【词语辨析】in time/ on time(1)in time指“及时,提早”;ontime指“准时,按时”。(2)可用其介词来区分:intime指在一段时间内,在迟到前,即“及时”;on time指在规定时间点上,

22、正点,即“准时,按时”。(3)一句话记忆:The film will be showed on time.Can you arrive at the cinema in time?34、【词语辨析】join/take part in(1) join作及物动词时,后可接人或物。join sth.指加入到某一组织,成为其中的一员;join sb.指和某人共同做某事。(2)take part in后只可接物,一般指参加到集体活动中并扮演一定的角色。(3)一句话记忆:After joining the company, he took an active part inthe group work.3

23、5、【词语辨析】hand in/ hand out(1)hand in 指“上交,交纳”,强调亲手交给,还有“把扶上车”的意思;(2)hand out 指“分发”,还有“施舍”的意思。(3)例句记忆:a)We must handin the homework on time. b)Its important to handout our exercise books in time.36、【词语辨析】holiday/vacation(1)holiday(n.)一般表示时间可长可短的假期,为可数名词。与季节连用时多用复数;与数词连用时只表示次数,不表示日期。例句:We have had thre

24、e holidays since the beginning of the year.(2)vacation(n.)一般表示比较长的假期,多指大学的假期、法庭的休庭期。至于寒、暑假,英国人喜欢用summer/winter holidays;美国人喜欢用summer/wintervacation,两者区别不大。例句:We spent our summerholidays/vacation in the countryside this year.37、【词语辨析】often/ usually(1)often,usually都表示“经常”,但usually表示的行为一般具有规律性,只有特殊情况下才

25、会出现例外;(2)而often表示的频率还要低些。(3)一句话记忆:In the evening I often read books, but sometimes I go to bedearly. I usually get up early in the morning.38、【词语辨析】hope/wish(1)通常情况下,hope后面只能接不定式和that从句,表示一种有信心的、可实现的希望。例句:I hope to seeyou soon. (2)wish通常表示某种未实现或无法实现的欲望或希望,wish后跟从句时常用虚拟语气。例句:I wish I were abird. 39、【

26、词语辨析】kind of/ a little of(1)kind of 是日常用语,指“有点儿,有几分”,可以修饰动词;(2)a little of修饰名词,表示数量、程度方面的“中的一点儿”;(3)一句话记忆:I kind of think he knows a little of everything.40、【词语辨析】late/ lately (1)late作形容词指“晚的”,作副词指“迟,晚”。例如: I am late(adj.)I come late(adv.)(2)lately副词,指“最近,不久前”, 相当于 recently。例句:Why do you often come

27、forschool late lately?41、【词语辨析】later/ later on(1)later和later on都表示“过后,后来”。(2)在表示将来时两者可以互换,但指过去的“后来”或表示某段时间后,只能用later。(3)一句话记忆:he kept silent, but a few minutes later he told me,“Youll see by yourself later (on)”42、【词语辨析】learn/ study(1)learn指带有模仿性的初学阶段,(2)study指深入地学习、研究。(3)一句话记忆:He began to learn Chi

28、nese five years ago and now he is studying it hard.43、【词语辨析】leave for/leavefor(1)leave for 指“出发去某地”;(2)leavefor指“离开某地去某地”。(3)一句话记忆:Two years ago he left China for America and now he is leaving for Canada.44、【词语辨析】lets/ let us(1)lets包括听话人在内的双方;letus不包括听话人在内。因此两者的反意疑问句不同;(2)lets 的反意疑问句为 shall we,letus

29、 的反意疑问句为 will you。(3)一句话记忆:We have finished our homework, and I think our mom will let us goout. Lets go and ask her, shall we?45、【词语辨析】lift,raise,rise(1)lift 意为“举起”,指凭借自身的力气或机械举起重量大且看得见的物体; (2)raise除举起可以看得见的物体外,还指抽象的东西,如地位、价格等的上升,是及物动词; (3)rise是不及物动词,可指物体升起或物价等上涨。(4)一句话记忆:The sun rises. Students ra

30、ise their hands to answer the teachers question. Outside the classroom a man is lifting a heavy stone 1. receive, accept (1)receive有“收到”的意思,但不一定接受。(2)accept 是“接受、认可”的意思,是收到并接受。e.g. I received a lot of gifts on my birthday, but I didnt accept any.2. wear, put on, dress (1)wear 和 dress 表状态, (2)wear 接衣

31、服等,可用进行时 (3)dress 接人。 (4)be dressed in, put on 表动作 e.g. Its cold outside. Put on your warm clothes. 3. listen, hear (1)listen 强调动作; (2)hear 强调结果 e.g. I listened, but I heard nothing 4. build, put up, set up, found (1)build 一般用语,建成; (2)put up 临时搭建; (3)set up 建成(内部的设施基本齐全); (4)found 国家或组织的建成 put up a tent, set up a school 5. manage, try (1)manage to do 设法做成了某事; (2)try to do 尽力去做某事但不一定成功 e.g. He tried to pass the exam, but he faile

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