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1、地道科技英语句子1地道科技英语单句写作(1) 【中文原句】 这种新方法具有效率高、容易调整的优点。【典型英语病句】This kind of new method have the advantage of high efficiency, easy adjustment.【英语正句】 This new method has the advantages of high efficiency and easy adjustment.(2) 【中文原句】 本文首先讨论了这种工艺的特点,然后讨论了它的产生。【典型英语病句】This paper first discusses the features

2、 of this process, and then its generation is described.【英语正句1】 This paper first discusses the features of this process, and then describes its generation.【英语正句2】 This paper begins with the discussion on the features of this process, followed by the description of its generation. (3) 【中文原句】 这台设备的特点是操

3、作简便、价格低廉。【典型英语病句】The features of this device are easy in operation and low in price.【英语正句1】 The features of this device are easy operation and low price.【英语正句2】 This device features easy operation and low price.【英语正句3】 This device is characterized by (its) easy operation and low price.(4) 【中文原句】 强调指

4、出了去除率随处理时间变化的非线性规律。【典型英语病句】 The non-linear law of the variance of the removal efficiency brought due to the variance of the treatment time has been pointed out emphatically.【英语正句】 The non-linear law of the variation of the removal efficiency with the treatment time has been emphasized. (5) 【中文原句】 我们

5、的方法与以前讨论同一问题的文章中所述的不同。【典型英语病句】Our method is different from previous articles discussed the same problem.【英语正句】 Our method is different from those presented (或described) in the papers available (或published before) on (或discussing ) the same problem.(6) 【中文原句】 只有通过对该系统性能的研究,我们才能了解它的优点。【典型英语病句】Only thr

6、ough studied the performance of the system, its advantages can be understood.【英语正句】 Only through the study of the performance of the system, can one (或we) understand (或appreciate) its advantages.(7) 【中文原句】 本文对提高打印速度和印字质量提供了一种机辅设计手段。【典型英语病句】This paper provided a kind of means of computer aid design f

7、or progressing the printing speed and the printing quality.【英语正句】 This paper presents a CAD method for increasing the printing speed and improving the printing quality.(8) 【中文原句】 同时给出了三轴稳定跟踪的数学描述及全补偿条件。【典型英语病句】The mathematical description and the full compensation conditions of the 3-axes steady-tra

8、cking principle are also given.【英语正句】The mathematical description of and the full-compensation conditions for the 3-axis steady-tracking principle are also given. (9) 【中文原句】 文中比较了B 和 C,表明B将是C的基础。【典型英语病句】B and C are compared. It shows that B should be the ground of C。【英语正句】 A comparison of A with B i

9、s made, which shows that B will be the basis of C.(10) 【中文原句】 对构件的承载能力作了具体的分析。【典型英语病句】The detailed analysis of the ability of bearing loads of the components is given.【英语正句】 A detailed (或concrete) analysis of the ability of the components to carry loads is made.(11) 【中文原句】 这是由于在PN结上存在一个电容之故。【典型英语病句】

10、This is due to that there exists a capacitance on the PN junction.【英语正句】 This is due to the fact that there exists a capacitance across the PN junction.(12) 【中文原句】 这个方法需要精确的定位,这就使得它的实现具有一定的难度。【典型英语病句】 This method requires accurate location and this makes its realization have a little difficulty.【英语正

11、句】 This method requires accurate location, thus making (或which makes) its realization somewhat difficult.(13) 【中文原句】 对A的识别和对B的确定是使用这一方法的先决条件。【典型英语病句】 The recognition of A and determining B are the prerequisites for the use of this method.【英语正句】 The recognition of A and the determination of B are the

12、 prerequisites for the use of this method.(14) 【中文原句】 最后提出了实现这种方法应注意的一些问题和解决方法。【典型英语病句】 At last, we provided some problems that could be noted in implementing this method and solving ways. 【英语正句】 Finally, some problems that deserve to be noted in implementing this method and their solutions are pres

13、ented.(15) 【中文原句】 由于缺陷的存在,装置的寿命将大大降低。【典型英语病句】 Because of the existing of the defect, the life of the device will decrease very much.【英语正句】 Because of (或Due to) the existence of the defect, the life of the device will be decreased (或shortened) greatly.(16) 【中文原句】 导出了一个计算排放浓度的简单公式,最后举了若干例子。【典型英语病句】 A

14、simple formula to calculate the discharge concentration is derived and some examples are given in the end.【英语正句】 A simple formula for calculating the discharge concentration is derived and finally some examples are given。(17) 【中文原句】 并讨论了这一方法与活性污泥法相比的优点。【典型英语病句】 As compared with the activated sludge

15、process, the advantages of this method have discussed also.【英语正句】 The advantages of this method over the activated sludge process have also been discussed.(18) 【中文原句】 已知常数K,就能算出A来。【典型英语病句】 Giving the constant K, A can be calculated.【英语正句1】 Given (或Knowing) the constant K, one (或we) can calculate A.【

16、英语正句2】 Given (或Knowing) the constant K, it is possible to calculate A.(19) 【中文原句】 锡的熔点没有铅的高。【典型英语病句】Tin does not have a melting point as high as lead does.【英语正句】 Tin does not have as high a melting point as lead does.(20) 【中文原句】 这台新设计的仪器质量很好。【典型英语病句】 This new designed instrument is in good quality.【

17、英语正句1】 This newly designed instrument is good in quality. 【英语正句2】 This newly designed instrument is of good quality.(21) 【中文原句】 这台转动的机器将在一二分钟后自动停下来。【典型英语病句】This running machine will stop of itself after one minute or two.【英语正句】 This running machine will stop of itself in one or two minutes(或in a min

18、ute or two).(22) 【中文原句】 在这种情况下,输入不会下降,输出也不会下降。【典型英语病句】In this case, the input does not fall; the output does not fall, too.【英语正句】 In this case, the input does not fall, neither(或nor)does the output.(23) 【中文原句】 这个问题有待解决。【典型英语病句】 This problem waits to solve.【英语正句】 This problem remains to be solved.(24

19、) 【中文原句】 这个电荷与存在的其他电荷相互作用。【典型英语病句】This charge interacts with other present charges.【英语正句】 This charge interacts with other charges present.(25) 【中文原句】 现在的教科书没有提到这一点。【典型英语病句】The now existed textbooks do not make mention of this point.【英语正句】 The existing textbooks (或The textbooks available) have made

20、no mention of this point.(26) 【中文原句】 X的所有值均不能满足这一方程。【典型英语病句】All values of X cant satisfy this equation.【英语正句】 No values of X (或None of the values of X) can satisfy this equation.(27) 【中文原句】 这个电压几乎是测不出的。【典型英语病句】This voltage almost can not be measured.【英语正句】 This voltage can hardly be measured.(28) 【中

21、文原句】 在这个实验室中,这台仪器比其他的要灵敏。【典型英语病句】In this laboratory, this instrument is more sensitive than any one.【英语正句】 In this laboratory, this instrument is more sensitive than any other one (或any one else).(29) 【中文原句】 为了发射无线电波,必须产生高频振荡。【典型英语病句】Sending out radio waves, high-frequency oscillations must be gener

22、ated.【英语正句】 To send out radio waves, it is necessary to generate high-frequency oscillations.(30) 【中文原句】 波能绕其通道上的障碍物的边缘弯曲行进,这一特性称为绕射。【典型英语病句】Waves are able to bend around the edge of an obstacle in their path, this property is called diffraction.【英语正句】 Waves are able to bend around the edge of an ob

23、stacle in their path, a property called diffraction.(31) 【中文原句】 任何学生均不会解这种特殊的方程。【典型英语病句】Any student cannot solve this kind of special equation.【英语正句】 No student (或None of the students) can solve this special kind of equation.(32) 【中文原句】 直到发明了显微镜后对细菌的真正研究才成为可能。【典型英语病句】Until the invention of the micro

24、scope the real study of bacteria became possible.【英语正句】 Not until the invention of the microscope did the real study of bacteria become possible.(33) 【中文原句】 必须了解这种材料是否能经受住这么大的力。【典型英语病句】It is necessary to know if this material can stand a so large force or not.【英语正句】 It is necessary to know whether t

25、his material can stand so large a force or not.(34) 【中文原句】 该实验是从八点钟开始的。【典型英语病句】The experiment began from eight oclock.【英语正句】 The experiment began at eight oclock.(35) 【中文原句】 电压是用伏特来度量的。(电压的度量单位是伏特。)【典型英语病句】Voltage is measured with volt.【英语正句】 Voltage is measured in volts.(36) 【中文原句】 这两位工程师正忙于设计一种新型的

26、软件。【典型英语病句】This two engineers are busy to design a type of new software.【英语正句】 These two engineers are busy with the design of (或busy (in) designing) a new type of software.(37) 【中文原句】 铜是一种物质,而空气也是一种物质。【典型英语病句】The copper is a kind of matter and so does air.【英语正句】 Copper is a kind of matter and so is

27、 air.(38) 【中文原句】 这种材料很难加工。【典型英语病句】This material is very difficult to be machined.【英语正句】 This material is very difficult to machine.(39) 【中文原句】 若把式(7)代入式(8)就得到a=b。【典型英语病句】If Eq. (7) is substituted in Eq. (8),we obtain a =b。 【英语正句1】 Substituting Eq. (7) in Eq. (8), we obtain a=b.【英语正句2】 Substitution o

28、f Eq. (7) in Eq. (8) yields a=b.(40) 【中文原句】 声音传播的速度比光慢得多。【典型英语病句】Sound travels less faster than light is .【英语正句】 Sound travels much less fast than light(does)。(41) 【中文原句】 功等于力乘以距离。【典型英语病句】Work equals to force multiplying distance.【英语正句】 Work equals (或is equal to) force multiplied by distance.(42) 【中

29、文原句】 我们已定义了度量m的质量单位。【典型英语病句】We have defined mass units to measure m.【英语正句】 We have defined mass units with which to measure m.(43) 【中文原句】 所得结果与测量值相吻合。【典型英语病句】The results obtained fit the experimental values. 【英语正句】 The results obtained agree (或are in agreement) with the experimental value.(44) 【中文原句

30、】 本文讨论了三维多通道稳态流场和温度场的数值计算与实验。【典型英语病句】Numerical computation and experiment for the steady-state flow and temperature fields in three dimensional multi-channels are discussed in this paper.【英语正句】 The numerical computation of and the experiment on the steady-state flow and temperature fields in three d

31、imensional multi-channels are discussed.(45) 【中文原句】 定义了一种描述图论中某些工程问题求解的算法语言(我们称之为图论算法语言)。【典型英语病句】An algorithm language (we call it the Algorithm Language for the Graph Theory) to describe the solution of some engineering problems in the graph theory is defined.【英语正句】 An algorithm language (which we

32、call the Algorithm Language for the Graph Theory) for describing the solution of some engineering problems in the graph theory is defined.(46) 【中文原句】 铁的导电性几乎与铝一样好。【典型英语病句】The iron is almost as good conductor as the aluminium. 【英语正句】 Iron is almost as good a conductor as aluminium.(47) 【中文原句】 我们容易确定该物体的重量。【典型英语病句】We are easy to determine the weight of the body.【英语正句1】 It is easy for us

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