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1、广东专升本考试考试模拟卷4测2022年广东专升本考试考试模拟卷(本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。)单位: 姓名: 考号: 题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值 得分 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Which is _, North America or South AmericaAbiggestBthe biggestCmore biggestDbigger2.You should observe carefully how the audience _ his speech.Areach toBref

2、er toCreact toDrelate to3.Lynd and hundreds of young people like him _ the post of typist.AapproachedBapplied forCappealed toDapproved of4.In this building each apartment could _ a family of six.AhouseBcoverCmakeDinclude5.These farmers got a good harvest last year, so they _ a big sum of money for n

3、ew farm machines.Aset asideBset aboutCset upDset back6.On most of the nights. Jane _ reading letters from her boyfriend.Astayed offBstayed onCstayed outDstayed up7.The doctor felt Johns arm to _ if the bone was broken.Awork outBfind outClook atDsee out8.If you dont mind, I _ do my homework than play

4、 cards with you.Ahad betterBpreferCwould ratherDwould like9.One of my _ sayings is Where there is a will, there is a way.AlikelyBfavorableCalikeDfavorite10.They first-year students were learning from the army in Miyun, a suburb of Beijing near _ I lived.AwhatBwhereCthatDwhich11.When her neighbor Gra

5、ndma Wang became iii, the girl often _ .Afitted inBworked outCheld backDhelped out12.I can hardly hear what hes saying, and _ .Aso can all the other peopleBnor can all the other peopleCso can hardly all the other peopleDnor all the other people can13.They _ on a trip into the desert the following ye

6、ar.Aset inBsent forCset offDsent off14.My car _ so I had to come by bus.Afell downBbroke downCfell overDturned away15.All the _ tourists gave the robber their money.AfrightenedBfrighteningCfrightenDfrightful16.Prices have been _ rapidly in many cities.Awent upBgone upCgoing upDgo up17.When he explai

7、ned it again and again, the students patience _ .Aran overBran onCran outDran off18.The teachers _ to my statement about this poet led me to read widely about poems.AchangeBchargeCchallengeDchance19.She told her little brother _ her hand tightly while they were crossing the busy street.Ahold on toBh

8、olding on toCheld on toDto hold on to20.I know its not important but I cant help _ about it.Ato thinkBthinkingCand thinkDbeing thought21.It is decided that he _ for a bus to meet the guests from Beijing.AcallBcallsCarrangeDarranges22.The question _ at the next meeting remains a secret,AdiscussedBto

9、discussCto be discussedDbeing discussed23.When the ship was caught in a strong storm at the sea, the captain _ a danger signal.Asent forBsent offCsent outDsent around24.I am not of those people who like a strenuous(费力的)holiday; I believe in _.Atook it easyBtaken it easyCtaking it easyDtaking it easi

10、ly25.The soldier was _ with neglecting his duty.AchargedBconductedCchangedDcommitted26.All _ is a continuous supply of fuel oil.Awhat is neededBthat is neededCthe thing is neededDfor heir needs27._ she is a likeable girl, she is very difficult to work with.ASinceBHoweverCAs far asDWhile28.He was try

11、ing to read; _ , the phone kept ringing.AmeanwhileBthenClaterDafterwards29.The sea separates Taiwan _ the Chinese mainland.AatBintoCfromDof30.Their idea was to get us to _ the strike at once.Acall atBcall offCcall inDcall for31.Youd better hurry, _ you might be late for class.AorBandCunlessDbut32.If

12、 I didnt _ them _ I should probably forget all about them.Awrote; downBwrite; downCwrite; forDwritten; about33.I could tell he was surprised from the _ on his face.AappearanceBsightCexpressionDbigger34.The reason why the car stopped was _ .Abecause the road was not goodBthat the road was not goodCdu

13、e to the bad roadDbecause of the bad road35.He just _ my suggestion at the meeting yesterday.Aput awayBshut downCshowed offDbrushed aside36.I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere _ of your help.AappreciationBappearanceCpreparationDappointment37.A great many cancers can be cured

14、but only if _ before they have begun to spread or colonize in other parts of the body.Aproperly treatBproperly treatingCbeing properly treatedDproperly treated38.His laziness _ his failure in the final exam,Agave upBcontributedCresulted inDdistributed39._ her age, she really did a good job in such a

15、 short timeAGivingBGivesCGiveDGiven40.下列没有语病、句意明确的一句是_A梵迪美容院对于损害消费者利益的事情拒不认错,几位消费者只好投诉消费者协会,以求保护自身合法利益。B为加强城管队伍建设,提高管理水平,10日起市城管局面向市民征集城管工作中的文明用语、劝导用语。C刘翔能否复出,关键在于他的恢复情况。D济南是著名的泉城,历史上曾有“四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖,家家泉水,户户垂杨”。41.生产力诸要素中体现生产力发展水平的标志是A科学技术的水平B劳动者的觉悟水平C生产工具的水平D劳动对象的利用状况42.主观和客观、认识和实践的统一是A抽象的不变的统一B具


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