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1、二学位英语论文A Study on the Translation of Trademarks摘 要 随着社会经济的发展和科技水平的提高,各公司产品进出口日益增多,商标名称的翻译也越来越备受关注。商标是产品在顾客心中的缩影, 为使顾客接受并认可产品, 商标翻译必须融入新市场的语言文化特色。商标它不仅涉及个人的消费心理和消费行为, 而且反映一些文化社团的需求和活动。好的商标翻译可以给企业带来巨大的财富.因此, 对品牌名称翻译的研究具有很重要的价值。并且一个商标准确的翻译在外国宣传中扮演很重要的角色。本文讨论了品牌名称的翻译方法。基于成功的品牌名称翻译,借鉴并吸收了一些翻译方法,总结归纳了一些英文

2、商标汉译的方法及标准,及其翻译时应注意的问题。 关键词 商标 翻译 方法 禁忌Abstract With the development of society and economy and the improvement of scientific and technological level, the imports and exports of products in enterprises increase day by day, and trademark translation also pays more and more attention. Trademark transl

3、ation should conform to the language norms and cultural backgrounds of the respective countries so that potential customers will be established. Trademark concern not only individual purchasing psychology and behavior but also certain cultural community needs and activities. A good trademark transla

4、tion may bring an enterprise huge wealth. Therefore, study of different translation of brand names is of great value. And whether a trademark is properly translated plays an important role in the foreign marketing promotion. The article is writing some translation methods to translation of trademark

5、. Also, on basis of then analysis of some successful translation of trademarks, and profits from and absorbs other translation methods, summarizes some translation approaches and standard. And problems should be paid attention to in Translation Key words: trademark translation approaches cultural ta

6、boosContents摘要Abstract. Acknowledgements. Introduction.11. The definition of trademark.12. The importance of trademark translation.2 I. The Translating Approaches.3 1. Transliteration.31.1 Pure transliteration.31.2 Homophonic translation.41.3 Omit transliteration42. Literal translation.43. Creative

7、translation.54. Free translation.55. Combination of Transliteration and Literal Translation.76. Transference.7II. The standard of the trademarks translation.8III. The problems in trademark translation.9Conclusion.11Bibliography.12A Study on the Translation of TrademarksIntroductionA brand, i.e. trad

8、emark, is a name, term, sign,symbol, design or a combination of them that talk who makes it or who sells it, distinguishing that product from those made or sold by others. A brand name is that part of brand that can be vocalized. A trademark, as the symbol of a product, is a very important part of t

9、he advertisement of the product. It is the concentration of commodities distinct characteristics, the core of commodities culture. It is not only a logo, also the final goal of which is to attract customers and sell commodities. Differences between different languages and different cultures determin

10、e that the translation of trademarks should be an activity of recreation. The translation of a trademark, the translator should not stick to the surface meaning of the original trademark and be influenced too much by the source language and culture. For example, the translation of the trademark “Coc

11、a- Cola” is much quoted as a success in advertisement translation. In the 1930s, when “Coca- Cola”, a world- famous trademark for soft drink, was planned to enter China market, the trademark was translated into Chinese as“ Kekoukele”, which is generally recognized to be as good as , if not better th

12、an that, the original. The original trademark sounds rhythmical as alliteration and rhyme area adopted. In the translated version, the effect of alliteration and rhyme is properly preserved. On the other hand, In English “coca” and “cola” mean nothing more than the names of two plants. The Chinese v

13、ersion“ 可口可乐”, however, creatively embodies the feature of the product and conveys the pleasure that the product brings to the customers. The successful translation of the trademark has produced a considerable effect on the popularity of the product in the market of China “Revlon”, the trademark of

14、American cosmetics, was translated into“ 露华浓”. The Chinese translation version originates from Li Bai s poem describing the beauty of Yang Yuhuan,“云想衣裳花想容, 春风拂榄露华浓。”The translated version is similar in pronunciation to the original one. Moreover, it arouses peoples association of Li Bais poem as wel

15、l as the beauty of Yang Yuhuan (one of the highest- ranking imperial concubines in Tang Dynasty; also famous as one of the four most beautiful ladies in ancient China), so the Chinese translation version creates a powerful appellative effect as the trademark of cosmetics.Nowadays along with the rapi

16、d development of the global economy, more and more products are imported and exported into Chinese market. Advertising has found its way in to all walks of life and every aspect of society, and even become an important part of our everyday life. Trademarks are increasingly finding favor in people s

17、eyes because of their peculiar charms(特殊的符号). Trademarks are always playing an important role to make the products more attractive. Facing so many foreign products, customers begin the first impression with their names. Beyond the names, we are actually touching an exotic (异国)culture and national ex

18、cellence. Translators have the responsibility to introduce the foreign products in ward from a very beginning the translation of brand names. Also they equip our national products with appropriate brand names in foreign languages. A brand name may attract the consumers, promote a product support a c

19、ause, or even dam age the products image, do less consuming, and keep the consumers far away.With a look into some famous and successful translated brand names at home and abroad, we find some general properties of them: easy to read, easy to remember; meanwhile they can demonstrate (证明)a special pl

20、easing charm, so that they are accepted widely as excellent work in translation. Transliteration does not mean to translate the source language mechanically; it may add or omit(省略)something,elegance and briefness serve as the transliteration principle. For example,乐凯- Luck, Benz-奔驰, Pantene-潘婷,Coca

21、Cola- 可口可乐, etc. The translating process of brand names involves marketing, advertising, consumer psychology aesthetics(美学) and communication between cultures. It is complicated but never a mechanical one. In order to analyze the translating approaches, semantic motivation (词义理据) should be taken int

22、o consideration. Brand names originate from three groups of nouns: (1) Proper names, i.e. Philips, Pierre Card in, D&G. (2) General nouns, i.e. Playboy, Shine Way (神威药业), Legend, Apple.( 3) Coined nouns , i.e. Pepsi Cola,. I. The Translating Approaches 1. Transliteration Transliteration refers to ac

23、cording to the pronunciation the translating from the source language to target language. We can adopt or create English words which the tones are near to the Chinese words to translate brand name. There English words are very particular because they not only have the approximate tone of Chinese, bu

24、t also meaning of itself. This method is most frequently used in dealing with proper nouns. Using this method, the translator is to make the translation principles to the pronunciation of the pronunciation of the original as close as possible, such as Siemens into “西门子”, Buick into “别克” Sony into “索

25、尼”, Nokia into “诺基亚”. In transliteration is divided into: pure transliteration, homophonic translation, and omit translation. 1.1 Pure transliteration Pure transliteration is based on the English pronunciation matches the translation of Chinese characters. Mainly used in the proper nouns, such as: p

26、eoples name and the place. This translation method is a trademark in translated into Chinese, because they cant find the express by Chinese language and have to use the methods of translation. 1.1.1 Peoples name trademark Some trademark is make up of family names, such as: Hoover (胡佛) vacuum cleaner

27、, is from producers William Henry Hoover family name; Some trademark is mans full name, such as: Pierre Cardin (皮尔.卡丹), is according to the fashionable dress maker Pierre Cardins name. Some famous trademark, the name is from legend. Such as: PICASSO (毕加索) porcelain, derived from the medieval Europea

28、n Renaissance period the artist PICASSOS name.1.1.2 Place trademarks Santana (桑塔纳) cars, San Tana were the United States California a valleys name; Nokia (诺基亚) mobile phone is according to the northern Finland a town called Nokia named. 1.2 Homophonic translation This is a sound translation for refe

29、rence, often is based on in pure transliteration changes to the words, these words with the original trademark pronunciation homophonic, after the change, the trademark combine product features. For example: in honor of aviation company founder Willian Edward Boeing ,people according to his family n

30、ame as trademark Boeing, translation “博音”, but as a trademark, the translator change to harmonics “波音”, it can make people for this kind of supersonic plane have a dream. Mazda comes from ancient Persian religion of the “光明之神”、“最高之神”,“王权的保护者”as pure translate“马兹达” , but as a car trademark, the trans

31、lator change“兹” to “自”a humor suggest that this car driving easily, dont worry about will be automatically to arrive. 1.3 Omit transliteration Omit transliteration is according to the aesthetic habit of Chinese, double syllable and three syllables of the trademark can more unforgettable, some English words trademark have more long syllables, if a word by wor

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