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1、高考英语必备词组高考英语必备词组1. above all 首先是,最重要的是2. absent from 缺席,不在,离开3. absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心于4. accept as承认是;接受为5. according as 视而定;依照(接从句)6. according to 按照; 根据所说7. act as 充当8. act for代理9. add up 求和;有意义,可理解10. add up to11. address oneself to 从事于;忙着做,着手;论述12. admire for13. admit to 许可进入;承认,供认14. advantage o

2、ver 比优越;优于15. afraid of 16. afraid to do sth.17. after a while18. after all19. sb agree with sb 同意某人的话,意见 20. sth agree with sb 某物,某事适应某人 21. agree to sb 建议 22. agree on sth 在某一点上取得一致意见 23. agree up sth 在某一点上取得一致意见 24. agree to do sth 同意干某事 25. ahead of26. all at once 27. all but 差不多;几乎;除之外全部28. all

3、 in all 整体而言,一般而言29. all out 尽力而为30. amount to 等于,意味着31. and that 而且32. answer back 顶嘴, 回嘴33. answer for 对负责任34. anxious about35. apart from 36. apply to 向申请; 与有关,应用于37. apply oneself to sth. 刻苦做谋事38. as a rule 通常地39. as a whole/ on the whole40. as for/ as regards/ as to41. as if/ as though42. as it

4、 is/ as you are43. as it were44. as much45. as much as46. as such47. as well as48. ashamed of49. at a time50. at hand51. at heart52. at large53. at one time54. at rest55. at sea56. at sixes and sevens57. at that(句尾) 而且58. at the mercy of 59. back up 支持60. badly off 贫困61. be out for 试图得到62. block up

5、阻塞;隔断63. break down 机器坏了=go wrong 身体垮了/终止谈话 64. break in 闯入,插话65. break off 忽然停止讲话/断绝,结束/暂停工作,休息 66. break out (战争等)爆发;逃出(无被动式) 67. break through 打破包围 68. break up 驱散,学校的放学 69. break away from 脱离,逃说,与.断绝来往/改变某种习惯 70. bring about =cause, result in, lead to bring down 使倒下,使下降 71. bring force 使产生,引起 72

6、. bring forward 提出建议=put forward/提前 73. bring in =get in the pops/使得到某种收入 74. bring back to ones mind 使回想起 75. bring up sb 抚养某人76. bring up sth 提出 77. bring up 呕吐 78. bring to an end 结束=come to an end 79. burn up 烧完,烧尽;烧起来,旺起来80. burn down 烧毁,烧塌81. burn out烧光,烧毁;因过度工作毁了健康82. burst into 突然开始; 冲进,闯入83

7、. but for 若非,要不是84. but then不过;在另一方面85. by all means 当然;必定86. by hand 用手工;人工地87. by means of 借;用88. by no means 一点儿也不;决不89. by way of 通过;经由90. call (omes)attention to 要求(某人)注意91. call away 叫走92. call back 召回; 回电话93. call on sb 拜访,号召 94. call at 访问(某人的家);(火车、船)停靠 95. call for 需要;要求 96. call for sb 去接

8、某人一起去做某事97. call off 取消(计划,比赛) 98. call out (call out+to sb.)大声地叫 99. call up sb 打电话 100. call in 请进来 101. cant help102. care for103. carry out 进行到底,贯彻执行104. carry on 进行下去,坚持下去105. carry away 拿走,入迷,被.吸引106. carry forward 推进,发扬(精神) 107. carry off 抢走,夺走/获得奖品108. carry through 进行到底,完成计划 109. carry sb t

9、hrough 使.渡过难关 110. catch up 赶上 111. catch on 勾住,绊倒;受欢迎(with sb); 了解,明白112. catch at 想抓住113. be caught in the rain 被雨淋 114. catch up with 赶上某人,补上工作 115. charge for 索价,要价116. charge with 控告; 托付给;使负责任117. check in 签到;登记118. check out 走开;离开;结帐离开119. check up 检查,调查,审查120. clean up净化;收拾整齐;挣许多钱121. clear u

10、p (天气)转晴,澄清事实,整理收拾 122. clear away 清除掉,去掉,消散 123. clear off 消除(积雪)等障碍,把.拆掉,擦掉,清除 124. clear up弄明白;解释;解决;变晴; 整理,收拾125. come about126. come across 偶然发现,偶然遇到 127. come after跟着, 继而来128. come along成功;出现;想某人走去;赶快129. come apart 崩裂;破碎130. come on 快点(口),开始,到来,举行,走吧,一起去 131. come at 向.扑过来,向.袭击 .132. come dow

11、n 倒下,(温度,价格)下降,病倒133. come forward 涌现,主动地响应要求做某事 134. come in 进来,上市135. come from 来自于136. come out 出来,出发,结果 137. come to 苏醒,总共,达到,得到谅解 138. come up sb 走进 139. come up 种子生长发育,被提出 140. come to ones rescuers 帮助 141. come true 实现 142. cut v.割,切,削减,切断143. cut sth in half 把.砍成两半 144. cut away 切除 145. cut

12、through 走近路,剌穿146. cut down 砍倒,减少,压缩(开支) 147. cut off 切断(关系,来往),中止(电话,思维) 148. cut out 删掉/改掉(恶习),停止 149. in a short cut 诀窍 150. do v.aux.助动词(无词意) 151. do with 涉及到 152. do up ones hair 盘起长发153. do up sth 包/捆起来 154. do out 打扫,收拾 155. do away with =get rid of 废除,去掉,取消 156. die vi.死亡; 枯死; 熄灭 157. dir fr

13、om 因饥渴,战争,被污染的意外死亡 158. die off 因年老,疾病而死亡 159. die away 声音变弱,渐渐消失/停息,消失 160. die down 慢慢地熄灭(风,火) 161. die out 熄灭,变弱,消失,灭绝(动物) 162. fall vi.落下;跌倒;陷落 163. to fall 坠下,掉下 164. fall a sleep 去睡觉=go to sleep fall ill 病了 165. fall across 遇见(偶然) 166. fall back 后退,后撤 167. fall behind 落后,跟不上 168. fall in 集合/陷入

14、 169. fall into 陷入+名词 170. fall off 减少,从.摔下来 171. fall on 看到,落在.上面 172. fall short of 缺乏 173. fall out of 放弃 174. get vi.变得,成为;到达175. get about 到处走,消息的传开176. get across 穿过,讲清楚使人了解,领会177. get away 逃掉,离开,摆脱 178. get down 从下来,写下来,记下来,病了/使某人不安 179. get along with sth 进展得 180. get along with sb 相处 181. g

15、et in 进去,进站,收进来,收帐 182. get off 离开,下车183. get on 上车 184. Dont get on my nerves!(不要搅得我心烦。) 185. get out 拔出,传开 186. get over 克服(困难),从病中恢复过来,不接from 187. get around =spread 传开 188. get through 完成,通过,用完,从人群中通过,接通电话 189. get to 到达,抓住问题的要害,本质190. get together 聚会,联欢191. get in a word 策划 192. get into troubl

16、e 陷入 193. get rid off 摆脱,去掉 194. give vt.给出,赋予,发生 195. give away 分发,赠送,颁发,背叛,出卖,暴露196. give in 屈服 197. give off 放出(气体,光)198. give out 使人筋疲力尽散发出(气味)199. give up 放弃,停止做某事 200. give over 让位于=give way to被取代201. give rise to 引起,导致202. go vi.离开; 移动; 运行 203. go bad 变坏;变酸;腐败 204. go red 变红 205. go hungry 挨饿

17、 206. go wrong 出错;发生故障 207. go about 随便走/进行208. go after 追赶209. go ahead 说吧,走吧,做吧(口语),走在前面210. go at 从事于 211. go beyond 超出 212. go by =pass 经过,过去213. go down 下降 214. go into 进入215. go off 消失,腐败,坏的 216. go out (火)熄灭,过时了,罢工出去217. go over 复习,检查 218. go through 审阅/经历了(痛苦,困难),完成219. go up 提高,上涨(价格)220. r

18、ise up 起来反抗 221. go around 分配,传播,传开 222. go all out to do sth 全力以赴去做某事 223. go back to 追溯到224. go with 相配=match=go along with 225. go too far 太过分了,走太远了 226. hold vt.怀有,持有(见解等)227. hold up 主持,耽搁,延误,继续下去,拿起 228. hold back 阻挡,忍住,保留,隐瞒 229. hold down 控制,镇压=put down 230. hold off 延误,保持距离,使疏远 231. hold on

19、 坚持下去,停止,别挂(电话)232. hold out 坚持到胜利,支持,维持,伸出 233. hold to 坚持某个看法(路线),紧紧地抓住 234. hunt vt.追猎;追赶 vi.打猎235. hunt for 寻找 236. hunt out 找出来 237. hunt through 翻找 238. keep vt.保存,保持;留住239. keep to 坚持某种习惯,遵循,靠(左右)240. keep back 留在后面,阻止,忍住241. keep down 控制,下降,缩减开支 242. keep off 避开,远离,让开243. keep out 使其等在外面,不让进

20、入 244. keep up 保持,维持,鼓足勇气 245. keep sb from doing 阻止某人做某事 246. keep sth from sb 把某事瞒着某人247. keep up with 跟上 248. knock vi.&vt.&n.敲,击,打249. knock sth down 降低价格,拆除,缩减开支 250. knock off 下班,停工,很快地写出文章251. knock sb up 匆匆做饭,敲门把某人叫醒,使某人疲倦 252. knock at 敲(门)253. knock sb up 把某人叫醒 254. know vt.知道;认识;通晓255. kn

21、ow about 了解,知道情况256. know of 听说,知道为什么257. be know for sth 以.出名 258. as known to all 众所周知 259. lay vt.放,安排,铺设,覆盖 260. lay aside 放在一边,积蓄261. lay down 放下,制定计划 262. lay emphasis on sth 强调 263. lay down ones life for 为.献出生命 264. lay out 布置;设计265. lay off 解雇 266. leave v.离开,留下267. leave alone 不要管(某人),不要碰(

22、某物) 268. leave behind 遗留,遗志269. leave off (使)停止;中断 270. leave out 删掉,漏掉271. leave over 剩下的,暂时不去解决的 272. lay in 积蓄,储蓄 273. let vt.容许,使得,假设274. let alone 不要管,不碰,更不用说275. let down 放下(窗帘),失望 276. let off 燃放鞭炮,放掉蒸汽,放过某人 277. let out 放掉气,发出响声,泄露 278. look v.看,期待 n.外观,神色 279. look after 照料280. look at 看281

23、. look back 回顾 282. look in 顺便来访=drop in 283. look into sth 调查,了解某事,浏览(书报)284. look on as 把.看作. look out 小心,当心,向外看 285. look around 到处看 286. look over 审阅,翻阅look through 浏览,仔细地检查287. look to 负责,留意 288. look up (从词典中)找出,天气转变,物价上涨,仰视 289. to look up 仰视 290. look up to sb 尊敬某人 291. look down on sb 轻视某人2

24、92. look down upon sb 轻视某人 293. look forward 期待 294. make n.(产品)来源 vt.制造 make for 有助于,向走过去 295. make out 辩认出,理解,开(写)支票,假装 296. make up 构成 make up of 由.组成297. make phone of 嘲笑,和某人开玩笑 298. make the best of 充分利用299. make certain 弄清楚 300. make up ones mind 决定,下决心301. make up ones minds 决心,下决心 302. make

25、tea 泡茶303. make off 逃跑,匆匆离开 304. open a.开的;开放的 vt.开305. open to the public 向公众开放306. open traffic 通车307. open into 门打开后通向308. open to 道路通向 open up 开垦 309. open fire on sb. 向某人开火310. open out 打开,转开 311. pass v.通过 n.经过;通行证312. pass away 消磨(时间)313. to pass away 去世,死(委婉的说法) 314. pass by 从某人身边经过,过去 315.

26、pass off 消失,顺利地进行316. pass for 冒充,假扮317. pass on 传下去 318. pass through 经历 319. pick n.风镐;牙签 v.凿;摘 ;挑选320. pick out 挑选,认出(某人),领会 321. pick up 捡起来,中途把某人装上车,恢复健康 322. pull v.拖,拔, 扯 n.牵引323. to pull a trailer 拖汽车房屋(电影中经常见到) 324. pull down 拆掉,推掉,使身体虚弱,使价格降低 325. pull off 脱衣帽 326. pull off a plan 实现计划 327

27、. pull out 拔出,离开,度过难关,恢复健康328. to pull out of the garage 从车库开车出来 329. pull throw 渡过难关,使从病中恢复过来330. pull up 车子停下,拔起(树、草) 331. put v.放;移动;使穿过;写 332. put away 放下,收起来,把放在原位333. put aside 把放在.留出(时间),备用 334. put back 放在原处,推迟,延期 335. furniture.当其他人走了之后,玛丽留下来,将家具放回原处。 336. put down 镇压,写下来put forward 提出,提前,提

28、供 put in 提交,申请(+for)337. put off 推迟,延期,打消,关上put on 穿上,上演338. put on a bit of makeup. 我化一点妆。339. put through 接通电话 340. put out 扑灭,关灯,生产,出版341. put up 张贴,留某人过夜,建造 342. put into production 把.投入生产343. put into use 投入使用344. put ones heart into 全心全意投入 345. run v.(使)跑 n.赛跑;路线 346. run across 穿过(跪道),偶然遇到347

29、. run after 追赶348. to run after the gentleman 追求绅士 349. run away 逃走,失去控制350. run down 身体虚弱,电用完了351. run into sb 碰到某人 352. run for 竞选 353. run out 用完 354. run over 匆匆浏览355. run through 穿过,匆匆看一下,做完 356. run a risk of =at the risk of 冒.险 357. run a fever 发烧358. run short of 缺乏 359. see vt.看见;遇见;看出 360.

30、 see sb off 为某人送行,解雇 361. see into sth 调查,了解某事362. see about 负责处理 363. see through 看穿某人364. see sth through 进行到底 365. see to get/itthat 务必要 366. send vt. vi.送,寄发;派遣 367. send for 派某人去请,去叫某人368. send off 发出,寄出 369. send sb off =see sb. off 为某人送行,解雇370. send out 发出,发射 send in 交上去,递送 371. send on 转交 372. set vi.(日,月)落,vt.放 373. set about sth 着手做某事374. set about doing sth 着手做某事375. set out 出发,开始做某事,陈述 376. set apart 分离,流出377. set aside 流出,宣布无效 378. set down 放下,写下379.

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