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1、大学英语四六级作文过关技巧句型大学英语四六级作文过关技巧句型大学英语四六级作文过关技巧句型1.表示原因1) Therearethreereasonsforthis2) Thereasonsforthisareasfollows3) Thereasonforthisisobvious4) Thereasonforthisisnotfartoseek5) Thereasonforthisisthat6) Weha vegoodreaso ntobelievet hat例如:Therearethr eereasonsfo rthechanges thathavetak enplaceinou rli

2、fe First ly, people? s livingstand ardhasbeeng reatlyimpro ved Secondl y, mostpeopl earewellpai d, andtheyca naffordwhat theyneedorl ike Lastbut notleast, mo reandmorepe opleprefertoenjoymoder nlife-注:如考生写第一个句子没有把握,可将其改写成两 个 句子。如I : Greatch angeshaveta kenplaceino urlife Ther earethreere asonsforthi

3、 s. 这样写可以避 免套用中的表达失误。2.表示好处1) Ithas thefollowin gadvantages 2) Itdoes usalotofgoo d3) I then efitsusquit ealot 4) I tisbenefici altous.5) Itisofgreat benefittous 例如:Books arelikefrie nds Theycan helpusknowtheworldbetter, andtheyc anopenourmi ndsandwidenourhorizons Therefore, readingexte nsivelyisof

4、greatbenefi ttous.3 表示坏处1) Ithasm oredisadvan tagesthanad vantages.2) Itdoesusmuc hharm.3) Iti sharmfultou s.例如:Howe ver, everyth ingdividesi ntotwo Televisioncanal sobeharmful tous Itcand oharmtoourh ealthandmak euslazyifwe spendtoomuc htimewa. tchi ngtelevi-si on.4表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能1 ) Itisimpo rtan

5、t ( neces sary , diffic ult,conveni ent, possibl e) forsb tod osth2) We thinkitnece ssarytodost h3) Itpla ysanimporta ntroleinour life例如:C omputersare nowbeinguse deverywhere ,whetherint hegovernmen t , inschools orinbusinesareplayingaehavegoodre asontosayth atcomputers nincreasing lyimportant rolei

6、nourli feandwehave steppedinto theComputer Age.5. 表示措施1) Weshould takesomeeff ectivemeasu res-2) Wes houldtryour besttooverc ome (conquer )thedifficu lties3) W eshoulddoou rutmostindo ingsth-4) Weshouldsol vetheproble msthatweare confronted(faced) with.nfrontedwitrefore, wemueproducedinmanychanges例如

7、:Thehou singproblem thatweareco hisbecoming moreandmore serious The sttakesomee ffectivemea surestosolv eit.6. 表示变化1) Somechan geshavetake nplacein the pastfiveyea rs.2 ) Agre atchangew订 leertainlyb theworld sc ommunicatio ns.3) Thee omputerhasb roughtaboutineducation 例如:Somec hangeshavet akenplacei

8、n people , sdie tinthepastf iveyears Th emajorreaso nsforthesec hangesareno tfartoseek Nowadays, mo reandmorepe opleareswit chingfromgr aintomeatfo rprotein, an dfromfruita ndvegetable tonbsp 下一页大学英语四六级作文过关技巧句型jmilkfo rvitamins.7. 表示事实、现状1 ) Wecannotig norethefact that 2) Noonecanden ythefacttha t3)

9、 The reisnodenyi ngthefactth at.4 ) Th isisaphenom enonthatnian nterestedin 5) Howeve r, that? snot thecase 例如:Wecannoti gnorethefac tthatindust bringswithi ttheproblem sofpollutio 】 eseproblems , wecanstart byeducating outthehazar dsofpolluti on. Thegovernmentonit spartshould alsodesignsypeoplearei

10、rialization Tosolveth thepublicabtricterlawstopromoteac leanerenvir onment8. 表示比较1) Compare dwithA, B2) Iprefer toreadrathe rthanwatchT V.3) There isas triking co nt rastbe twee nt hem 例如:Compared withcars, bi cycleshaves everaladvan tagesbeside sbeingaffor dable First ly, theydono tconsumenat uralr

11、esourc esofpetrole um. Secondly , theydonotc ausethepoll utionproble m Lastbutno tleast, they contributet opeople,she althbygivin gthemduephy sicalexerci se.9表示数量1) Ithasincr eased (decre ased) from to.2) T hepopulatio ninthiscity hasnowincre ased (decrea sed) to800, 0 00.3) Theo utputofjuly inthisf

12、acto ryincreased byl5% compar edwiththato fJanuary.例如:Withthei mprovemento fthelivings tandard, the proportiono fpeople sin comespenton foodhasdecr easedwhilet hatspentone ducationhas increased再如:Fromthe graphlisted above , itcan beseenthats tudentuseof computersha sincreasedf romanaverag eof lessth

13、an twohoursper weekinl990t o20hoursinX X.注:From thegra.phlis tedabove, it canbeseenth at 见句式12。考生将句式9和句式12结合在一起,便可较好 地写出XX年6月CET4、6短文写作的第一段。1 0.表小看法1 ) P eoplehave (t ake, adopt, a ssume) differentattitud estowardsst h.2) Peopl ehavediffer entopinions onthisprobl em.3) Peop letakediffe rentviewsof (

14、on ) thequestiorie4) Some peoplebel ievethat Othersargue that例如:Peoplehave differentat titudestowa rdsfailureSomebelieve thatfailure leadstosucc essranslatesinenewedendeaEvery failurethey experiencettoagreaterc hanceofsucc essattheirrvorHowever , othersareeasilydiscouragedbynbsp ;failuresan dputthem

15、sel vesintothecategoryoflo sers-再如:D o luckynumb ers reallyb ringgoodluc k ?Different peoplehaved ifferentvie wsonit注:一个段落有时很适宜以问句开始,考生应掌握这 一写作方法。11.表示结论1) Inshor t, itcanbesa idthat2) Itmaybebr ieflysummed upasfollows 3) Fromwh athasbeenme ntionedabov e, wecancometotheconclu sionthat例如:Fromwh athasbeenme ntionedabov e, wecancome totheconclu sionthatexa minationisn ecessary , ho wever, itsme thodshouldb eimproved注:例句1可用于任何一个段落的结论句;例句3则多 用文章结论段的第一句。12.套语1 ) It,swellkn owntousthat 2) Asisnb

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