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1、高级口译词汇必备Mr.and Mrs. Hill 希尔夫妇Dr. and Mrs. Hill 希尔博士及其夫人pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 制药有限公司pharmacy (n.) 制药 Inc. = incorporation = corporation 公司deputy manager 副经理Ive long heard of you. 久仰,久闻大名work together 合作共事have sb. Here at 请到了某人study project = research project 研究项目accommodate sb. At 安排某人下榻在a 30-minu

2、te car ride / bus ride / horse ride / bicycle ride / walk 30分钟的路程accommodation fee 住宿费afforded by sb. / sb. Pay for 有某人报效work for sb. = help sb. Out 为某人服务,排忧解难 不用serve sb.,否则显得明显的上下卑贱,等级感feel at home 使某人舒适如归feel free to do = dont hesitate to 鼓励对方别客气,尽管提意见时用something unsatisfactory = inconveniences 不

3、尽如人意之处help sb. Out / resolve problems 排忧解难hold a reception party in ones honor 为某人接风洗尘hold a good-bye party in ones honor 为某人饯行Sino-US 中美US-Chinese 美中receive / meet sb. 接某人entertain sb. 接某人(含有招待,款待的意思)post graduate 研究生undergraduate 尚未取得学位的大学生graduate 大学生newly grads 应届毕业生refer to 参考papers 论文,一切书面资料Id

4、 like to 我想guest house 招待所Holiday Inn 假日旅店be looking forward to doing / sth. 一直期待着have long been doing 表示“一直都”feel honored and pleased to do 感到骄傲和荣幸colleagues = workmates = co-workers 同事witness with ones own eyes 亲眼见证acquire a keen sense of 切身感受,亲身体验到关于witness的用法:时间做主语,witness做谓语,表示在一段时间内发生了receive

5、ones invitation to do = at the invitation of sb. 承蒙某人的邀请extend ones gracious invitation to 向某人发出诚挚的邀请extend ones warm welcome to 向某人表示热烈的欢迎extend ones sincere thanks to 向某人表示诚挚的感谢back in the college days 早在大学时期,回顾大学生活look back into the past 回顾过去look back on the days when 回顾的日子look forward to the fut

6、ure 展望未来a professor of 一位教的教授introduce (v.) 引进the wealth of Confucianism 儒教的丰富内涵Confucius 孔子Confucian 孔子信徒Taoism 道教Taoist (a.,n.) 道教信徒Buddhism 佛教Buddhist 佛教徒Islam 伊斯兰教Islamite 伊斯兰教徒plant in the depth of ones mind 深深地扎根于某人的心中implant 植入transplant 移植inexplicable 难以名状的,只可意会不可言传set foot on 踏上set foot in

7、涉足the remaining days of the year 今年余下的日子里work closely with = collaborate with 紧密协作 make joint efforts = work in concertconcerted efforts work on (v.) = bend on 致力于bent on (n.) in the most rewarding direction = in the most rewarding way 以最有成效的方式in the step-by-step manner = in the step-by-step fashion

8、 = in the step-by-step waygracious invitation 盛情邀请hospitality 盛情 a land of wonder 神奇的土地a cosmopolitan city = a metropolis 大都市It is my privilege to 深感荣幸host a banquet in honor of sb. 为某人接风洗尘buffet 冷餐招待会distinguished guests 贵宾foreign / overseas guests 外宾avail oneself of the opportunity to do 借此机会 take

9、 the opportunity to doon the occasion of this reception 值此招待会之际theres a remark in 在(书里)有句话说a saying goes 俗话说The Analects of Confucius 论语can best express 能恰如其分地表明a best example 典范It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar! 有朋自远方来不亦乐乎evidently = obviously 显而易见地the current visit 这次访问the curr

10、ent situation 现状the current relationship 现有的关系demonstrate = show (用行动)表明manifest (用语言)表明ones determination to 某人地诚意further enhance 进一步促进,推进make further efforts 做进一步的努力friendly and cooperative relations 友好合作关系Im deeply convinced that 我相信a frequent exchange of visits between 之间的频繁互访top government offi

11、cials 高层领导人top management 高层管理top decision-makers 高层决策者Asian-Pacific region 亚太地区the world as a whole 以及整个世界the establishment of diplomatic relations 建立外交关系carry out sincere cooperation in 在领域进行真诚的合作carry out research in 在领域进行研究调查carry out exchanges in 在领域进行交流carry out reform in 在领域进行改革carry out = co

12、nduct implement policy 制定政策follow the policy concerning 遵循的政策 concerning可以换成governing或in terms ofcome out with the policy concerning 出台关于的政策sth. Come out 某样东西问世,上市offshore oil exploration 近海石油开探automobile industry 汽车工业emerging industry = sun-rise industry 新兴产业,朝阳产业emerge (v.) 出现,形成,成为emergence (n.)

13、emerging (a.) 新兴的Premier 总理,首相Prime Minister 首相(君主制国家,如英,日用)Chancellor (德国,奥地利用)mayor 市长public health 公共卫生hygiene 卫生(学)sanitation 卫生设施advance (v.) rapidly advance (n.)= results, fruits, achievements, strength 成果,优势,进步push sth. To a new height 把发展到新的高度be engaged in sth 致力于 bend on sth = work on sth (

14、v)ones bent on sth (n.) a national drive for 的全民进程modernization drive 现代化建设,现代化进程four parts of modernization 四个现代化nation-wide 全国范围内的on an international scale 全世界范围内的unprecedented 史无前例的precedent (n.) 先例program / campaign / project 活动,运动educational program 教育活动yield successful results 取得丰硕成果 yield可以换成

15、reapif China should be deprived of 如果中国没有socio-political stability 社会政治稳定a relatively low level of productivity 相对低的生产力long-term 长期的in the long run 从长远的角度来看a good neighborly environment 睦邻友好环境a good neighborly policy 睦邻友好政策good neighborly countries 睦邻友好国家decades of 几十年的a decade-old partnership 十年的友好关系arduous struggles 艰苦奋斗common wish 共同的愿望common wealth 共同富裕seek sustained world peace 寻求持久的世

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