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1、届人教版六年级英语上册第六单元知识点归纳及复习题Unit 6 How do you feel?Part A1、主要词汇 形容词:angry生气的 afraid害怕的 ill生病的 worried担心的 happy高兴的 二、课文导入A Hey, lets have some popcorn. Yum! I m so happy. I love popcorn! Here you are.【1】 I ll go and get some drinks. wait for me.【2】 Hey, where is my popcorn? Yum! It was so good. What? How

2、 could you eat all the popcorn?!【3】We should share! Mum, if I feel angry, what should I do?【4】 Well,first,take a deep breath. 【5】Then you should count to ten. After that.? After that, you wont feel so angry. Mum, I feel ill. Should I count to ten,too? No,dear,you should see a doctor. 1、Here you are!

3、给你! 这是一个部分倒装的句子。当句子以here,there,away等地点副词开头,且谓语动词是be动词,come,go等时,句子常用倒装结构。 在倒装句中,如果主语是人称代词,则主语与谓语不倒装,构成“Here/there/away.+ 主语 + 谓语动词”部分倒装结构。 例句:Here we are!我们到了! Away he went!他离开了! 如果句子的主语为名词,句子常用完全倒装结构,即构成“here/there/away.+谓语动词+主语”结构。 例句:Here comes the bus!公共汽车来了 There goes Mike!麦克走去那边了 2、wait 等待; wa

4、it for sb/sth 等待某人/某物 3、How could you eat all the popcorn?!你怎么能吃光所有的爆米花?! 特殊疑问代词how:如何(方式),怎样(感受),怎么可以(质问) Could是can的过去式 这是一个由how引导的含有情态动词could的特殊疑问句,其基本句型为:how could + sb + 动词原形 + 其他?;该句型意为“某人怎么能做某事呢?” ,用于表示震惊、强烈反感或愤怒。其中could也可以换为can。 How can you say that?你怎么可以说那样的话?! How can you eat up my apples?你

5、怎么可以吃光我的苹果?! 4、If I feel angry, what should I do? If,意为“如果.” Feel angry, “感觉是生气的/感觉很生气” Feel 是连系动词,连系动词兼有be动词和行为动词的双重性质。 一方面连系动词后面和be动词一样,后要跟形容词作表语; 另一方面,如果要将含有连系动词的句子改为疑问句或否定句,改法与含有行为动词的2类句子一样! I feel ill 我感觉是生病的/ 我感觉生病了! I dont feel ill 我没感觉生病! Do you feel ill?你感觉生病了吗? What should I do?我应该做什么? 5、W

6、ell,first,take a deep breath. Well,常用在英语句子开头,无具体意思,相当于一个语气词! First,意为“第一” ,是one的序数词,“第一”经常引申为“首先”的意思,表示句子里的谓语动作是最先/第一个做的! Let s clean the bedroom first!让我们首先来打扫房间!BSam:Whats this cartoon about?【1】 Saran:It s about a cat. The cat is a police officer.Sam:He chases the mice. Theyre afraid of 【2】him. Sa

7、ran:Why?Sam:Because the mice are bad. They hurt people. The cat is angry with【3】 them. Saran:Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now!【4】 1、Whats this cartoon about? About,介词,意为“关于.的”. I want to see a film about space travel我想看一部太空旅行的电影 Be about sth,“是关于.的” 划线部分提问:It is about a cat. What is it about? 2、

8、be afraid of. 对.是很害怕的;害怕. Children are always afraid of ghost. The mice are afraid of cats 3、be angry with. 对.是很生气的;生.的气 Because Mike doesnt finish homework,the teacher is angry with him. She is angry with me 4、Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now! Maybe,意为“也许.”, 一般放在句首; Be+动词ing,表示“正在做.”; Sarah is

9、watching TV in the living room Mike is reading bookstore in the study巩固练习1、单词1、生气的_ 2、害怕的_ 3、担心的_4、穿_ 5、深的_ 6、呼吸_7、受伤_ 8、觉得感到_ 9、担心_10、陷住_ 1 1、拉拽_ 12、有病的_13、mouse(复数)_ 14、hurt(过去式)_二、词组1、看病_ 2、深深吸一口气_3、数到十_ 4、害怕_ 5、过来_ 6、下一次_ 7、wear warm clothes_8、do more exercise_9、感到生气_三、选择题 ( )1.Whats the cat doi

10、ng ? He is _the_.A. chase mouses B. chasing mice C.chases mousse ( )2.Look! How_he students are on the playground!A.ill B. tired C. happy ( )3.Whats_with you?A. sad B. ill C. wrong ( )4. Dont_.I will help you.A. wrong B. happy C. Worry ( )5.Sarah feels ill. She should _this morning. A. eat some frui

11、t B.go to school C.see the doctor ( )6.How _ Sara feel? A. do B.does C. did ( )7. _are you going? A. Where B. What C. where( )8. We_ always be nice to each other. A. should B. would C. will( )9. My uncle is a fisherman.He works_sea. B. at C. on ( )10. My mother is angry_me. A. for B. of C. with

12、四、按要求完成下列各题1.The cat_ _ _him. 这只猫很生他的气。2. Im afraid of seeing a doctor. What should I do ?You should _ _ _ _(深呼吸)and _ to _.(数到十)3. His mother works in a hospital.(改为否定句)_4. He feels happy. (就划线部分提问)_5.Amy feels angry.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)_ 6、_ could you _all the popcorn?!We should _ ! 你怎么把所有的爆米花都吃了,我们应该

13、分享的。五、把相应的答句的序号填写在问句的括号内1. ( )Where is the cinema? A. He is happy.2. ( )What should I do? B. He is a businessman.3. ( )How does he feel now? C. Yes, he does.4. ( )What does your father do? D.You should see a doctor.5. ( )Does he live in Beijing? E.Its next to the bookstore.六、连词成句1.talking ,are ,they, about ,books ,science _2 go, the, to ,can, zoo ,time, next ,we_3.shall, to ,go, the ,today, cinema, we_4. worried, the, are, Am

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