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1、关于出租车的英语美文 关于出租车的英语美文出租车是城市交通的重要组成部分,行业健康和发展也获得越来越多的关注。本文是关于出租车的英语美文,希望对大家有帮助!关于出租车的英语美文篇一印尼雅加达出租车司机暴力抗议叫车应用JAKARTA, Indonesia ; The center of Jakarta, the Indonesian capital, was paralyzed Tuesdaymorning by a violent mass protest by taxi and other public transportation drivers againstride-hailing a

2、pps, with demonstrators blocking major roads and highways and attacking othertaxis that were not taking part.印度尼西亚雅加达;周二上午,印度尼西亚首都雅加达的城中心陷入瘫痪。出租车和其他一些公共交通工具的司机进行了反对打车应用的大型暴力抗议活动,示威者阻塞交通要道,还攻击了没有参与抗议的其他出租车。An estimated 10,000 members of the Indonesian Land Transportation Drivers Association hadplanne

3、d a protest march from the national House of Representatives complex to thePresidential Palace to demand that the government ban app-based transportation companies,including Uber and Grab, saying they were hurting their ability to earn fares.印度尼西亚地面交通驾驶员协会(Indonesian Land Transportation Drivers Asso

4、ciation)的大约一万名成员原本计划进行抗议游行,路线是从人民代表会议大楼至总统府。他们要求政府封杀叫车应用企业,包括优步(Uber)和Grab,认为它们损害了自身的收入。Instead, drivers ran amok in the district near the legislative complex, blocking roads leadingto the Semanggi Flyover, the city’s main highway artery, and Jalan Sudirman, a primarythoroughfare that runs thr

5、ough the heart of Jakarta’s business district.然而,进行抗议的司机在人民代表会议大楼附近的区域失控,堵塞了前往赛曼吉立交桥(Semanggi Flyover)和苏迪曼街(Jalan Sudirman)的道路。前者是雅加达的公路枢纽,后者则是贯穿商业区中心地带的大道。Traffic was backed up for miles in all directions, and some offices closed because of securityconcerns.在各个方向上,交通堵塞了数英里,一些办公室也出于安全原因关闭。Two

6、miles away, other protesters parked dozens of taxis on a thoroughfare off the city’slandmark roundabout, known as Bundaran H. I., blocking south-moving traffic throughout themorning.在离此地两英里的地方,另一拨抗议者在雅加达的地标连环道(Bundaran H. I.)旁边的一条大路上停了数十辆出租车,堵塞了整个上午的南向交通。“Stop illegal taxis,” protesters yelled

7、. “No more apps.”“封杀非法出租,”抗议者大喊。“不要叫车应用。”Television news footage as well as videos posted on social media sites showed enraged taxidrivers pulling fellow drivers who were not part of the protest out of their vehicles andassaulting them. Their passengers were also forced to get out and run away.电视新闻画

8、面和社交媒体网站上发布的视频显示,有愤怒的出租车司机把没有参与抗议的同伴从车里拖出来进行攻击。乘客也被迫下车逃跑。Protesters threw rocks at some taxis, smashed the windshields of others with sticks, or brokeoff their side mirrors.抗议者往一些出租车上扔石头,用棍棒砸碎他人的挡风玻璃,或是敲掉后视镜。Some protesters wearing their uniforms were seen attacking taxis belonging to their owncompa

9、ny, as well as targeting those of rival operators. They were joined in the violence by thedrivers of public transportation buses, three-wheeled scooters and minivans.有人看到,一些身穿工作服的抗议者不仅袭击自家公司的出租车,也会打砸竞争对手公司的车辆。参与这种暴力行为的还有公交大巴、三轮小摩托和微型货车的司机。In one bizarre scene, a taxi driver repeatedly tried to drive

10、 through a throng of protestersfrom his own company, the Blue Bird Group, who appeared to be trying to attack his cab andpull him from the vehicle. The driver was eventually able to drive away.一名出租司机反复尝试开着车冲出自家公司蓝鸟集团(Blue Bird Group)的抗议者的包围圈,场面相当诡异。看起来,他们想要打砸他的车,并把他从车里拉出来。这名司机最终得以把车开走。In another inc

11、ident, protesters attacked a driver for Go-Jek, a popular Indonesian app-basedmotorcycle transportation company, whom they had pulled off his motorcycle.另一起事件则是,抗议者把一名Go-Jek司机拉下了自己的摩托车,并对他进行了攻击。Go-Jek是印尼当地的公司,提供的摩托车叫车应用颇受欢迎。Many of the protesters work for Blue Bird, Indonesia’s largest taxi co

12、mpany, and were plainlyvisible in their blue uniform shirts.许多抗议者来自印尼最大的出租车公司蓝鸟集团,很容易通过他们身穿的蓝色工作衫辨认。During a live televised news conference on Tuesday afternoon, Andri Nida, a spokeswoman forBlue Bird, said the company did not approve or support the protests.在周二下午的直播新闻发布会上,蓝鸟的发言人安德丽;尼达(Andri Nida)表示

13、,公司并未批准或支持这些抗议活动。“If any vandalism was done by unscrupulous Blue Bird drivers, we’ll cover the costs,” shesaid. “We will punish any anarchic drivers, but we have to gather witnesses and evidence.”“假如有行为不端的蓝鸟司机进行了破坏,我们会弥补损失,”她说。“我们会对任何闹事的司机进行惩罚,但我们得找到目击者,搜集证据。”By midday, the protesters had ende

14、d their blockade and marched or drove toward northernJakarta, where they staged demonstrations at the Ministry of Communications and Information,and across from the State Palace.到了中午时分,抗议者结束了堵路行为,开始步行或开车前往北雅加达。在那里,他们在印尼通信与信息部及其对面的国家宫门前进行了示威活动。The Jakarta police had deployed 6,000 officers early Tues

15、day to monitor the protest march.Police officials vowed to take action against protesters who committed violence, but it wasunclear if they had made any arrests.雅加达警方在周二清晨派出了六千名警员监控抗议游行。警方官员发誓要对进行暴力活动的抗议者采取行动。不过,目前并不清楚他们是否拘捕了什么人。“We are still digging deeper into the incidents,” Senior Commander Moha

16、mmad Iqbal, aspokesman for the Jakarta police, was quoted by The Jakarta Globe, a local newspaper, assaying. “The principle is that we will surely move against those who engaged in illegal acts.”根据当地媒体雅加达环球报(The Jakarta Globe)的报道,雅加达警方发言人、高级指挥官穆罕默德;伊克巴尔(Mohammad Iqbal)称,“我们还在对这些事件进行深入调查。原则上,我们一定会对从事非法行为的人采取措施。”App-based transportation has seen explosive growth in numerous cities across Indonesia inthe past two years,

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