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1、定语从句基础测验高一英语定语从句基础练习(1)合并下列简单句1. The man isa doctor.He livesopposite ourhouse.2. This isthe house. He wasborn in it.3. Do you knowthe man?He is talking to yourteacher.4. This isthe filmstar. His name iswellknownalloverthe world5. Isthisthe letter?Ihave to type it right now.6. He is the man. I gave t

2、he letterto him.7. That is the verybook.I amlooking for it.8. The storyhappened in1840. The OpiumWar broke outthat year.9. Have you ever visited the house?NormanBethune once lived in it.10. This isthe factory. It makes goodquality machine.11. That is the reason. He was ill forthe reason last week.12

3、. He is the doctor.Heoperatedonme.13. He said nothing. It made me veryangry.14. Shellnever forget the day.That dayshe joined the League.15. The parents wouldnt let her marryanyone. His familywaspoor.16. The newswassurprising. Hetold us the news.17. We havent chosena hotel. We willstayin it forthe ni

4、ght.18. MayI borrowthe book?Youbought it yesterday.19. That is the room. Its door needspainting.20. He willvisit the schoolin2009. It wasbuilt in1900.21.The fan isonthe desk.You want it.22.The man is inthe next room. He brought ourtextbookshere yesterday.23.The magazine is mine. He hastaken it away.

5、24.The studentswill not passthe exam.Theydont studyhard.25.The woman is our geographyteacher.You saw her inthe park.26.The letter is frommysister. Ireceived it yesterday.27.The playwas wonderful. We saw it last night.28.Thetrainwas late. It wasgoing to Nanning.29.The boyis mybrother. Hewas here a mi

6、nute ago.30.Thetree isquite tall. He is climbing it.31. Here isthe girl. Her brother works inthisshop.32.Thatsthe child.We were looking at hisdrawing just now.33.This is the boy. His sister is a famoussinger.34. Iwant totalk tothe boys.Their homework havent beenhanded in.35. Isthatthe woman?Her daug

7、hter is in myclass.36. He usedto live ina big house. In front ofit grew manybanana trees.37.Theypassed a factory.At the back ofthe factorythere were rice fields.38.The soldier ranto the building. Onthe topofit flew a flag.39. Inthe evening theyarrived at ahill.At the footofthe hillthere was a temple

8、.40. She came into abig room. Inthe middle ofit stooda large table. 高一英语定语从句基础练习(2)请找出下列各句中的错误并加以改正。1.Imusing the penwhich he bought it yesterday.2. Isthat factorywhich your father once workedin?3.The manwhomI spoke is fromCanada.4. July 1,1999 is the day when well never forget.5. I still remember t

9、he holidays Istayed withthem.6. Imgoing to work inthe hospitalwhere needs me.7.Thosethat havent beento theWest Lake willgather at the schoolgate.8. Idont like the waywhich you talked to your friend.9.This isthe last time whenIve given you lessons.10. Soontheycame to a farmhouse,and in front ofwhichs

10、at a small boy.11.We heard the news whichourteamwonthe game.12.The reasonwhich he explained it soundsreasonable.13.Those atthe desk want to buyticketswrite down your names.14.That wasthe reasonbecause she lookedold.15.This is the factorywhere we visited last week.16.This is the watchfor whichTomis l

11、ooking.17.The personto who you spoke isa student ofGradeTwo.18.The house inthat we live isverysmall.19.The sungivesofflight and warmth,that makes it possible for plantsto grow.20. Ive read allthe bookswhichI borrowedfromthe library.21.This is the best filmwhichI have ever seen.22. Myfather and Mr. S

12、mithtalked about thingsand persons who theyremembered inthe country.23. Everything whichwe saw wasofgreat interest.24. Hisdog,that wasnow veryold, became illand died.25.The reasonwhich he didnt goto schoolis that he was ill.26.Those who wantsto go with me put upyour hands.27.The boy, his mother died

13、 last year, studies very hard.28. Ihave two sisters, bothofthemare doctors.29.Were going to visit the schoolwhere your brother worksthere.30. He is the onlyone ofthe students who have been invited tothe EnglishEvening.31.That isthe waywhichtheywork.32.Those have questions canask theteachers for advi

14、ce.33.Who isthe manwho haswhite hairs?34. Iwillnever forget the days whichwe had a good time together atthe sea.35.Asa girl, she often made nice things,most ofthemwere ofbamboo.36. Isthisthe restaurant where she worksin?37.The knife whichwe used to cut bread is verysharp.38.Allwhat he bought is wort

15、hless.39.He isone ofthe poorestthat lives inthe neighborhood.40.The reasonfor that he failed in hiswork lay in his carelessness. 高一英语定语从句基础练习(3)用关系代词或关系副词填空1. Thankyou for thegoodadvice_youve givenus.2. Theoldgentleman_youmetattheschool gateis anengineer.3. Shes broughthereall_was necessary.4. Xiao

16、Wangis a modelworker _deeds areknowntoeverybody here.5.This is the firstplay_he has ever seensince hecame toWuxi.6. Haveyouever beentotheTVfactory_Tomis working.7.Thehomeaccident happenedonthe day_theywereallawayfromhome.8.The firsttime_I heardthe movingstories was inMarch,1980.9. Thetests for thest

17、udents _nativelanguage is notEnglish.10.The place_interests thestudents mostis theChildrens Palace.11. Do you like the book_ she spent $10?12. Do you like the book_ she paid $10?13. Do you like the book_ she learned a lot?14. Do you like the book_ she often talk?15. He built a telescope _ he could s

18、tudy the skies.16. There is a tall tree outside, _ stands our teacher.高一英语定语从句基础练习(4)单项选择1. Dont talk about suchthingsof_ you are not sure.A. which B. what C. as D.those2. Isthisthe factory_ you visited the other day?A.That B.Where C. inwhich D. theone3. Isthis factory_ some foreign friends visited

19、last Friday?A.that B.where C. which D. the one4. Isthisthe factory_ he workedtenyearsago?A. that B. where C. whichD. the one5.The wolveshid themselves inthe places_ couldnt be found.A. that B.where C. inwhich D. in that6.The freezing point isthe temperature _ waterchanges into whichB. ontha

20、t C.inwhich D. ofwhat7.Thisbook willshow you _ canbe used inother contexts.A. how you have observed B. what you have observedC.that you have observed D. howthat you have observed8.The reasonis _ he isunable tooperate the machine.A. because B.Why C. that D.whether9. Illtellyou _ he told me last week.

21、A. allwhich B. that C.allthat D. which10.Thattree,_ branches are almost bare, isveryold.A. whose B. ofwhich C. inwhich D.onwhich11. Ihave bought the same dress_ she iswearing.A. asB.ThatC. which D. what12. He failed inthe examination, _ made his father veryangry.A. which B. It C.that D.what13. Were

22、talking about the piano and the pianist _ were in the concert weattended last night.A. which B. whom C. whoD.that14.The girl_ anEnglishsong inthe next roomisTomssister.A. who issinging B. issinging C. sang D. wassinging15.Those _not only frombooksbut alsothr40. Idont like _ you speak to her.A. the w

23、ayB. the wayinthat C.the waywhichD.the wayofwhich16. The two things _ they felt very proud are Jims gold watch and Dellashair.A. aboutwhichB. ofwhichC. inwhichD. forwhich17.The dinner was the most expensive mealwe _.A. would have B. have had C. had never had D. had ever had18. Do you know whichhotel

24、_?A. she is staying B. she is staying inC. is she staying D. isshe staying in19.There isonlyone thing _ I cando.A. whatB.ThatC.All D. which20.Who canthink ofa situation_ this idiomcanbe used?A. which B.that C. where D. inthat21. Ihave many books,some of_ areonchemistry.A. themB. that C. whichD.those

25、22.Theywere interested _you told them.A. inwhichB. inthat C. allthat D. ineverything23. The astronaut did many experiments in the spaceship, _ much help forknowing space.A. whichwe think it is B. whichwe think are ofC. ofwhichwe think is D. Ithink which is of24.The great daywe looked forwardto _ at

26、last.A. come B. came C. coming D. comes25. Ilike the second footballmatch_ was held last week.A. whichB. who C.that D./Only 引导的倒装句1. 直到那个时候我们才意识到我们错了。(realize)Only then _ we _ we were wrong.2. 直到最近他才有机会去纽约。(have)Only recently_he _the chance to go to New York.3. 只有通过这种方式,你才能找到问题的解决方案。Only in this way

27、_you_ a solution to the problem.4. 只有在战争结束后,他才能回到家乡。(return)Only after the war was at an end_ he _ home.5. 只有我朋友来之后我的电脑才修好。(repair)Only after my friend came_y computer_.6. Only by practicing a few hours every day_ be able to master the language.A. you can B. can you C. you will D. will you 短文填空:(共10

28、小题;每小题1.5,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Do you know how important cars are in peoples life in the United States? 61 a car, most people feel that they are poor. And even if a person is poor, he doesnt really feel poor when he has a car. There are three reasons 62 the car has become so pop

29、ular in the United States. First of all, the country is a large one and Americans like to move around in it. The car provides the most comfortable and 63 (cheap) form of transportation.The second reason is 64 the United States has never really developed 65 efficient and inexpensive form of public tr

30、ansportation. Though there is a good system of air service, it is so expensive that it can not 66 (use) often. Now the third reason, and also the most important 67 the American spirit of independence. Americans dont like to wait for a bus or a train. A car gives them the freedom to schedule 68 own time.The gas shortage 69 (cause) a big problem for Americans since 1975. The real 70 (solve) will have to be a new kind of car, one that does not use so much gas.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)One day last month, a group of Chines

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