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1、作文例文Online shoppingIn the middle of modernizing our nation, great changes have taken place. The governments efforts to spread the Internet was to a great achievement, which results in fashion, especially in shanghai, the financial center of China, including elders. There is no doubt that the online

2、shopping is absolutely the great progress in the field of business, which simplify the process of pursing, whoever has the computer could surf the online shops freely without going out. However, the system itself exists some serious problems, and the following is the most typical, after all, the pro

3、ducts in the net are no more than photos, as a result, many shopkeepers take advantage of the gullibility of consumers to make sham promotions to earn a big deal of profits, the problems we face are so many. Actually, many measures can be taken to get rid of the challenges, laws should be passed to

4、punish those who produce false advertisements, at the same time, consumers should be educated to avoid the tricks that the false advertisements makers usually play. Only in this way can we guarantee the justice in the market economy, as well as avoid being cheated when shopping online. 字数:197 提交次数:1

5、4 显示: 词汇: 85 词汇: 句子: 篇章结构: 内容相关: 排名:共48篇,本文排名4,最高分85.5,最低分47 评语: 语句间的衔接成分用的不错,同时文章中的过程性词汇很丰富;从句和复杂句用的不错,但部分句子还有一些小问题;拼写做的很棒,学术词汇可适量增加 类型维度测量值参考范围词汇形符数222 195230字数197 166208类符数128 93115平均词长4.81 4.234.97平均词长标准差2.60 2.192.62高频词汇占比70% 77%86%学术词汇占比7% 2%7%超纲词汇占比10% 3%8%篇章连词18 814动词短语14 717段落段落数3 35平均每段句数2

6、.00 2.495.52平均每段词数74.00 36.9189.70首段词数占比21% 12%43%尾段词数占比32% 6%40%首段句数占比33%11%44%尾段句数占比33% 8%41%句子句子数6 1117平均句长37 1320最长句词数65 2137最短句词数14 41019词句子占比0% 5%32%1019词句子占比16% 39%70%2029词句子占比16% 6%36%残句数0 01病句数1 03从句从句总数15 917从句类型6 46不定式1 15现在分词5 04过去分词0 01主语从句0 02补语从句1 15wh-从句2 04关系从句5 03词性连词3% 3%6%名词22% 1

7、7%24%动词21% 16%22%副词6% 5%8%形容词21% 15%20%介词12% 8%12%代词4% 6%12%标点11% 10%14%按 句 点 评 标签详解 1.1 In the middle of modernizing our nation, great changes have taken place. 教师点评 搭配统计 动名搭配 modernize.nation 在教材中出现过 13 次 SeeAlso: modernize country31,develop nation11,overhaul nation10 好评 报错 搭配统计 动名搭配 在教

8、材中出现过 43 次 SeeAlso: take home1095,accept place35,have place16,admit place3 好评 报错 学习提示 易混词汇: big, large, great, grand 均含“大的”之意。 big: 常用词,使用广泛,较口语化。多指体积、重量或容量等方面的“大”,有时也用于描写抽象之物。large: 普通用词,含义广,指体积、面积、容量、数量以及程度等方面的大,具体或抽象意义均可用。great: 普通用词,可指具体东西的“大”,但更常指事物的重要,人的行为、品格的伟大等,带一定的感情色彩。 grand: 侧重指盛大、绝大,有气派。

9、 好评 报错 批改提示 middle表示“中部”。注意与centre的区别。详情点击 好评 报错 批改提示 nation表示“国家”。注意与country的区别。详情点击 好评 报错 1.2 The governments efforts to spread the Internet was to a great achievement, which results in fashion, especially in shanghai, the financial center of China, including elders. 教师点评 学习提示 易混词汇: effort, troubl

10、e, pains, endeavour, struggle 均表示“努力”之意。 effort: 通常指完成某特定任务所需付出的或大或小的努力,可指一次的努力,也可指坚持不懈的努力。trouble: 和pains均侧重在面临困难或阻力时所作的努力。pains: 强调在努力时的细心和谨慎,pains比trouble更适合表示尽力的努力。endeavour: 指持久的,坚持不懈的,甚至是终身的努力,强调努力的认真与决心。struggle: 指为克服困难或阻力所作的努力,也指因决心、意志或干劲而产生的极大努力。 好评 报错 2.1 There is no doubt that the online

11、shopping is absolutely the great progress in the field of business, which simplify the process of pursing, whoever has the computer could surf the online shops freely without going out. 教师点评 搭配统计 动名搭配 在教材中出现过 4 次 SeeAlso: browse shop31 好评 报错 搭配统计 动名搭配 simplify.process 在教材中出现过 266 次 SeeAlso

12、: simplify procedure49,simplify operation28 好评 报错 搭配统计 动名搭配 puter 在教材中出现过 1653 次 SeeAlso: take computer282,have calculator61,accept computer16 好评 报错 学习提示 易混词汇: affair, business, matter, concern, thing 均含“事情”之意。 affair: 含义较广,侧重指已发生或必须去做的任何事情或事务。复数形式多指重大或较复杂的事务。business: 通常指较重要或较难而又必须承担的事情,也可指商事。matte

13、r: 普通用词,着重指一件考虑中的或需要处理的事。concern: 往往强调与个人或团体利害有直接或重大关系的事。thing: 用作“事情”解时,词义较笼统、含糊,多用于指不很具体的事。 好评 报错 低频警示 without going out 在英语本族语中很少使用 好评 报错 2.2 However, the system itself exists some serious problems, and the following is the most typical, after all, the products in the net are no more than photos,

14、 as a result, many shopkeepers take advantage of the gullibility of consumers to make sham promotions to earn a big deal of profits, the problems we face are so many. 教师点评 低频警示 sham promotions 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语 好评 报错 搭配统计 动名搭配 exist.problem 在教材中出现过 17 次 SeeAlso: survive problem37,live problem7,exist

15、job7 好评 报错 搭配统计 动名搭配 take.advantage 在教材中出现过 22513 次 SeeAlso: have advantage8778,take reward15,accept advantage4 好评 报错 学习提示 易混词汇: advantage, benefit, interest, favour, profit, gain 均有“利益,好处”之意。 advantage: 指因某方面占优势或利用某机会以及对方弱点而获得利益与好处。benefit: 普通用词,指通过正当手段从物质或精神方面得到的任何好处或利益。interest: 作“利益”解时,多用复数形式,既可

16、指集团、群体的利益,又可指个人的利益。favour: 指在竞争中获得的advantage,也可指在狭隘的个人利益。profit: 着重收益,尤指从物质、钱财等方面获得的利益。gain: 指获得的物质利益,也暗示不损坏他人利益而得的无形好处。 好评 报错 批改提示 face的近义表达有confront。 face:口语用词,含义广,侧重有勇气、决心或自信心去面对He must face up to the fact that he is no longer young. 他应该勇於正视自己不再年轻这一事实。confront:书面用词,多指勇敢、冷静地面临某种问题、困难或任务等We must co

17、nfront future with optimism. 我们必须乐观地面对未来。 好评 报错 3.1 Actually, many measures can be taken to get rid of the challenges, laws should be passed to punish those who produce false advertisements, at the same time, consumers should be educated to avoid the tricks that the false advertisements makers usual

18、ly play. 教师点评 低频警示 the false advertisements makers 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语 好评 报错 搭配统计 动名搭配 avoid.trick 在教材中出现过 5 次 SeeAlso: avoid joke6 好评 报错 搭配统计 动名搭配 在教材中出现过 19 次 SeeAlso: authorize law5,clear law3 好评 报错 搭配统计 动名搭配 produce.advertisement 在教材中出现过 76 次 SeeAlso: produce ad278,create advertisement55,m

19、ake advertisement39,produce advertising37,get advertisement17,develop advertisement12 好评 报错 学习提示 易混词汇: indeed, really, truly, actually 均有“确实地,真正地”之意。 indeed: 一般用于肯定或证实对方所说的话,多承接前言,也用来加强或肯定自己说话的语气。really: 主要用于强调与事实或现实不相违背,也可表示不快、惊奇或某种含蓄的怀疑。truly: 强调客观存在的真实性,没有任何虚假。actually: 侧重于实际的事,而不是凭空想象或推测的事。 好评 报

20、错 3.2 Only in this way can we guarantee the justice in the market economy, as well as avoid being cheated when shopping online. 教师点评 搭配统计 动名搭配 guarantee.justice 在教材中出现过 11 次 SeeAlso: ensure justice17,secure justice15,insure justice11,assure justice9 好评 报错 学习提示 易混词汇: cheat, deceive, trick, fool 均含有“欺

21、骗”之意Stop Wastinging Food on Campu 分享到: 打印 In the past few years, our economy prospered, business grown, we are famous for what we achieved, but we ought to be ashamed for our bad habit formed in the past few years, especially the wasting of food. We remain a poor nation, there is no doubt that our p

22、rosperity result from the sacrifices of our ancestors, it must be earned, our parents still toiled and plowed in the hard earth. Dont you forget the 3-years disaster of hunger period? Homes lost, jobs shed, business shuttered, markets unspanned, crisis stream flooded, we must live by other nations c

23、harity. As a Chinese, do you want our nation to be strangled, our answer is NO . So, wasting must be accused from generation to generation, in spite of our wealth. How to deal with the problem? This is quite a big challenge, our challenge we face are serious and many, stop wasting is not only the th

24、ing of school, but a thing of our whole nation. Our government should make a strict law that define the wasting is illegal, and whoever wastes should pay for their behaviour, only by making the law can we solve the problem successfully. 字数:196 提交次数:12 显示: 词汇: 83 词汇: 句子: 篇章结构: 内容相关: 排名:共125篇,本文排名12,最

25、高分85,最低分62 评语: 作者能较灵活准确地使用词汇表达,但学术词汇的积累还有很大的空间;可适当增加从句的使用;文章层次较为清晰 类型维度测量值参考范围词汇形符数231 195230字数196 166208类符数117 93115平均词长4.43 4.234.97平均词长标准差2.29 2.192.62高频词汇占比68% 77%86%学术词汇占比7% 2%7%超纲词汇占比12% 3%8%篇章连词7 814动词短语6 717段落段落数3 35平均每段句数3.00 2.495.52平均每段词数77.00 36.9189.70首段词数占比19% 12%43%尾段词数占比33% 6%40%首段句数

26、占比11%11%44%尾段句数占比33% 8%41%句子句子数9 1117平均句长26 1320最长句词数44 2137最短句词数7 41019词句子占比11% 5%32%1019词句子占比22% 39%70%2029词句子占比22% 6%36%残句数0 01病句数0 03从句从句总数17 917从句类型6 46不定式1 15现在分词3 04过去分词6 01主语从句0 02补语从句2 15wh-从句3 04关系从句2 03词性连词6% 3%6%名词20% 17%24%动词22% 16%22%副词4% 5%8%形容词20% 15%20%介词10% 8%12%代词6% 6%12%标点12% 10%

27、14%按 句 点 评 标签详解 1.1 In the past few years, our economy prospered, business grown, we are famous for what we achieved, but we ought to be ashamed for our bad habit formed in the past few years, especially the wasting of food. 教师点评 低频警示 prosper.economy 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语 好评 报错 低频警示 ashamed for our bad h

28、abit 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语 好评 报错 搭配统计 动名搭配 在教材中出现过 1073 次 SeeAlso: get business879,acquire business528,develop business492,grow concern139,produce business29,raise business6,farm business4 好评 报错 学习提示 易混词汇: attain, reach, achieve, arrive 均有“达到”之意。 attain: 侧重指在抱负或雄心的激励下,以最大的努力去达到一般所不及或不敢追求的目的。reach: 常用词,指到达某一空间、时间、目标或发展过程中的某一点。achieve: 侧重为达到目的所需的技巧、忍耐和努力。 arrive: 指得出结论,达成某项协议或作出某一决定等。 好评 报错 推荐词汇 bad在写作中使用的太泛,在某些语境下可考虑换为unfavorable/dreadful或be less impressive等。 He had formed an unfavorable o

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