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1、商务英语必备词汇banking银行业务generalbusiness一般业务ATM商务英语必备词汇banking 银行业务general business 一般业务ATM 自动柜员机You can change your PIN at the ATM.你可以在自动柜员机上修改密码。automatic bill payment自动转帐服务Tina pays her phone bill with an automatic bill payment.蒂娜利用自动转帐服务付电话帐单。balance差额 余额If you keep a balance of $1,000, you wont have

2、to pay the $20 monthly-service fee.如果你保持1000美元的余额,就不必付每月20美元的服务费了。bank account帐户How do I open a bank account here?我要怎么开户?bank holiday银行公休日 国定休息日What happens if payday falls on a bank holiday?如果发薪日正好碰上了国休日那该怎么办?banking银行业务Could you sign me up for online banking?你能帮我申请网络银行服务么?banknote纸币 钞票Wads of bank

3、notes were hidden in the bag.包里藏了几数叠钞票certificate of deposit定期存款Redeeming your certificate of deposit before maturity may result in withdrawal penalties.如果你在定期前解约可能要付提前解约金checking account 支票存款帐户I need to make a withdrawal from my checking account.我要从我的支票帐户中提款deposit存款I didnt get my pay deposit this

4、month.我这个月的薪水存款没有入帐discount rate 贴现率The discount rate is set by the Fed.贴现率是由联储决定的Individual Retirement Account 个人退休帐户Does it matter where I open an Individual Retirement Account?我到哪开个人退休帐户重要么?interest利率Interest rates are not expected to increase.利率应不会再涨safe-deposit box (银行)保险箱She kept her jewels in

5、 her safe-deposit box.她把珠宝放在银行保险箱里savings account 储蓄存款帐户I need to transfer money from my savings account to my checking account.我要把钱从储蓄存款帐户转到支票存款帐户signature 签名Tom forged his bosss signature to steal company funds.汤姆伪造了他老板的签名盗取了公司的资金teller出纳员Marcy started as a bank teller, but now shes a loan officer

6、.玛希刚开始是当出纳员,但是现在是贷款员transfer转账The money has been transferred into my account.钱已经转入我的帐户wire汇款Judys father wired money to her bank account.朱迪的父亲将钱汇入了她的帐户withdraw取款I withdrew $300 from my savings account.我从我的储蓄存款帐户提取了300美元商务英语必备1000字(2)balance transfer余额代偿Katherine made a balance transfer from her old

7、credit card to her new one.凯瑟琳申办新卡代偿旧卡。cancelv. 停(卡)What happens if I want to cancel my card?如果我想停卡该怎么办?cash card现金卡What do I need in order to apply for a cash card?申办现金卡我需要准备些什么?collateraln. 抵押品;担保品Without collateral, Mr. Thomas wasnt able to get a loan.由于没担保品,汤玛斯先生的贷款办不下来。credit card信用卡I need to r

8、eport a stolen credit card.我要报信用卡失窃。credit limit信用额度Be care of outrageous credit limits, which may lead to uncontrollable spending.要小心信用额度别订得太高,这可能会导致花费无度。credit rating信用评等Bobs poor repayment history has really hurt his credit rating.巴柏不良的还款记录对他的信用评等造成很大的伤害。debit card签帐卡You can use this debit card a

9、lmost anywhere in the world.这张签帐卡你几乎全世界任何地方都可使用。debt consolidation负债整合Before you consider debt consolidation, closely examine the proposal.在考虑负债整合之前,要仔细检视其还款方桉。defaultn. 违约The company is in default on its loan agreement.该公司违反其贷款合约。freezev. 冻结(帐户)The bank froze my credit card account after I reported

10、 it stolen.在我报失信用卡后,银行冻结了我的信用卡户头。installmentn. 分期付款Penny will pay off her student loans in 60 installments.潘妮将分六十期偿还她的助学贷款。loann. 贷款I confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the loan agreement.我确认已阅读并瞭解这份贷款协议的条件与规定。minimum finance charge每月最低应缴金额Some credit cards have a mi

11、nimum finance charge.有些信用卡有每月最低应缴金额的限制。mortgagen. 房贷;抵押借款Rick has a twenty-year mortgage.瑞克要缴二十年的房贷。outstandingadj. 未清偿的;未付清的Our records show you have an outstanding balance of $6,0我们资料显示您有一笔六千元的款项未付。refinancev. 重新贷款When deciding whether or not to refinance, there are many factors to consider.在决定是否重

12、新贷款时,有许多因素要考量。statementn. 帐单明细The fee for issuing a replacement card will be charged to your next statement.信用卡补发费用将併入您下个月的帐单明细。商务英语必备1000字(3)bouncev. 跳(票)Oh no! My check to City Supermarket bounced!喔,糟了!我开给城市超市的支票跳票了!cashiers check本票Pre-payment with cashiers check or money order is accepted预付款用本票或汇

13、票都可以。checkn. 支票I dont have cash. Can I write you a check?我没有现金,可以开支票给你吗?clearing house票据交换所;清算所A clearing house is an office where banks exchange checks and drafts.票据交换所是银行交换支票、汇票的地方。endorsev. 背书Can you endorse the back of the check, please?可以麻烦你在支票背面签名背书吗?financial institution金融机构Many big financial

14、 institutions raised their interest rates today.许多大型金融机构都在今天升息。maturev.(定存、票据等)到期When does my CD mature?我的定存何时到期?money order汇票Can I pay with money order?我可以用汇票付款吗?paycheckn. 薪资支票The HR assistant distributes employee paychecks every month.人资部助理每个月会分发员工的薪资支票。postdated check远期支票Im sorry. We dont accept

15、 postdated checks.抱歉,我们不收远期支票。stop payment止付My father called the bank to stop payment on the check.我父亲打电话到银行止付那张支票。travelers check旅行支票In what denominations would you like the travelers checks?你要哪种面额的旅行支票?商务英语必备1000字(4)business operation 企业经营1 office procedures 办公室流程badgen. 名牌;识别证Employees should wea

16、r their badges at all times in the building.员工在大楼内必须随时佩戴名牌。coworkern. 同事Shelly always goes to lunch with the same coworkers.雪莉总是固定和那几位同事去吃午餐。dress code服装规订We have a casual dress code.我们对上班服装规定很宽鬆。escortv. 陪同Jenny, could you escort our visitor to the door?珍妮,麻烦你送我们客人到门口。inventoryn. 库存The company does

17、nt need to keep inventory, unlike its competitors in online retailing.不像其它线上零售业的竞争者,该公司不需要有库存。meeting room会议室Lets head over to the meeting room where well have more space.我们到会议室去,那裡有比较多空间。punch in上班打卡Jason usually punches in around 8:50 a.m.杰生通常大约在早上八点五十打卡上班。receptionistn. 柜檯人员;接待人员As Sam came in th

18、e door, the receptionist greeted him.当山姆进门时,接待员前来招呼他。requisition form需求单You need to fill out the purchase requisition form and have it signed by your supervisor.你必须填採购需求单并请你主管签名。security guard保全人员There are two security guards in the lobby.大厅裡有两位保全人员。security system保全系统Cary put his key card into the

19、security system slot.凯瑞将他的钥匙卡插入保全系统。shreddern. 碎纸机Our shredder is broken, so Ill tear these confidential documents up manually.我们的碎纸机坏掉了,所以我会徒手将这些机密文件撕碎。stockroomn. 储藏室You can walk to the stockroom to see if theres any toner cartridge left.你可以到储藏室看看碳粉匣有没有剩。swipe card刷卡What if I lose my swipe card?如果

20、我弄丢了刷卡该怎麼办?商务英语必备1000字(5)2 management 经营管理administrationn. 行政;管理Pamela, could you give us an overview of the Administration Department?潘蜜拉,你可不可以為我们简介一下行政部门?assignmentn. 分派;任务It was difficult for me to take care of both Johns assignment and my own responsibilities.要同时兼顾分派给约翰的任务和我自己的职责是很困难的。auditn. 稽查

21、;稽核Accounting irregularities were found during the audit.稽核时发现了一些会计缺失。authorityn. 权限Im afraid I dont have the authority to approve that.这个我恐怕没有权限核准。bankruptcyn. 破产After losing money for two years, the company declared bankruptcy.亏了两年之后,该公司宣告破產。corner the market垄断市场Our goal is to corner the market na

22、tionwide.我们的目标是要垄断全国市场。corporate culture企业文化The biggest challenge for Freedom Group will be to maintain its corporate culture.弗瑞登集团最大的挑战将是维繫其企业文化。developmentn. 发展;开发Although product development is important, we also need to upgrade our distribution network.產品开发固然重要,但我们也必须改进我们的配销网。diversifyv. 多角化 ; 多

23、样化Lets not put all our money in one investment. Lets diversify.我们不要把钱全放在同一项投资,我们要多样化投资。downsizev. 缩编Downsizing is one way to reduce costs.缩编是降低成本的途径之一。innovationn. 创新The company encourages innovation.该公司鼓励创新。mergern. 合併;併购The two companies decided to complete the merger.这两家公司决定完成合併。operationn. 营运Our

24、 company has been in operation since 1996.我们公司自一九九六年开始营运。riskn. 危机;风险This hands-off approach could lead to huge risks for the companies.这种放手不管的作法可能会為企业带来巨大风险。strategyn. 策略Peter Senge is one of the most progressive thinkers about business strategy in the world today.彼得?圣吉是当今世上在企业策略领域最具革新的思想家。subordin

25、aten. 下属Mr. Brown valued opinions from his subordinates.布朗先生重视下属的意见。track record绩效纪录Partner Investments is hiring brokers with great investment track records.帕特嫩投资公司将聘请投资绩效卓越的经纪人。商务英语必备1000字(6)communication 通讯1 on the phone 电话英语call center电话客服中心Adam had a job at a call center during his college year

26、s.亚当大学时代曾在某家电话客服中心工作过。call waiting电话插拨The new office phones have call waiting.新办公室电话有插拨功能。caller ID来电显示器My phone number is configured to block caller ID on outgoing calls.我的电话设定拨出时不显示号码。cell phone手机John uses his cell phone to send text messages to his friends.约翰用手机传简讯给他的朋友。cold call陌生电访;主动以电话推销商品As

27、part of her job, Betty has to make cold calls to potential clients.贝蒂必须针对潜在客户进行陌生电访,因為那是工作的一部分。cordlessadj. 无线的Cordless phones allow you to move around freely while talking.无线电话让你在讲电话时可自由移动。dial tone拨号音The phone must be out of order if you cant hear a dial tone.如果听不到拨号音,电话一定是坏了。directory assistance查

28、号服务For English directory assistance, please dial 106.英语查号服务,请拨106。extensionn. 分机号码Im at extension 123.我的分机号码是123。long-distance call长途电话The phone company offers a flat rate for long-distance calls.这家电话公司对长途电话提供统一费率。payphonen. 公共电话Is there a payphone around here?这附近哪裡有公共电话?receivern. 电话筒On the third r

29、ing, I quickly picked up the receiver.电话响了三声,我急忙拿起话筒。receptionn. 收讯;接收I need to find an area with good reception to make a call.我得找个收讯好的地区打电话。telemarketingn. 电话行销The telemarketing industry is growing in India.电话行销產业在印度正逐渐成长。text message简讯Do you often receive unwanted text messages on your cell phone

30、?你的手机是否经常收到不想要的简讯?toll-freeadj. 免付费的Please call our toll-free number, 0800-080-123.请拨我们的免付费电话 0800-080-123。touch-tone phone按键式电话Most new telephones are touch-tone phones.现在大部分新电话都是按键式的。transferv. 转接Please hold the line while I transfer you.请稍候,我帮您转接。voicemailn. 语音信箱Calls to your number are automatically forwarded to voicemail if you dont answer within 30 seconds如果你三十秒内未接电话,来电会自动转到语音信箱。wrong number打错电话Sorry, you have the wrong number.抱歉,你打错电话了。商务英语必备1000字(7)2 e-mail 电子邮件

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