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1、仁爱版八年级英语上册教学案例设计Unit2Topic1P1 Unit 2 Keeping Healthy Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Keeping Healthy 为主题。话题一主要学习情态动词should和had better的用法,学会描述身体各部位病痛以及如何寻求和给出建议。Section A通过Kangkang 和Betty的对话,呈现了询问病情的表达方式:Whats wrong with you? I have a ,以及表达关心所提的建议:You should 和You sho

2、uldnt,同时介绍了感冒、头疼等常见病的名称。Section B将生病、关心询问及提建议综合运用,呈现了提建议的另外两种说法sb. had better (not) do sth和Why dont you? 对话中还呈现询问对方病情的问句及对病情的描述。Section C讲述了Michael 因运动不当受伤,同学们积极护送他到医院就医的故事。巩固了提建议的说法I think you should see a doctor. 又呈现了两种提建议的说法:(1) You can take him home. (2) You need to rest at home for a week. 和一些新

3、的短语。Section D讲述了Michael受伤在家休息,同学们到家看望他的过程。对话巩固了本单元提建议的几种说法:(1) Youd better do sth. (2) Follow the doctors advice. (3) Dont worry. 呈现了一些新的短语:nothing serious, stay in bed, worry about, follow the doctors advice等。最后以Choose Dr. Best的 Project来综合运用本话题所学的情态动词、有用表达和表疾病的词汇。Topic的的内容可以用5个课时来完成。第一课时:Section A-

4、1a, 1b, 1c,2.第二课时:Section A-3, Section B-1a,1b,1c, 2,3.第三课时:Section C-1a,1b,1c,1d.第四课时:Section C-2, 3,Section D-2,Section B-4a,4b.第五课时:Section D-1,Grammar and Functions, Project.第一课时(Section A-1a, 1b, 1c,2)教学设计思路:本节课主要活动为Section A 的1a,1c和2。首先教师由图片教学新单词并导入对1a的泛听,完成1b的三个选择题,接着学生通过细听1c,为听力内容中描述的图片排序并操练

5、对话。然后完成活动的匹配练习,最后根据1c和2,小组内两人一组创编对话,熟练运用本节课所学的新词汇和句型。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)能在口头和书面表达中正确运用以下短语:have a cold, have a fever, have a cough, have a headache, have a toothache, have a backache, have a stomachache等。 (2) 能正确地运用should, shouldnt 提建议:You should drink enough boiled water.You should

6、nt drink coffee or tea in the evening. 2. Skill aims: (1) 能听懂有关日常小病的名称及相关话题。(2) 能用should, shouldnt 结合本单元短语描述日常生活小病并提出有益的建议。 (3) 能正确朗读介绍日常小病的对话或文章。(4) 用恰当的方式向身体不适的人提出建议。3. Emotional aims:通过语言学习,教会学生信任他人、关心他人,为我们的健康生活创建友爱、和谐的氛围。4. Culture awareness:. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:ha

7、ve a cold, have a fever, have a cough, have a headache, have a toothache, have a backache, have a stomachache等短语的理解及运用。 2. Difficult points: 就日常小病用英语提建议。. Learning strategies 1. 培养学生根据单词的构成猜单词意思的能力。2. 识别和记忆句型可以帮助学生更流利地说英语。. Teaching aids计算机多媒体投影仪,1c中的图片。 V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(4mins):Getting

8、students ready for learningStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Class activity)Get students ready for learning. Ask one student to give the daily Report.T: Today, our monitor of English would like to give a report about her sports plan. Please!T: Why does she like sports?T: Can you

9、 ask more questions according to her report? And who would you like to answer your question?Focus their attention on the teacher. Monitor gives the report while the others listen and try to understand.A sample:I like sports. Because I want to be stronger, healthier and more beautiful. I do exercise

10、in the gym for one hour on Wednesday morning. On Saturday afternoon, I often go to play PingPang with my father from 4:00 to 5:30. Tomorrow morning, I am going to fly a kite in the park. I think that its goodfor our health to do much exercise.S1: She wants to be more beautiful;S2: To be stronger;S3:

11、To be healthier;S4: Yes. When does she do exercise in the gym for one hour ? S5,Please.S5:On Wednesday morning.该部分目的在于吸引学生注意力,以便顺利展开本课学习。Remark: 该部分可分两步进行:第一步进行师生间常规问候,拉近师生间距离;第二步进行常规任务值日报告。Stage 2(4mins):Pre-listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose 1( Class work )Lead to the

12、new topic, and teach some new word.T:Yes, if we exercise every day, we will be healthier and stronger. If you dont take part in any sports activities, you will get ill more easily like the children here.” Present some pictures about the new words: fever, cough, headache and stomachache. Guide studen

13、ts to learn the words with the phonetic symbols, showing the verb phrases under the pictures. T:Can you guess the meanings of backache and headache according to toothache?T: When someone doesnt feel well, we can ask them: “Whats wrong with you?” or “Whats the matter with you?” . Now you can ask and

14、answer in pairs, using “have a cough”, “have a headache”, and “have a toothache”. Follow the teacher and learn some new words.Read the words according to the phonetic symbols and guess the meanings according to the pictures.Ss: Yes. 背痛、头痛 S1: Whats the matter?S2:I have a cough.S3: Whats wrong with y

15、ou?S4: I have a headache该部分目的在于通过激活学生已有知识来引入新单词、新句型,为本节课的活动设置情景以及做好句型准备。2(Class work )Ask the Ss to read through 1b. T: Betty and Kangkang are talking about illness. Lets listen and finish 1b. First, you should look through 1b and make sure you know what to do.”T: Do you know the meaning of the word

16、 “suggest”?T: Its synonym is “advise”.Look through 1b and make sure they know what to do.Ss: No.Ss: Oh, I see.Remark:学生可通过观察 toothache这一单词的构成来猜测 backache和headache的意思。老师可顺便讲一下-ache这个后缀的含义。Stage 3(12mins):While-listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class work)Finish 1b.Play

17、the recording of 1a and guide the Ss to finish 1b.T: Now ,lets listen to the conversation between Betty and Kangkang. Then try to choose the correct answers to the three questions.T: Have you got the answers? Volunteers?Listen to 1a and try to choose the best answers of 1b.Ss: Yes.S1:Kangkang has a

18、toothache.S2: Betty suggests that Kangkang should see a dentist.S3: Betty hopes Kangkang will get well soon.2(Class work)Play the recording of 1c for the students.T: Next, you will listen to several short dialogues about illness in the pictures of 1c. But they are out of order.So you need to listen

19、and number them.T: Whod like to tell us the right order?Listen to the recording of 1c and number the pictures.S1:The right order is 4-1-3-5-7-6-2.该部分目的在于让学生能够听音辨认出所学单词。Remark:Stage 4(15mins):Post-listeningStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(pair work)Ask the students to practice i

20、n pairs according to the example 1c.T: Now please ask and answer in pairs after the example in 1c. Two mins for you to prepare. Then each group recommends one pair to act it out.Practice in pairs. making sure everyone can say the dialogue correctly.G1:S1: Whats wrong with you?S2:I have a cough.S1: W

21、hats wrong with him?S2: He has a headache.G2:该部分目的在于巩固Section A中出现的与健康和病重相关的句型和词汇。2(Pair work)Start on 2Show pictures of new words on the screen “coffee, tea, boiled water ” with phonetic symbols. Then get the Ss to finish 2.T: Look at the pictures. Can you read the words according to the phonetic s

22、ymbols?T: Lets come to part 2.Here the word “lift” means “carry” . Now you can complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. Then practice with your partner.T: Have you finished it? Who can tell us the answer?Look at the pictures and guess the meanings of the new words, and then pronounce them

23、 according to the pictures. Then complete the blanks in 2.Ss: Yes. coffee, tea, boiled water.S1:The right answer is 4-2-1-3.3(pair work)Ask the students to make up new conversations according to 2 and 1c.T:Its time for you to work in pairs. now you can make up conversations according to 1c and 2.Eac

24、h group will choose the best pair to show the conversation to the whole class.T: Perfect!Practice 2 in pairs.S2:Whats wrong with you?S3:I have a headache.S2:Im sorry to hear that. I think you should stay in bed and have a good sleep.Remark:识别和记忆句型可以帮助学生更流利地说英语。Stage 5(5mins):Summarizing and assignin

25、g HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Summarize the key points of section A.T: OK. Class will be over soon, Now lets summarize what we have learnt in this lesson. What have we learned? T: Perfect!Summarize Section A with the teacher.S1: We learned some names of d

26、iseases. S2:We know that when we ask about others illness, We should ask“ whats wrong/the matter with ”. S3:We can give advice using should and shouldnt to others who is ill.总结本课所学,帮助学生使知识条理化,再一次巩固本课的知识点。2 (Class activity) Assign the HMKAsk the students to write down an interview according to 1c and

27、 2Review the summary after class.Ask students to preview Section B after class by themselves.Finish the following tasks:Each student interviews one student and write their interviews down after class.Memorize the summary after class.Learn to read vocabulary with the help of recording and the phoneti

28、c symbols, and read the dialog after the recording.适当的家庭作业有助于巩固课堂所学的知识。Remark:VI. Blackboard design第一课时(section A-1a, 1b, 1c, 2)Whats wrong with you? have a fever / coughI have a bad cold. have a headache / stomachacheYou should drink enough watersee a dentist.You shouldnt lift heavy thingsI hope youll get well soon.

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