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1、253李焕英语必修2第5单元第3课时文档Book 2 Unit 5 MusicLanguage points第3课时)【创设情景 引入新知】Do you know these singers ? Who do you like best ?【知识精讲】知识点详解1.formn形状,形态,外形;表格,形式 vt. (使)组成;形成;构成;排列(原文P34)But just how do people form a band?但是人们是怎样组成一个乐队的呢?知识点详解【详解】拓展: Formal adj. 正式的,正规的,形式上的 Formally adv. 正式地 Formless adj.无形

2、的 Former adj. 前者的,以前的固定短语:In the form of 以 的形式 in form 形式上,情况良好Form into 组成Fill in the form 填表格Form the habit of 养成 的习惯例句These snowy mountain tops form a beautiful picture that will make any viewers speechless.这些白雪皑皑的山峰构成了一幅美丽的图画,美得会让任何游客无法用语言形容。A plan began to form in his mind.一个计划开始在他的脑海中形成。To app

3、ly for a job,you must fill in/out a form. 申请工作要填表。He has formed the habit of getting up early.他已经养成了早起的习惯。Japan is formed of four large islands.日本是由四个大岛组成的。典型例题Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request _ a question.Ain search of Bin the form ofCin need of Din the direction of解析:选B。句意:如果你以问题

4、的形式提出要求,那么会显得更有礼貌。in search of寻找,寻求;in the form of以形式;in need of (in want of)需要;in the direction of朝着方向。又如:I told him the bad news in the form of telling the story.我以讲故事的形式告诉了他这个噩耗。2.pretendvt.& vi.假装;假扮;扮演(原文P34)Do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan?你唱

5、卡拉OK并假装你是宋祖英或刘欢那样的著名歌星吗?知识点详解【详解】 pretend sth. 伪称某事物(尤用做借口)pretend to do.假装做pretend to ben. (adj.) 假装是pretend to be doing.假装正在做pretend to have done. 假装已做pretend thatclause 假装例句He pretended to his family that everything was fine.他对家人佯称一切都好。When his mother came in,he pretended to be doing his homework

6、.妈妈进来时,他假装正在做作业。He pretended not to have heard about it.他假装没听过这事。典型例题完成句子(1)他假装早就知道了问题的答案。He _ _ _ _ the answer to the problem.答案:pretended to have known (2)我们来做游戏,假装我们是警察。Lets play a game and _ _ were policemen.答案:pretend that 3.attachvt.& vi.附加;缚上;系上;贴上;使依恋;连接(原文P34)To be honest,a lot of people at

7、tach great importance to becoming rich and famous.说实在地,许多人把名和利看得很重要。知识点详解【详解】attached adj. 依恋的,留恋的attachment n. C附件C,U依恋;眷恋;深爱attach sth. to sth. 把某物系到某物上attach yourself to sb./sth. 参加,和在一起attach to sb./sth.与有联系,与有关联be attached to sb./sth. 依恋,留恋例句They have attached a number of conditions to the agre

8、ement.他们在协议上附加了一些条件。I attach great importance to this research.我认为这项研究十分重要。He attached himself to me at the party and I couldnt get rid of him.在聚会上他老是缠着我,我简直无法摆脱他。典型例题Parents _ much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.AattachBpay Clink Dapply解析

9、:选A。句意:父母都十分重视教育,他们会竭尽所能给他们的孩子们那种极其贵重的礼物。attach importance(significance,value,weight)to.认为有重要性(意义、价值、分量);pay付钱;把和连接在一起;把应用于。4.familiaradj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的(原文P34)They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them.他们是如此受欢迎以至于为了能与他们更熟悉,他们的歌迷们组成了俱乐部。 知识

10、点详解【详解】 (1)be familiar with 对熟悉。其主语通常是指“人”的名词;with后的宾语是主语所通晓的事物。(2)be familiar to 为所熟悉。其主语通常是人们所通晓的人或事物, to后的宾语常是指“人”的名词。(3)sb. be familiar with sb. 某人与某人亲密无间例句Are you familiar with the computer software they use?你熟悉他们使用的计算机软件吗?Since I am familiar with Beijing,I can help visitors find their way in t

11、he city.我熟悉北京,所以可以给游客指路。Your name is familiar to me. 你的名字我很熟悉。即境活用我对这辆车很熟悉,这车与你的不一样。Im _ _ this car,which is not _ _yours.答案:familiar with;similar to5.break up打碎;散开;解体;结束;放假;分裂(原文P34)The band broke up about 1970,but happily they reunited in the mid1980s.乐队在1970年左右解散了,但令人高兴的是,他们在80年代中期又重组起来了。知识点详解【详解

12、】 拓展:(1)break away from 脱离(2)break down 分解,出毛病,(计划、谈判)失败;(谈话、通讯)中断(3)break into 闯入(4)break in 强行进入,插话(5)break off 打断,折断(6)break out 爆发,发生(不用于被动语态)(7)break through 突破例句 The meeting broke up at eleven oclock. 会议在十一点散会。 Shes just broken up with her boyfriend.她刚刚和男朋友分手。After a fire broke out in the lab,

13、a lot of equipment was damaged.实验室发生火灾,很多设备被毁。即境活用用break up;break in;break out;break into填空:(1)The war caused many families to_.答案:break up(2)Dont _ while we are talking.答案:break in(3)Thieves _ the bank by digging a tunnel.答案:broke into(4)A serious forest fire _ last Monday.答案:broke out6.rely on依靠;信

14、赖;指望(回归课本P34)As some of these actors could not sing well enough,they had to rely on other musicians to help them.由于一些演员唱得不够好,他们只好依靠别的乐手来帮助他们。 知识点详解【详解】 1)依靠,依赖。同live on 或 depend on “依赖”。rely on ones own efforts 依靠自己的努力(2)信任,依赖。同 believe in, depend on。rely on/upon sb. to do sth. 指望某人做某事rely on/upon s

15、b. doing sth. 相信某人会做某事rely on/upon it that. 相信(事情),指望例句These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.现在,我们在很大程度上依赖电脑来安排我们的工作。You can rely on me to keep your secret.你可以相信我一定会为你保守秘密。The success of this project relies on everyone making an effort.本项目的成功有赖于诸位一起努力。You may rely on it that h

16、e will come to meet you.你放心好了,他会来接见你的。即境活用You cant rely _ him to do the job properly. He doesnt have any experience.AtoBwith Con Din解析:选C。rely on do sth.“指望某人做某事,相信某人会做某事”,故C项符合。7.【P34原文】The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music,most of which was based loosely on the

17、 Beatles.(P34)音乐家们组成乐队演奏音乐,还彼此打趣逗笑。这些玩笑和音乐大多都在模仿“甲壳虫”乐队。【句法分析】most of which是“名词/代词介词关系代词”结构引导定语从句。此类结构常见的有:some/several/a few/a little/many/more/mostof which/whom等形式。There is a room,the window of which faces the river.那儿有一间房子,窗户朝着这条河。Present at the meeting were almost experts on DNA,most of whom cam

18、e from the USA.出席会议的大都是DNA专家,其中大部分来自美国。Recently I bought an ancient vase,the price of which was very reasonable.最近我买了个古代的花瓶,它的价钱很合理。典型例题The newlybuilt cafe,the walls of _ are painted light green,is really a peaceful place for us,especially after hard work.AthatBit Cwhat Dwhich解析:选D。句意:墙壁被粉刷成为淡绿色的那个新

19、建的咖啡馆对我们来说确实是一个宁静的地方,尤其是辛劳工作之后。此处构成then.ofwhich,引导非限制性定语从句,which指代cafe。8. 【P34原文】They may start as a group of highschool students,for whom practicing their music in someones house is the first step to fame. 他们开始可能是一组中学生,在某个人家里排练音乐是成名的第 一步。 知识点详解【详解】 for whom.是一个由“介词关系代词”引导的定语 从句。此时,介词的选用要么与前面的先行词有搭配

20、关系,要么 与后面从句中的动词或形容词有搭配关系。此句中for与前面的 students有搭配关系,“对学生来说”。The village around which many trees are planted is a very good place to live in. 这村子的四周种了很多树,是一个理想的居住地。 In the dark street,there wasnt a single person to whom she could turn for help. 在漆黑的街上,没有一个人她可以求助。 典型例题The author,_ all of us are familiar

21、,will visit our company.A. whom B. where C. in which D. with whom解析:选D 句意:那位我们大家都很熟悉的作家将来我们公司访问。先行词是The author,用 whom 指人,be familiar with .【课堂小结】1. 理解运用知识精讲中的知识点2 预习定语从句 P37 Read the passage and complete it using attributive clauses, some of which may use prep.+ which/whom.There have been many popul

22、ar bands in the world, _ the most famous was the Beatles. The four young men _ made up the band only performed and recorded from 1963 to 1970. During those years they gave many concerts, _ they played all their latest hits. They made many records, _ they will always be remembered. Their songs were a

23、 mixture of rock and roll and ballads, _ they often wrote about their own lives and problems. Although they were not trained actors, they took part in films _ they often played themselves. Their performances were humorous and interesting. Their fans, _ the Beatles would not have been so famous, at l

24、ast caused problems for them. They followed them everywhere. Finally they stopped their concerts in order to live quieter lives, although their songs remain as popular as ever.Key: 1.of which , 2.who which 4.for which which 6 during which/in which 7.without which 【延伸阅读】 In 1997, a group of

25、 twenty British women made history. Working in five teams with four women in each team, they walked to the North Pole. Apart from one experienced female guide,the other women were all ordinary people who had never done anything like this in their lives before. They managed to survive in an environme

26、nt which had defeated several very experienced men during the same time period. Once on the ice, each woman had to ski along while dragging a sledge (雪橇) weighing over 50 kilos. The Arctic ice is pushed up into huge piles two or three meters high, and the sledges had to be pulled up one side and car

27、efully let down the other all on rough surface so that they didnt become damaged. The temperature was always below the freezing point and sometimes strong winds made walking while pulling so much weight almost impossible. It was also very difficult for them to put up their tents when they stopped ea

28、ch night. In such conditions, the women were making good progress if they covered fourteen or fifteen kilometers a day. However, part of the journey was across a frozen sea with moving water underneath the ice and at some points the team would drift (漂流) back more than five kilometers during the nig

29、ht. That meant that after walking in these very severe conditions for ten hours on one day, they had to spend part of the next day covering the same ground again. So, how did they manage to succeed? They realized that they were part of a team. If any one of them didnt pull her sledge or get her job

30、done, she would endanger the success of the whole expedition. Any form of selfishness could result in the efforts of everyone else being completely wasted, so personal feelings had to be put to one side. At the end of their journey, the women agreed that it was mental effort far more than physical fitness that got them to the North Pole.56.What does the passage seem to tell us ? Key : The Arctic conditions are very severe课时作业教材作业Do P 36 exerc

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