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1、英语听力原文Passage 1 Meeting on CampusTeacher: Oh, hi. What was your name again? I cant keep straight all the students names this being the second day of school.Student: Its okay. I have a hard time remembering names myself.Teacher: How, uh, Karen, right?Student: No, its Nancy. My moms name is Karen.Teac

2、her: Nancy. Okay. I think I heard you were from England.Student: Well, I was born there, but my parents are Americans. I grew up in France.Teacher: Oh, a world traveller!Student: But then we moved here when I was nine.Teacher: So, what does your father do now?Student: Well, hes a college professor,

3、and he is in Scotland at the moment.Teacher: How interesting. What does he teach?Student: He teaches Chemistry.Teacher: Oh, Chemistry, and uh, what about your mother?Student: She works full time at home.Teacher: Oh, and what, does she have her own business or something?Student: Nah, she takes care o

4、f me.Teacher: Well, being a homemaker can be really hard, but rewarding job.Student: I think so, too. Passage 2 My MajorJim: Hey, Karen, you are not really reading it, are you?Karen: Pardon?Jim: The book! You havent turned the page in the last ten minutes.Karen: No, Jim. I suppose I havent. I need t

5、o get through it, but I keep drifting away.Jim: So it doesnt really hold your interest?Karen: No, not really. I wouldnt bother with it, to be honest. But I have to read it for a seminar. Im at a university.Jim: Its a labor of labor rather than a labor of love.Karen: I should say I dont like Dickens

6、at all really, the author; indeed, I am starting to like the whole course less and less.Jim: Its not just the book. Its the course as well?Karen: Yeah, in a way, although the course itself isnt really that bad, a lot of it is pretty good. In fact, and the lecturer is fine. As to me, I suppose you se

7、e, I want to do philosophy rather than English, but my parents took me out of it.Jim: So the courses are OK as such, its just that had it been left to you, you would choose a different one.Karen: Oh, they had my best interest at heart, of course, my parents, they always do, dont they? They believe t

8、hat my job prospect would be pretty limited with the degree of philosophy. Plus, they give me a really generous allowance, but I am beginning to feel that Im wasting my time and their money. They would be so disappointed if I told them I was quitting.Passage 3 Computer ProgramKaren: Hello, Klarkson

9、College. May I help you?Jim: Yes. Im looking for information on courses in computer programming. I need it for the fall semester.Karen: Do you want a day or evening course?Jim: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day.Karen: Uh-huh. Have you taken any courses in data p

10、rocessing?Jim: No.Karen: Oh, well, data processing is a prerequisite course. You have to take that course before you can take computer programming.Jim: Oh, I see. Well, when is it given? I hope its not on Thursdays.Karen: Well, theres a class that meets on Monday evenings at seven.Jim: Just once a w

11、eek?Karen: Yes. But thats almost three hours, from 7 to 9:45 p.m.Jim: Oh, thats all right. I can manage that. How many weeks does the course last?Karen: Um, let me see.12 weeks. You start the first week in September and finish . oh, just before Christmas, December 21st.Jim: And how much is the cours

12、e?Karen: Thats $300 and that includes the necessary computer time.Jim: Uh-huh, OK. Um, where do I go to register?Karen: Registration is on the 2nd and 3rd of September, between 6 and 9 p. m., in Frost Auditorium.Jim: Is that the round building behind the parking lot?Karen: Yes, thats the one.Jim: Oh

13、, I know how to get there. Oh, is there anything I should bring with me?Karen: No, just your check book.Jim: Well, thank you so much.Karen: You are very welcome. Bye. Jim: Bye-bye.Passage 4 A Trip to CanberraMan: Lets just go over the arrangements for my trip to Canberra.Woman: Sure, here is your sc

14、hedule. Youre flying at 9:55 on Saturday morning. Thats Australian Airways Flight 404. You have to check in two hours before, so Ive arranged a car to pick you up from your home at 7:05.Man: Good. What time does the flight get into Canberra?Woman: It gets into Canberra at 22: 40. Thats the local tim

15、e, of course. I have booked you a room at the Hilton Hotel. Theyre going to send a car to pick you up.Man: Fine. Now when am I seeing Mr. Smith?Woman: Monday morning at 10:00. By the way, Miss Green is coming to the meeting as well. Man: Thats good news. We wont have to arrange a separate meeting. A

16、nd have the tour of the new plant in Canberra and the meeting with the directors been arranged for Tuesday?Woman: Yes, they will pick you up in the morning at 9:00, and plan to show you the plant, take you to lunch, and return you to the hotel at about 5 p.m.Man: Good. Now, has my visa arrived?Woman

17、: No, not yet. Ill phone the embassy and find out if theyve send it off yet.Man: Thanks. And could you order some travelers checks?Woman: Sure, Ill phone the bank.Passage 5 A ScheduleRandall: Hi Faith. Do you have a minute?Faith: Sure. Whats up? Randall: Well, I just wanted to go over the schedule f

18、or Wednesdays orientation meeting to make sure everything is ready.Faith: Okay. Heres a copy of the tentative schedule. Okay. Now, the registration starts at 8: 30 and goes until 9:15. Alright. Then, the orientation meeting will commence at 9:30.Randall: Okay. Now, we had planned originally for the

19、meeting to go until 10:30, but now we have someone from the international center coming to speak to the students on extracurricular activities, so how about ending the meeting around 11:00?Faith: Fine. And, uh, then students will take the placement tests from 11:15 until noonOkay., followed by 20-mi

20、nute break before lunch. Okay. And, immediately after lunch, we have reserved a campus shuttle to give students a 45-minute tour starting at 1:30. Oh. Okay. We want to show students around the university, including the union building, the library, and the student services building.Randall: Great. No

21、w, how about the oral interviews?Faith: Well, were planning to start them at 2:15.Randall: Uh, well, teachers are going to be up to their ears in preparations, and theyll be hard pressed to start then.Faith: Okay, lets get things rolling around 2:45.Randall: Okay, here, let me jot that down. Uh, cou

22、ld you grab a pen off my desk?Faith: Right. Finding anything on your desk is like finding a needle in a hay stack. Oh, its not that bad. Here, use mine.Randall: Okay. And well need 150 copies of this program guide by then.Faith: Hey. Thats a tall order on such short notice! How about lending me a ha

23、nd to put things together Okay. by this afternoon, so we dont have to worry about them?Randall: Okay. And I think the manager has given the green light to go ahead and use the more expensive paper and binding for the guides this time.Faith: Okay. So the interviews will go from 2:45 until, lets say,

24、4:30. Okay. I hope we can wrap things up by 5:00.Randall: Great. I think the bottom line is to keep things running smoothly throughout the day.Faith: I agree. Ill pass this schedule by the director for a final look.Passage 6 Dealing with Family IssuesDealing with family problems can be one of the mo

25、st stressful issues facing a college student. Maybe you grew up in a family with considerate problems. Maybe family problems erupted once you left for school. In either case, trying to deal with these problems can be very disruptive to college life; but learning to face these issues in a productive

26、way will help you become emotionally stronger and have a better college experience. Lets first consider the example that problems occurred in your family once you left for school. Perhaps your parents decided to get a divorce or one of family members developed a physical or psychological illness. Th

27、ese are just some examples that often occur but there could be many others. These issues may leave you feeling confused and alone. Sometimes students feel they are responsible for resolving some of the family issues and this adds an extra emotional burden. In any of these situations it is best if yo

28、u can have open communication with members of your family. This means that you talk directly to the person with whom you have concerns. Sometimes students get caught in the middle and become messengers for their parents or siblings. This is not a healthy pattern of communication and is only likely t

29、o contribute to your distress rather than reduce it. It is important to remember that you cannot change your family but you can change the way you respond. Being responsible for your feelings and communicating them in a forthright and respectful way may help others to do so as well.Passage 7 lllness

30、Woman: Hello, thanks for calling Smith P &G Office, may I help you?Man 1: Hello, Susan, this is Peter. I have a doctors appointment this afternoon. Are you going to be in the office, or do you have a meeting in the conference room? .Woman: Ill be here. And, dont worry. I dont have much on for today,

31、 so Ill handle all of your calls.Man 1: Thanks. Im expecting a call from my lawyer. Hes supposed to be sending me some changes to the contracts.Woman: Ill make sure to take a detailed message if he calls. Is there anything you want to tell him?Man 1: Well, you could remind him that Im going to need

32、to come downtown and sign a few papers in front of him. Ill have to set something up for next week.Woman: Okay.Woman: Good afternoon, thanks for calling Smith P & G Office, may I help you? Man 2: Hello, may I speak to Peter?Woman: Im sorry, Peter is not here. But I can take the message or you can leave your phone number and I will tell him to call you when he is here.Man 2: Thanks a

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