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1、中考必背的60英语句型中考必背的60个英语句型 soon as 一.就.我一到那就给你打电话。Ill call you as soon as I arrive/ get to/ reach there.我刚旅行回来就见到了爷爷。I saw grandpa as soon as I came back from the trip.他一到家就开始下雨了。As soon as he got home, it began to rain.2.asas 和.一样李平做作业不如Lucy细心,所以她老犯同样的错误。Li Ping doesnt do homework as carefully as

2、Lucy, so she always makes/ keeps making the same mistake.我和他一样高。Ii am as tall as him.他跑得不如你快。He doesnt run as quickly as you.3.asas possible 尽可能.我会尽快给你打电话。I will call you as soon as possible.请尽早起床。Please get up as early as possible.学英语的最好方法是尽可能多听,多说。The best way to learn English well is to listen an

3、d speak as much as possible.4.ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物你可以向那边的警察求助。You can ask the policeman for help.无论她要什么,父母都会为她找到。No matter what she asks for, her parents will try to get it.他从不向父母要零花钱,是吗?He never asks pocket money from his parents, does he?5. 6. ask/tell sb. (not)/ (how) to do sth. 告诉某人(怎样)去做某事我父

4、亲经常问我如何使用电脑。My father often asks me how to use the computer.我妈妈让我不要太早去学校。My mother asked me not to go to school early.我们可以向物理老师问如何做这个实验。(experiment)we can ask our physics teacher how to do the afraid of doing/that 害怕做某事小女孩害怕独自在家。The little girl is afraid of staying at home alone.她害怕和

5、陌生人说话。She is afraid of talking to strangers.恐怕今天她来不了。Im afraid that she cant come busy doing sth. 忙着做某事学生们正忙着准备期末考试。The students are busy preparing for the final exam.他每天忙于做化学题而不读英语,所以英语学得不好。Hes busy doing the chemistry exercises instead of English, so he doesnt learn English well.我国体育健儿正

6、忙于备战2008年北京奥运会。The Chinese players are busy getting ready for the 2008 Beijing Olympic famous/late/ready/sorry for以而著名、干某事迟到。为准备,对某事感到抱歉她又上学迟到了。She is late for school again.法国以它的美酒和佳肴闻名于世。France is famous for its fine food and wine.我为今天晚上来晚了而感到抱歉。Im sorry for I was late this

7、 glad that 很高兴.很高兴你能来。Im glad that you can come.我很高兴妈妈同意教我怎么做各种面食了。Im glad that mum has agreed to teach me how to make different kinds of pasta.我很高兴听说他通过了这次考试。Im happy to hear that he has passed the exam.11.give/show/bring/lend/send/pass/tellsth. to sb.给某人某物,给某人看某物,给某人带来某物,借给某人某物,递给某人某物,告诉某人某事。我会把这个

8、消息告诉他的。Ill tell the news to him.你能借给我手机给我妈打个电话吗?Can you lend your mobile phone to me? Ill call my mum.这是我最喜欢的裙子,除了你我谁也不借。This is my favourite skirt. I wont lend it to anyone except sb. sth.为什么不给他买本字典呢?他急需一本字典。Why not buy him a dictionary? He is in great

9、 need of it.这是你和我之间的秘密,不要告诉任何人。Its the secret between you and me, dont tell anybody that.把这个玻璃杯递给他。Please give him the glass.13.eitheror 或者或者今天或明天来看他吧。Come to see him today or tomorrow.我妈妈或爸爸在平时做饭。Either my mum or my dad cooks.不是Tom就是Jim在上海出差。Either Tom or Jim is on business in Shanghai.14.enjoy/hat

10、e/like/finish/stop/mind/keep/go on doing sth.喜欢做某事,讨厌做某事 ,喜欢做某事,做完某事,停止做某事,介意做某事,一直做某事,继续做某事。现在学生们都喜欢以电话的方式进行交谈。The students like talking to each other by phone.这些数学题太难了,没有一个学生做完家庭作业。The math problem is too hard. None of the students has finished doing homework.我喜欢听音乐。I enjoy listening to music.15.f

11、ind it + adj to do sth. 发现做某事.在现代社会越来越多人发现保持健康很重要。In modern society more and more people find it important to keep healthy.我发现学习游泳很简单。I find it easy to learn swimming.我发现解决这个难题很难。I find it difficult to solve the problem.16.get + 比较级 变得./天气变得越来越冷,你最好多穿些衣服。The weather gets colder and colder, youd bett

12、er wear more clothes.事情变得越来越危险。Its getting more and more dangerous.这里的空气变得越来越干净。The air here is getting cleaner and cleaner.17.get ready for/get sth. Ready 为某事做准备别打扰他,他正在为期末考试做准备。Dont disturb him, he is getting ready for the final exam.你准备好迎接即将到来的足球赛了吗?Did you get yourself ready for the coming footb

13、all match?他们正在准备这个派对。They are getting ready for the party/ getting the party ready.18.had better (not) do sth. 最好(不)做某事你最好把收音机的声音关小点。你没看见妈妈正在睡觉吗?You had better turn down the radio. Cant you see mum is sleeping?我们在饭馆里最好保持安静。Wed better keep quiet in a restaurant你最好不要吃太多快餐。Youd better not eat too much

14、fast sb. (to) do/help sb.with 帮助某事做某事她经常在妈妈不在家时帮妈妈照看小妹妹。She always helps her mother look after her little sister while her mother is away.我哥哥过去常常帮妈妈做家务。My brother used to help Mum with the housework我经常帮同学们打扫卫生。I often helped my classmates do the cleaning.20.I dont think that 我认为.不我们把她送到

15、海滩去吧。我想她不认识路。Lets send her to the beach. I dont think she knows the way.我觉得在网上告诉一个陌生人家庭的事情不安全。I dont think it is safe for us to tell a stranger of our family online.我向他不会讲俄语,否则它不会用德语在这个会议上发言。I think he cant speak Russian, or he wont speak German at the meeting.21.I would like to /Would you like to?

16、我愿意 你愿意吗?如果可能的话,你给我买条新的宠物狗好吗?我保证这次一定好好照顾它。Would you like to buy me a new pet dog if possible? I promise to take good care of it this time.您能帮一下忙吗?Would you like to do me a favor?.我想和朋友们一起过春节。I would like to be with my friends for the Spring one of the + 最高级 + n(pl.) 是.的之一我们都为姚明感到骄傲,因为

17、他是世界上最好的篮球运动员之一。We are all proud of Yao Ming because he is one of the best basketball players in the world.周杰伦是中国最流行的明星之一。Jay Chou is one of the most popular stars in China.肯德鸡是全世界最火爆的快餐店之一KFC is one of the hottest fast food restaurants in the world.23.It is +adj. for sb. to do sth. 对于某人来说做某事如何对孩子们来

18、说,在动物园里观看各种各样的动物是很有趣的,对吗?Its very interesting for children to watch all kinds of animals in the zoo, isnt it?对他来说三天看完这么厚的书是很难的。Its difficult for him to finish reading such a thick book within three days.在课上作笔记很有帮助。It is helpful for us to take notes in class.24.It is a good idea to do sth. 做某事是很好的主意如

19、果你不喜欢匆匆忙忙的旅行,坐火车旅行真是个不错的主意。Its a good idea to travel by train if you hate the rushed trip.圣诞前夜在家装饰一棵圣诞树是个不错的主意。Its a good idea to decorate a Christmas tree at home on Christmas Eve.紧张的时候做一下深呼吸是一个不错的主意。Its a good idea to take a deep breath when you are nervous.25.It is the second + 最高级 +n. 是第二.海南岛是中国

20、第二大岛。Hainan Island is the second largest island in China.黄河是中国第二长河。The Yellow river is the second longest river in China.大阪是日本第二大城市Osaka is the second largest city in Japan.26.It looks like /It sounds like 看起来如何,听起来如何。别说了! 听声音那像是咱们老师。Stop talking! Listen! That sounds like our teacher.你的包看起来就像是一只考拉熊。

21、KoalaYou bag looks like a koala.那看起来像盐实际上是糖.That looks like salt but its sugar instead.27.It seems to sb. that 在某人看来在我看来,丽丽的英语是咱班最好的。It seems to me that Lilys English is the best in our class.在我看来他像是一个很好相处的人。It seems to me that he is a easygoing guy对我来说这辈子访问月球是可能的.It seems to me that visiting the mo

22、on in my life is possible28.It sounds +adj. /It looks +adj.(同26)它看上去很漂亮,是用来做什么的?It looks very nice. What is it used for?这个钟表看起来很可爱。The clock looks lovely.听说小明期末考试不及格,真是太糟糕了。It sounds terrible to get to know that he didnt pass the final exam.29.It takes sb some time. to do sth. 花费某人多长时间去干某事你能告诉我写这本书花

23、了他多长时间吗?Could you tell me how long it took him to finish writing this great book?他们花了十二个小时才完成整个旅程。It took them 12 hours to finish the journey.你们建这个三层楼的餐馆用了多长时间?How long did it take to build the three-storey restaurant.30.Its bad/good for 对.有坏处,对.有好处花太多时间玩游戏对你的眼睛不好。Its bad for your eyes to spend too

24、much time playing computer games.摄入太多脂肪对你身体有害。Its bad for you to eat too much fat.先锋队员那时从危险中逃离时非常不好的。Its not good for the pioneers to escape from the danger that time.31.Its time for/to do sth. 到了做某事的时间了春天到了,该种树了。Spring has come, its time to plant trees.是我们听英语节目的时间了Its time for us to listen to Engli

25、sh programme.该上学了。Its time to go to school./ Its time for school.32.Its two meters (years) long (high, old). 有两米长(高),两年大这个游泳池长50m,宽20m,深2.5m。The swimming pool is 50 metros long, 20 meters wide, two and a half meters deep.河里的冰有几百米厚。The ice in the river is several hundred thick.中国的历史有几千年那么久远。For Chine

26、se history, its about thousands of years.33.keep sb. doing 让某人一直做某事 很抱歉让你在这儿等这么长时间。Im sorry to keep you waiting for such a long time.那个军官让士兵们在太阳下站一个小时。The officer kept the soldiers standing in the sun for an hour.34.keep/make sth. +adj. 使.如何在图书馆请保持安静。Please keep the library quiet.这条消息使他们很难过This piec

27、e of news made them very sad.不要乱丢垃圾,请保持地面清洁。No littering, keep the floor to do / like doing 喜欢做某事 小孩喜欢跨过草坪玩儿,李老师常阻止他们这样做。Children like stepping into the grass to play, Mr. Li often stops them from doing that.我喜欢听轻音乐。I enjoy listening to the light music.我喜欢在闲暇时做些东西来丰富(enrich)我的生活。I like

28、 to make something in my spare time to enrich my life.36.make / let sb.(not) do sth. 让某人做某事别着急,让我替你照看林涛。Dont worry. Let me look after/ take care of Lin Tao for you.那时,她妈妈让她每周六都站在电影院门口卖花。At that time, her mother made her sell flowers in front of the cinema他们让我们在雨中踢足球。They make us play football in the

29、 rain.37.neithernor 既不.也不 恶劣的天气和艰苦的条件都不能改变她在那里教书的想法。Neither bad weather nor the poor condition could change her mind to teach here.Jim和Tom都不打算开车去买菜。Neither Jim nor Tom is going to buy vegetables by car.我父母和姐姐中午都不在家吃饭。Neither my parents nor my sister has dinner at home.38.notat all 一点.也不他们昨天赢了申花队,我一点也不觉得惊讶。They beat the Shen Hua Team yesterday, but I didnt feel surprised at all.他对从事的工作一点也不感兴趣。He is not interested in go

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