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1、最新八年级英语下册Unit1PastandPresent试题新版牛津版Unit 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit一、阅读第6页漫画对话,回答下面的问题 1.Why has Eddie eaten the food in Hobos bowl? 2.Did Hobo use to be so kind to Eddie?二、阅读漫画内容,翻译下面的短语 hour ago 2.Youve eaten my food hungry 4.used to 5.和我分享食物 6.做一个历史课题三、预习Welcome to the unit的内容,写出

2、不同时代的交通工具和汉语翻译_四、根据对话内容,写出所缺的单词A:H_ did you go to school when you w_ a student, Dad?B: I u_ to go to school by bike.A: Why didnt you t_ a bus?B: Well, there were always too many people on the bus, and it t_ a long time to wait for the n_ one.A: Really? I go to school by bus. Now its easy and f_.根据上面

3、的对话,用不同时代的交通工具编写新的对话。五、根据首字母或者汉语提示,完成单词1. In the p_, we had a hard life.2. He has j_ gone out.3. My father u_ to go to work by bike, but now he often goes to work by bus.4. I want to know about the d_ points between the two transports.5.Jack took an _(地铁) through the city.6.He ate so much food becau

4、se he was very _(饿)六、根据句意,从方框中选用合适的词或短语,并用其正确形式完成下列句子An hour ago; just ; notany more; change; used to; since; 1.Lucy hasnt_. She looks the same as she did at school.2.My sister _ be a nurse when she was young.3.The girl has _finished her homework.4.Jimmy wants to work hard now. He _play computer gam

5、es _.5.The old man has lived here_1998.六、默写下列课文中的句子。1、你已经改变了。 2、我已经吃了它。 3、你过去总是对我如此的友善。 4、Dad,当你是学生的时候,你如何上学的? 5、我过去总是骑自行车上学。 八下Unit 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit检测反馈一、词组翻译1.过去和现在_ 2.在碗里_3.一个小时之前_ 4.做一个历史课题_5.和我分享食物_ 6.对我很和蔼_7.北京的变化_ 8.过去常常做某事_9.乘大巴_ 10.去另外的城市_二、词汇运用A.根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子1.Im not h_

6、. Ive eaten enough.2.Im sorry I cant help you just at _(现在、目前).3.My sister went to Shanghai by _(火车) last year.4.We havent seen Lucy for a long time. She has _(改变) a lot.5.I u_ to go to school by bus.B.用所给单词的适当形式填空6.Jack has _(eat) enough food.7.Nick used _(share) food with Hobo.8.It took us a long

7、time _(wait) for the next bus.9.Eddie is interested in _(eat).He is too fat.10.My pen _(be) in the bag ten minutes ago.三、完成句子(根据汉语完成句子,一空一词)1. 他们刚刚吃过午饭。 They _ _ _ lunch.2. 我昨天看了那部电影。 I _ _ _ yesterday.3.劳拉过去总是和朋友们分享零食。 Laura _ _ _ snack _her friends.4.我们花了很长时间去等下一班公交车。 It _ us a long time _ _ _ the

8、 next bus.八下Unit 1 Past and present Reading1学案一、预习Reading内容,回答下面的问题1.Where was Mr Chen born?2.Was water pollution terrible before? Why or why not?3.What did Mr Chen often do with his friends?4.What does Mr Chen think of the changes in Sunshine Town?5.What did the government do after realizing the pr

9、oblem?6.Can Mr chen see his friends as often as before?二、词汇练习 英汉互译和根据提示写出单词并朗读三遍。1.block _ 2.impossible_ 3.before _4.change_ 5.husband _ 6.ever_7.west_ 8.改进,改善_ 9.意识到_10.北方的_ 11.然而_12.采访_13.污染_(名词)_(动词) 14.妻子_ (单数)_(复数)三、翻译下面的短语1、有时、不时地 2、把变成3、我的大部分老朋友 4、结婚5、住在一起 6、从那时起7、改变很多 8、一家钢铁厂9、在某些方面 10、感到有点孤

10、独四、根据句意和汉语提示完成单词1.The ice _(变成) into water if it is heated.2.David and Mary got_(已婚的) ten years ago.3.Dont_(污染) the river any more.4.He decided to make an _(采访) with his boss.5.-Wow, so many nice books! I dont know which one to read. -_(不管怎样), you have to mak e a decision.6.Have you _(曾经) been to Ru

11、ssia? -No, I have never been to that country.7.What are the _(妻子) doing while their husbands are watching TV?8.Who have you lived in the city with _(在期间) the years?9.The boy _(意识到) that he didnt do it well.10.May is new here, but she doesnt feel _(孤独的)五、背默文中的重点句子1.你曾经搬家过吗? 2.当我在1965年结了婚,我和妻子搬过两个街区,从

12、那时起我一直住在这个地方。 3.在这些年小镇变化很多吗? 4.我们数年前只有些小饭店和商店。 5.现在政府已经把镇中心变成了一个新公园。 6.污染那时是一个大问题吗? 八下Unit 1 Past and present Reading1检测反馈一、词组翻译1.自从我出生_ 2.搬家_3.在镇的北部_ 4.结婚_5.从那时起_ 6.变化很大_7.改成一个新的公园_ 8.采取行动_9.改善情况_ 10.打牌_二、词汇运用A.根据汉语提示完成句子1.The man has been _(结婚) for over 15 years.2.The government _(意识到) it was a se

13、rious problem.3.The old man lives alone, he often feels a bit _(孤独).4.It is _(不可能) for us to sleep with that noise.5.The poison in the _(废物) killed fish and plants.B.用所给单词的适当形式填空6.There are many shoe _(factory) in the town.7.The water _(pollute) is a big problem.8.Do you know the place very _(good)?

14、9.There is a big zoo in the _(south) part of the city.10.Their _(wife) are working hard to make more money.三、完成句子(根据汉语完成句子,一空一词)。1.大连是中国北部的一个美丽的城市。 Dalian is a beautiful city in the _ _ _ China.2.我不时地感到孤独,因为我的伙伴们都去其他地方了。 I feel lonely _ _ _, because my friends all went to other places.3.在许多地方,水污染曾是一

15、个严重的问题。 In many places, _ _ was a serious problem.4.过去他们常常沿着这条河散步。 They _ _ _ along the river.5.在某些方面,人们的生活比以前更加好了。 _ _ _ peoples life is better than before.八下Unit 1 Past and present Reading2学案一、根据课文内容,判断正()误()1.Mr Chen moved into Sunshine Town in 1965.()2.Mr Chen moved out of Sunshine Town when he

16、got married. ()3.They only had some small restaurants and shops years ago. ()4.Mr Chen ofen plays basketball with his old friends in the new park. ()5.The changes in Sunshine Town are all good. ()二、根据课文内容填空Mr. Chen lives in Sunshine Town. He first lived in the northern part of town with his parents.

17、 After he got m 1 , he and his wife m 2 two blocks away and they have lived in that flat since t 3 . In the past, there were small r 4 and shops. Now the place has c 5 a lot. The town centre is now a new p 6 . Many of Mr. Chens old friends have moved a 7 .It has become impossible for them to see eac

18、h other as often as before. They used to play cards and Chinese c 8 together. Now Mr. Chen sometimes feels a bit l 9 . Anyway its good to see the a 10 changes in the town. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._三、根据所给单词的适当形式填空1. I will not feel unhappy when I am _ (lonely).2. When did your parents g

19、et _ (marry)?3. _(pollute) is a big problem in this city now.4. In Japan most of the _ (wife) do housework at home.5. I will travel in the _ (north) cities.6. The shirt is beautiful. I like _ (it) colour.7. Mr Wang is the _ (one) to come to his office and the last to leave.8. Jack feels much_ (good)

20、 today.9. This is an _ (amazed) match.10. They live in the same housing estate, but in different _ (block).四、根据句意,从方框中选用合适的词或短语,并用其正确形式完成下列句子Turninto; in the past years; move house; take action; because of; in the south of1. I have been there many times_2. He _his yard _a beautiful garden.3. Tom and

21、 his family _last week. They now live in the city.4. The old man feels lonely _being alone.5._to do the things if you think they are right.6. My hometown is _Jiangsu Province.五、背默文中的重点句子1.过去在阳光河附近有一个钢铁厂。 2.他们经常把废水排到河里。 3.后来政府意识到这个问题并采取行动改善形势。 4.现在已经变得不可能那么经常互相见面了。 5.现在我不时感到有点孤独。 八下Unit 1 Past and pr

22、esent Reading2检测反馈一、词汇运用A.根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子1.Tom lived there s_ he was a little boy.2.Its really nice to have a beautiful m_ town.3.We all hope that our government can _(改善) the situation.4.The park is in the _(北部) part of city.5.Noise _(污染) is a serious problem.B.用所给单词的适当形式填空6.The river near our schoo

23、l is much _(clean) now.7.There is too much homework. It is _(possible) for us to finish it in two hours. 8.We are happy to see the amazing _(change) in our city.9.Do you have a large _(shop) mall near your flat?10.When they got _(marry) in 1965, they moved to blocks.二、单项填空( ) 1.The old woman feels v

24、ery _ in the big city. A. alone B. along C. lonely D. long( ) 2. Johns sister _ an English man last year. A. did marry B. married C. marry to D. married with( ) 3._ have you been in the school? About 10 years. A. How many B. How often C. How far D. How long( ) 4.There _ great changes in my hometown since 1989. A. is B. are C. has been D. have been( ) 5.It is easy _ the ice _ water. A. to turn; into B. to turn; on C. turn; down D. turn; into三、用动词的适当形式填空

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