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Brocade SAN交换机操作手册及常用命令.docx

1、Brocade SAN交换机操作手册及常用命令Brocade SAN交换机常用命令默认用户名:admin,默认密码password1. switchStatusShow查看交换机的总体健康状态switch:admin switchstatusshowSwitch Health ReportSwitch Name: SWFCRSwitchState: MARGINALDuration: 863:23Power supplies monitor MARGINALTemperatures monitor HEALTHYFans monitor HEALTHYWWN servers monitor H

2、EALTHYStandby CP monitor HEALTHYBlades monitor HEALTHYFlash monitor HEALTHYMarginal ports monitor HEALTHYFaulty ports monitor HEALTHYMissing SFPs monitor HEALTHYAll ports are healthyswitch:admin2. switchShow查看交换机根本配置信息Enter the switchShow command, which displays the following information for a switc

3、h:- switchname - The switch name.- switchtype - The switch model and firmware version numbers.- switchstate - The switch state: Online, Offline, Testing, or Faulty.- switchrole - Displays the switch role: Principal, Subordinate, or Disabled.- switchdomain - Displays the switch Domain ID.- switchid -

4、 The embedded port D_ID of the switch.- switchwwn - The switch World Wide Name.- switchbeacon - The switch beaconing state: either ON or OFF.The switchShow command also displays the following information for ports on the specifiedswitch:- Module type - The SFP type if an SFP is present.- Port speed

5、- The speed of the Port (1G, 2G, 4G, N1, N2, N4, or AN). The speed can befixed, negotiated, or auto-negotiated.- Port state - The port status.- Comment - About the port. This section may be blank or display the WWN for an F_Port oran E_Port, the trunking state, or upstream or downstream status3. por

6、tShow查看端口状态switch:admin switch:user portshow 0portName:portHealth: OFFLINEAuthentication: NoneportDisableReason: NoneportCFlags: 0x1portFlags: 0x4001 PRESENT U_PORT LEDportType: 4.1portState: 2 OfflineportPhys: 2 No_ModuleportScn: 0port generation number: 0portId: 010000portIfId: 43020020portWwn: 20

7、:00:00:60:69:00:02:53portWwn of device(s) connected:Distance: normalportSpeed: N2GbpsLE domain: 0Interrupts: 0 Link_failure: 0 Frjt: 0Unknown: 0 Loss_of_sync: 0 Fbsy: 0Lli: 0 Loss_of_sig: 0Proc_rqrd: 0 Protocol_err: 0Timed_out: 0 Invalid_word: 0Rx_flushed: 0 Invalid_crc: 0Tx_unavail: 0 Delim_err: 0F

8、ree_buffer: 0 Address_err: 0Port part of other ADs: Yes4. fanShow查看交换机散热风扇的状态Enter the fanShow command:switch:admin fanshowFan 1 is OK speed is 7010 RPMFan 2 is OK speed is 7180 RPMFan 3 is OK speed is 7068 RPMFan 4 is OK speed is 7116 RPMFan 5 is OK speed is 7155 RPMFan 6 is OK speed is 7001 RPMswi

9、tch:admin5. psShow查看交换机的电源状态注:如果安装FR4-18i、FC4-16IP、FC10-6、FC8-48板,需要满配4个电源Enter the psShow command:switch:admin psshowPower Supply #1 is OK0335,FF2Z0007161,60-0000739-02, B,DCJ3002-01P, B,FF2Z0007161Power Supply #2 is faulty0335,FF2Z0007176,60-0000739-02, B,DCJ3002-01P, B,FF2Z0007176switch:admin6. t

10、empShow查看交换机的环境温度Enter the tempShow command:switch:admin tempshowIndex Status Centigrade Fahrenheit-1 OK 21 702 OK 22 723 OK 29 844 OK 24 755 OK 25 77switch:admin7. errDump、errShow、errClear查看交换机的内部消息日志To display the system message log, with no page breaks Enter the errDump command.To display the sys

11、tem message log one at a time Enter the errShow command.To clear the system message log Enter the errClear command.8. supportShow、supportSave、pdShow收集交换机的诊断数据supportShow 显示诊断信息和状态信息supportSave将数据打包、上传至指定的FTP效劳器The command prompts for an FTP server, packages the following files, and sends them to the

12、 specified server: The output of the supportShow command The contents of any trace dump files on the switch System message logs (for Brocade directors, supportSave saves the system message logsfrom both of the CP blades)pdShow 显示panic dump文件的内容,帮助诊断系统panic的原因9. nsShow、nsAllShow、fabricShow检查连接到交换机的设备

13、nsShow 显示连接到交换机的所有设备nsAllShow 显示连接到Fabric的所有设备fabricShow 显示Fabric中的所有交换机10. licenseShow、wwn检查license文件和交换机的WWN号11. version检查Fabric OS的版本,将显示如下信息:- Kernel: displays the version of switch kernel operating system.- Fabric OS: displays the version of switch Fabric OS.- Made on: displays the build date o

14、f firmware running in switch.- Flash: displays the install date of firmware stored in nonvolatile memory.- BootProm: displays the version of the firmware stored in the boot PROM.12. haShow查看Control Blade的状态swDir: admin haShowLocal CP (Slot 6, CP1): Active Remote CP (Slot 5, CP0): Standby HA Enabled,

15、 Heartbeat Up, State Synchronized13. slotShow查看各个Blade的状态14. portCfgSpeed修改端口的速率15. portEnable或portCfgPersistentEnableReset端口16. 检查WWN卡状态以下命令如果不能正确执行,那么说明WWN卡需要更换:www,chassisShow:显示交换机的WWN号chassisShow:显示chassis和WWN卡的状态ipAddrShow,ipAddrSet:显示CP Blades的IP地址historyShow、historyLastShow:显示历史日志信息switchNam

16、e:显示交换机的名字修改Domain ID1. 查看当前的Domain ID输入命令fabricShow,输出结果中的Switch ID即包括交换机的Domain ID。2. 先关闭交换机输入命令swichDisable3. 配置Domain ID输入命令configureEnter y after the Fabric Parameters prompt: Fabric parameters (yes, y, no, n): no yEnter a unique domain ID at the Domain prompt. Use a domain ID value from 1 thro

17、ugh 239 for normal operating mode (FCSW compatible): Domain: (1.239) 1 3Respond to the remaining prompts, or press Ctrl-d to accept the other settings and exit.4. 重新启用交换机输入命令swichEnable升级FirmwareFC10-6 Blade需要Firmware Version 5.3以上FC4-16IP Blade、FC4-48 Port Blade需要Firmware Version 5.2以上FR4-18i route

18、r blade需要Firmware Version 5.1以上如果M48有主备Control Processor,且主备CP处于synchronized状态,那么升级过程可在线进行,不干扰数据流量。如果M48只有一个CP,那么升级微码过程中需要reboot交换机来激活新的Firmware,数据访问会中断。升级M48 Firmware约需15分钟1. 保存交换机的配置信息configUpload2. 保存主备Control Processor Blade的supportsave使用命令ipAddrShow,查看主备CP的IP地址使用telent分别登录主备CP,使用命令supportSave分别

19、收集主备CP的supportsave文件。3. 查看supportsave中的XXX_SUPPORTSHOW文件,查找如下字段:/bin/df:Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on/dev/root 120212 61128 58984 51% /dev/hda2 120218 72356 47772 60% /mnt确认Flash存储器的使用率不超过90%。否那么需联系二线Support。4. 去除交换机中当前保存的error report信息errClear5. 检查当前各个CP Blades的Firmware版本firmw

20、areShow6. 检查主备CP状态,是否处于同步状态haShow:查看主备CP是否处于Synchronized状态如果主备CP不处于同步状态,那么使用命令haSyncStart同步主备CP。switch:admin hashowLocal CP (Slot 5, CP0): Active, Warm RecoveredRemote CP (Slot 6, CP1): Standby, HealthyHA enabled, Heartbeat Up, HA State synchronized7. 升级Firmware如果SAN交换机支持HA,那么使用命令firmwareDownload,同时

21、升级主备Control Blade。如果SAN交换机不支持HA,那么使用命令firmwareDownload -s,分别升级每个Control Blade。8. 检查Firmware升级是否完成firmwareDownloadStatus9. 再次检查当前各个CP Blades的Firmware版本firmwareShow激活软件License1. 查看当前已经激活的LicenselicenseShowswDir:admin licenseShowAAbbccDDeeFFeeGG: Web license Zoning license Extended Fabric license Fabri

22、c Watch license Performance Monitor license Trunking license Security license2. 获取和激活License时需要提供64位的Chasis ID,查看Chasis ID:licenseIdShow3. 激活新的LicenselicenseAdd “key4. 删除旧的LicenselicenseRemove “key删除License后需要reboot交换机,或者switchDisable/switchEnable重启交换机,以使需要删除的License失效。备份交换机的配置信息1. 使用configUpload命令,

23、将配置文件保存在自己的电脑上注:configUpload无法保存用户的密码信息。2. 使用Telnet命令查看配置信息,并做Session LogconfigShowipaddrShowlicenseShowswitchShow3. 保存SupportSave文件supportSave安装/更换Port Blade1. 查看当前Port Blade的状态switchShow2. 查看需要更换的Port Blade的备件号chassisShow包含有Port Blade的备件号、序列号和状态。3. 确认需要更换的Port Blade上已经没有数据流量查看Port Blade状态LED,确保所有的

24、Port Speed和Port Status状态灯处于OFF状态。4. 安装/更换完毕后检查nsShownsAllShowfabricShow更换M48 CP(Control Processor) Blade估计用时30分钟考前须知:1. 在拿到新CP Blade备件,可以开始物理更换前,不要将故障CP Blade取出,以免影响散热。2. Acitve状态的CP Blade将自动把配置信息镜像到Standby状态的CP Blade上。必须在线更换CP Blade,才能实现配置信息的自动同步。3. 新换上的CP Blade将继承旧CP Blade的IP地址和主机名。4. 确保两个CP Blade

25、处于同一FOS版本。更换前的检查:1. 查看CP Blade上的Status LED是否为黄色,Power LED是否点亮。2. 使用slotShow命令查看CP Blade是否处于Enabled状态。3. 使用hsShow命令是否报错。4. 使用errShow命令查看错误日志。 备份配置信息:1. 切换健康的CP Blade为当前Active状态的CP Blade。使用命令haFailover,实现CP Blade间的手动切换。使用命令haShow,确认当前Active状态的CP Blade为健康的CP Blade。等待CP Blade上的Status LED熄灭,说明HA Failover

26、已经完成。2. 使用firmwareShow命令检查Firmware版本3. 使用haDisable命令,暂时取消Failover功能。4. 使用configUpload命令保存配置信息。swDir:admin configUploadProtocol (scp or ftp) ftp: ftp Server Name or IP Address host: 123.456.78.90 User Name None: user File Name config.txt: config.txt Password: xxxxxxxx upload complete更换CP Blade1. 将CP

27、Blade上的电源开关拨至Down位置,切断CP Blade的电源。2. 拔下CP Blade。3. 插入新的CP Blade。4. 将CP Blade上的电源开关拨至Up位置,给CP Blade供电。更换后的验证:1. 等待两个CP Blade上的Status LED都熄灭。2. 使用命令haEnable启用HA Failover功能。3. 使用命令haShow检查HA状态,确认“HA Enabled Heartbeat Up and “HA-state in sync。4. 使用命令slotShow检查所有的CP Blade都处于Enabled状态。swDir:admin slotShow

28、Slot Blade Type ID Status - 1 SW BLADE 17 ENABLED 2 SW BLADE 17 ENABLED 3 SW BLADE 17 ENABLED 4 SW BLADE 17 ENABLED 5 CP BLADE 16 ENABLED 6 CP BLADE 16 ENABLED 7 SW BLADE 17 ENABLED 8 SW BLADE 17 ENABLED 9 SW BLADE 17 ENABLED 10 SW BLADE 17 ENABLED swDir:admin5. 使用命令firmwareShow命令,检查FW版本是否一致swDir:ad

29、min firmwareShowLocal CP (Slot 6, CP1): Active Primary partition: v5.0.1 Secondary Partition: v5.0.1 Remote CP (Slot 5, CP0): Standby Primary partition: v5.0.1 Secondary Partition: v5.0.1 Note: If Local CP and Remote CP have different versions of firmware, please retry firmwaredownload command. swDi

30、r:admin6. 使用firmwareDownload -s命令,只升级单独某个CP Blade的微码。7. 使用firmwareDownloadStatus命令,验证微码安装是否成功。ZONE配置1. 概念zone configuration: 为一组zone的集合。一个zone可以同时属于不同的zone configuration之中。当一个zone configuration生效时,属于该zone configuration的所有zone都生效。创立zone配置根本步骤: 创立alias - 创立zone - 创立zone configuration - cfgSave - cfgEnable2. 常用命令configUpload:备份zone configurationconfigDownload:恢复zone configuration3. 创立别名1aliCreate2cfgSaveswitch:admin alicreate array1,

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