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1、大学英语2导学4new大学英语2导学4总复习一、 学习内容:全面总复习,准备期末考试。二、导学重点:本章导学的重点是总结一下代词的用法,除了教材中需要大家掌握的关系代词,指示代词和反身代词的用法之外,在这一单元的辅学材料中,我们重点补充一下代词it的用法讲解和习题。在后面的例题部分,红色的是答案,下面画线的题是挑错题。三、it 的用法:3.1. it 作形式主语it 引导的句子中要指出动作的行为者,这时可以用for 或of。 有些词需用for, 如:important, necessary, difficult等。有些词需用of , 如: kind, unkind,unfriendly, cr

2、uel, generous, foolish等。例句:It is important for us to study English. 学习英语对我们来说很重要。It is necessary for us to put the apples in the fridge.我们把苹果放在冰箱里是很必要的。It is very difficult for some people to study English well.学好英语对于有些人来说是很难的。It is very kind (nice) of you to say so.你能这么说真是太好了。It is unkind of you to

3、 swear at her.你骂她是不好的。It is unfriendly of you to speak badly of others.你说别人的坏话是很不友好的。It is cruel of her to treat the child like this.她这么对待小孩是很残忍的。It is generous of her to help the poor.她很慷慨地帮助那些穷人。It is foolish of you to believe her.你相信她真是太愚蠢了。3.2. it 作形式宾语it 作形式宾语除了可以代替that引导的从句外,还可以代替不定式和动词的-ing形式

4、。1) 代替动词的-ing形式:I find it possible to translate the paper into Japanese.我发现把论文翻译成日语是可能的。2) 代替不定式:I will leave it to you to do the work.我会让你做这个工作。3.3. 无实际意义的it没有实际意义的it 常作主语,用来表示时间,天气以及距离等。1) 表示时间。如:It is three years since I saw him.我有三年没见到他了。It was nearly midnight when Peter finally went to bed.当彼得最

5、后上床睡觉已经午夜十二点了。2) 表示天气。如:It is a cold day.今天很冷。3) 表示距离。It is a long way to go.有很长的路要走。3.4. 表示指代关系的itit 可以用来指代前面出现过的名词,词组或整个句子。一般来说,it用来指代无生命的东西。如:He took the book and opened it.他拿过书翻开。有一些性别不明或不考虑性别的情况也可以用it 来指代。如:The horse must have been thirsty, because it went straight to the fountain and drank.马一定

6、是渴了,因为它径直去喝泉水。it 还可以用来指代句子。He did not pass the final exam. It was a terrible shock for him.他考试没过,这真是个不小的打击。3.5. 强调句中的it为了强调句子的某一部分,可以用it 开头,即用“it +be +强调部分+that引导句子剩余部分”的句型。这种结构就是it 引导的强调句。It 引导的强调句除了不能强调谓语外,可以强调主语、间接宾语、直接宾语和状语。1) 强调主语:It was Lei Feng who supported the old woman.是雷锋经常帮助这位老大妈。2) 强调宾语

7、:It is me that Li Ming gave this ticket to on Sunday.黎明把周日把票给了我了。3) 强调状语:It is on Sunday that they go to the piano class.是周日 他们上钢琴课。被强调部分也可以是从句。如:It was because he was poor that she didnt marry him.就是因为他穷,所以她没有嫁给他。如果强调句中含有notuntil, 转化为强调until短语或从句的强调句时,not 与until连用。如:He didnt come back until 9 ocloc

8、k last night.It was not until 9 oclock last night that he came back.昨晚直到9点他才回来。4. 例题讲解:ExercisesIt的用法作代词1. The phone is ringing. -Who could _ be? It is already midnight.A. he B. it C. this D. there作形式主语1. 学好一门语言是不容易的.I t is not easy to master a language / to learn a language well.2. 去火车站步行需要半小时It ta

9、kes half an hour to walk to the railway station. 3. (我用了一周的时间) to finish reading the novel. It took me a week4. _ took us several hours to clear the snows and open the road to traffic.A. They B. All C. He D. I t5. Its really hard for us to _ all poisonous gasesA. get rid to B. get rid of C. get the

10、rid D. give rid of6. It hasnt been decided yet _ we are going to build physics lab.A. that B. which C. what D. whether 7. _ doesnt matter what you do at this point.A. That B. This C. It D. What作形式宾语1.We all regard _ our duty to help who are too poor to go to school.A. this B. it C. that D. which2. M

11、odem technology has made _ possible for the whole world to be close than ever before.A. this B. that C. it D. its3. He made it plain _ he was annoyed with me.A. that B. what C. which D. whether4. People have proved them to be true that the heat we get from coal and oil comes from the sun.5. I dont t

12、hink that possible to master a foreign language without much memory 作形式宾语1. We all regard _ our duty to help those who are too poor to go to school.A. this B. it C. that D. which2. Modern technology has made _ possible for the whole world to be closer than ever before.A. this B. that C. it D. its强调句

13、型1. It _ John and Kate who helped me the other day.A. is B. was C. are D. were2. It was her who suggested that he go to New York in order to get a direct flight.3. It was the United States that they came to know each other and got married.4. It was at the music hall _ we met each other for the first

14、 time.A. when B. where C. which D. that5. It was last night when I saw your brother at the cinema.6. It was in 1989 _ I met John.A. when B. that C. which D. at that time7. It was between 1920 and 1930 _ television was invented in America.A. which B. that C. then D. when8. It was not until 1936 _ bas

15、ketball became a part of the Olympic Games.A. which B. than C. that D. then9. It was until he got a map that he started on his way.10. It is during his spare time _ John has been studying a course in French.A. when B. that C. which D. what固定句型1. It has been less than three months before she joined the army.句型“it is/has been+一段时间+since从句”表示“某事已经发生多久了”。2. To my surprise, _ turned out that John failed in his examination.A. it B

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