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1、山东省济南市学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题有答案山东省济南市2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题一、阅读选择1. Therearethirty-fourbridgesontheThamesinLondon;thefollowingareamongthemostfamousonesTowerBridgeTowerBridgehasstoodovertheThamesinLondonsince1894andisoneofthefinest,mostrecognizablebridgesintheworldItisthebridgeinLondonyoumayseeinmoviesandonadv





6、lliamWordsworth,wroteafamouspopemComposedup-onWestminsterBrdgeintheautumnof1802WanttoknowmoreaboutthebridgesontheThames?ClickherewwwbridgesinbritainCom (1)IftherewereahugeshipontheThames,itcouldrunthrough_A.WestminsterBridge B.MillenniumBridgeC.TowerBridge D.LondonBridge (2)Accordingtothepassage,wec

7、aninferthat_A.LondonBridgeisnotaverywidebridgeB.TowerBridgeisoldestoneamongthefourbridgesC.MillenniumBridgeisadangerousbridgeD.WilliamWordsworthlikesWestminsterBridgemostamongthefourbridges (3)Thepassageismostprobablytakenfroma_A.schoolreport B.websitearticleC.teenagemagazine D.sciencefiction (4)Wha

8、tcanwelearnfromthepassage?_A.WilliamWordsworthwrotemanypoemsofthebridgesontheThamesB.MillenniumBridgewasntstrongenoughsothatithadtobepulleddownandrebuiltC.ThatallthetrafficiskeptleftinBritainwasfromaruleofanoldLondonBridgeD.TowerBridgeisthesymbolofLondonbecauseitisthefirstbridgeontheThames2. WhenDav

9、id Carter started to study art at The University of Texas(UT)at Austin in 1971, he had big dreams of becoming an artist or a writer But his study came to a stop at 23 after he hurt his hand in an unpleasant event He developed schizophrenia(精神分裂症) later and spent many years without a homeCarter liked

10、 to spend time around UT, because he dreamt of being able to continue his study in the university and becoming a writer After running into Carter many times, UT student Ryan Chandler decided to interview him for a project for the Daily Texan, the student newspaper of UTIinterviewed him on Austins ho

11、meless problems After I heard his story, we kept in touch and really became friends I learned he wanted to get back to UT, so I decided to help him, said Chandler He had got 87 hours, very close to a degree Now, with changing degree requirements, he only has 64 hours to goWiththe help of Chandler, w

12、ho worked with the university office, Carter was assigned an adviser by UTs College of Fine Arts Its the greatest gift Ive ever received, Carter said He did what had to be done to get me back to school, and I couldnt have done it without himAfter seeing a magazine article about Carter, a UT schoolma

13、te decided to pay his tuition fees(学费)without telling Chandler his nameDougDempster, dean of the College of Fine Arts, said in a statement, David Carters decision to complete his degree is a testament(证明) to finishing well what was started, and stopped, even many years earlier We welcome him back as

14、 we do for many students each year whose education could not be completed easily We re going to help him through his remaining course work (1)Why did Carter stop studying in the university?_A. He hurt an artist B. He couldnt afford his studyC. He had a hand injury D. He got a strange disease (2)What

15、 was Chandlers purpose in interviewing Carter?_A. To know why he hung around UTB. To do a project on homelessnessC. To make friends with a homeless personD. To finish his homework on helping others (3)Which of the following words can best describe Chandler?_A. Warmhearted B. StrongmindedC. Brave D.

16、Honest (4)What can we learn from Dempsters words in the statement?_A. He encourages Carter to study hardB. He suggests other students learn from CarterC. He calls on other students to help CarterD. He supports students who never give up3. Slowly but surely, were moving closer and closer to 5G world.

17、 From smart-home security to self-driving cars, all the internet-connected devices in our life will be able to talk to each other at lightning-fast speeds with reduced delay. Objectively speaking, the fastest 4G download speeds in the U.S. top out at an average of 19.42 Mbps. But by comparison 5G pr

18、omises gigabit(千兆)speeds.5G is one of those heralds(使者), along with artificial intelligence, of this coming data age, said Steve Koenig, senior director of market research for the ConsumerTechnology Association. The self-driving vehicle is a great emblem of this data age, and that is to say, it is a

19、 sign of time, because with one single task, driving, you have massive amounts of data coming from the vehicle itself, and a variety of sensors are collecting a lot of information to model its environment as it moves. Its pulling in data from other vehicles about road conditions down the lane. It co

20、uld be weather information, and also connected infrastructure(基础设施)construction. Theres lots of data behind that task, which is why we need high speed.And virtual reality glasses and headset havent yet broken the mainstream, but tech companies are joyfully betting that these devices will eventually

21、replace our smartphones. With 5G, that could actually happen. This is notable because companies such as Apple are reportedly developing AR glasses to assistor even replacesmartphones.Ericsson stated at Februarys Mobile World Congress how smart glasses could become faster and lighter with a 5G connec

22、tion, because instead of being weighed down with components, the glasses could rely on hardware for processing power.But dont get too excited. Theres still a lot of work to be done in the meantime, including various trials to make sure the radios play nicely with hardware and infrastructure construc

23、tion so 5G isnt concentrated only in big cities. (1)What is the first paragraph mainly about?A.A right security of 5G. B.The super speed of 5G.C.A potential dream of 5G. D.The present world of 5G. (2)Which of the following can replace the underlined word emblem in Paragraph 2?A.exhibition B.explanat

24、ion C.sponsor D.symbol (3)What do some tech companies expect of virtual reality glasses?A.They will be heavier than present ones.B.They will process power on their own.C.They will serve people instead of smartphones.D.They will bring a big fortune to tech companies. (4)What will the author tell us i

25、n the next paragraph?A.How to fully expand 5G coverage.B.How to effectively reduce 5G trials.C.How to nicely operate 5G hardware.D.How to widely construct 5G big cities.4. Some people will do just about anything to save money. And I am one of them. Take myfamilys last vacation. It was my six-year-ol

26、d sons winter break from school, and we were heading home from Fort Lauderdale after a week-long trip. The flight was overbooked, and Delta, the airline, offered us $400 per person in credits to give up our seats and leave the next day. I had a meeting in New York, so I had to get back. But that did

27、nt mean my husband and my son couldnt stay. I took my nine-month-old and took off for home.The next day my husband and son were offered more credits to take an even later flight. Yes, I encouragedokay, orderedthem to wait it out at the airport, to earn more Delta Dollars. Our total take: $1,600. Not

28、 bad, huh?Now some people may think Im a bad mother and not such a great wife either. But as a big-time bargain hunter, I know the value of a dollar. And these days, a good deal is something few of us can afford to pass up.Ive made a living looking for the best deals and exposing(揭露)the worst tricks

29、. I have been the consumer reporter of NBCs Today show for over a decade. I have written a couple of books including one titled Tricks of the Trade: A Consumer Survival Guide. And I really do what I believe in. I tell you this because there is no shame in getting your moneys worth. Im also tightfist

30、ed when it comes to shoes, clothes for my children, and expensive restaurants. But I wouldnt hesitate to spend on a good haircut. It keeps its longer, and its the first thing people notice. And I will also spend on a classic piece of furniture. Quality lasts. (1)Why did Delta give the authors family credits?A.They took a later flight. B.They had early bookings.C.Their flight ha

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