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1、初一英语完形填空阅读理解缺词填空练习初一英语(完形填空阅读理解缺词填空)练习一、完形填空A Happy Supermarket is a new shopping place1 our city、 The supermarket is very2 、It has three floors 、 There is a discount(打折)on good(货物)today,so I ask my neighbour Millie3 shopping with me、 Because the bus stop is far_4 our homes、 We go there5 taxi、 There

2、 are6 things in the supermarket and the prices are not7 、 I buy two notebooks and some ball pens、I also want to buy a grey skirt and8 jeans、 There are many people waiting to pay for things、If I still(仍然)have some money left,I will buy an ice cream9 Millie、 She likes ice cream10_、 ( )1、A、far away to

3、B、in the center of C、 not in D、 behind( )2、 A、 large B、 small C、 cheap D、 expensive( )3、 A、 go B、 goes C、 to go D、 going( )4、 A、to B、 from C、 at D、 in( )5、 A、take B、 in C、 by D、 on ( )6、 A、 all kind B、 all kinds C、 all kind of D、all kinds of( )7、 A、 expensive B、 cheap C、 high D、 low( )8、 A、a pair of

4、 B、 a C、lot of D、a little( )9、 A、 to B、for C、/ D、 On( )10、 A、very much B、 too many C、 so many D、 lots ofBMy name is Broody、 Im a middle school student、 I want to tell you1 about my new flat、 The rooms are not big2 comfortable、 There are five rooms in my flat、 They are one bathroom, one living room,

5、one kithcen and two bedrooms、 Im very happy now, for I have _3 own room in our tlat、 My bedroom is my favorite room in our flat because I can be alone(独自的) in it、 I can read books or draw pictures、 I can also4 music or play CDs there、 I can use my _5 to send e-mails to my friends、 My6 favorite room

6、is the kitchen、 I love helping mother7 the meals、 Shes a good cook、 Shes teaching me8 to make many different kinds of dishes、 And lm learning9 very hard、 I want to be a good cook when I grow up、1 have more to tell you about my flat, but I have to stop、 Because I have a lot of10 to do、 let me tell yo

7、u next time、 ( )1、A、 anything B、 something C、 everything D、 nothing ( )2、 A、 but B、 or C、 and D、 then ( )3、 A、 him B、 her C、 me D、 my ( )4、 A、 hear B、 listen C、 listen to D、 listening ( )5、 A、 computer B、 radio C、 TV D、 MP4 ( )6、 A、 two B、 three C、 second D、 0ne ( )2、 A、 for B、 cook C、 cooking D、 on

8、 ( )8、 A、 what B、 where C、 which D、 how ( )9、 A、 cooking B、 singing C、 dancing D、 walking ( )10、 A、 works B、 thing C、 homeworks D、 homeworkCLong ago, a young man often said that he was very1 and owned nothing、One day,an old man walked2 him、He heard the young mans words and said,“Hello,young man!What

9、 are you3 about?You have nothing?Thats not true!You have the most expensive things in the world,4 you are a rich person、”The young man was very surprised and asked,“5 do you say that?You can see I have nothing、What are these expensive things? ”Then6 old man said,“If you sell your eyes to a rich blin

10、d man,youll7 a lot of money and can get everthing you want、Would you like to sell them?”The young man didnt want to be blind,so he said,“No、”The old man asked again,“Then what about8 your hands for some gold?”The young man shook his9 for the second time、Finally,the old man said,“Now you understand、Y

11、ou have the most expensive things in the world、”So,the old man taught both the yound man and us a lesson that10 is the most important for us、( )1、A、poor B、rich C、 healthy D strong( )2、 A、across B、past C、 through D away( )3、 A、talking B、drawing C、singing D telling( )4、 A、but B、and C、 so D however( )5

12、、 A、What B、When C、Why D How( )6、 A、the B、a C、 an D /( )7、 A、save B、buy C、 make D collect( )8、 A、putting up B、selling C、 turning D washing( )9、 A、eye B、leg C、hand D、head( )10、 A、gold B、time C、health D、moneyDA lucky dip ticketWhat would you do with56 million? Buy a car, or a house? You neednt stop the

13、re, and you could buy a lot of cars or many very1 houses、In Britains largest winnings, Nigel Page and Justine Laycock got their 56 million2 on Saturday、 They won after Nigel3 a lucky dip ticket(幸运彩票)、 And how did they4 ? Not a champagne(香槟酒)breakfast5 you might think, but a bacon roll in their super

14、market cafe(小餐馆)、When Nigel found out, he6 speak and started shaking(发抖)、 The7 plan to buy a large house, a car and go to other countries for a holiday、8 of them will give up work Justine told her boss, I am not going back to9 、 They will both need to be strong to deal with such a big amount of mone

15、y、 Justines boss, Matthew Fuller, said, They have10 characters(性格)and are all right、( )1、A cheap B、 expensive C、 thin D、 small( )2、A cost B、 bill C、 money D、 prize( )3、A bought B、 sold C、 took D、 brought( )4、A spend B live C、 celebrate D、 save( )5、A as B if C、 because D、 though( )6、A wont B、 neednt

16、C、 shouldnt D、 couldnt( )7、A losers B、 buyers C、 sellers D、 winners( )8、A、 All B、 Neither C、 Both D、 Either( )9、A hospital B、 work C、 school D、 job( )10、A strong B、 weak C、 week D、 sickEOne morning Mr、 and Mrs、 White got up very early 、After breakfast they _1_ in their car ,They arrived at the shop

17、_2_eight oclock 、 In the shop they saw a lot of _3_、 Mrs、 White liked them 、So she bought a shirt for their son and a sweater for Mr、 white 、She bought a blouse for herself ,too、 They stayed in the shop for about _4_ hours 、There were many people 、 Mr、 White _5_ his watch 、Then he said, “Oh, its twe

18、lve、 Time for us to _6_、” So they went out of the shop and drove their car home , but soon they _7_、 Mr、 White _8_ along the street 、He couldnt find the way 、Then he drove to _9_ and asked , “ Excuse me ,sir、 Where am I?”The policeman looked at him 、 “ You are in your _10_ ,sir,” he said、()1、A、 went

19、 shopping B went to the movies C went to the park D went to the zoo()2、 A、 on B、 in C、 at D、 for()3、A、fruits B、 food C、 clothes D、 toys、()4、 A、 two B、 three C、 five D、 four ()5、 A、 paid with B、 put on C、 looked at D、 listened to()6、 A、 go to work B、 go home C、 see the movies D、 have supper()7、 A、 we

20、re tired B、 were lost C、 arrived home D、 went home ()8、 A、 ran、 B、 walked C、 drove D、 rode()9、 A、 an old man B、 a policeman C、 a girl D、 a friend ()10、 A、 office B、 car C、 home D、 roomFMy school has about1,500 students in three grades-grades seven to1 、 It has160 full-time (专职的)teachers and30 classr

21、ooms、I go to school at6:45 a、m2 bus、 My school starts at7:15 oclock、 Everyone must go to school3 it starts、 I have seven classes in a day, four in the morning and three in the4 、 After class4 everyone goes to have lunch in the canteen (食堂)、 Not many students go home for lunch because food in the can

22、teen5 nice 、 Class5 starts at1:50 p、m、 and class7 is63:50 to4:35 p、m、After class7 some students stay (停留,逗留,呆)at school, some7 home、 The most popular sport at school is basketball、I usually go home at5:00 p、m、 Sometimes I go to play football and basketball at my old school8 go to learn English with

23、my teacher there、After that I go home by bus、 When I9 home, I have supper then clean my home and10 my homework、( )1、A、ten B、eight C、nine D、six( )2 A、by B、on C、in D、for( )3、 A、after B、when C、before D、/( )4、 A、morning B、 afternoonC、 evening D、night( )5、 A、are B、be C、is D、/( )6、 A、from B、at C、between D

24、、about( )7、 A、go B、playC、work D、live( )8、 A、but B、and C、so D、or( )9、 A、go B、leave C、get DZZZe( )10、 A、have B、has C、read D、doGA crocodile (鳄鱼)is swimming in a river、 He sees a1 in the tree、 He wants to catch the monkey and2 his heart (心)、 He says to the monkey, “Dear monkey, there are many3 trees on

25、the other side of the river、 Do you want to4 bananas?” The monkey is very5 and jumps onto the crocodiles6 、 In the7 of the river the crocodile says, “ How foolish (愚蠢)you are! I want to eat your heart、 ”The monkey is very frightened (害怕), but he has a good8 to save himself、 “You have to take me back

26、 to the9 、 My10 is there、 If you want to eat it, we must go back,” the monkey says to the crocodile、 The crocodile thinks it is11 、 He12 back with the monkey、 When the monkey gets to the tree, he13 at the crocodile, “ How foolish you are! You can14 eat my heart, because you cant15 a tree、 Bye-bye, M

27、r Crocodile、”( )1、A、 bird B、 boy C、 monkey D、 crocodile( )2、A、 eat B、 play C、 buy D、 cook( )3、A、 apple B、 banana C、 orange D、 pear( )4、A、 have B、 pick C、 catch D、 sell( )5、A、 happy B、 busy C、 angry D、 tired( )6、A、 face B、 back C、 nose D、 foot( )7、A、 front B、 ground C、 middle(中间) D、 back( )8、A、 idea

28、B、 news C、 body D、 friend( )9、A、 river B、 tree C、 side D、 back( )10、A、 head B、 hand C、 eyes D、 heart( )11、A、 interestingB、 wrong C、 true D、 easy( )12、A、 swims B、 sings C、 jumps D、 runs( )13、A、 says B、 shouts C、 cries D、 tells( )14、A、 always B、 never C、 often D、 seldom( )15、A、 get B、 go C、 come D、 cl

29、imbHDear Joan, how are you? Its very nice1 you to write2 me、 From your letter I3 a lot about you and your school、 Now I4 you know something about me and my school、 I am thirteen years old, I am in Class Two, Grade One at Changjiang Middle School、 My father is a5 、 He teaches English、 My mother is a

30、doctor、 I6 early every morning、 And7 English、 Our school is very big、 It has3,000 students and250 teachers、8 the teachers and the students work hard、 We are working9 the people、 Please come and have a look10 our school if(如果)you are free、( )1、A、 of B、 on C、 for D、 to( )2、 A、 from B、 of C、 to D、 at( )3、 A、 get B、 study C、 talk D、 know( )4、 A、 let B、 say C、 speak D、 talk来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K( )5、 A、 teacher B、 worker C、 student D、 doctor( )6、 A、 go to bed B、 have lessons C、 get up D、 come here( )7、

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