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1、闽教版英语第五册教案Unit3 Lesson 6作者:陈育平名 文章来源:陈育平名师工作室 点击数:1491 更新时间:2010-1-9 10:33:08 Unit 3 A Visit to the ZooLesson 6执教者:钱塘小学屏北分校 林 玲指 导:鼓楼区教师进修校 邵宜璋 钱塘小学 江 瑜Teaching Aims:1. 学习动词过去式:seesaw, eatate2. 学习词组:take a photo of, buy a book about, on our way home3. 学习句型:What animals did you see? We saw . We ate .

2、Teaching Aids:word cards, tape, PPT, etc.Teaching Steps:.Greetings: T: Class begins! Goodmorning boys and girls.Revision:1. Sing a song:Old Macdonald Had A Farm2. Review the words of animals: T: Boys and girls, I have many photos. Look! Whats this?Ss: Monkey T: Whats this?Ss: pandaT: How about this?

3、Ss:Kangaroo按音节击掌拼读kangaroo, kangarooPenguin : How about this one? Penguin. 介绍评价方式:Today, you are kangaroo group, monkey group, penguin group and panda group. Look, whats your favorite food? 逐个询问各小组最喜欢的食物,并奖励各小组ok. Now, lets have a race and see which group can eat more food. Are you ready?3. Review t

4、he past tense:am,iswas arewere buybought dodid gowent swimswam taketook havehad Now, look at the screen. Lets review the past tense and play a game: 连环炮T: Did you have a good time? Now lets say a chant.播放PPTChant: Did you have a good time?Yes, I did.I bought a book.Thats a nice book.Did you have a g

5、ood time?Yes, I did.I took a photo.Thats a really nice photo.Presentation:1. 导入课题:T: I had a good time last Sunday. I took some photos. Look, I took a photo of the birds. Thats a nice photo. Follow me: a photo of the birds, of the birds, I took a photo of the birds.带读2遍And look, I took a photo of th

6、epandas .转换PPT I took a photo of the zebras.(操练: I took a photo of the .)And guess! Where did I go? I went to the zoo.Ss: Zoo.T: The zoo! I visited the Zoo. So today well learn Unit 3 A Visit to the Zoo Lesson 6. 2. Teach: What animals did you see? We saw .T: Today I want to show you my visit to the

7、 zoo. Please look carefully and remenber what youll see. 播放一段动物视频剪辑 播放完毕后T:Class,What animals did you see? 引导学生回答S:kangaroo 奖励T: We saw . 手拿过去式卡片:s, a, w saw摇头晃脑:seesaw 再问一个动物 进入快速反应 快速反应:PPT快速闪现动物图片,学生用We saw .抢答。T:Look carefully! 直接抢答We saw . What animals did you see?Ss: We saw .T: Good! 奖励说得快的小组

8、九宫格速记大比拼:T: Lets play九宫格速记大比拼. Here are 9 animals. What are they? Ss: What animals did you see?S1:We saw3. Teach: We ate some bananas.T:Great! Look! What did the monkey eat?S: melonT: 手拿过去式ate词卡 The monkey ate melon. A,t, e ate eatate eatateate 贴上词卡 ateT: What did the monkey eat? Ss: bananasT: 板书 We

9、 ate some bananas. What did the kangaroo eat?Ss: We ate some leaves.T: How about penguin and panda?Ss: We ate some fish. We ate some bamboo.4. Teach: I bought a book about penguins.T: We saw many animals just now. Whats your favorite animal?Ss:T: My favorite animal is penguin. But I didnt see the pe

10、nguins at the zoo.So I bought a book about penguins. Look, here it is.小声到大声操练短语:a book about penguins读整句I bought a book about penguins.12遍.课文教学T: I visited the zoo. And I bought a book about penguins. In Lesson 5, Chen Ling and Peter also visited the zoo. What did they do?Lets have a look. 看课文VCD An

11、swer the questions:1) What animals did they see?2) What did Peter do?3) What did Chen Ling do?4) What did they eat? 回答问题 Listen and repeat.Practice1. Listen and numberT: Here are 6 pictures. Lets listen and number the pictures.2. Check3. Learn to write:P28 提醒学生注意动词过去式的正确写法 讲评、订正. Summing-up1. 动词过去式:

12、seesaw , eatate 2. 词组:take a photo of 拍一张的照片 buy a book about 买一本关于的书3. 句型:What animals did you see? 你们看到了什么动物? We saw .我们看到了 We ate . 我们吃了.Homework1. 抄写本课的动词过去式、划线词组和句型各2遍,并翻译2. 听读Lesson 6 五遍,家长签字3. 完成活动手册Lesson 6Unit4 Lesson7作者:陈育平名 文章来源:陈育平名师工作室 点击数:1095 更新时间:2010-1-9 10:32:41 Unit4 Making Phone

13、CallsLesson7执教者:福州市鼓楼实验小学 陈妍指导者:福州市鼓楼实验小学 陈艳春一、教学目标1.知识目标:(1) 词汇:speak. Mid-Autumn Day(2) 句型:May I speak to, please?Speaking.2能力目标:(1)能运用“Hello. This is”May I speak to , please?”Speaking.等打电话的固定用语。3.情感目标:了解在打电话用语方面的中西方文化差异,培养学生对英语的兴趣。二、教学重难点:May I speak to,,please?三、教学用具:导读机、教学课件、单词卡片、四、教学过程:1. Gree

14、tingsT:Good morning .Boys and girls.S: Good morning .Ms Chen.2Free talkT: Hello! (先面向一二两组的全体学生)S: Hello!T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you ,too.T: Whats your favorite food?S: T: Whats your favorite festival? (面向三四组的全体学生)S:T: Do you like Spriing Festival?S :Yes,I like./No,I dont like.T: On Sprin

15、g Festival. We get pocket money. And we say Happy New Year. I say Happy New Year. You say(这时候走到一学生的旁边请他来说)S:Happy New Year.T: Heres your pocket money.(说着把红包给学生)Lets look .On Spring Festival, Chen Ling say Happy New Year to her grandma. They are making a phone call.3. Leading a.引出课题Today were going t

16、o learn Unit4 Making Phone Calls Lesson7T: Mid-Autumn Day is coming. (边说边显示中秋的图片)Chen Ling is inviting Peter to come to her house .They are making a phone call.Now lets listen.开始播放课文VCD录像,先让学生听、看课文一遍。然后再让学生看一遍。第二遍看课文录像时,好的同学可以小声跟读。第二遍看完以后。提出问题:(1)Whos calling?(2)What time do they have dinner togethe

17、r?(3)Why do they have dinner? 让学生带着这三个问题打开书本再把课文看一遍,然后回答问题当学生回答第三个问题时开始教授Mid-Autumn Dayb.教授Mid-Autumn Day先带读两遍,再分男女生来读。再来三拍和两拍的形式来操练。c.On Mid-Autumn Day we eat moon cake.开始教授moon cake. 先手指着评价上的月亮带读moon 然后拿出一块月饼教授moon cake.先领读两遍,抽一小组和整排来读,通过各种游戏的形式来操练:先让学生把两单词读完,再把那两个单词的元音去掉,让学生试着来拼读d.T:On Mid-Autumn

18、 Day, Chen Ling is calling to Peter. What does Chen Ling say? What does Peter say? Lets listen again.先让学生完整的听一遍。T:What does Chen Ling say? 然后把要教的句子说出来Hello. This is Chen Ling. May I speak to Peter,please? Speaking.开始讲授中西方文化差异。然后板书句子,让学生跟着一起读。接着指着句子问第一句谁会读。第二句谁会读。操练May I speak to ,please?Speakinge.把班

19、上所有学生的照片都放在一张幻灯片中。然后让全班学生来读May I speak to ,please?这个句子,当老师点到某位同学的相片的时候,全班一起说出May I speak to ? 这位同学就要立马起来说Speaking!然后再由这位同学接着点其他的同学的照片。操练23次4RevisionT:Open your book, read after the tape.让学生们跟着导读机来读,重点的句子可以多读几遍。5巩固操练显示四幅学生学过的有关节日的图片,然后提供关键字词,让学生根据今天所学的句型进行模仿运用。教师先和全班同学模仿课文,然后选择一幅图来打电话。接着让学生们从四幅图中任选一幅

20、图进行写对话练习,并操练对话以此来达到巩固的目的。6教学Chant7Homework:1.运用所学的句型 Hello. This is May I speak to ,please? Speaking与家人、朋友打电话.2.听音,熟读课文L7.3. 完成活动手册P24.Unit 5 Lesson 9Asking the Way执教教师: 福州市宁化小学 林玉华指导教师: 台江教师进修校 高美珍一、教学内容:闽教版小学英语第五册Unit 5 Lesson 9二、教学目标:1、知识目标:词汇:left, right, turn left, turn right, go straight.句型:Ex

21、cuse me. Where is the?Where are the? Go straight. Then turn left. Thank you. Youre welcome.2、能力目标:能用英文问路、指路,能准确分辨方向。3、情感目标:学习礼貌用语,文明待人。三、教学重点:能听懂会说Where is the ?Where are the?Go straight. Then turn left / turn right.四、教学难点:能准确运用句子Where is the?与Where are the?五、教具准备:1、卡片:left, right, straight, turn le

22、ft, turn right, go straight.2、多媒体 3、路标六、教学过程Step 1、Warming up1.Greetings2.说明评价栏3.Sing a song.播放音乐,师生一起跳兔子舞。Step 2、Presentation and the new lesson1.教学单词left, right(1)由兔子舞引出left, right。(2)师呈现教学卡片,左手拿left , 右手拿right,让学生自己试着拼读。师再教学left,right. ( 3 ) Read and act.( 4 ) 游戏:照镜子。2.教学词组turn left, turn right,

23、go straight.(1) 师出示turn left, turn right卡片并进行教学。 (2) .课件播放turn left, turn right, 各一遍,学生跟读go straight.两遍后,师出示卡片教go straight。(3) I do, you say .(4) 游戏:优秀连长选拔赛。(5) 游戏:军训。请优秀连长给全班队员进行训练。3.课文教学。(1) 揭示课题.(2) 教学新课(3) 阅读课文,找出不理解的地方,学习句子“Youll see it.”“Excuse me .” (4) 跟读课文两遍。(5) 分角色朗读对话。Step 3.Consolidation

24、 1.课件显示动物园画面。做P43 Ask and answer练习 大家都来帮帮他。3.Sum up. 4.Sing a song: Follow meStep 4.Homewok1.听录音,熟读课文2.完成活动手册上本课的练习3. 画出学校到家里的路线图,欢迎同学们到家里做客。七、板书设计Unit 5 Lesson 9Asking the Way A: Where is the zoo ? B: Go straight. Turn left. Turn right.Unit 5 Lesson 10执教教师:台江区第五中心小学 董巧芬指导教师:台江区教师进修学校 高美珍一、教学目的

25、与要求词汇:library, bank, get to句型:How can I get to the ? Go straight. Its on the right. Its on the left.功能:进一步学习问路与指路的英文表达方式。情感:通过小游戏,让学生互相配合,互相信任,增进同学与同学之间的感情。二、教学重难点:1 Words : library, bank,2 Sentences: How can I get to the ?Its on the right. Its on the left.三、教学准备:1. 单词卡片:bank, library, park, school,

26、 zoo, supermarket 2. 指明方向的图标卡片 turn left, turn right, go straight3. 课件四、教学过程:(一)Warming Up1. Sing a song - Follow me2. Say and do the actions 用卡片来边说边做动作3. 评价,揭示课题。(二)Presentation1. T:Do you want to go the zoo ? Look, Li Hong and Wang Tao are also at the zoo. Wang Tao wants to see the lion. Wheres th

27、e lion?用课件出示动物园的图片-Wang Tao 可以移动到狮子的门口S: Go straight. Turn left.T: Yes, its on the left. 课件打出这个句子,教师板书,生跟读。 2T:Li Hong wants to see the zebra. Wheres the zebra ? 用课件,Li Hong 走到斑马处 S: Go straight. Turn right. T : Yes, its on the right. 课件打出这个句子,教师板书,生跟读。 3.Guessing game: Where is it ? 课件出示,学生猜图片在左边或右

28、边。 4从猜图片位置的最后一张图书馆的图片引出。 课件出示图书馆的图片和单词。 Library, library, library, we should keep silent in the library. 师引导学生大声到小声的方式来读单词。 将图书馆的立体图放在某学生处。 T : Now the library is here. How can I get to the library ? 生跟读。并回答。 5 T : Now lets play a guessing game. Where is it ? 课件中的银行图片以渐变形式出现。 用单词卡片教 bank. T : bank, bank, . We always line up in a queen in the bank. 用这种焦急的方式来读单词。 T : Now the bank is here. How can I get to the bank ? 将银行的立体图片放某学生处

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