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1、整理人教版新目标八年级下册英语unit1unit5复习资料doc希望教育 人教版新目标八年级下册英语unit1-5复习资料U nit1 Whats the matter?动词短语:get an X-ray 照X光 see a dentist看牙医= go to a dentist take ones temperature量体温 put some medicine on it 上药take breaks= take a break = have a rest 休息一下 lie down躺下go to a doctor看医生 in the same way以同样的方式hurt oneself伤着

2、自己 to ones surprise另某人吃惊的是get into trouble 陷入困境,惹麻烦 fall down倒塌,跌倒look up 查阅,查字典 write down 写下,记下in a dangerous situation在危险的情况下 by oneself 独自,亲自cut off切断 climb down爬下询问某人的健康问题以及遇到了何种麻烦时,常用以下几种结构来表达:提建议:should do / shouldnt do应该/不应该干某事Whats the matter (with sb)? / Whats wrong (with sb)? / What happe

3、ned (to sb)?Whats the trouble (with sb)? / Whats the problem (with sb)? / Are you OK?/Is there anything wrong with sb?表达身体疼痛或不舒服:sb have / has a fever ( cold, cough, the flu)sb have / has a.ache( headache, toothache, stomachache, backache, an earache)sb have/ has a sore throat (back, arm , foot ,eye

4、 s)There i s something wrong with ones +身体部位I dont feel well.(这里的well是形容词,健康的)Lets +动词原形./ What (How) about doing sth ? / Why not ( Why dont you ) do?Youd better do / Youd better not do 最好干某事/最好不要干某事too much + 不可数名词:too much homework 动词+too much : talk too muchtoo many+可数名词复数:too many students much

5、too + adj/ adv : much too tiredhot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶(这里的with是后置定语,修饰tea)away from :远离Stay away from fire.远离火A地离B地的具体距离具体的距离+away from : My home is 500 meters away from my school.Far from:A地离B地很远My home is far from my school.(具体多远不知道)lie 动词,躺、位于,过去式lay , 过去分词lain, 现在分词lying动词,说谎,过去式lied, 过去分词lied

6、, 现在分词lying名词,谎言tell a lie = tell lies说谎lay 动词,下蛋,产卵,放置,过去式laid, 过去分词laid, 现在分词layingsee sb doing sth看见某人正在干某事see sb do sth看见某人干某事的全过程shout for help 大声呼救shout at sb对某人大喊大叫shout to sb对某人大声说话without thinking twice毫不犹豫,不假思索get on 上车get off 下车(大型交通工具)get into / get out of (电梯、出租车等小型交通工具) expect sb to do

7、 sth期待某人干某事expect sb not to do sth期待某人不要干某事agree to do sth同意干某事thanks to 多亏了,幸亏= because of = with the help ofin time 及时on time 按时,准时right away=right now = at once立即马上think of想起,认为think about 考虑think about doing sth考虑干某事think over 仔细考虑hit sb in / on +身体部位(软的部位用in,硬的部位用on)run it under water用水冲洗put a

8、bandage on it 用绷带包扎Knives are used to cut things.have trouble (in) doing sth = have problems/difficulty (in) doing sth干某事有麻烦/问题/ 困难have trouble with sth= have problems with sth = have difficulty with sth在某方面有困难be / get used to doing sth 习惯于干某事 I am used to getting up early.我习惯了早起used to do sth过去常常干某

9、事(暗示现在不干了)I used to get up early. (暗示现在不早起)be used to do sth被用来干某事(是由use sth to do sth变为被动语态而来)take a risk = take risks 冒险risk用作动词:risk + n / 代/ doing sth Eg: I am willing to risk losing out 用完,耗尽,物作主语, 即sth run out: My money ran out out of 用完,耗尽,=use up 人作主语,即sb run out of s

10、th: I ran out of my money ready to do sth = get ready to do sth准备好干某事be ready for sth = get ready for sth为做好准备the importance of +n/代/doing sth 的重要性the importance of water 水的重要性the importance of reading books 读书的重要性make decisions作决定make decisions to do sth作决定干某事= decide to do sthbe in control

11、 of掌管,管理You should be in control of your own out of control失去控制the same as和一样die 动词,died过去式dying现在分词,可作形容词,垂死的dead形容词,死亡的,death 名词,死亡keep on doing sth坚持干某事give up 动副短语,代词放中间,用宾格:give it / them up give up doing sth放弃干某事= stop doing sthU nit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.动词短语:1.动词+介词:l

12、ook at, listen to, look after( to, at, in , after, for, of, from, across,with, through)2.动词+副词:pick up, take out, give away( on, off, up , down, out, away, )代词作宾语,放中间,用宾格。3.动词+名词+介词:take care of , take part in4.系动词+形容词+介词:be angry with,be different from5.动词+副词+介词:look forward to, catch up withput :

13、put on 穿上,上演;put off 推迟,延期;put up举起,张贴,搭建;put down放下put out扑灭,熄灭;put away收起来,收好e: come from来自;come on快点,加油;come in进来;come up with想出,想起come out出来,出版,放映;come over过来,顺便来访7.look: look at看着 look after照看,照顾; look out当心; look like看起来像; look up查阅 look forward to期待,盼望8.turn: turn on 打开; turn off关掉; turn up声音

14、调大点; turn down声音调小点;9.cut: cut up 切碎;cut down砍伐;cut off切断;cut into切成10.take: take after 相像; take off脱下,起飞; take part in参加; take care of照顾,照料 take out拿出,取出11.clean up 打扫干净; cheer up 振作起来,使高兴起来; set up 建立; out帮助解决难题; work out解答出来,计算出,效果好;give out = hand out 分发,散发; try out试验,参加的选拔;13. dress up 打

15、扮,乔装打扮 make up 编造; give up放弃call up=ring up打电话 pick up捡起,开车接某人, grow up 长大;14.give away赠送; put off doing sth推迟干某事come up with = think up 想出 put up signs张贴标语clean-up 名词清洁 catch up with追上,赶上 raise money筹集资金 raise money for为筹集资金in ones free time在某人的空闲时间 fix up 修理,装饰 give in屈服answer the telephone 接电话 be

16、 excited about 对感到激动、兴奋 used to do sth过去常常干某事(暗示现在不干了)I used to play basketball after school.I didnt use to play basket ball after school. 或I usednt to play basketball after school.一般疑问句:Did you use to play basketball after school. 或Used you to play basketball after school.Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.

17、 或Yes, I used./ No, I usednt.特殊疑问句:What did you use to do? 或What used you to do?used to be过去是(现在不是了)I used to be a student. (现在不是学生了)care for 照顾,照料,用于肯定句= look after= take care of非常喜欢,用于否定句I dont care for green tea.lonely& alone lonely 形容词,孤独的,寂寞的,荒凉的,有强烈的感情色彩,可作表语,如:I feel lonely. 可作定语, a lonely is

18、land一座孤岛alone 副词,修饰动词,如:live alone独自生活;也可以用作形容词,但只能作表语,无感情色彩,强调独自,一个人,如:I was alone at &such so强调形容词或副词,such强调名词 such + a/an+ adj + 可数名词单数:such a clever boy= the boy is so clevera feeling of satisfaction 一种满足感satisfaction名词,满足,满意;satisfy动词satisfy sb使某人满意My answer didnt satisfy her.satisfied形

19、容词,满意的be satisfied with对满意I am satisfied with your gift.the owner of 的主人:Who is the owner of this car?at the age of =when sb was years oldI could write at the age of five. = I could write when I was five years old.try out for参加.的选拔Fifty boys came to try out for the basketball team.try out试验They are

20、trying out a new teaching method.他们正在试验新的教学方法。go on a journey = go on a trip去旅行(journey指长途旅行,trip 指短途旅行travel指长时间,远距离的旅行,尤指出国旅行)be busy with sth= be busy doing sth忙于干某事打电话的表达:call sb= ring sb= call sb up = ring sb up = give sb a call= phone sbraise举起= put up : raise your right hand = put up your rig

21、ht hand提高Dont raise your voice at me.养育He raised a large do 不定式的用法:1.宾语:want / hope/ decide / wish / like / plan / try / expect to do sth2.宾语补足语:want / wish / expect / help / ask sb to do sth3.主语:It takes sb some time to do sth / Its +adj+for sb to do sth / To see is to believe.4.表语:一般在系动词

22、的后面:To see is to believe.5.状语:目的状语:I get up early to catch the early bus.原因状语:Im glad to see you.结果状语:He is old enough to go to school.6.后置定语:The best way to relax is through exercise.break 过去式是broke 过去分词broken ,broken也可作形容词,损坏的,残缺的write to sb= write a letter to sb写信给某人hear from sb = get/receive a l

23、etter from sb收到某人的来信thank you for doing sth = thanks for doing sth谢谢你干某事make / find / think it +adj for sb to do sth在这个结构中,it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是to do sth 使干某事对于某人来说是的/发现干某事对于某人来说是的/认为干某事对于某人来说是的I find it difficult for me to learn English well.make a (big/ great) difference to sb/sth对某人或某物产生了(巨大的)影响The acci

24、dent made a big difference to his life.make no difference to sb/ sth对某人或某物没有影响It made no difference to me.imagine +n/ 代/ doing sth I cant imagine l iving without clean water.imagine+宾语从句Imagine that you are in space.difficulty:具体的概念,困难,难题,难事,可数名词,复数difficulties抽象的困难,不可数:have difficulty (in) doing st

25、htrain: 名词,火车动词,培训,训练train sb/sth to do sth训练某人或某物干某事train sb / sth in 在方面训练某人training 名词培训,训练send sb sth = send sth to sb 把寄给/送给某人be interested in = take an interest in对感兴趣(interest 作为名词,可数,复数interests)擅长do well in = be good at = be strong in work out fine 效果显著Unit 3 Could you please clean your roo

26、m?do the dishes洗碗 sweep the floor扫地 take out the rubbish倒垃圾make the bed整理床铺 fold the clothes叠衣服 clean the living room打扫客厅get a ride搭便车 give sb a ride让某人搭便车 stay out late深夜不归go out for dinner外出吃饭 take out 拿出,取出 work on从事finish doing sth完成干某事 any minute now= any moment now= any time now随时,马上 solve the

27、 problem解决问题 answer the question回答问题come over过来,顺便来访 as +adj/adv as possible 尽可能.all the time一直,频繁,反复 in surprise吃惊地,好奇地 hang out闲逛look through浏览 pick up捡起,开车接某人 take an active part in积极参加play a part (role) in (doing) sth参与到做某事提出礼貌请求的句型:Could you (please) do sth?肯定回答:Yes, sure./ Certainly/Of course

28、problem / All right / OK 等。否定回答:No, I cant./ Sorry, I cant./ Im afraid I cant等否定结构是:Could you please not do sth?请求对方许可的句型:Could I / we do sth? (不用Please) 肯定答:Yes, you can. 否定答:No, you cant.two hours of TV is enough 时间,距离,金钱,度量作主语,常看作一个整体,谓语动词用三单形式 如:Twenty years is a long angry with sb生某人的气b

29、e angry at / about sth因某事而生气throw 扔,掷,动词,过去式是threw throw down扔下throw at 向扔(有恶意)throw sth to sb = throw sb sth扔给某人某物throw away 扔掉throw about到处乱扔Dont throw about rubbish.the minute = the moment= as soon as 一就.,引导时间状语从句,注意“主将从现”I will meet her the minute she gets off the plane.Please call me as soon as

30、 you arrive +形容词或副词原级+as 和.一样not as as / not so as 不如,不及English is as important as math. 英语和数学一样重要English is not as important as math.英语不如数学重要neither 两者都不,是both反义词,作为代词,常和介词of连用,neither of 后面的名词常为复数,但谓语动词用三单形式(在一些非正式的情况下,也会用复数)Neither of the parents knows English.neither A nor B 既不也不 连接两个名词

31、做主语,就近原则:Neither he nor I am right. 适用就近原则的有:Neither A nor B; either A or B; Not only A but also BBoth A and B连接两个名词作主语,谓语用复数。neither+ be动词/助动词/情态动词+主:A不,B也不(前面一种否定情况同样适用于后者)Jane doesnt like English, neither do I . (这里的neither可以换成nor)Jane cant swim, neither can I.( Nor can I )so +be 动词/助动词/情态动词+ 主:A,B 也(前面一种肯定情况同样适用于后者)Jane likes English, so do I . Jane can swim , so can 主+ be动词/助动词/情态动词:A,A的确如此(前后两个句子讨论同一个人)Jane likes English, so she does. Jane can swim, so she can.pass sth to sb = pass sb sth把递给某人lend sb sth = lend st

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