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1、外研高二上期末复习总结学案经典全Book Four Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges(一)Words:汉互译【名词】1、山洞_2、山顶_3、平原_4、高原_5、海岸_6、斜坡_7、山谷_8、树林_9、同事_10、货物_11、寺庙_12、码头_13、码头_14、木筏_15、迂回、绕行之路_16、传奇_17、甲板_18、巡航_19、船舱_20、休息室_21、地点;场所_22、景色_23、别针_24、手电筒_【动词】1、围绕;环绕_2、做生意_3、驶入码头_4、变狭窄_5、开发_6、禁止_【形容词】1、平坦的_2、丘陵起伏的_3、遥远的_4、多山的_5、极

2、大的_6、肥沃的_7、遥远的_8、陡峭的_9、多变化的_【副词】1、向下游_2、自然地_(二)Phrases:英译汉1、at the edge of_ 2、at least_3、be heavy with_ 4、in the distance_5、rip off_ 6、get a kick out of_7、surround sb with sb_ 8、be surrounded by / with _9、in the surrounding area _10、life along the river_11、be to do sth_ 12、take a boat downstream_13、

3、trade along the river_ 14、trade for _15、trade in_ 16、trade with_17、narrow escape from_ 18、narrow down_19、narrow to _ 20、be heavy on sth_21、sail into_ 22、be distant from_23、take advantage of_ 24、from a distance_25、at a distance_ 26、keep sb at a distance _27、on the edge of_ 28、not in the least = not a

4、ll_29、at most = at the most_ 30、make a detour_31、have four weeks off_ 32、go through _33、go through with_ 34、forbid sb to do sth_35、forbid doing sth_ 36、require to do sth _37、require sb to do sth_ 38、require that sb (should) do sth_39、sth require doing = sth require to be done_ 40、be required to do s

5、th_ 41、on a spot _42、rip sth off_ 43、enjoy doing_44、be fond of_ 45、go in for_46、in view_ 47、out of view_48、in view of_ 49、with a view of_50、only if_ 51、if only_Step 2 .联想记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇以及相关短语)1surround vt.围绕,环绕be _ by被围绕2distant adj.遥远的in the _在远处at/from a _隔开一段距离3forbid vt.禁止forbid sb.from _ sth.禁止某

6、人做某事4spot n地点;场所on the _当场;在现场5view n视野;景色;风景;观点;vt.观看;看待in _在看得见的地方in _ of鉴于;考虑到6at the _ of在的边缘at the_ of在顶峰7make a _ 迂回be on _巡回演出8be heavy _充满;满载;有大量的a _ smoker抽烟厉害的人9at _ 至少not in the _一点也不10rip off 敲竹杠;敲诈_ sth.up 把某物撕成碎片11get a kick out of 从中得到乐趣(俚语)_ sth.about/around随便谈谈12_ through经历_through度

7、过;通过13four weeks _四周假期on _度假.构词记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇及其派生词)1hilly adj.多山的;丘陵起伏的_ n山丘,小山2narrow vi.变狭窄;adj.狭窄的_ adv.勉强地3distant adj.遥远的_ n距离4varied adj.多变化的_ v变化_ n多样性;种类_ adj.各种各样的5naturally adv.自然地_ adj.自然的;天然的_ n大自然.语境填词(根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空)1_(自然地),standing on the top of the _(山顶),we have a good _(景色;风景) of t

8、he _(山谷)2I was _(围绕;环绕) by my _(同事) and they asked me to tell some _(传说故事)3These _(货物) were _(禁止) to carry to the _(遥远的) dock.4The _(陡峭的)_(斜坡) is the most beautiful _(地点;场所) of the mountain.5People are _(开发) the _(遥远的) _(多山的) areas.完成句子1只有当你认识到知识有用时,你才会努力学习。Only if you realize knowledge is useful _.

9、2他们会阻止你与这样的人结婚。Theyll _ such a person.3游客担心他们会被敲竹杠。Tourists are worried theyll _.4不要伤心!至少我们能有一个美好的假期。Dont be sad! We could take a nice holiday _.5在远处能看到泰山的山顶。The peaks of the Mount Tai could be seen _.(三)Analyse and translate these sentences .1、He and a colleague were to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college.句中不定式be to do something 表示“按照计划或根据安排将要进行的动作”;be about to表示“即将 (正要) 做某事”。 teaching English at a teacher training college为现在分词短语作_。自主翻译:_

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