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Unit Five.docx

1、Unit FiveUnit Five Section APart one: New words1. preceding a. coming or going before in time, order 在前的,在先的,前面的 The paintings are a development of ideas she explored in the preceding decade. 这些画是她十年以来探索思想的发展。In conclusion, I hope the preceding arguments have convinced you of the need for action. 总之

2、,我希望前面的论证能让你信服行动的必要性。 precede: v. 1) come or go just in front of 处在前面,领先He came into the room preceded by a small dog. 他走进房间,一只小狗走在他前面。Now that you have read that sentence, reread the one that precedes. 现在你已经读到了那句话,那么再把它前面的一句读一遍。2) be earlier than处在之前,先于,在先Thousands of people traveled to America to

3、escape hardship in the years that immediately preceded the First World War. 成千上万的人在第一次世界大战爆发之前的几年里来到美国,以逃离苦难。The week that preceded May Day last year had seen days of heavy downpour (倾盆大雨) in that country and the people there were all prepared to fight floods. 去年“五 一”节前的一周里,那个国家下了好几天倾盆大雨,那儿的人们都在准备抗洪

4、。2. secure vt. 1. make firm or tight; fasten 关紧,固定 The gate wont stay open, so well have to secure it to the post. 大门不能一直开着,所以我们不得不将它固定在柱子上。 Secure all the doors and windows before leaving. 离开之前把所有的门窗关紧。 2. make safe; protect 使安全,保护 The wall was built to secure the village from attack. 建造这堵墙是为了保护村庄不

5、受攻击。3. get, sometimes with difficulty 得到,获得Theyve secured the governments support for the project. 他们已取得了政府对这一规划的支持。Ive secured us two front seats for the show. 我为我们弄到了两个前排座位,观看表演。a. 1. safe; protected against danger or risk 安全的 Are we secure from attack here? 我们这里很安全,受不到攻击吧?2. firm or tight enough

6、for safety 牢固的 Make the window secure before leaving the house. 离开前要关紧窗户。3. having no doubt, fear or anxiety 无忧的,安心的 The young man felt secure about his future. 这个年轻人对自己的前途无忧无虑。 security n. 安全,确信,保证3. moisture n. U tiny drops of water on a surface, in the air, etc. 潮湿,湿气 moisture content 含水量 moistur

7、e determination 含水量测定 Rainfall affects the moisture content of the atmosphere. 下雨对大气中的含水量有影响。 The desert air contains hardly any moisture. 沙漠里的空气几乎不含水分。moist a. 潮湿的,多雨的,泪汪汪的,充满潮气的4. gown n. C a womans dress女长服;罩衣 a ball-gown 舞会礼服 wedding gowns 婚礼礼服 A hospital gown is worn by people receiving medical

8、 treatment in hospital. 医院罩衣是人们在医院接受治疗时穿的。The students had to wear gowns at graduation ceremony. 毕业典礼上学生必须穿礼服。5. famine n. U, C a serious lack of food causing illness and death 饥荒 There is a severe famine in many parts of Africa. 非洲很多地方有严重的饥荒。 The long drought (干旱) was followed by famine. 久旱之后是饥荒。 P

9、arts of India have often suffered from famine. 印度有些地方经常遭受饥荒。 feminine a. 妇女的,柔弱的feminism n. 男女平权论,女权运动6. being n. 1. C a person or thing that exists 生物,人 He was a very gentle being who was much loved by all those who knew him. 他是个十分随和的人,认识他的人都很喜欢他。These are the strange beings from outer space. 这些是来自

10、外层空间的奇特生物。2. U the state of existing 存在We dont know exactly how life first came into being. 我们不知道生命究竟是如何诞生的。This rule was brought into being because the old law was abused. 由于旧的法律遭到滥用,这条规则便应运而生。7. interval n. 1. C a period between two events or times, or the space between two points 间隔,间距Theres ofte

11、n a long interval between an author completing a book and its appearing in the shops. 从作者完成一本书到这本书出现在书店里通常有很长一段间隔。Tomorrow it will be mostly cloudy, with a few sunny intervals. 明天大部分时间是阴,有时转晴。2. C a brief period between the parts of performance 幕间休息,中场休息He scored his first goal of the match three mi

12、nutes after the interval. 中场休息才过3分钟,他就射入了他本场比赛的第一个进球。During the interval, we were taken to the coffee bar. 在幕间休息时,我们被领到咖啡厅。8. privilege n. C, U 特权,优惠 As a teenager, she felt that living in Manhattan was a privilege she was lucky to have. 当她十几岁时,感到住在曼哈顿是她幸运地拥有的一个特权。The children of the rich and powerf

13、ul experience privilege from birth. 有钱有势人家的孩子从出生起就受到特别对待。Part Two: Text Analysis1. hit: vt. affect very badly The increase in ticket prices has hit spectator sports badly. 票价上涨极大地影响了观众多的体育运动。A powerful earthquake hit the city. 这个城市遭受了一次强烈的地震。The smell of frying ham hit me as I opened the door. 我一开门就

14、闻到一股煎火腿的香味。2. the pit of ones stomach:胸口,心窝The ache in the pit of her stomach is no worse than the one in her heart. 她胸口的疼痛比不上她心头的疼痛。 I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when the news of the attack was announced. 当进攻的消息宣布时,我感到胸口很难受。3. reach for: stretch ones hand in order to touch or take伸

15、出手以触到或拿到The shopkeeper reached for a packet of tea. 店主伸手去拿一袋茶叶。I reach for the long, thin fingers that are lying on the chest. 我伸手去触摸那放在胸口的细长手指。4. hang around: (also hang about/round) (cause to) swing from or round(使)在 上挂着, (使)围在上By the clouds which hang around the mountain the locals can foretell a

16、 storm. 根据环绕着山峰的云的情形,当地人能预知暴风雨的到来。She likes to hang a necklace around her neck, but I dont. 她总喜欢戴条项链,但我不喜欢。5. so that: with the aim that; in order that 为的是,以便She worked hard so that everything would be ready by 6 oclock. 她努力干,以便到六点时把一切都准备就绪。Leave the keys out so that I remember to take them with me.

17、 把钥匙放在外面,以便我能记着随身携带。6. feel for: search with the hands, the feet, a stick, etc.(用手、足、棍等)摸索,寻找He felt in his pocket for the key. 他用手在口袋里摸钥匙。Blinded by the soap, he had to feel for his glasses. 他被肥皂弄得睁不开眼,只好用手摸索着找眼镜。7. ease: vi. 1) take away (pain or worry); relieve; lessen减轻 Take this medicine and it

18、 will ease the pain. 把这药吃下去,它能镇痛。 The pilots calm manner eased the passengers fears. 飞行员镇定自 若的举止消减了乘客们的恐惧。2) make more comfortable使舒服,放松 I eased her mind by telling her that the children were safe. 我告诉 她孩子们很安全,以此来宽慰她。Her sons coming back from the army safe and sound eased Mrs. Green of her worry and

19、 anxiety. 儿子从部队平安归来消除了格林太太的担心和焦虑。n. 1) the state of being comfortable and without worry or anxiety; leisure; peace of mind安逸,轻松The retired couple lived a life of ease. 这对退休夫妇过着悠闲自在的生活。Lucy is a rich woman now and leads a life of ease. 如今露茜成了有钱人,过着悠闲自在的生活。2) the ability to do sth. without difficulty;

20、 easiness; effortlessness; readiness熟练,情谊,容易Our team won the game with ease. 我们队轻松拿下了这场比赛。He writes with ease. 他文笔流畅。8. turn towards: change position so as to face the particular direction 转向Please turn towards me when you are speaking, so that I can hear what you are saying. 请你说话时转过来对着我,以便我能听清你说什么。

21、If you turn towards the right and look in the mirror, you will be able to see the mark. 假如你向右转照照镜子,你会看到那道痕迹。9. make an attempt to do sth.: make an effort to do sth. 尝试,企图They made no attempt to escape. 他们未曾企图逃跑。She made a few attempts to join in their conversation.在他们谈话时,她插了几次话。10. bend to: bow to a

22、 specific direction俯向Jim bent to the ground to pick up the pen. 吉姆弯腰从地上拾起钢笔。He bent forward to the child to listen to what he was saying. 他弯下腰来听孩子在说什么。11. go about doing sth.: start to work at; set about着手处理,开始做How do you go about building a boat? 你们是如何着手建造一只小船的?How shall we go about the job? 我们该怎样着

23、手干这件工作? 12. provide for: 1) make arrangements to deal with sth. that might happen in the future为可能发生的事做安排We did not provide for such a great increase in prices. 我们没有想到价格的增幅会这么大,所以没有充分的准备。How can people provide for unexpected events? 人们如何准备应付意料不到的事件呢?2) support someone by giving them money and the th

24、ings that they need; supply with the necessary things of lifeHe has five children and a wife to provide for. 他要养活妻子和五个孩子。Our nursery provides for all the needs of very young children. 我们的托儿所提供幼儿所需的一切。13. pick sth. up: take hold of and lift sb.举起,抱起He picked up the child and put her on his shoulders.

25、他把小孩举起放在自己的肩上。I picked a small child up under each arm and ran to the other end of the garden. 我一手抱起一个小孩跑到花园的另一头。14. pull up: pull sth. forward 把. .拉过来,把. .拉向前Pull up the chair and join the conversation. 把椅子拉过来,跟我们一起谈谈。The boat was pulled up on the shore. 小船被拉上了岸。15. except for: used to introduce th

26、e only things, people, or ideas that prevent your main statement from being completely trueThe classroom was silent, except for the busy scratching of pens on paper.教室里静悄悄的,只听见钢笔快速地在纸上书写的沙沙声。His composition is good, except for some spelling mistakes. 他的这篇作文写得很好,只是有几处拼写错误。16. neither(nor): conj. used

27、 before the first of two or more choices which are expressed by noun phrases, verb phrases, etc., separated by nor, meaning not eitherLilys husband neither smokes nor drinks. 莉莉的丈夫既不抽烟也不喝酒。In a position like this one can neither stand up nor lie down. 处在这样的位置,一个人既不能站直,又无法躺倒。17. an ounce of sth.: a v

28、ery small amount of sth.She hasnt an ounce of common sense. 她一点常识都没有。There is not an ounce of truth in his stories. 他说的没有一点是真的。18. sense: v. become aware of The doctors can often sense uneasiness in the patients whom they treat. 医生们通常能觉察到他们所治疗的病人心中的不安。He sensed that she did not want to talk to him.

29、他感觉到她不愿和他交谈。19. match: vt. go with; correspond toI tried hard, but still my pace couldnt match his. 我很努力,可我的步伐还是不能与他保持一致。You have to match your spending with your income. 你要量入为出。20. curl: v. become curved or rounded in shapeTheyve got toes, which curl round like this. 他们的脚趾就像这样弯曲着。Her white hands we

30、re curled around the cup. 她白皙的双手握着杯子。21. at intervals (of): happening regularly after equal periods of time or appearing at equal distances (of)Trains will run from Shanghai to Nanjing at 20-minute intervals from 10 am to 8 pm. 从上海到南京的火车, 从上午10点到晚上8点每隔20分钟发一班。He is likely to need to rest at frequent

31、 intervals. 他很可能需要隔一小会儿就休息一下。Trees are planted at intervals of three feet in this area. 在这个地区每隔三英尺种着一棵树。22. spare: vt. prevent from (suffering sth.)Mary stood up for me at the meeting, sparing me some embarrassment. 玛丽在会上支持我,使我免遭尴尬。Miss Green wanted to talk with the sales manager about the monthly sales plan, but the manager asked her to spare him the details as he had to attend a meeting right away. 格林小姐想和销售经理谈谈月销售计划,但经理请她略去细节,因为他马上要去开会。Part Three: Text Structure AnalysisIn narrative, it is common to write according to a chronological order: listing events just according to th

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