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1、外贸函电装运第九章 Shipments装运第一节 Urging Shipment Letters催促装运信 一、The Steps of Urging Shipment Letters催促装运信的写作步骤 敦促立即交货是买方写给卖方的有关装运的信函。由于某种原因,卖方没能按期装运时,买方可以写信进行询问和催促,但语气要客气、婉转。注意要站在对方角度写,说明不交货会对他自己不利。敦促立即交货信函步骤:1说明相关信用证已经开立;(Stating that the relative L/C has been opened)情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)We wish to i

2、nform you that the L/C.has been opened.(兹通知你方,信用证已开立)We are glad to inform you that(很高兴通知你方)The covering L/Chas been established.(相关的信用证已经开立)2说明立即装运的必要性和理由;(Stating the necessity and reasons of immediate shipment)情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressions)As the selling season is coming, our clients are in urgent n

3、eed of the goods.(由于销售季节的来临, 我方客户急需这批货)We wish you can ship the goods as soon as possible to enable us to catch the brisk demand.(我们希望你方早日装运, 以便使我方能够赶上的销售旺季)3提示迟装对生意有害,希望对方早日装运。(Stating the harm to business if shipping is delayed and wishing the seller to ship the goods early)情景搭配用语:(Useful Expressi

4、ons)Any delay in shipment will be detrimental to(任何装运的延误都会对有害)It is beneficial to both parties to(对双方都有利)We thank you for your co-operation in this respect.(希望你方在这方面合作)We await your good news.(盼望你方的好消息)二、Text Explanation and Vocabulary课文分析和词汇1Dear Sirs,Our Order No. 234We are now very anxious1to kno

5、w about the shipment of our above order for 3,000 “Yong Kang” brand sewing machines which should be delivered before March 20 as contracted2.(提示对方按合同应交货)Now the shipment date is approaching3rapidly, but so far4we have not received any information from you concerning this lot5. When we placed the ord

6、er we explicitly6pointed out7that punctual shipment was of great importance8because our customers were in urgent need of the goods and we had given them assurance of9an early delivery.(解释及时装运的原因)We hope you will make every effort to effect shipment within the stipulated10time as any delay would caus

7、e11us no small difficulty12.(希望对方尽早发货)Sincerely,讲解:第一段:We are now very anxious1to know about the shipment of our above order for 3,000 “Yong Kang” brand sewing machines which should be delivered before March 20 as contracted2.1. anxious意思是“期望”,后接动词不定式。类似于would like very much。例:(1)We are anxious to e

8、stablish business relations with you(我们盼望和你们建立业务关系。)(2)We are anxious to know when you can arrange shipment.(我们希望知道你们什么时候能够装运。)2. as contracted按合同约定。Contract动词,签合同。例:(1)The users are in urgent need of the machines contracted and are in fact pressing us for assurance of an early delivery.(客户们急需合同项下的机

9、器而且实际上正在催促我们要保证早日装船。)(2)We have contracted with a clothing firm for 1,000 mens shirts a week.(我们已经和一家服装公司订立了合同,每周交一千件衬衫。)contract名词,合同。例:We have expressly stated that the stipulations of the L/C should comply with the terms of the contract.(我们明确表示信用证的规定应该与合同条款一致。)讲解:第二段:Now the shipment date is appr

10、oaching3rapidly, but so far4we have not received any information from you concerning this lot5. When we placed the order we explicitly6pointed out7that punctual shipment was of great importance8because our customers were in urgent need of the goods and we had given them assurance of9an early deliver

11、y.3. approach接近,与接触。同get in touch with,contact。例:(1)Mr. Jones is rather difficult to approach.(琼斯先生很难接近。)(2)We approach you for importing chemicals.(我们为进口化工产品与你方接洽。)4. so far到目前为止=up to now, up to date, up till now, up to the moment。例:(1)We wish to inform you that the supply of this commodity in our

12、 market has so far been monopolized by a Japanese make.(我们愿告知你方,此商品在我方市场的供应迄今为一种日本货所垄断。)(2)So far, so good.(到目前为止还好。)5. lot一批货。如:the whole lot整批货。例:(1)If you fall in with our views,we shall ship the first lot of Stereo Sets by the end of this month.(如果你方同意我们的观点,我们将在这个月底装运第一批立体声收录机。)(2)We prefer to s

13、hip whatever is ready instead of waiting for the completion of the entire lot.(我们愿意装运所有备妥货物,而不愿等整批货备妥再装运。)6. explicitly清楚地。例:We have expressly stated that the stipulations of the L/C should comply with the terms of the contract.(我们明确表示信用证的规定应该与合同条款一致。)7. point out指出。例:(1)We must point out that our o

14、ffer is subject to your reply reaching us on 6tthJune.(我们必须指出我方报盘以你方6月6日复到有效。)(2)We must point out that the market for the goods is rising and our price cannot remain unchanged for long.(我们必须指出,目前这种商品的市场行情看涨,我们的价格不会保持很长时间。)8. of great importance=very important非常重要。例:(1)This is of great importance to

15、 our customers.(这对我们客户来说非常重要。)(2)Your early reply is of great importance to us.(你方的早日答复对我们很重要。)9. give sb. assurance 给某人做出保证,向某人保证。=assure sb.例:(1)We have given our assurance to our customers of punctual shipment.(我们向客户保证准时装运。)(2)He has given his assurance to us that he will effect shipment as soon

16、as possible.(他向我们保证会立即交货。)讲解:第三段:We hope you will make every effort to effect shipment within the stipulated10time as any delay would cause11us no small difficulty12.10. stipulate规定。例:(1)The contract stipulates that shipment be made in June.(合同规定六月份装运。)(2)It is stipulated in our Sales Confirmation t

17、hat payment be made by L/C.(我们的销售确认书规定用信用证付款。)(3)The seller must pack the goods as stipulated in the contract.(卖方必须按照合同的规定包装。)11. cause使,导致。动词。例:(1)This has caused us a great loss.(这给我们造成了很大损失。)(2)Our investigation shows that damage was caused by improper packing.(检验证明,货物受损是由于包装不当造成的。)12. no small d

18、ifficulty不小困难,即很大困难。No small不小的,=great。例:He has caused us no small trouble.(他给我们带来了不少麻烦。)译文:先生:我方订单234号我方现急于了解我方3000台“永康”牌缝纫机的装运情况,这批货按合同规定,应在3月20日前装运。现装运日期很快临近,但到目前为止没有收到任何你方关于这批货的消息。当初我们订货时明确指出按时装运的重要性,因为我方客户急需这批货物,我们已向他们保证早日交货。望你方尽力在规定时间内交货,因为任何延误都会给我们带来不少麻烦。谨上,三、Text Explanation and Vocabulary课文

19、分析和词汇2Dear Sirs,Contract No.3485Referring to1our previous2letters, we wish to call your attention to3the fact that up to the present moment4no news has come from you about the shipment under the subject contract.(提及以前的函电和交易)As you have been informed in one of our previous letters, the users are in u

20、rgent need of the goods contracted and are in fact pressing5us for a timely6delivery.(解释及时交货的重要性)Under the circumstances7, it is obviously8impossible for us to further extend our L/C No.8769, which expires9on 2ndMay, and we are obliged to10remind you of11this matter once again.(进一步解释不能展期信用证)As your

21、prompt attention to shipment is most desirable to all parties concerned12, we hope you will let us have your shipping advice13without delay14.(希望早日发货)Yours faithfully,讲解:第一段:Referring to1our previous2letters, we wish to call your attention to3the fact that up to the present moment4no news has come f

22、rom you about the shipment under the subject contract.1. Referring to关于。意思同with reference to,with regard to。例:Referring to your claim of May 15,we very much regret that(关于你方5月15日的索赔,很遗憾)2. previous前面的,以前的。例:(1)We wish to do business with you on the same payment basis with the previous ones.(我们希望与你方以

23、以前的支付条款做生意。)(2)We have done successful business in previous years.(在前几年我们成功地做了交易。)3. call your attention to提醒某人注意例:We wish to call your attention to the fact that(我们提醒你们注意)4. up to the present moment到目前为止=up to now,up to date,up till now,so far。讲解:第二段:As you have been informed in one of our previous

24、 letters, the users are in urgent need of the goods contracted and are in fact pressing5us for a timely6delivery.5. press催促。短语有press sb to do sth;press sb for sth。例:(1)Our customers are pressing us to ship the goods early.(客户催促我方尽早装运货物。)(2)Our customers are pressing us for punctual shipment.(客户催促我们尽

25、早发货。)6. timely及时的。=punctual。例:The timely rain after a long time of drought will certainly bring on the crops.(久旱之后的这场及时雨肯定会有助于作物的生长。)讲解:第三段:Under the circumstances7, it is obviously8impossible for us to further extend our L/C No.8769, which expires9on 2ndMay, and we are obliged to10remind you of11th

26、is matter once again.7. Under the circumstances在这种情况下。还可以说under this circumstances, under such circumstances。以及under no circumstances无论如何也不能。(1)Under this circumstances,it is impossible to further extend the L/C.(在这种情况下,不可能再展期信用证了。)(2)Under no circumstances can we break the law.(无论如何我们也不能触犯法律。)8. ob

27、viously显而易见地例:(1)It is obviously caused by mispacking.(很明显这是由于错误包装造成的。)(2)The market is obviously advancing.(市价很明显在上升。)9. expire到期,不及物动词。例:(1)Their licenses have expired.(他们的许可证已到期。)(2)Our L/C expires on 20tthAugust.(我们的信用证于8月20日到期。)10. are obliged to对感激。=be grateful to。例:(1)We shall be very much ob

28、liged if you will effect shipment as soon as possible.(如果贵方能尽快地发货,我方将不胜感激。)(2)We are obliged to your kind cooperation.(感谢你们的友好合作。)11. remind sb of sth提醒某人某事。还可以说remind sb to do sth,remind sb that。例:(1)We feel it our duty to remind you of this matter.(我们认为有责任提醒你们注意这件事。)(2)We would like to remind you

29、to open the covering L/C without delay.(我们想提醒你们及早开立相关的信用证。)(3)We have to remind you that shipment of our Order No. 12 is rapidly becoming overdue.(我们必须提醒你们,我方订单12号的货物的装运很快就要过期了。)讲解:第四段:As your prompt attention to shipment is most desirable to all parties concerned12, we hope you will let us have you

30、r shipping advice13without delay14.12. all parties concerned所有相关方面。party一方。例:Punctual shipment is good to every party concerned.(及时交货对所有相关方都有好处。)13. shipping advice装运通知。14. without delay立即。例:(1)You may rest assured that we will ship the goods next week without delay.(请放心我们一定在下周装运货物。)(2)Please take n

31、ecessary steps without delay.(请早日采取必要的措施。)译文:先生:关于合同号3485参阅我们先前的信函,请你们注意以下事实:直到此刻我们还没有得到你方有关装运上述合同下货物的消息。正如我们在前信中所告,用户急需所订购的机器,并事实上正在催促我们早日交货。在此情况下,我们显然不能把5月2号到期的第8769号信用证再次展期。而且我们认为有责任再次提醒你们注意此事。希望立即给我们装船通知,因为有关各方面无不指望你们及时注意装运。谨上,四、Useful Language催促装运信的常用句式 1. The order No. 105 is so urgently required that we

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