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1、学年上海高三英语二模汇编写作优质范文汇编2020-2021学年高三英语二模写作题目及范文汇编One【虹口区】Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.76. 假定你是明启中学的高中生李华。某电视台线上学习节目打算增设两个栏目。初步拟定从 “Reading for Fun”、 “Textbook Learning”、 “Homework Guidance”、 “Online Listening”以及”Questions

2、 and Answers”五个栏目中选取两个,特此向所有在线学习者征求意见。请你给电视台写封邮件,推荐两个栏目。邮件内容须包括:1.你推荐的两个栏目;2.你推荐这两个栏目的理由。【试题解析】 英语作文是高考英语试题的压轴,也是大家关注的话题。纵观近几年的高考英语作文,不难发现大部分都是在考察学生的主观表达能力,给与了学生较大的自由发挥空间。此题目,就电视台线上学习节目增设两个栏目提出建议并说明其理由。首先,从体裁上来看是学生十分熟悉的书信格式,首先提出增设哪两个栏目建议,同时需要在主体部分写出提出建议的理由,属于综合性体裁;所提出的建议要讲的有理有据,充分合理,得到一定的认可。【参考范文】De

3、ar Tv ProducerHearing that your programmes wants to add two concepts and is asking for every online learners advice, from my point of view, online listening and questions and answers will be good choices. For one thing, online listening is very suitable for the online studying programme. Not only ca

4、n it improve listeners listening skills, but also can help listeners maintain a long term practice. As we all know, everyone is busy in his or her daily life and long term study is hard for them to keep. If the online listening programme is added, out of question listeners can lay a solid foundation

5、 for their English listening.For another thing, question and answers concept can evolve a more lively and interesting study air. In this concept, learners can ask others about their problems and then can be solved. Whats more, this programme can motivate learners to communicate with others and broad

6、en their horizons.In short, as a fan of your programme, I wholeheartedly hope that these two concepts can be added in the coming programme.Yours Sincerely Zhang Hua Two【黄浦区】Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.学校图书馆正在改造,拟添置打印机

7、、扫描仪和咖啡机这三项设备中的一项,并打算购买一些装饰物品来美化环境,目前学生会在广泛征求意见。假设你是该校学生王佳,请给学生会发封邮件,给出你的建议,内容须包括: 你建议图书馆添置的设备及理由 (三选一); 你建议图书馆购买的装饰物品及理由 (两件) 。【试题解析】本篇作文为信件类建议作文,开头和结尾要符合信件的格式。建议信的开头:问候,自我介绍,写信背景,写信目的;结尾:总结,希望对方采纳建议,以及祝愿。写作前,学生需要认真审题,明确写作要求,文体类型(结构)以及主要内容,本文除了是一篇建议信,还是一篇说理类的文章,要求有理有据,层次鲜明。结合本篇写作题目的要求,具体思路如下:首段,简要自

8、我介绍(避免透漏详细的个人信息),简述背景(学校图书馆改造,学生会对于添置设备和装饰品向大家征求建议),表明写邮件的目的(基于这个背景,给学生会提出自己的建议);主体段,针对添置设备三选一和装饰品选二这两个方面,提出自己观点,然后分述2-3点理由。需要注意,添置设备三选一要体现对比;装饰品要选择能够“美化环境”的物品,符合题目的要求。尾段,对自己的建议观点进行总结,希望对方采纳或者考虑建议,表达对学校图书馆建设的祝愿,以及致谢。【参考范文】Dear Student Union,Im Wang Jia, learning that our school is intended to make s

9、ome improvement in the school library, and coincidentally, you are now gathering publics suggestions on its upgrading, I am desperate to share some of my humble opinions out of my concern for our school.When it comes to choosing a typing machine, a scanner or a coffee machine to add to the library,

10、I will definitely recommend a coffee machine. Compared with adding the typing machine and the scanner, a coffee machine has evident advantages over them. On the one hand, there is a lack of coffee machine, to provide alternative drinks except pure water. For coffee can help us to be our sharpest and

11、 most creative when we are reading, we will be more productive due to this little machine. On the other, a typing machine and a scanner can be easily accessible to us in our teachers office and printing room, it is totally a waste to add the same facilities.In terms of the inner decorations, without

12、 any doubt, green plants and paintings from our students and teachers can beautify our reading rooms. For one thing, green plants can provide fresh air during the day and create a comfortable corner to relax ourselves for a while. After a long time reading, we can also protect our eyes by taking a l

13、ook at those lovely plants. For another, paintings from our students and teachers showing our positive spiritual features, will enhance our artistic appreciation.By all accounts above, adding a coffee machine, some plants and paintings is a better choice for our library. I hope you can consider my a

14、dvice seriously and I firmly believe our school library will be a more comfortable and appealing place for us to study. Thank you for sparing your time for reading my letter.Three【浦东新区】Directions: Write an English composition in about 120150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese

15、.76.某校针对高一新生进行了“拓展课”(extensive courses)的问卷调查。下面是拓展课选课原因的比例分布图。请简要描述图表,并结合自己选课经历(1-2门拓展课),说明选择的原因。(注意:不要出现学校名字)【参考范文】A newly-organized questionnaire has been conducted about “Why will you choose extensive courses” among freshmen. As is vividly described in the chart, the result points out that half o

16、f the involved students choose extensive courses in the hope of developing their hobbies, followed by nearly 40%, attributing it to broaden their knowledge areas. Less than 10% students prefer strengthen their text knowledge, while the remaining are for exam preparation. As far as I am concerned, th

17、e results definitely reflect the truth, which can be fully explained by my experience of choosing Appreciation of English Movies as my extensive courses.First and foremost, as an English movies crazier, its an ideal course to fulfill my eager to enhance my ability to appreciate and analyze the forei

18、gn movies which can enable me to better understand the theme and underlying meaning which cannot be grasped easily. For example, I can truly echo with Hamlet for his intense contradiction and conflict. Besides, through many foreign movies, I can expose myself to various cultures and enjoy their char

19、m and fascination, which is a great help for the expansion of my horizons. Of course, the knowledge concerned in the movies also play its own part in my study.In conclusion, its of crucial importance for students to choose their favourite extensive courses for significant benefits.Four【长宁区】Direction

20、s: Write an English composition in l20-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.中小学教育惩戒规则(试行)规定,学校可以对违纪学生进行管理、训导或矫治,使其引以为戒并改正错误,同时明确了实施惩戒时被禁止的行为,如体罚和辱骂等。请你就规则的颁布和实施谈谈自己的看法.参考词汇:中小学教育惩戒规则(试行)Punishment rules for primary and secondary education (for trial implementation)、训导discip

21、line、矫治correct、体罚physical punishment、辱骂verbal abuse.【试题解析】英语作文是高考英语试题的压轴,也是大家关注的话题。纵观近几年的模考英语作文,不难发现大部分都是在考察学生的主观表达能力,给与了学生较大的自由发挥空间。此题目要求考生就一法律条文的规定谈谈自己的看法,并给出理由。首先从体裁上来看,是学生比较熟悉的议论文,首段点题,亮出自己的观点,指明赞同这项措施。其次,分为两个段落,从学生,以及教师角度给出自己赞成法律明确禁止教师对学生施以体罚和辱骂等不当惩罚行为。对学生来说:1.体罚难以转变学生不正确的态度。2.难以形成良好的教育氛围,使学生在行

22、为上谨小慎微。3.导致师生关系紧张,产生冲突乃至对抗。对老师来说:规则的意义是,既保护学生不受虐待,又保护老师的惩戒权。有了这样明确的规定,学生的错误该如何罚,老师做得是否符合规定,一对照便知。末段对全文进行总结【参考范文】Recent months have seen various occurrences of news reports about the teachers violent behavior towards their students, which evidently cast a shadow on the image of faculty members equall

23、y. The newly-released regulations are aimed at protecting children from improper behaviors from their teachers, as evidenced by physical punishment and verbal abuse. I totally subscribe to its potential benefits.For students, these punishment measures to some extent work well in regulating their mis

24、deeds, but may backfire when students dont take an honest look at their faults and turn a new leaf. Besides, misguided measures entail a serious risk of more timid and over cautious teenagers, with active and vigorous students out of sight. Also, chances are that repeated conflicts and confrontation

25、s may occur amid heightened tensions between students and teachers.Any trade or profession is complete with rules. For teachers, lack of fixed standards and too much subjective casualty can be a barrier to exercising power on their part. Compared with aggressive teachers, some timid ones may flinch

26、at students managements, even without due criticisms for misbehaved kids. Now with precise written regulations in place, they are shown how to get students right within a reasonable range. Also, parents are reminded by the law not to follow suit.In conclusion, punishment rules for primary and second

27、ary education at best a help to childrens physical and mental well-being, or at least a hindrance to teachers unreasonable behaviors.Five【徐汇区】Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.假设你是黎明中学学生王刚,你学校位于上海市的郊区,学校的操场边有一块空地,很久以前是教师开垦出


29、途,建议理由 空地利用的重要性、用途的可行性;结尾段:期待建议能够得到采纳,表达对学校建设的美好祝愿。【参考范文】Dear Headmaster,Im a student in our school, having been exposed to the news that there has been a deserted open space beside our school playground, where it used to be the vegetable field cultivated by our teachers long time ago, and Im only t

30、oo anxious to show my humble opinions on the land use. From my perspective, the deserted land will definitely be a perfect place to be transformed as a room for student club activities.In the first place, this land has aroused heated discussion among our students and I wish to bring to your attentio

31、n. On one hand, though this land had been served as the vegetable field and multiple functions before, it stays vacant for a long time since it was not suitable for plant vegetables and lack of management. On the other, not only this open space but also every corner in our campus should be used effe

32、ctively and play its role in school life. Owing to these consideration, we should make a change about this land use.To improve the situation, its advisable for you to renovate the land into a clubhouse. First and foremost, since the clubhouse doesnt require to be very specious, this land is the very place for student club activities.Besides, its also an urgent need for us to have a permanent place to hold various after-class activities. According to our survey based on our students, more than four fifth of us have a de

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