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1、人教版七年级下册英语总复习资料英语七年级下册(人教版)总复习资料一、一般疑问句是以be 动、助动词、情态动词开头,用yes 或no来回答的句子。陈述句改为一般疑问句规则如下:. 当句子中含有be 动词(is, am, are)时,把be动词提到句首,主语是第一人称时要改为第二人称。如:I am a boy. Are you a boy我是一个男孩。你是一个男孩吗you are a teacher. Are you a teacher你是一个老师。你是一个老师吗He is doing homework. Is he doing homework他正在做家庭作业。他正在做家庭作业吗. 当句子中含有

2、情态动词(如can)时,把情态动词提到句首,主语是第一人称时要改为第二人称。You can speak English. Can you speak English你会讲英语。你会讲英语吗I can dance. Can you dance我会跑舞。你会跳舞吗. 当句子中谓语动词是实义动词时,应在句子前加助动词do或does,如果是过去时态,则应当加did 。疑问句中谓语动词一律用动词原形。You speak Chinese. Do you speak Chinese你讲中文。你讲中文吗He likes English. Does he like English他喜欢英语。他喜欢英语吗He w

3、ent to the movies. Did he go to the movies他去看了电影。他去看了电影吗二、特殊疑问句(特殊疑问词一般疑问句语序)用特殊疑问代词Who、Whose、What、Which或疑问副词When、Where、Why、How引导的疑问句。1. What is your name 你叫什么名字2. Who is he 他是谁3. Whose pen is red 谁的钢笔是红色的4. Which is your pen 哪支钢笔是你的5. Where are you from 你来自哪里6. When is your birthday 你什么时候生日7. Why d

4、o you like koalas 你为什么喜欢树袋熊8. How is the weather 天气怎么样三、选择疑问句(一般疑问词or可选择部分)其回答是完整句子或其省略式。1. Do you like apples or pears 你喜欢苹果还是梨子I like apples. / Apples.我喜欢苹果。/ 苹果。2. Is it red or green 它是红色的还是绿色的It is red . / Red. 它是红色的。/ 红色。Unit 1一、be from 来自于come fromI am from China. = I come from China. 我来自中国。He

5、 is from China. = He comes from China. 他来自中国。My pen pal is from China. = My pen pal comes from China. 我的笔友来自中国。1. 把上面三组句子改为否定句含有be 动词的,直接在be 动词后加not含有实义动词的,要借助动词do 的否定形式构成否定句,即在实义动词前加dont。如果是第三人称单数则加doesnt,如果是过去式加didnt,动词要还原。以上三组句子的否定句为:I am not from China. = I dont come from China.He isnt from Chin

6、a. = He doesnt come from China.My pen pal isnt from China. = My pen pal doesnt come from China.我的笔友不是来自中国。2. 以上三组句子的一般疑问句及其回答为:把be动词提到句首,是第一人称的要改为第二人称。Are you from China Yes, I am. / No, I am not.Is he from China Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.Is you pen pal from China Yes, he (she) is ./ No, he (she) is

7、.含实义动词的,借助动词do完成,第三人称单数用does.Do you come from China Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Does he come from China Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.Does your pen pal come from China Yes, he (she) does. / No, he (she) doesnt.3. 就以上三组陈述句画线部分(China)提问即写出三组特殊疑问句(特殊疑问词一般疑问句语序)China 为地名,所以特殊疑问词用“Where”Where are you from =

8、Whre do you come fromWhere is he from = Where does he come fromWhere is your pen pal from = Where does your pen pal from 你的笔友来自哪里二、live 居住实义动词,表示居住在某地,其后面要加介词in.如:I live in China. 我住在中国。He lives in China. 他住在中国。My pen pal lives in China. 我的笔友住在中国。1. 以上三个句子的否定句为(实义动词要借助助动词do完成否定句和疑问句):I dont live in

9、China .He doesnt live in China .My pen pal doesnt lives in China .2. 上面三个句子的一般疑问句及其答语为:Do you live in China Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Does he live in China Yes, he does./No, he doesnt.Does your pen pal live in China Yes, he (she) does. / No, he (she) doesnt.3. 就画线部分(in China)提问,及其特殊疑问句(特殊疑问词一般疑问句语序)。因

10、in China为地方,所以用“Where”提问Where do you liveWhere does he liveWhere does you pen pal live三、speak 讲,说实义动词,其后一般接某种语言I speak Chinese. 我讲中文。He speaks Chinese. 他讲中文。My pen pal speaks Chinese. 我的笔友讲中文。1. 其否定句为:I dont speak Chinese.He doesnt speak Chinese.My pen pal doesnt speak Chinese.2. 其一般疑问句及其答语为:Do you

11、speak Chinese Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Does he speak Chinese Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.Does your pen pal speak Chinese Yes, he (she) does. / No, he (she) doesnt.3. 就画结部分(Chinese)提问因Chinese为语言,所以用“What language(什么语言)”来提问What language do you speakWhat language does he speakWhat language does your p

12、en pal speakUnit 2一、“There be”句型“There is / are某物/某人某地/某时”表示“某地/某时有某物/某人。”(某物/某人,单数用is,复数用are)。如:There is a hotel on the street. 在街上有一个旅馆。其否定句为:There isnt a hotel on the street.其一般疑问句为:Is there a hotel on the street 其答语为:Yes , there is. / No, there isnt.其一般疑问句可用于问路二、表示方位的句子1. The hotel is on Center

13、Street. (on,在上面)旅馆在中心大街上。2. The hotel is next to the post office. (next to,在旁边)旅馆在邮局的旁边。3. The hotel is in front of the post office.(in front of,在前面)旅馆在邮局的前面。4. The hotel is behind the post office.(behind,在后面)旅馆在邮局的后面。5. The hotel is across from the post office.(across from,在对面)旅馆在邮局的对面。6. The hotel

14、 is between the post office and the library. (between . and . 在与之间)旅馆在邮局和图书馆之间。就以上句子的画线部分提问:Where is the hotel 旅馆在哪里(问路的另一句型)三、指路用语go straight 直走go down / along 沿着走turn left / right 向左/右转go through 穿过the way to . 去的路pass 经过take a taxi 乘出租车arrive at / in 到达Unit 3一、提出建议的句型之一Lets do sth. (Lets = Let us

15、,do表示动词原形)让我们做某事。Lets see the pandas first. 让我们先看熊猫吧。二、表喜好的句型(like,实义动词,喜欢)like sth.(若为可数名词,要用复数形式)喜欢某物I like lions. 我喜欢狮子。like to do sth. 喜欢做某事(表一次性,具体性或特定的动词)He likes to watch TV at night. 他喜欢在晚上看电视。like doing sth. 喜欢做某物(表经常性的,习惯性的动作)She likes playing basketball. 她喜欢打棒球。1. 以上句子的否定句为:在like前加dont或do

16、esnt .I dont like lions.He doesnt like to watch TV at night.She doesnt like playing basketball.2. 以上句子的一般疑问句为:在句子前加do或does. (likes要还原成like)Do you like lions Yes, I do. / No, I doesnt.Does he like to watch TV at night Yes, he does. /No. he doesnt.Does she like playing basketball Yes, she does. / No,

17、she doesnt.3. 对画线部分提问I like lions. 因画线部分为动物,所以用“What animal(什么动物)”来提问What animals do you like三、询问原因和答语( Why一般疑问句,Because陈述句)Why do you like koalas Because they are cute.你为什么喜欢树袋熊因为它们可爱。四、短语kind of 有几分play with 与一起玩get up 起床at night 在晚上during the day 在白天every day 每天 look at 注视,看 be quiet 安静want to do

18、 sth. 想要做某事Unit 4一、want,想要实义动词,有如下三种句型want sth. 想要某物I want an apple. 我想要一个苹果。want to do sth. 想要做某事He wants to help you. 他想要帮助你。She wants to be a teacher. 她想成为一个老师。want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事We want a . teacher to teach soccer. 我样想要一个体育老师教足球。1. 以上四个句子的否定句为:在 want 前加 dont 或doesnt .2. 以上四个句子的一般疑问句:在句子前

19、加do或does(wants要还原成want)3. 对画线部分提问 She wants to be a teacher.用疑问代词What来提问What does she want to be此句型可用来询问某人想从事什么职业。二、询问职业的句型What does / do主do主be(a / an)职业名词What do you do I am a student.你是做什么的我是一名学生。What does he do He is a teacher.Whatbesb主be(a / an)职业名词What are you I am a student.你是做什么的我是一名学生。What i

20、s he He is a teacher.Whatbesbs job / jobs主be(a / an)职业名词What is your job I am a student.你是做什么的我是一名学生。What is his job He is a teacher.What do / does主want to be主want / wants to bea / an职业名词What does your brother want to be 你哥哥想要当什么He wants to be a doctor. 他想当一名医生。Where do / does主work主work / works介词短语W

21、here does she work 她在哪里工作She works at a bank. 她在银行工作。三、短语go out 出去,外出in the day 在白天 ask sb. sth. 询问某人某事talk to / with sb. 与某人交谈talk about sth. /sb. 谈论某物/某人give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 给某人某物get sth from sb. 从某人那里得到某物work with . 和一起工作Unit 5一、现在进行时主要表示现在或现阶段正在进行的动作1. 构成:be动词(is, am, are)现在分词(Ving)I

22、 am watching TV. 我正在看电视。He is doing his homework. 他正在做家庭作业。2. 其否定句为:在 be 动词后加 netI am not watching TV. 我没在看电视。He isnt doing his homework. 他没在做家庭作业 .3. 其一般疑问句是把动词提到句首(第一人称要改为第二人称)Are you watching TV Yes, I am. / No, I am not.Is he doing his homework Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.4. 问某人正在做某事的句型(特殊疑问句)What

23、be主doingI am watching TV. 对画线部分提问What are you doing5. 现在分词(Ving)的构成规则(课本表格)二、重点短语do ones homework 做家庭作业 watch TV 看电视eat dinner 吃晚饭 talk on the phone 在电话中交谈go to the movies 去看电影 wait for等候at shcool 在学校 read books / read a book 看书play basketball 打篮球Unit 6一、询问天气的句型Whats the weather like = Hows the weat

24、her天气怎么样二、描述天气(用 it 指代天气)Its windy / cloudy / sunny / cool / warm / hot / cold 多风的/多云的/晴朗的/凉爽的/温暖的/炎热的/寒冷的Its raining. 正在下雨。Its snowing. 正在下雪。Its great. / bad. / terrible. 极好的/ 坏的/ 很糟的/ 极坏的3. 询问某人近况或事情进展如何Hows it going = How is everything现在情况如何/ 最近怎么样Terrible./Not bad./ Just so-so./ Great./ Pretty g

25、ood.糟透了 / 不错 / 一般 / 好极了 / 相当好4. 打电话用语用 this 代替“我(I)”,that 代替“你(you)”This is Mary.我是玛丽。Is that Lily 你是莉莉吗Whos that 你是谁May I speak to . 请接电话好吗Hold on, please. 请等一会儿。Hold on for a minute. 请稍等。五、重要短语on vacation 在度假 take photos / take a photo 拍照look cool 看上去很酷 thank sb. for doing sth. 感谢某人做了某事 have a goo

26、d /great time = have fun = enjoy oneself 玩得开心,过得愉快lie on the beach 躺在海滩上Unit 7一、look like 看起来像询问别人的外表和长相的句型What does / do主look likeWhat do you look like 你长得怎么样What do they look like 他们长得怎么样What does she look like 她长得怎么样What does your sister look like 你的姐姐长得怎么样二、描述外表、长相的句型1. 描述身高She is tall. / short.

27、/ of medium height.她个子高 描述身材He is thin. / heavy. / of medium build.他瘦 / 胖 / 中等身材 3. 描述头发She has short hair. / long hair./ straight hair. / curly hair.她长着短发 / 长发 / 直发 / 卷发主have / has 表示某人长着He has a big nose. 他长着一个大鼻子。4. 描述颜色的词:blonde(金黄色的), brown(棕色的), black(黑色的), gray(灰色的)5. 其它描述外貌的句子She is good-loo

28、king. 她长得好看。He wears glasses. 他戴着眼镜。He has a new look. 他有一个新形象了。三、重点短语:stop doing sth 停止做某事stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事play chess 下象棋tell jokes / a joke 讲笑话tell a story / stories 讲故事a little bit 一点儿,少许(相当于a bit和 a little)adj/advthe captain of . 队长,首领pop singer 流行歌手remember todo sth. 记得要做某事remember doin

29、g sth. 记得做了某事Unit 8一、would like 想要,相当于want,但比 want 语气要委婉。would like sth. / to do sth. /sb. to do sth.I would = Id . He would = Hed . 如:I would like some noodles. 我想要一些面条 .would 是一个情态动词,含有情态动词的陈述句改为一般疑问句是把情态动词提到句首,所以上句改为一般疑问句为:Would you like some noodles 你想要一些面条吗对上句画线部分提问为:What would you like 二、餐厅服务员

30、询问顾客想要什么。Can I help you = What can I do for you你想要买什么/ 你想要吃什么What would you like 你想要什么What else would you like 你还要其它的什么吗Would you like anything else (可简略为Anything else)你是否还想要其它的什么What would you like to eat / drink 你想要吃些什么/ 喝些什么三、询问种类:kind n. 种类What kind of . 什么种类的 What kind of noodles would you like你想要什么种类的面条 Id like beaf and tomato noodles.我想要西红柿牛肉面。四、询问大小、尺寸What size . 多大What size is this shirt 这件衬衫多大号What size bowl

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