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1、卡由112011. Caillou Goes Round the BlockStoryteller: How about a story, kids? Whats caillou up to today? This sotry is called “Caillou Goes Round the Block”. Caillou loved riding fast on his shiny new bicycle. And he loved his bicycles horn.Caillou: Hay, thats my cookie.Caillou: mummy, the squirrel at

2、e my cookie. Mummy, are you asleep? It isnt bedtime yet!Sarah: Hi, Caillou.Caillou: Hi, Sarah. Storyteller: Caillou had never gone around the corner all by himself. But he had always wanted toCaillou: Hey! Storyteller: Caillou had never stood in a sprinkler with his clothes on before. It was fun bei

3、ng out with no one to tell him what to do.Girl1: Hi, do you want to play hopscotch? Throw your rock like this.Storyteller: Caillou hopped like a bunny all the way round another corner. Caillou decided that he could go all the way around the block all by himself.Girl2: Dont worry. Bellas a nice dog.S

4、toryteller: Caillou was scared of the dog.Girl2: Where are you going?Caillou: Im going around the block. I walked all by myself.Girl2: youre very brave. Go that way, and youll get back to your house.Storyteller: Caillou was starting feel nervous about being on his own. What if he got lost? What if h

5、e met another big dog? What if a big crow chased him?Woman: hello, there. I know you. You are caillou. Ive seen you with your mummy and daddy.Storyteller: Caillou had seen this lady with his mummy many times.Woman: Are you well here all by yourself? Look! What I got here? Would you like to hold it?C

6、aillou: It tickles.Woman: ladybug, ladybug, fly away home. I think Its time for you to fly away home, too caillou. But first, let me get you something.Caillou: Bye-bye, Ladybug.Caillou: Thank you!Storyteller: The lady was nice. Caillou was glad to be walking home holding her hand. Caillou: Hi, mummy

7、! Im home.Mommy: Were did this come from?Caillou: A lady gave it to me. Over there!Mommy: Uh! Yes, I who your mean. But what were you doing over there?Caillou: While you were sleeping. I made all the way around the block.Mommy: you did? Caillou: And I saw a rainbow, and a hopscotch, and a big dog, a

8、nd a very scary crow.Mommy: Werent you scared?Caillou: A little bit!Mommy: I think youd better away till youre a big boy before you go around the block again.12. Cailou Learns to DriveStoryteller: Now, what did Caillou do toady? Todays story is called “Cailou Learns to Drive”.Daddy: Have you seen ca

9、illou anywhere? He said he wanna to help me with the car.Mommy: I think hes in the garden. And driving his car.Rosie: Dee Dee! Caillous in his car.Storyteller: Now, you probably know that caillou loves any things to do with cars and buses and trucks.Daddy: Ah! There you are.Caillou: Daddy!Daddy: Did

10、 you forget? You said you wanted to help me wash the car.Storyteller: Caillou imagined he was driving the most fantastic car you ever saw.Caillou: Hello, Mr. Lion!Caillou: wow! Im really going fast. This is fun. Daddy: Ohohhh! No! Hey, caillou. Look! what you make me do?Caillou: Woops! Daddy, you ar

11、e all wet. What happened?Storyteller: Caillou had no idea that he was the one who made his daddy spray himself with waterDaddy: Well, it wasnt an accident. Dont I look silly?Caillou: Yes!Daddy: Do you still want to help me?Caillou: You bet! I was driving the car, daddy.Daddy: Is that right?Caillou:

12、Yes! I love cars, you know!Daddy: Mmmm, I know you do! I used to love cars when I was little, too.Mommy: And you still love cars.Caillou: Look, mommy! Its all clean and shinny.Mommy: Well, what are we waiting for? Lets go for a picnic at the beach. Caillou: Hello, Mr. Lion.Caillou: Can I dive the ca

13、r when Im bigger, daddy? Will you teach me?Daddy: Of course, caillou. Of course!13. Cailous Big FriendStoryteller: Hi, you two! Its a story time. Now, lets see what did Caillou today? Todays story is called “Caillous Big Friend”.Mommy: Caillou, this is Andre. His mommy and I have been friends since

14、when we were little.Storyteller: Caillou, didnt think Andre was little at all. In fact, Andre seemed very big. Mommy: Youre already a big boy, Andre. How old are you? Andre: Im six. Now, why dont you play with Andre while we talk?Caillou: Come on! Lets built a castle. Andre: Do you have any games we

15、 could play? I know, lets play catch. Caillou: Not inside.Andre: catch!Caillou: You broke my castle. Andre: No, I didnt. You knocked it over. Caillou: Youre not allowed to play a ball in the house.Andre: Well, lets play something else instead. Lets play hide andseek.Caillou: Okay, Ill go hide.Andre:

16、 Okay, Ill count. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Here I come.Andre: Here I come. Caillou, where are you? Caillou, where are you?Storyteller: Caillou couldnt resist that bare foot. He had to tickle it?Andre: Yap!Caillou: Woops!Andre: I found you.Caillou: Thats not fair. I

17、tripped. Andre: Yes, it is fair. Well, youre it, Caillou?Caillou: Lets play something else.Andre: Well, okay! Do you have any toys in your room?Storyteller: Andre was upsetting Caillou.Caillou: Wait for me! Ill go get my robot. Andre, I got the robot. What was that?Caillou: You broke my chair. Mommy

18、: Andre, re you hurt?Caillou: He broke my special chair. Hes not my friend any more.Mommy: Andre, Im so sorry. Let me get a little bandage for that cut.Andres mommy: Its okay.Storyteller: Caillou was very angry with Andre. But when he saw the cut, he felt sorry for him.Caillou: Is Andre hurt, mommy?

19、 Mommy: Im sure hes going to be alright, honey. Andre: I didnt mean to break Caillous chair. It was an accident.Mommy: Why dont you two, play soccer outside for a little while?Caillou: But this soccer ball got stuck in the tree.Andre: I can reach it.Caillou: Hay, watch this?Andre: Wait, up! Look, ki

20、ck it like this.Caillou: got it.Storyteller: Caillou was having fun play with Andre now.Caillou: Look, the ball went in a tree again.14. Caillous ColorsStoryteller: Story time, kids. Oh, youre going to like this one. Its all about the time Caillou got covered with paint. Its called “Caillous Colours

21、”. Caillou was spending the day at his grandmas Loft. He usually found lots of fun things to do there. But today was different. Caillou was in a bad mood and he didnt feel like doing anything.Storyteller: Caillou felt bored. He didnt know what to do.Grandma: Yoo-hoo! Caillou. Oh-oh! Surprise!Storyte

22、ller: It seemed as if nothing would cheer Caillou up.Grandma: you mustve got out of the wrong side of the bed today, Caillou.Caillou: What does that mean?Grandma: It means that some days you wake up feeling grumpy and dont know why.Caillou: Im not grumpy.Grandma: Well, Im glad to hear that. Were goi

23、ng to have an apple pie for snack time. I have to go and check on it.Caillou: Im not hungry. I dont want apple pie.Grandma: Well see about that.Storyteller: Caillou was very grumpy. What was he to do?Storyteller: Caillous grandma always let him use her new paintings.And caillou always enjoyed painti

24、ng. Caillou liked his blue picture. And then he decided to use some of grandmas other colors.Caillou: oh! Wow! Yeah!Grandma: Caillou, the pies ready. Caillou, where are you?Caillou: Here I am! Grandma: Goodness, caillou, just looked at your hands.Caillou: Im finger-painting.Grandma: And looked at yo

25、ur wonderful painting. Oh, but youll have to wash up if you want some pie. You do want some pie, dont you?Caillou: Yes!Grandma: Was it good, dear?Caillou: Yummy!Mommy: Caillou! Hi, sweetie. Did you have a nice day with grandma?Caillou: Mommy, I did finger-painting.Grandma: Caillou was very grumpy at

26、 first, but then he did this lovely painting. And now he isnt grumpy any more.Caillou: I dont wanna go home.Mommy: But you can always come back another day.Grandma: Thats right! Any time you get out the wrong side of the bad and felling grumpy. You come and see grandma.Caillou: I wanna be grumpy aga

27、in.15. Caillou Mails a LetterStoryteller: Look, caillou is a mailman. And that is perfect for todays a story time because todays story is called caillou mails a letterMommy: are you having a fun, dear?Caillou: yeas, mommy!Mommy: what a wonderful sunny day!Caillou: Im going to draw the sun. Mommy: I

28、think the mails arrived.Caillou: Im wonder if is there a nice letter today. BillsbillsbillS! Nothing but bills. Its sure would be nice to get a letter for a change.Daddy: hi, caillou! Is anything a matter?Mommy: mummy wants to get a letter. Daddy: does she now. Storyteller: Caillou explained how mom

29、my didnt like bills and want to get a letter.Daddy: well, why dont we send one. In fact, I think you already make one. Yes, look! That will make a wonderful letter.Caillou: do we send it to mommy?Daddy: absolutely, well make sure the mailman brings it tomorrow morning.Storyteller: Caillou knew the p

30、eople sometimes puts the kisses on the letter with an x.Daddy: a kiss thats great! Now, we need an envelope. Caillou: Im reach it daddy. Ill be right back.Daddy: how about a stamp!Caillou: yes! Oh! Gilbert.Mommy: caillou, where are you?Mommy: now, what are you two up to ?Daddy: nothing! Nothing at a

31、ll. Isnt that right caillou?Caillou: heheheeee! Thats right mommy.Daddy: if we want mommy to get the letter in the morning, you have to have everything finished tonight. And we have to get up extra early in the morning.Caillou: yes! Yuck!Daddy: now, what else do we need to do?Caillou: we need to stick on a stamp.Daddy: thats right.Caillou: wow!Storyteller: The next mornig caillou and his d

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