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1、最新英语作文大全经典英语作文大全(一)My fatherDo you know the man? He is my father .His name is Chen Zhangsong.He looks like is not very tall, and he is fat a little.He is kinds very much .He forever loves his family. And we forever love him, too.He is similar to me to also like English. But his English compares me g

2、ood.Oh, this is my fathera very kinds man.Ill always love and remember him!翻译我的父亲你认识那个男人吗?他就是我的爸爸.他的名字是陈张松.他看起来不是很高,而且他有一点点胖。他是非常和蔼的。他永远地爱着他的家人, 我们也永远地爱他。他和我一样喜欢英语,但是他的英语比我更好。哦,这便是我的父亲一个最和蔼的男人!我将总是爱着、记着他!(二)my motherI have a great mother.She cares much about me in my life and study.In the morning, s

3、he gets up early to make breakfast for me.When I was little, she prepared my schoolbag.But now, she tells me to do it by myself. Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it.Besides, she always checks my homework.When I finish my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes.She is very

4、careful and helps me a lot.I love my mother.翻译我的妈妈我有一个伟大的妈妈。她很关心我的学习生活。早上,她起得很早给我做早餐。当我还很小的时候,她帮我准备好书包。但是现在,她告诉我要自己做这些,因为她觉得我已经长大了能够自己完成。除此之外,她经常检查我的作业。当我完成作业的时候,她就帮我检查并指出错误。她很细心,帮了我很多。我爱我的妈妈。(三)Water Pollution Spring is tht best season of the year. The weather gets warmer and warmer.My clas iamates

5、 and I took a one-day sightseeing around our city.The scene was pretty.But when we saw the rivers along our city, I felt very sorry, and thoughit a lot. With the development of modern agriculture and industry, more and more waste water is being poured into rivers. It has caused serious pollution.The

6、 river is becoming so dirty that no living things can live in it.The river is giving off a terrible smell. We make an urgent appeal that measures should be taken to cope with the situation.Our government should start building various facilities such as sewage treatment! plant and encourage scientist

7、s to work out more and better ways to reduce the pollution of water. Water is tho source of our lives. It is very important to protect water.翻译水污染春天是一年中最好的季节,天气变得越来越暖和。我和我的同学们进行了一次环城一日游,所到之处景色宜人。但当我看到沿着城区流过的河流时,我感到很惋惜,想了很多。随着现代工农业的发展,越来越多的污水排进河里,河水被严重污染。河水变得如此的肮脏以致于生物不能在里面生活。河水发出难闻的气味。我们急切呼吁采取措施改变这种

8、状况。政府应当建立各种设备,例如污水处理厂,并且鼓励科学家们想出更多更好的办法以减少水污染。水是生命之源,保护水资源十分重要。(四)Car and PollutionIn general, there are two ways of travelling, private cars and public transportation.Chinese people should regard public transportation as their first travelling opinion.First, there are so many people living in this

9、countries that make it so crowded.If each Chinese people own a car, there will be far more traffic jams and accidents, which increase you impatience.Moreover, there will be far more pollution resulted from cars.Once a car started, it release huge amount of dirty gas and heat, which lead to great pol

10、lution and result in green house effect.All in all, Chinese people should take public transportation into consideration first.汽车与环境空气污染一般来说,有两种旅游方式,私家车和公共交通工具。中国人应该把公共交通工具作为旅游的第一选择。首先,这个国家住着很多人,使得它非常拥挤。如果每个中国人都拥有一辆私家车,将会有更多的交通堵塞和事故,这会让你变得更加的不耐烦。再者,由于私家车将会有更多的污染。一旦汽车起动,它释放大量的脏气和热量,这会导致很大的污染和温室效应。总之,中

11、国人应该以公共交通工具为第一选择。(五)My School Life My school life is very common.I get up at six oclock every morning from Monday to Friday.And the I would go running with my classmates, as our head teacher says health is the most important thing.After running I have to do morning exercises on the playground.Then I

12、 can have breakfast.Having breakfast, I need to have morning reading.Oh, I almost forget that all of the students have to do some cleaning before breakfast.There come the various classes.Then noon comes.Having lunch, I will go to sleep.I often read twenty minutes before I fall asleep.I have class in

13、 the afternoon.And I still have classes at night.Its boring, right?But I have got used to it and enjoy myself at school.学校生活我的学校生活是普通的。从星期一到星期五我每天早上六点起床。之后我会和同学一起去跑步,因为班主任说健康是最重要的。跑完步后我要在操场上做早操。然后我就可以吃早餐了。吃完早餐后,我就要早读了。哦,我差点忘了,所有的学生在早餐前都要做大扫除。之后就是各种各样的课程了。再之后中午来了。吃完午饭后,我就要去午睡。我经常会在睡觉之前看十分钟的书。下午继续上课。晚

14、上也是。是不是很无聊呢?但我已习惯了在学校的生活,并且过得很开心。(六)I LOVE YOU ,CHINA! China is my mother land. I am a Chinese .China is very big and very beautiful country .China is very old,too. Beijing is the capital of China .Beijing is the very beautiful city ,and it is in the north .There are lots of people live in Beijing.M

15、y cousins live in Beijing ,too . There are lots of famous place in Beijing.I want go to Beijing ,but I didnt go to beijing now. I love you, Beijing ! There are two bigger river in China. They are the Changjiang River and the Huanghe River . The Huanghe River is a very long river ,but it isnt longest

16、 river of China . The Huanghe River is the second river in China .The Huanghe fish is very famous .I like eat ,too . The Huanghe River is a great river.The Huanghe River is also called “Mother River”,because we all dink the Huanghe Rivers water . I love you,the Huanghe River ! The Changjiang River i

17、s the longest river in China . In China,It is longer than any others .It is in south of china.It is wide and deep very much . The Changjiang River is a beautiful river .There are many many boats on the Changjiang River every day . I love you , the Changjiang River ! The Great Wall is the first longe

18、st wall .It is in north of china.The Great Wall like a large dragon .It is very long and very old, and its very famous. There are lots of people visit The Great Wall every day . I love you , the Great Wall ! Im from Luoyang city. Luoyang is beside of the Huanghe river .There are many many beautiful

19、place in Luoyang . Luoyang peony are very beautiful and famous,too . I love you,Luoyang ! You are welcome to Luo yang,my dear friends! You are welcome to China,my dear friends! I love you ,China!我爱你中国中国是我的祖国,我是一个中国人。中国是一个很大很美丽的国家,也是一个历史悠久的国家。北京是中国的首都,那是一个非常美丽的城市,它在中国的北方。有许多人居住在那里,我的表兄弟姐妹们也住在北京。北京还有许

20、多著名的景点,我想去北京,可是我一直没有去成。我爱你,北京!中国有两条大河,它们是长江和黄河。黄河是一条很长的河流,但是却不是中国最长的河流,它是中国第二大河流。黄河鲤鱼非常有名,我也很喜欢吃。黄河是一条伟大的河流,黄河又被称作“母亲河”,因为,我们都喝黄河水。我爱你,黄河!长江是中国最长的河流,它比中国其他的河流都要长。它在中国南部。 它非常深而且宽阔,是一条非常美丽的河流,每天都有很多船只在长江上航行。我爱你,长江!长城是世界上最长的城墙,它在中国北部。它不但很长,而且历史悠久,非常著名,长城像一条巨龙一样,每天都有很多人来参观它。我爱你,长城!我来自洛阳,洛阳坐落在黄河岸边。洛阳也有很多

21、美丽的景点,洛阳牡丹甲天下。我爱你,洛阳!欢迎你来洛阳,亲爱的朋友们!欢迎你来中国,亲爱的朋友们!我爱你,中国!(七)A future vehicle in the air while many technological advances occur in an evolutionary manner, occasionally a revolutionary technological appears on the horizon that creates startling new conditions and profound changes.such is the case with

22、 the privately developed moller skycar, which is named after its inventor.with his permission, i would like to discuss the military potential of this vehicle.the ruggedized moller skycar variant the military is evaluating is called the light aerial multipurpose vehicle, or lamv (pronounced lam-vee).

23、 the lamv is a vertical take-off and landing aircraft that can fly in a quick, quiet, and agile is a new type of vehicle that combines the speed of an airplane and the vertical take-off capability of a helicopter with some characteristics of a ground vehicle, but without the limitations of

24、 any of those existing modes of transportation. the lamv is not operated like traditional fixed - or rotary-wing has only two hand-operator uses to direct the redundant computer control twists to select the desired operating altitude and moves fore and aft to select the rate of climb.the

25、 right-hand control twists to select the vehicles direction and moves side-to-side to provide transverse (crosswise) movement during the hover and early-transition-to-flight phases of operation; it also moves fore and aft to control speed and braking.simply put, the lamv is user friendly. the lamv o

26、f the future will be 18 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 6 feet high and weight 2,200 will hold four passengers and a payload of 875 pounds (including fuel).the vehicle will have a maximum rate of climb of 6,400 feet per minute and an operational ceiling of 30,000 will attain a top spe

27、ed of 390 miles per hour at an altitude of 6,000feet and a cruising speed of 350 miles per hour at 25,000 feet, and it will have a maximum range of 900 miles at 80 passenger miles per gallon.the lamv also will be quiet enough to function as an acoustic stealth plane at 500 will have a vertic

28、al take-off and landing capability and emergency airframe parachutes, and it will be capable of using various fuels.未来空中交通工具技术的进步大多以渐进的方式进行,但有时可能出现突破性进展,带来令人吃惊的新情况和深远的变革。私人研制的莫勒空中汽车的情况就是如此,这是以其发明家的名字命名的。征得他的同意,笔者愿意探讨-下这种运载工具的军事潜力。美军目前正在进行评估的加固型莫勒空中客车,叫做轻型空中多用途运载工具,或缩称lamv(读作lam-vee)。lamv是一种垂直起降航空器,能

29、以快速、低噪音、敏捷的方式飞行。这是一种新型的运载工具,它将飞机的速度、直升机的垂直起飞能力与地面运输工具的某些性能结合到一起,但却没有这些现行运输方式的局限性。lamv的操作不同于传统的固定翼飞机或旋翼式飞机。它只设有两个手操控制器,操作员通过它们来操纵冗余计算机控制系统去执行所需的飞行动作。 转动左手控制器可选择所需要的飞行高度,前后移动左手控制器可选择上升速度。转动右手控制器可选择飞行方向,左右移动右手控制器可控制盘旋时和从开始过渡到飞行阶段的横向动作;还可前后移动右手控制器控制速度和制动。简而言之,lamv对用户来说是易于操作的。未来的lamv长18英尺,宽10英尺,高6英尺,重220

30、0磅。它可运载4名乘客,有效负荷为875磅(包括燃料)。它的最大爬升速度为6400英尺/分,实用上升限度为30000英尺。在6000英尺高度的最高飞行速度为390英里/小时,在25000英尺高度的巡航速度为350英里/小时,在每加仑燃油的客英里数为80时的最大航程为枷英里。在500英尺高度时,lamv的噪声会很小,可作为隐声飞机使用。它将具有垂直起落能力,并配备有应急机体降落伞,而且它将能够使用多种燃料。(八)Hibernation Hibernation is more than sleep. It is a very deep sleep.The animals temperature d

31、rops to just over zero centigrade, and its heart beats very slowly.People who find hibernating animals asleep often think that they are dead: the body feels very cold, and the creature may breathe only once every five minutes.A hibernating animal cannot feel any pain.You can touch it, or even pull i

32、ts tail, without causing it to move or wake up.In its hibernating state it can even live in a poisonous atmosphere for a long time without any ill effect. Hibernating in this way, the animal can sleep all through the winter.You might wonder how it manages to live without eating for so many months.The answer lies in two facts.The first is that it has stored supplies of fat in its body during the summer and autumn.The second is connected with the mai

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