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1、计算机专业英语选择Multiple 11. The keyboard, mouse, mon itor, and system un it are:hardware output devices storage devices software2. Programs that coord in ate computer resources, provide an in terface, and run applicati ons are known as:applicati on programs storage systemsoperat ing systems utility progra

2、ms3. A browser is an example of a:basic applicati on specialized program system applicati on utility program4. Although not as powerful as a supercomputer, this type of computer is capable ofgreat process ing speeds and data storage.mai nframe media cen ter5. The smallest type of microcomputer:n etb

3、ook han dheldmidra nge n etbookmidra nge tablet PC6. RAM is a type of:computermemoryn etwork sec on dary storage7. Uni ike memory, this type of storage holds data and programs eve n after electrical power to the computer system has bee n turned off.primary RAM ROM sec on dary8. The type of file crea

4、ted by word processors to save, for example, memos, term papers, and letters.database docume nt prese ntati on worksheet9. The cha nge in conn ectivity that uses the Internet and the Web to shift manycomputer activities from a user s computer to computers on the In computi nghigh defi n

5、iti onn etwork USB10. The largest n etwork in the world is the:FacbeookInternetWeb USBMultiple 21. The n etwork that conn ects computers all over the world.CERN In ternet LAN Web2. The rules for excha nging data betwee n computers.DSL protocols Web WWW3. Clie nt-based e-mail acco unts require this s

6、pecial program to be in stalled on your computer.e-mail clie nt hyperli nk Java utility4. Commun ities of in dividuals who share a com mon in terest typically createFacebook:clie nts groups pages profiles5. E-mail that does not require an e-mail program in stalled on a users computer is known as:blo

7、g podcast Webmail utility6. A very well-k nown microblog.Lin ked In MySpace Twitter Wikipedia7. These programs continually look for new information and update search services database programs.filters IM spiders wikis8. A type of search engine that submits requests to other search engin es, organi z

8、es their resp on ses, elim in ates duplicate resp on ses, orders hits, and the n provides an edited search ISPmetasearch engine specialized search engine9. This is the Internets equivale nt to traditi onal cashe-commerce icash Internet dollarsdow nl oadi ng10. Using file

9、transfer utility software, you can copy files to your computer from specially con figured servers on the In ter net. This is called:Multiple 31. This type of software works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to han dle the majority of tech ni cal details.applicati on gen era

10、l purpose system utility2. A recta ngular area that can contain a docume nt, program, or message.3. Programs that create text-based docume nts.DBMS suites spreadsheets word processors4. Programs that orga ni ze, an alyze, and graph nu meric data such as budgets and finan cial reports.DBMS suites spr

11、eadsheets word processors5. In a spreadsheet, the in tersecti on of a row and colu mn creates a:6. A collect ion of related data that is the electr onic equivale nt of a file cab in et.cell database docume nt table7. A database tool that will quickly rearrange a table s records according to aselecte

12、d field.filter sort spreadsheet word processor8. Programs that comb ine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually in teresti ng prese ntati ons.5. Special programs used to create multimedia prese ntati ons.desktop publishi ng programsFlash editorsimage editorsmultimedia authori ng p

13、rogramsDBMS prese ntati on graphics spreadsheet word processor9. The primary disadva ntage of this type of package is that the capabilities ofeach function are not as exte nsive as in in dividual tegrated office software utility10. A type of suite stored at a server on the Internet and a

14、vailable anywhere through Internet in tegrated office utilityMultiple 41. These specialized graphics programs combine text and graphics to create publicati ons of professi onal quality.desktop publishi ng programsimage editorsimage galleriesillustrati on programs2. Also known as draw in

15、g programs.desktop publishi ng programs image galleriesimage editors illustrati on programs3. Graphics programs used to create and edit vector images.desktop publishi ng programs image galleriesimage editors illustrati on programs4. An essential multimedia feature that allows user participation.Flas

16、h in teractivity immersion raster6. A widely used in teractive ani mati on applicati on from Adobe. ACTION Flash Fuzzy WYSIWYG7. Programs for Web site design and HTML coding are called Web page editors orappsHTML editorsVR programsWeb editors8. This area of artificial in tellige nee is also known as

17、 expert systems.acoustics kno wledge-based systems robotics virtual reality9. A type of artificial in tellige nee that uses a database to provide assista nee to users.acoustics expert systems robotics virtual reality10. Ano ther n ame for the database used in expert systems that contains specific fa

18、cts andrules.Multiple 51. What type of software works with users, applicati on software, and computer hardware to han dle the majority of tech ni cal details?2. The programs that convert program ming in struct ions writte n by programmersinto a Ian guage that computers un dersta nd and process are I

19、an guage:con verters lin guists man agers tran slators3. The ability to switch between different applications stored in memory is called:divers ion multitask ing operati onal in terfere nee program ming4. Graphic represe ntati ons for a program, type of file, or fun ctio n:app icon image software5.

20、This operati ng system feature is con trolled by a mouse and cha nges shape depe ndingon its curre nt function.dialog box menu mouse poin ter6. The operati ng system based on Linux, desig ned for Netbook computers, and focusedon Internet conn ectivity through cloud computi ng:7. The mobile operating

21、 system developed by Apple and originally called iPhoneOS:An droid BlackBerry OS IOS Mac OS8. A utility program that makes copies of files to be used in case the originals are lost ordamaged:Backup and Restore Disk Clea nup Disk Defragme nter Compactor9 A troubleshooti ng utility that ide ntifies an

22、d elim in ates non esse ntial files, freesup valuable disk space, and improves system performa nee:Backup and Restore Disk Clea nup Disk Defragme nter Compactor10. Win dows makes it easy to update drivers with Win dows:Backup Restore Driver UpdateMultiple 61. This container houses most of the electr

23、ical comp onents for a computer system.carrier package system board system un it TV tuner 2. Similar to no tebooks, this system unit specializes in on-the-go Web brows ing and e-mail access.chassis desktop media cen ter n etbook3. Computers can only recog nize this type of electr onic sig alo

24、g bus digital maximum4. The mai n or motherboard is also known as the:computer board processor mobile system system board5. How many bytes can a 32-bit-word computer access at one time?1 4 8 166. In a microcomputer system, the cen tral process ing unit is contained on a sin gle:7. 7. This type of me

25、mory divides large programs into parts and stores the parts on a sec on dary storage device.8. Also known as NIC, this adapter card is used to conn ect a computer to a:9. This provides a pathway to connect parts of the CPU to each other.bus Plug and Play wired wireless10. Older ports that have large

26、ly been replaced by faster, more flexible ports are called:buses expa ndable legacy ren deredMultiple 71. Most keyboards use an arra ngeme nt of keys known as:2. The device that controls a pointer displayed on the monitor.3. Also known as a roller ball, this device controls the pointer by rotating a

27、 ball with your thumb.4. The type of scree n that can be touched with more tha n one fin ger and supports zoo ming in and out by pin chi ng and stretchi ng your fin gers.digitaldyn amicmultitouchOLED5. Flatbed and docume nt are types of:headsetsHDTVsmonscaitorsnners6. Device used by banks to automat

28、ically read those unu sual nu mbers on the bottom of checks anddeposit slips.7. The most widely used audio-i nput device.8. The monitor feature that specifies how often a displayed image is updated.9. e-book readersHDTVlaserswhiteboardsHan dheld, book-sized devices that display text and graphics.10.

29、 This tech no logy allows televisi on stati ons to broadcast their program ming directly to smartph on es, computers, and digital media players.Mobile DTVCRT HDTV LEDMultiple 8primary storage media1. RAM is sometimes referred to as:diskaccessprimary storageratio active memoryread only memorysec on d

30、ary storage2. The actual physical material that holds the data and programs.3. Measures how tightly these charges can be packed next to one another on the disk.den sity cyli nders tracks sectors4. Whe n a read/write head makes con tact with the hard disk s surface, it causes ahead:crash land pit scr

31、atch5. This hard-disk performa nee enhan ceme nt an ticipates data n eeds.disk cachi ngfile compressi onfile decompressi onRAID6. This type of storage uses pits and lands to represe nt 1s and 0s.8. USB drives are also known as:9. An orga ni zati onal strategy to promote efficie nt and safe use of data across the n etworks.10. A mass storage device that provides access to data archived on tapes.Multiple 91.

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