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1、新起点大学英语教案全册 新起点大学英语 课程授课教案 No. 1-5 授课日期3.授课班级课 题Unit 7 Text A The Study of Words 授课类型讲授课 时 数5教 学目 的 help Ss understand the reading passage. help Ss grasp the new words and phrases in the text. help Ss extract main help Ss deal with unfamiliar help

2、Ss find the specific information.重 点难 点Some of the difficult sentences in the passage教 具挂 图Tape-recorder Multimedia教学过程及时间分配主 要 教 学 内 容教学方法的 运 用5551045Step Pre-reading 1. Questions for discussion:1). Do you think words are important for people? If yes, why?2). How do you increase your English vocabu

3、lary? 2. New words and expressions in Text A.Step While-reading1. Listen to the passage and get a general idea of the text.2. Reading ComprehensionScan the text and choose the answer that best completes each sentence or answers each questions. (Page4)3. Detailed study of the text Para.1: The study o

4、f words is not merely something that has to do with literature. Words are your tools of thought. You cant even think at all without them. Try it. If you are planning to go downtown this afternoon you will find that you are saying to yourself : “I think I will go downtown this afternoon.”You cant mak

5、e such a simple decision as this without using words. 1).Questions for discussion Why are words important? Can you think without words? Can you make simple decisions without using words?(Words are very important for people. Words are important tool for people to think and to communicate with each ot

6、her. Without words you cant make simple decisions.)DiscussionPresentationListeningReadingDiscussion2). Language pointsa. merely adv. only, simply 仅仅,只,不过e.g. I merely asked her name. I meant it merely as a joke.扩展 mere adj. nothing more than; no better or more important than 仅仅的, 只不过, 不超过 e.g. She i

7、s a mere child. He is not a mere boxer.b. have something to do with 与有关系e.g. His work has something to do with animals.扩展 have much / little/nothing to do withe.g. The boy has nothing to do with the crime. The development of this country has much to do with its policies. 该国的发展与其政策有很大关系。 c. 那

8、样的, 这样的, 如此的e.g. Such advice as he was given proved worthless. 象他得到的这种建议简直毫无价值。Such poets as Shelley wrote Romantic poetry. 有些诗人, 象雪莱,写的是浪漫主义诗歌。扩展 such as, like, for example 像,诸如,例如Exercise 英译汉: I like reading such books as novels, poems, essays, etc. Key: 我喜欢读小说,诗歌,散文之类的书。Paras.2-3: Without words y

9、ou could make no decisions and form no judgments whatsoever. A pianist may have the most beautiful tunes in his head, but if he had only five keys on his piano he would never get more than a fraction of these tunes out. Your words are your keys for your thoughts. And the more words you have at your

10、command, the deeper, clearer and more accurate will be your thinking. 1).Questions for discussion In what way can words be compared to the keys on a piano?DiscussionPresentationExplanationPractice课外作业课后小记 以前教师把教材当作惟一的教学资源,“吃透教材,教好教材”成了对教师的最高要求。其结果是,教师被扼杀了自主精神和创新能力,限制了自身的发展,教学不能从实际出发,难以激发学生的学习积极性。新课标

11、要求教师参与课程设制,积极开发和合理利用课程资源、搞好校本课程。由“教好教材”到“开发和利用教学资源教好学生”不仅会促进教学改革,还会有力地促进教师的发展。广博的课程资源会帮助教师不断“充电”,不断充实和提高自己。 教 案 附 页教学过程及时间分配主 要 教 学 内 容教学方法的 运 用 (A pianist uses the keys to express the tunes while a speaker uses words to organize his/her thoughts.)2). Language points a. whatsoever = whatever(used af

12、ter no + n, nothing, none, etc for emphasis.) (用于否定句中以加强语气) 任何e.g. There cant be no doubt whatsoever about it. b. command v. 1. order 命令 e.g. Do as I command you.2. be in control of 控制; 掌握e.g. The ships captain commands all officers. n. 1. order 命令e.g. Her commands were quickly obeyed.2. ability to

13、control or use sth. 控制; 掌握e.g. He has a good command of English.c. accurate adj. 1. free from error 正确无误的 e.g. an accurate clock / map / measurement 2. exact 精确的, 准确的 e.g. take accurate aim Journalists are not always accurate.扩展 accuracy n. 精确,准确 e.g. predict sth with great accuracy Paras.4-5: A com

14、mand of English will not only improve the processes of your mind. It will give you assurance; build your self-confidence; lend color to your personality; and increase your popularity. Your words are your personality. Your vocabulary is you. Your words are all that we, your friends, have to know and

15、judge you by. You have no other medium for telling us your thoughtsfor convincing us , persuading us and giving us orders. 1).Questions for discussion a. In addition to helping you to think, what else can words do to your confidence and personality?(In addition to helping you to think, words can hel

16、p you have a good command of English. A good command of English will give you assurance; build your self-confidence; lend color to your personality; and improve your popularity.) DiscussionPresentationExplanationPracticeb. How do we usually learn about other peoples characters?(We form an impression

17、 of other people by judging their words.)2). Language points a. assure vt. 使确信; 使放心; 向.保证 e.g. The man assured us that everything would be OK. He is assured of success in the election. Excellent reviews(评论) have assured the films success.近 ensure vt. 保证; 担保扩展 assurance n. self- confidence 信念; 自信e.g.

18、 She spoke in a tone of assurance. b. personality n. character 个性e.g. His earlier childhood experiences have a strong influence on his personality.popularity n. fame 名望;普及e.g. Western music is steadily gaining in popularity. The presidents popularity has declined considerably. c. judge vt. 1. form a

19、n opinion about 判断 e.g. As far as I can judge, they are all to blame. 据我判断, 他们都有责任。 2. decide a case in a law court 审判e.g. judge a murder case 3. decide the result or winner in a competition 评判,裁判e.g. The flower show was judged by the local MP. 花卉展览由当地的下议院议员担任评判。 n. public officer with authority to

20、decide case in a law court 法官 e.g. The judge found him guilty and sentenced him to five years. 法官判决他有罪, 入狱五年。 DiscussionPresentationExplanationPractice课外作业课后小记 以前教师把教材当作惟一的教学资源,“吃透教材,教好教材”成了对教师的最高要求。其结果是,教师被扼杀了自主精神和创新能力,限制了自身的发展,教学不能从实际出发,难以激发学生的学习积极性。新课标要求教师参与课程设制,积极开发和合理利用课程资源、搞好校本课程。由“教好教材”到“开发和利

21、用教学资源教好学生”不仅会促进教学改革,还会有力地促进教师的发展。广博的课程资源会帮助教师不断“充电”,不断充实和提高自己。 教 案 附 页教学过程及时间分配主 要 教 学 内 容教学方法的 运 用 d. medium n. (Pl. mediums or media)1. a way of communicating information and news to people, such as newspapers, television, etc. 媒体,方法 e.g. the medium of television 近 means2. a substance through whic

22、h a force travels 媒介e.g. Sound travels through the medium of air. a. of middle size between large and small; of middle height between tall and short, etc. 中间的,中等的 e.g. What size do you wantlarge, medium, or small? e. convince vt. 1. make sb. feel certain使确信;使信服e.g. His argument didnt convince me. We

23、 managed to convince them of our innocence. 2. persuade sb. to do sth. 说服 e.g. Ive been trying to convince Mary to come with me.近 persuade 说服 Paras.6-7: Words are explosive. Phrases are packed with TNT. A simple word can destroy a friendship or land a large order. The proper phrases in the mouths of

24、 clerks can double the sales of a department store. The wrong words used by a political leader have lost him an election. Words have changed the direction of history. Words can also change the direction of your life. They have often raised a man from mediocrity to success. 1).Questions for discussio

25、n a. What can words do to a friendship? (The improper phrases in your mouth can destroy a friendship.) b. What may happen if a clerk in a department store has a good command of English? (The sales of the store may be doubled.) c. What might happen to a political leader when he uses wrong words? (he

26、might lose an election.)2). Language points a. explosive adj. likely or easily to explode 爆炸性的, 易爆炸的 n. substance likely or easily to explode 炸药扩展 explode v. 爆炸, 炸开; (感情)迸发 explosion n. 爆裂(声); 激增 DiscussionPresentationExplanationPracticeb. pack n. 包,包裹,小盒 e.g. The boy carried his clothes in a pack o

27、n his back. a pack of cigarettes v. 1. pack A (in / into B) 将某物装入(盒,箱等) e.g. Have you packed your suitcase? 2. pack sth with (sb / sth) 塞满,充满 e.g. The restaurant was packed. 扩展 pack ones bag 准备离开e.g. After their quarrel, she packed her bags and left. 争吵过后, 她收拾好提包就走了。c. destroy v. damage; wreck 摧毁, 毁

28、坏e.g. They have destroyed all evidence. A house was destroyed by fire. destroy ones hopes / career / reputation d. land n. 陆地, 土地 v. 1. land (sb/sth) (at); go on land from a ship (使某人/某物)登岸,下船:e.g. We landed at Dover. 我们在丹佛上岸。 2. obtain 获得 e.g. The man finally landed a good job. 3. bring .on ground

29、使.着陆 e.g. The pilot managed to land safely. 4. get sb / oneself in sth 使某人/自己陷入困境等 e.g. He really landed himself in it this time. 这一回他可是自讨苦吃了。 e. lose sb. an election 使某人竞选失败反 win sb an election 赢得选举Exercise 汉译英: 1. 他的粗鲁使得他竞选失败。 2. 他用钱赢得了大选。DiscussionPresentationExplanationPractice课外作业课后小记 以前教师把教材当作

30、惟一的教学资源,“吃透教材,教好教材”成了对教师的最高要求。其结果是,教师被扼杀了自主精神和创新能力,限制了自身的发展,教学不能从实际出发,难以激发学生的学习积极性。新课标要求教师参与课程设制,积极开发和合理利用课程资源、搞好校本课程。由“教好教材”到“开发和利用教学资源教好学生”不仅会促进教学改革,还会有力地促进教师的发展。广博的课程资源会帮助教师不断“充电”,不断充实和提高自己。 教 案 附 页教学过程及时间分配主 要 教 学 内 容教学方法的 运 用 Key: 1. His rudeness has lost him an election.2. He used money to win him an election. f. mediocrity n.1. quality of being mediocre 平庸,第二流 2. person who is mediocre in ability, personal qualities 平庸的人 e.g. a government of mediocrity扩展 mediocre . 不太好的,平庸的,二流的 e.g. His films are medio

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