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1、江汉区八年级下学期期末英语测试题江汉区八年级下学期期末英语测试题二、选择填空(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。26. Have you ever been to the Great Wall? Yes, I _ there two years ago. A. go B. have gone C. went D. will go解析:选C, 因为动作发生时间是two years ago两年前,所以用一过。这里要注意不是说用什么时态提问就用什么时态回答的,做时态题切记要具体分析动作发生时间和想强调状态。27. How long have you _

2、? For three days. A. got a headache B. fallen ill C. caught a cold D. had a cough解析:选D, 因为how long提问说明后面是问一个状态持续了多久,要用延续性动词have,其他三个都是短暂性动词。28. How is it going? Terrible. Im busy these days because some students were caught for _ in the examinations. A. cheating B. hiding C. copying D. Turning解析:选A,

3、 这里想表达的是一些学生被抓到在考试中作弊cheat in the examination,固定搭配;另外要注意copy也有抄袭的意思,抄袭是作弊的一种形式,所以两者相比,选cheat,更为妥当。29. The local living conditions have improved a lot _ China set up the city of Sansha. And more and more people would like to go there for business. A. before B. when C. since D. After解析:选C, 自从中国成立三沙市以来

4、,当地的生活条件已经得到极大改善。关键前面是现完时态,后面是一过时态。30. Our teacher says that no one wishes you to be _, but we do expect you to do your best always. A. smart B. perfect C. bright D. Unusual解析:选B, 我们的老师说没有人希望你是是完美的,但是我们期待你总是做到最好。31. TV says there will be a storm tomorrow. _. I planned to go climbing with my classmat

5、es. A. I hope so B. Im afraid so C. Sounds good D. Bad luck解析:选D,电视说明天会有一场暴风雨;运气真不好,本来我打算和同学一起去爬山的。32. Have you finished your work today? Im really sorry. My friend came to see me, so I havent _ much today. A. achieved B. received C. accepted D. Succeeded解析:选A, achieve v.完成;实现,在这里是完成的意思。33. Did Mrs

6、King leave a message? Yes. She wanted to know _. A. who you would go shopping B. if you would go shopping with her C. that you will go shopping D. who cleans the classroom解析:选B, 根据主过从必过原则排除C和D,注意A最后缺一个with,所以选B,她想知道是否你会跟他一起购物。34. Mary told me she would drop English. Really? Ill try my best to ask he

7、r to _ such foolish ideas. A. take away B. give away C. put away D. keep away解析:选C, put away收拾好;处理掉,放弃,打消,在这里是打消的意思。35. Can I use your bathroom? Yes, _ A. nothing much B. Im glad to hear that C. enjoy yourself D. feel free解析:选D, feel free请自便,请随意36. I failed my math exam. You _ be kidding. You always

8、 studied hard at it. A. must B. should C. cant D. neednt解析:选A, 你一定在开玩笑。37. I wont go to tomorrows party _ Im invited. A. if B. unless C. when D. Though解析:选B, 除非我被邀请,(否则)我不会参加明天的派对。38. What do you know about the Caspian Sea, Judie? Oh, I know. Its _ all the salt lakes. A. longer than B. the bigger of

9、 C. the largest of D. as wide as解析:选C, 它是所有盐水湖里面最大的。关键词是all。39. Why are you having classes today? Because of the heavy rain, the school sports meeting has been put off till further _. A. news B. information C. notice D. Message解析:选C, further notice进一步的通知。关键词是推迟运动会。40. Dont take a risk! The fire is b

10、ecoming bigger and bigger. But what about the _ people inside the house. A. amazing B. freezing C. remaining D. Exciting解析:选C, remaining adj.其余的,剩下的三、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面两篇短文,掌握其大意,然后从41-50各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。AAmy: Steve, have you decided _(41) which book to write about for English class?Ste

11、ve: Yes, Little Women. Ive already finished reading it!Amy: Wow, Youre fast! Whats it about?Steve: Its about four sisters growing up. It was really good, so I couldnt _(42). Which book did you choose?Amy: I _(43) Treasure Island, but I havent finished reading it yet. Im only on Page 25.Steve: Have y

12、ou at least read the back of the book to see what its about?Amy: Yes, I have. It looks interesting.Steve: You should _(44). The book report is _(45) in two weeks.Amy: Yes, I know. Ill read quickly.41. A. yet B. already C. often D. always42. A. take it down B. put it on C. put it down D. turn it down

13、43. A. chose B. marked C. recorded D. chatted44. A. check out B. hurry up C. have a look D. make your way45. A. dry B. open C. off D. Due答案:ACABD,课本P58 2d原文。41题,yet和already都表已经,但是yet用于否定句和疑问句,already用于肯定句。42题,put down放下43题,choose的过去式chose44题,hurry up加快速度,赶快45题,due adj.预期(读书报告预期两周后提交)B One of the wor

14、lds most dangerous sports is mountain climbing, and one of the most popular places for this is the Himalayas. The Himalayas _(46) along the southwestern part of China. Of all the mountains, Qomolangma _(47) the highest and is the most famous. It is 8,844.43 meters high and so it is very _(48) to cli

15、mb. Thick clouds cover the top and snow can fall very hard. Even more serious difficulties include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms. It is also very hard to _(49) air as you get near the top. The first people to reach the top were Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary on May 29, 1953. The fi

16、rst Chinese _(50) did so in 1960, while the first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975.46. A. come B. run C. go D. walk47. A. appears B. raises C. stands D. rises48. A. easy B. safe C. dangerous D. relaxing49. A. take in B. take after C. take away D. take up50. A. band B. team C. tour

17、ists D. fans答案:BDCAB,课本P51 3a原文。46题:run along绵延于;延伸47题:rise 高耸,耸立48题:因为很高,所以攀爬很危险49题:take in吸入50题:第一支中国队伍四、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分) 阅读下面两篇材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。AE-Bike Rentals! Bike Rental + Munich = Smart!English Garden (Munich, Bavaria, Germany) is one of the largest public parks in the world51.

18、The advertisement is maybe taken from _. A. a report about Munich B. a bike selling webpage C. a newspaper D. an English magazine选C,因为是电动自行车出租广告,跟人们日常生活相关,所以最有可能出现在报纸里。52. If you rent e-bikes, you will have the following advantages except that _. A. you will enjoy the more beautiful natural sights B

19、. bikes for kids under 7 are free. C. you need to make much effort while riding D. you will surely have a good time选C,C选项中的much effort与原文右上角信息less effort完全相反,所以一定错误。A选项对应原文中间最右文段里的enjoy far more;B选项其实不是很严谨,因为文章提到的免费对象里不包括7岁以下使用的车,将原文正中间文段。但前面我们已经分析了C错得更离谱。所以这里提醒大家,做选择题还是要尽量做到每个选项分析,选出最佳答案。D选项对应原文右上角

20、信息more fun。53. Where can you travel around the English Garden? A. In a park B. In London C. In Munich D. In a forest选C,原文最后一句话交代了English Garden在德国慕尼黑,是世界上最大的公园之一。54. From the ad, we can see that _. A. all the sizes are for kids under 7 B. helmets, locks and lights are only free in the daytime C. you

21、 cant explore the English garden on foot D. if you rent the bike the whole day, its even cheaper选D,A选项all不符原文;B选项in the daytime不符原文;C选项cant不符原文。D选项是对的,因为一小时大概15镑;一整天才35镑。55. The ad has something to do with _. A. the beautiful life in Munich B. going e-bike riding C. practicing riding e-bikes for kid

22、s D. introducing different kinds of e-bikes选B,排除法。这是一篇广告类的应用文,做这类阅读题关键就是细心留意广告中的每一个小细节,包括图片或者不起眼的小字。B As I was finishing seventh grade, my school decided to make changes because of financial(财政) problems. The school would make the classes bigger, so there could be fewer teachers. We needed to write

23、down the names of people we wanted to be with and didnt want to be with. I wrote down the names of all my close friends. I found out that none of my close friends were in any of my new classes. Also, my new classmates were quite different from my old ones. I thought they werent as smart as my old cl

24、assmates. They also werent in the school activities I was in. Icouldnt find common interests with them. As the year went on, I felt lonely and I began to envy people in other groups. Why could they be with all their friends? As I found out, they didnthave many friends at first. They had made new fri

25、ends in their new classes. They seemed pretty happy with their new friends. I decided it was time for me to make new friends. I noticed that the people with many friends were very active. They often talked to others first while I was too scared to talk to others and hoped otherpeople would talk to m

26、e first. Once I realized that, I found that making friends is very easy if you can accept people for who they are, respect them, and talk to them. Now I feel a lot happier because I have more friends.56. In the first passage, we can know that _. A. students spent more money on new classes B. some st

27、udents were asked to go to other school C. there were fewer classes in the school D. the writers friends didnt like him any more选C,第一段标红句子体现,其他几个选型第一段都未提及。57. What problem did the writer have in the new class? A. He couldnt do what he used to do. B. His classmates had no interests. C. His classmates

28、 didnt want to talk to him D. He had no close friends in the class选D,见第二段标红句子。第二段讲到作者在新班级里没有一个原先的好朋友,并且感觉新同学和老朋友不一样,他们没有老朋友聪明。他们参加的学校活动也和作者不一样。作者感觉和新同学没有共同的兴趣爱好。58. The underlined sentence “I began to envy people in other groups” may mean “_”. A. I wished to be in other peoples situation B. I hoped

29、to join other groups C. I expected other people to come to him D. I wanted to share other peoples interests选B,我感觉到孤独并且开始想要加入其他小组(和他们交朋友)59. The passage tells us _. A. he was an outgoing and happy boy B. he still couldnt get on well with his classmates at last C. he liked to take part in school activ

30、ities D. he was good at making friends选C,见原文第二段第三排。60. If you come to a new school to study, what can you learn from the writer? A. Its difficult to make new friends. B. Being active is good for making friends. C. Its not good to envy your close friends. D. The school needs much money to run.选B,这篇文章作者通过自身经历告诉我们交朋友其实并不困难,如果我们能够主动一点的话。五、词与短语填空(每小题2分,共10分) 先阅读短文,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使全文在逻辑上正确。有一个选项是多余的。looks like / science / fiction / imagine / looks at / different Sally loves reading.

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