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高中英语必修3 Unit 4 Astronomythe science of the stars教案.docx

1、高中英语必修3 Unit 4 Astronomythe science of the stars教案Unit 4Astronomy the science of the stars.重点单词聚焦1It cost him more than one_(十亿) dollars to plete the project.答案:billion2“What happened?” Johns mother asked him in a_(温和的) voice.答案:gentle3Before the Earths protective_(大气层) was formed,there was no life

2、except in the sea.答案:atmosphere4With the_(引力) of the moon and the sun each day,tides (潮汐) roll in and roll away.答案:pull5Manmade_(卫星) are used for sending and receiving messages.答案:satellites6Smoking_(乘,增加) the risk of heart attacks and other health problems.答案:multiplies7Eating too many desserts can

3、 be_(有害的) to ones teeth.答案:harmful8Global warming and_(气候) change problems are perhaps the greatest threats to our planet.答案:climate9According to the_(理论) of relativity (相对论),nothing can travel faster than light.答案:theory10Most of the evidence had been destroyed._(因此,于是),it was almost impossible to

4、prove him guilty.答案:Thus.重点短语扫描1prevent. .阻止2 eggs下蛋3 ones turn轮到某人;接着4get the hang 熟悉;掌握;理解5watch 密切注视;当心;提防6depend 依靠7 time及时,终于8give 产生;分娩9cheer 感到高兴;感到振奋10now 既然11break 突发;爆发fromlayinofoutoninbirth toupthatout.课文原句突破1随后它会变成什么没有人知道,直到3845亿年前,这团尘埃才慢慢地形成一个固体的球状物。_ _ _ _ _was uncertain until between

5、 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe.答案:What it was to bee 2地球变得如此猛烈,以至于它的形状能否持久还不清楚。The earth became_violent_it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.答案:so;that3这就产生了一系列的反应,使得生命就有可能开始发展了。This produced a chain reaction,which_ _ _ _ _ _ _.答案:made it poss

6、ible for life to develop4而当我试着向前迈步的时候,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒了。But when I tried to step forward,I found I was carried_ _ _ _ on the earth and fell over.答案: twice as far as5“天哪,”我大声说。“引力改变了,走路也的确需要练一练了。”“Oh,dear,” I cried,“walking does need a bit of practice_ _gravity has changed.”答案:now that

7、atmosphere n大气层,空气;环境,气氛教材原句P25:They were in time to produce carbon,nitrogen,water vapour and other gases,which were to make the earths atmosphere.它们最终产生了碳、氮气、水蒸气和其他气体,这些后来形成了地球的大气层。The waste they create goes into the atmosphere and makes us sick.它们制造出来的废气进入大气中,导致我们生病。The simple atmosphere of the of

8、fice calmed me.简朴的办公室气氛让我平静下来。Ever since their quarrel,there has been an unpleasant atmosphere in the office.自从他们发生口角以来,办公室里总有一种不愉快的气氛。1.(湖北高考)The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly_.Aatmosphere BstateCsituation Dphenomenon解析:句意为:两国高层领导人之间的会谈在友好的气氛中举行。atmosphere气氛;state

9、状态;situation处境;phenomenon现象。由句意可知A项正确。答案:Aharmful adj.有害的,其反义词为harmless教材原句P26:What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas.很多科学家相信,由于地球上长期有水存在,它使得地球得以把曾经存在于大气层中的有害气体和酸性物质溶解在海洋里。be harmful to对有害do

10、harm to./do.harm损害There is no harm in doing sth./It does no harm to do sth.做某事是个好主意(或没有坏处)It is harmful to your health to drink too much.过量喝酒对你的身体有害。Your smoking can be harmful to the health of your children.你吸烟会危及孩子的健康。He would never frighten anyone or cause them any harm.他永远不会吓唬或伤害任何人。He may say n

11、o,but theres no harm in asking.他可能拒绝,但问一问也无妨。2.Doctors always tell us that drinking too much_our health,but some people dont care.Ais harm to Bdoes harmful toCis harmful to Ddo harm to解析:句意为:医生总是告诉我们饮酒太多有害健康,但有些人却不在意。be harmful to harm to sb.对某人有害。D项应用第三人称单数。答案:Cpuzzle vt.使迷惑;使为难;使窘困;感到迷惑;n.(游

12、戏的)猜谜;难题;谜教材原句P27:How life began on earth is one of the biggest puzzles that scientists found hard to solve.地球生命如何起源是科学家们觉得很难解决的最大的难题之一。What puzzles me is why he left the country without telling anyone.令我百思不解的是他为什么悄悄地离开了这个国家。I have been puzzling about this question for weeks now.我对这个问题已冥思苦想了好几个星期。It

13、s quite a puzzle to us why he did that.他为何做这样的事,我们完全搞不懂。Her puzzled look on her face suggested she didnt understand what I said.她脸上迷惑的表情表明她不明白我说的话。3.完成句子She lost heart since she failed in the exam.She_(对将来感到迷茫)答案:felt puzzled about her futurepull n& vt.拉(力);拖;牵引力教材原句P30:As the rocket rose into the a

14、ir,we were pushed back into our seats because we were trying to escape the pull of the earths gravity.随着火箭的升空,我们被重重地推回到座位上,因为我们正尽力摆脱地球的引力。pull back撤回pull down拆毁;摧毁pull in(车辆)进站停靠;靠边停靠pull out驶出;退出pull through康复;痊愈He pulled the door open and rushed out.他拉开门,冲了出去。The police car signalled to us to pull

15、 in.警车发出信,要我们驶向路边停靠。We waved as the train pulled out of the station.火车驶出车站时我们挥手告别。The doctor told me that I would pull through.医生告诉我我会康复的。4.用pull的短语填空:(1)Houses were_to make way for a new highway.(2)Cheer up!Take more exercise every day and you will_.(3)John_behind me and parked.(4)Be careful when y

16、ou_of the driveway.答案:(1)pulled down(2)pull through(3)pulled in(4)pull outin time及时;终于;总有一天He managed to send the tourists to the airport in time.他设法把游客及时送到机场。Will you be home in time to see the children before they go to bed?你会在孩子们上床睡觉之前回来看他们吗?If you keep on,you will succeed in time.如果坚持下去,你们迟早会成功的

17、。on time准时;按时in no time立即;马上at a time一次;每次at one time曾经;一度at the same time同时take ones time别着急;慢慢来At one time,half the land on the Earths surface was covered by forest.曾经,地球表面有一半的土地被森林所覆盖。You must give your homework to the teacher on time.你必须准时把作业交给老师。5.用time的适当短语填空:(1)The cloud never hides the sun.T

18、he truth will be known to all_.(2)_there were not so many cars on the streets.(3)_I go out to the beach to relax.(4)I am afraid I cant return the book to you before Friday._.答案:(1)in time(2)At one time(3)At times(4)Take your timein ones turn轮到某人;接着教材原句P26:Thus they have,in their turn,bee the most im

19、portant animals on the planet.于是,他们接着成为了这个行星上最重要的动物。When it is in my turn,I am too excited to speak.当轮到我时,我激动得都说不出话来了。in turn依次,轮流;反之,反过来by turns轮流;交替地take turns to do sth.轮流做某事It is ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事The customer praised the manager,who in turn praised his staff.顾客表扬了经理,经理转而表扬了他的职员。All the

20、ories are derived from practice and in turn serve practice.所有的理论都来源于实践,并反过来为实践服务。Now it is your turn to look after the children.现在轮到你照看孩子了。6.(湖北高考)People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars,and this_creates further problems.Ain short Bin caseCin doubt Din turn解析:本题考查短语意

21、思辨析。in short意为“总之,简言之”;in case意为“假使,免得,以防万一”;in doubt意为“感到怀疑,被怀疑的”;in turn意为“反过来,依次,轮流”。根据句意要求应选D。答案:Dprevent.from.阻止/制止做教材原句P26:They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.他们把过多的二氧化碳释放到大气层中,这使得地球上的热不能释放到太空中去。No one can pre

22、vent this plan from being carried out.谁也不能阻止这个计划的实施。Once he has made up his mind,nothing can prevent him from doing so.一旦他下定决心,什么也不能阻止他这样做。His advice prevented/kept/stopped me from making a serious mistake.他的忠告使我免于犯严重的错误。He wears sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.他带墨镜保护眼睛使其免受太阳

23、光的伤害。7.完成句子Measures have been taken to_(阻止河流污染)答案:prevent/stop/keep the river from being pollutedcheer up(使)高兴;使振奋;感到振奋教材原句P31:I cheered up immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin watching the earth bee smaller and the moon larger.我立刻高兴起来,由于失重我在太空舱里飘来飘去,我望着(身后的)地球越来越小,而(前方

24、的)月亮越来越大。Give Mary a call,she needs cheering up.给玛丽打个电话,她需要人安慰。Cheer up!Our troubles will soon be over.振作起来!我们的困难很快就会过去。When Im feeling sad my mother tells me funny stories to cheer me up.当我感到忧伤时,我的母亲就给我讲有趣的故事让我高兴起来。They do this in order to encourage crowds to cheer their sports team.他们这样做是为了鼓励人们为他们

25、的球队加油。8.(2009天津卷)Im thinking of the test tomorrow.Im afraid I cant pass this time._!Im sure youll make it.AGo ahead BGood luckCNo problem DCheer up解析:句意为:我正在考虑明天考试的问题,恐怕这次我会不及格。振作起来!我相信你会通过的。根据上下文只有Cheer up“振作起来”符合题意,而Go ahead继续,Good luck好运气,No problem没问题,均不符合题意。答案:DBut when I tried to step forward,

26、I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.而当我试着向前迈步的时候,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒了。倍数表达法:(1)“A倍数形容词或副词的比较级thanB”,表示“A比B大(长、高、宽等)多少倍”。(2)“A倍数as形容词或副词的原级asB”,表示“A是B的多少倍”。(3)“A倍数the size/height/length/width,etc.ofB”,表示“A是B的多少倍”。(4)A倍数what从句There are five times more books in

27、our library than in yours.我们图书馆里的书比你们图书馆里的书多五倍。He has read twice as many books as I have.他读的书是我读过的两倍。My house is twice the size of my parents.我的房子是我父母的两倍大。Our city has experienced twice as much rain this year as it did last year.我们城市今年的雨水是去年的两倍。9.(2009江西卷)According to statistics,a man is more than t

28、wice as likely to die of skin cancer_a woman.Athan BsuchCso Das解析:阅读题干可知此题考查倍数句式的同级比较句型,其构成应为:倍数词as形容词/副词原级as另一比较对象,所以此空应填as。答案:D10(2009辽宁卷)Peters jacket looked just the same as Jacks,but it cost_his.Aas much twice asBtwice as much asCmuch as twice asDas twice much as解析:本题句意应为:彼得的夹克衫看上去与杰克的相同,但价格却是他

29、的两倍。表达倍数用“倍数词”结构。答案:B11(陕西高考)Ten years ago the population of our village was_that of theirs.Aas twice large asBtwice as large asCtwice as much asDas twice much as解析:句意为:十年前我们村的人口是他们村的10倍。形容词比较级的结构之一为:倍数as形容词原级as.答案:B12Some parts in South China have experienced_this year as they did last year.Atwice as much rainBrain twice as muchCas twice much rainDtwice rain as much解析:考查倍数表达法“倍数as many/”

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