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本文(高考外研版英语一轮第2部分 板块2 第1讲 名词和数词 1.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高考外研版英语一轮第2部分 板块2 第1讲 名词和数词 1.docx

1、高考外研版英语一轮第2部分 板块2 第1讲 名词和数词 1第1讲名词和数词全国卷考情分析题型分类典题试做命题解读语法填空1.(2018全国卷)Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 which showed a mere 5 to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all causes (cause)2(2018全国卷)To avoid knee pain, you

2、 can run on soft surfaces, do exercises to strengthen (strength) your leg muscles (肌肉), avoid hills and get good running shoes.3(2018全国卷)This switch has decreased pollution(pollute) in the countrys major lakes and reservoirs and made drinking water safer for people.4(2018全国卷)Im a scientist (science)

3、 who studies animals such as apes and monkeys.1.给出名词提示词,考查名词的数。2不同词性和词形之间的相互变化。考点一名词的数单句语法填空1(2019嘉兴测试)Portmans educational background has influenced one of her projects(project)2(2019武昌区调研)Driven by the curiosity(curious) in my heart, I came to China and took part in a cruise(乘船度假) along part of th

4、e river last year.3(2019福建省高三质检)“Alaya, you dont have to do this if you dont want to. Nobody is forcing you.” Though I said I wasnt going to do it, my feet(foot) carried me toward the pool.名词按其词汇意义可分为专有名词和普通名词。普通名词包括可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单数和复数之分, 不可数名词没有单复数之分。一、可数名词的数可数名词都有单数和复数之分。1名词复数的规则变化变化规则例词一般情况加sma



7、fhandkerchiefs/handkerchieves;chiefchiefs合成名词构成复数时,通常只将里面所含的主体名词变成复数,如果没有主体名词,则将最后一部分变成复数sonsinlaw女婿;passersby过路人;storytellers讲故事的人;gobetweens中介人;grownups成年人2.名词复数的不规则变化变化情况例词特殊变化childchildren;footfeet;toothteeth;mousemice;manmen;womanwomen注意:由man或woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是men和women,如an Englishmantwo Engli



10、幸的事情pride骄傲令人骄傲的事情shock震惊令人震惊的事情delight高兴令人高兴的事情surprise惊奇令人惊奇的事情pleasure乐趣令人高兴的事情3.物质名词的复数现象(1)有些物质名词用复数形式表示与原来不同的事物。paper(纸)papers(证件,论文) custom(风俗习惯)customs(海关)arm(胳膊)arms(武器,装备)air(空气)airs(摆架子,装腔作势)(2)有一些物质名词用复数形式,表示由大量该物质组成的事物。sand(沙子)sands(沙滩,沙漠)water(水)waters(水域,水体)time(时间)times(时代)wood(木头,木材

11、)woods(树林)(3)有些物质名词用复数形式表示不同的种类,如food, wine, metal, fish, vegetable等。The wines of France are among the best in the world.法国的葡萄酒是世界上最好的。三、与名词有关的词形转化1名词后缀(t)ion表行为或状态;ment表行为或结果;er/or表人物;ist/ian表专家或从事的人;ice表性质,状态;dom表集体,领域或状态。2名词与形容词之间的转化(1)“名词y”构成形容词。例如:rainrainy;cloudcloudy等。(2)“名词ly”构成形容词。例如:friend

12、friendly;mothermotherly等。 (3)“名词ish”构成形容词。例如:foolfoolish;childchildish等。(4)“动词able”构成形容词。例如:acceptacceptable;agreeagreeable等。(5)“名词en”构成形容词。例如:goldgolden;woodwooden等。考点二名词的固定搭配和所有格单句语法填空1(2019石家庄联考)I would appreciate it if you could take me into consideration(consider). Looking forward to receiving

13、your reply.2(2019陕西检测一)What happiness(happy) should we find in reviewing the past,and what regrets?一、固定搭配名词构成的固定搭配主要有两类:“动词名词介词”和“介词名词”。常考的高频短语:1介词名词with patience耐心地 by chance/accident偶然at a loss不知所措 in advance提前in favor of支持,赞成 on purpose故意地beyond recognition无法辨认in great demand需求量很大2动词名词介词have/gain

14、 access to可以获得take advantage of利用, 趁之机make use of利用find fault with挑的错keep pace with与同步put an end to结束take notice of注意到catch sight of看见do damage to损害attach importance to重视take the place of取代, 代替take pride in以自豪take possession of占有make preparations for为做准备make contributions to对做出贡献二、名词的所有格1有生命的名词,其所有格

15、一般在名词后加s。his fathers boss 他爸爸的老板2表示时间、城市、地域、团体、机构等非生命的事物后也可加s表示其所有格。todays paper 今天的报纸Englands shore 英国的海岸the cars design 这辆车的设计We accepted the invitation without a moments hesitation. 我们毫不犹豫地接受了邀请。3在某些习惯用语中,也需要加s所有格。for friendships sake 为了友情at a stones throw 一箭之远at ones fingers tip 手头上有at arms leng

16、th 保持距离;在伸手可及处at ones wits end 黔驴技穷4无生命的名词,借用of表示所属关系。the window of the room 这个房间的窗户5如果一样东西为两个人共有,则只在后一个名词后加s,如果不是共有的则两个名词后都要加s。Jane and Marys mother 简和玛丽的妈妈(共有,暗示简和玛丽是姐妹关系)Janes and Marys mothers 简的妈妈和玛丽的妈妈(不是共有,分别指两位妈妈)6双重所有格:“a/two/some .名词of名词s/名词性物主代词”构成双重所有格,“of名词所有格”中的名词必须表示人,不能表示事物。a friend

17、of her mothers 她妈妈的一个朋友two photos of hers 她的两张照片考点三数词单句语法填空1Whats the date today?Its the fourth(four) of July.2There are buses to the station every twentieth(twenty) minute.一、基数词1常用基数词表oneeleventhirtytwotwelvefortythreethirteenfiftyfourfourteensixtyfivefifteenseventysixsixteeneightysevenseventeennin

18、etyeighteighteenhundredninenineteenthousandtentwentymillion/billion2.使用基数词的几点注意事项(1)one and a half后的名词用复数,谓语动词一般用单数,不过事实上也可用复数。(2)当hundred,thousand,million,billion前面有基数词时,用单数形式,词尾不加s;前面有many,several,a few修饰时,仍用单数形式。如:several billion years。表示概数时,用ten,hundred,thousand,billion的复数形式加of,后面接复数名词。如:thousan

19、ds of lakes and forests。(3)表示某人的大约年龄,即“几十多岁”时,使用基数词的复数形式。“in sb.s整十的基数词的复数”意为“在某人几十多岁时”。如:in his fifties。(4)表示世纪年代表示“在世纪年代”时在数字后加s或s。the early 1920s/1920sthe early twentiesthe mideighties二、序数词1常用序数词表firstelevenththirtiethsecondtwelfthfortieththirdthirteenthfiftiethfourthfourteenthsixtiethfifthfiftee

20、nthseventiethsixthsixteentheightiethseventhseventeenthninetietheightheighteenthhundredthninthnineteenththousandthtenthtwentiethmillionth/billionth易错提示21以上的多位数词,只将末位数变为序数词,前面的其他位数仍用基数词。如:21sttwentyfirst;22ndtwentysecond;33rdthirtythird;100thone hundredth2序数词前冠词的使用(1)序数词前一般要加定冠词the。This is the first o

21、ne.(2)序数词前有时可用不定冠词a,此时不强调顺序。“a序数词”相当于another,表示“又一个,再一个”。Youd better try a third time.(3)序数词用作副词时,不用冠词。First come,first served.(4)序数词之前已有物主代词、指示代词或名词所有格修饰时,不再用定冠词。Ill never forget that first lesson taught by Mr.Wang.我将不会忘记王老师教我的第一堂课。(5)序数词用在由“序数词名词”构成的形容词中时,不用定冠词。There is a firstclass hotel over the

22、re.那儿有一家一流的宾馆。三、分数和百分数1分数的表示法(1)分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于1时,分母用复数。分数特殊表示法a(one)half; a(one)quarterthreequarters;2 two and a quarter1 one and a half;2 two and threefifths名师点津三分之一既可说onethird,也可说a third。(2)分子与分母之间加in/out of,分子在前,分母在后,分子分母都用基数词,one in/out of ten十分之一。2百分数的表示法表示百分数直接将数词放在单词percent前面即可,如twenty pe

23、rcent百分之二十。名师点津分数和百分数后面不能直接接名词或代词,而用以下形式:分数/百分数of冠词/限定词名词/代词,其谓语动词与of后的名词在人称和数上保持一致。Twothirds of the books are about science.三分之二的书是关于理科的。Only 30 percent of the work was done yesterday.昨天只完成了百分之三十的工作。.单句语法填空1The books(book) which you bought yesterday are so interesting.2Visiting an apple event is a

24、good chance to see, and often taste a wide variety of apples(apple). 3The lives(life) of these people have finally been recorded thanks to the effects of a Frenchman from Paris called Gin.4The company has got lots of new equipment(equipment)5I had no choice(choose) but to prepare for it, though.6Som

25、e schools will have to make adjustments(adjust) in agreement with the national soccer reform.7There is no need to tell me your answer now. Give it some thought(think) and then let me know.8Only a few dollars can help to fill a childs(child) hungry stomach.9I am still thankful to my uncle for teachin

26、g me to ride a bike on my ninth(nine) birthday.10Why not buy a secondhand car first if you dont have enough money for a new one?Thats a good suggestion(suggest). .语法填空(2019南昌二模)When I was an international student in China,I was lucky to experience Chinese New Year.The buildup was exciting as everywh

27、ere 1._(decorate) with red.Some fellow students and I decided to travel from Xian to Guilin for the festival.Travel during that time is quite 2._ adventuremany people journey home 3._(see) their families and everywhere is very busy.On the eve of New Year,we watched the CCTV New Years Gala.Although w

28、e didnt really understand everything,it was good to be lost 4._ the atmosphere of the occasion!At New Year,families make 5._(taste) dumplings together as part of the celebrations.On New Years Day,and for several weeks afterwards,you can hear firecrackers and fireworks everywhere,and the air 6._(smel

29、l) strongly of dynamite(火药) and smoke.This was adventurous for us!Being in China during New Year somewhat meant 7._(lonely) though it was a great experience.I can 8._(absolute) explain it with how international students in the UK might feel at Christmas if 9._(have) no loved ones around them.Overall,my first Chinese New Year was an amazing experience 10._ Ill never forget.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者在中国留学期间,曾经有幸和同学一起边旅行边体验中国的新年,这个经历使作者一直难以忘怀。1was decorated准备过程令人激动,因为处处都装饰着红色。

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