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1、初中语法大总结六上1. please pleased(adj.高兴的,满意的) pleasant(adj.令人高兴的,使人愉快的) pleasure(n.)对满意:be pleased with have a pleasant trip -Would you like to take a walk with me? -With pleasure. =Id love to.(还没做)He did the work with pleasure.-Thank you ! - Its a pleasure/My pleasure. (不用谢) 2. have some problem(s) (in )

2、 doing sth have some trouble ( in ) doing sth have some difficulty ( in ) doing sth have a hard time (in ) doing sth 若后面跟名词 in doing 可换成with3. 基数词 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen序数词 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twel

3、fth thirteenth整十数基数词变序数词把y变i+eth twentieth thirtieth fortieth99:ninety-ninth 44:forty-fourth分子基数词 分母序数词 分子大于1 分母+s四分之三:three-quarters 九分之七:seven ninths 二分之一:one second=a half=one half in his fifties 在他五十几岁(51-59)in the 1930s 在二十世纪三十年代英语中时间的表达方法英语时间通常用以下两种方法表达: a. 直接表达法 A. 用基数词 + oclock来表示整点,注意oclock

4、须用单数,可以省略。如: eight oclock 八点钟,ten (oclock) 十点钟 B. 用基数词按钟点 + 分钟的顺序直接写出时间。如: eleven-o-five 十一点过五分, six forty六点四十 b. 间接表达法 A. 如果分钟数少于30分钟,可用分钟 + past + 钟点表示,其中past是介词,意思是“过”。如: twenty past four 四点二十 eight past one 一点八分 B. 如果分钟数多于30分钟,可用(60分钟-原分钟数)+ to +(原钟点数+ 1)表示,其中to是介词,意思是“差”。如: 8:35 可表示为twenty-five

5、 to nine 差二十五分钟九点,即八点三十五(其中的分钟数twenty-five 是由60分钟减去35分钟得 到的;钟点数nine是由8加上1得到的)。 注:A. 当分钟数是15分钟时,可用名词quarter (一刻钟)表示。如: 7:15可表示为 a quarter past seven, 12:15可表示为 a quarter past twelve B. 当分钟数是30分钟时,可用名词half (一半)表示。如: 9:30 可表示为 half past nine,3:30可表示为 half past three。C. 若想表明是上午,可在时间后加上am或a.m.。如:thirteen

6、 past six a.m. (上午六点十三分)等。若想表明是下午,可 在时间后加上pm或p.m.。如:four oclock p.m. (下午四点)等。 D. 若表示的时间不够准确,可在时间前加上介词about。如:about eight (大约八点)等。 E. 在时间前面应用介词at 来表示在的意思。如:at nine 在九点钟,at about five thirty-five p.m. 大约在下午五点三 十五分等。 一个口诀:时间顺读时后分,逆读法分后时。三十以内past连,三十以后to中间。分用六十减放前,时后加一不能欠。4. Jim Linda Brown first name m

7、iddle name last namegiven name 教名 family namecall sb. at+号码 给某人打电话5. like当动词讲 喜欢 反义词dislike当介词讲 像 反义词unlike喜欢做 like to do/doingfeel like doing=would like to do=want to do look like看上去像feel like sound like taste like smell like be like像Are you like=Do you look like6.名词变复数:一般词尾+s apples以辅音字母+y结尾变y为i+e

8、s dictionaries以s,x,ch,sh结尾+es watches buses以f,fe结尾 把f/fe变ves wolfwolves wifewives knifeknives 英雄 西红柿 土豆(+es) heroes tomatoes potatoes单复数同形 sheep(绵羊) deer(鹿) Chinese Japanese特殊 footfeet toothteeth goosegeese manmen mousemice childchildren oxoxen(牛)男司机a man drivermen drivers 男警察policemanpolicemen 男工人a

9、 man workermen workers 渔夫 fisherman-fishermen 苹果树an apple treeapple trees 男生a boy studentboy students humanhumans GermanGermans RomanRomans8. 闭音节:由1个元音字母和1个或多个辅音字母组成的音节. map get重读闭音节结尾且只有1个辅音字母结尾的双写辅音字母+ed或+ing. beginning六下1.冠词:a , an 不定冠词 the 定冠词(1)同一事物第一次出现用a 或 an , 再次出现用the This is a book , the b

10、ook is mine.(2)世界上独一无二的东西前+the the moon the earth(3)序数词,形容词最高级前+the the ninth the longest one(4)乐器(西洋)前必须 + the play the piano(5)姓这个姓的的一家人前 + the 后+s the Greens(6)形容词前 + the表示一类人 the poor(7)球类运动前,三餐前,学科名词前不加the2. health形healthy副healthilyin good health = healthy保持健康 keep healthy , keep fit , keep in

11、good health(keep = stay)对你的健康有好处 be good for your health吃得健康 eat healthily3. collect 收藏品collection 收藏家collector 集邮 collect stampsThe collector collected many collections.invent发明 inventor 发明者invention发明物 invite动词邀请 invitation名词4. help(名,动) 形helpful 用作名词时help不可数。 I need your help.帮助某人做某事 help sb. do

12、sth = help sb. with sth = help sb . to do 帮助某人摆脱困境 help sb. out在某人的帮助下with the help of sb.=with ones help忍不住做某事 cant help doing = cant stop doing 不能帮助做某事cant help to do 等不及做 cant wait to do在汤姆的帮助下 with the help of Tom , with Toms help , thanks to Toms help5. 月份: 1.January 2. February 3.March 4.April

13、 5.May 6.June 7.July 8.August 9.September10.October 11. November 12. December 星期: 星期日 Sunday 星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 星期三 Wednesday 星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 星期六 Saturday日期: 2013-9-20 September 20, 2013 Whats the date?=What date is it?What day is it?6.speak 过去式spoke 过去分词spoken 演讲speech 发言人 speaker( spok

14、esman)说中文 speak Chinese speak English say sth. in English英语口语 spoken English , oral English在一个说英语的国家 in an Englishspeaking country做演讲 make/give a speech电话用语 May I speak to Tom? Whos that? This is Tom.音乐music 音乐家musician 音乐的 musical7.kind1 Its kind/nice/polite/impolite/right/wrong/silly + of you to d

15、o 其他 + forIts kind of you to help me. Its important for you to learn English.2 种类 a kind of ; kinds of ; all kinds of 3 有点有几分 kind of = = a little = a bit = a little bit一点水 a little water=a bit of water有点重 a little heavy=a bit heavy8.名success 形successful 副successfully 动 succeed in doing sth.努力工作是成功的

16、钥匙 Working hard is the key to success.汤姆成功地通过了英语考试 Tom succeeded in passing the English exam.他成功的完成了他的作业 He finished his homework successfully.他是一位成功的音乐家 Hes a successful musician.9.这个箱子太重汤姆搬不动1. The box is too heavy for Tom to carry.2. The box isnt light enough for Tom to carry.3. The box is so hea

17、vy that Tom cant carry it.10.乐器:钢琴 piano 小提琴 violin 吉他 guitar 喇叭 trumpet 鼓 drum 手风琴 accordion play the +乐器11. few表示否定 几乎没有 a few 表示肯定 还有几个 修饰可数名词little表示否定 几乎没有 a little 表示肯定 还有一点 修饰不可数名词12.你来自哪里?Where are you from? Where do you come from? Whats your address?13.科目:科学science 语文Chinese 数学math 英语Englis

18、h 物理physic 化学chemistry 体育 P.E 美art 音 music 电脑computer 生物biology 历史history 地理geography14.describe 名descriptionbusy 忙于做某事 be busy doing = be busy withstrict 对严格 be strict with sb. / be strict in sth. be serious about 对认真15.国家:中国 China 美国America(USA) 加拿大 Canada (加拿大人 Canadian)日本 Japan 法国 France 澳大利亚 Au

19、stralia 英国 the United Kingdom 新加坡 Singapore 印度 India 俄罗斯 Russia 意大利 Italy 西班牙 Spain 德国 Germany16.花费1 spend doing2 spend on3 spend(in)doing 人做主语花费的可以是钱也可以是时间4 pay for Sb. pays (money) for sth. 5 cost 只用于花费金钱 Sth . cost sb some money6 It / Sth. takes sb . some time to do sth7 be worth + money(doing) 某

20、物值多少钱(值得一做)8 buy sth for some money 买某物花了多少钱 9 sell sth for some money 某物卖了多少钱17.through 从空间里面穿过 look through 浏览 get through 完成,穿过,接通电话 go across = cross 从一边到另一边 crossing 十字路口 across from 在对面 jump over 翻越18.begin 过去式 began 过去分词 begun 现在分词 beginning首先 begin with = start withat the beginning of 在开始的时候

21、end with = end up with (以结束) = end up doing在尽头 at the end of最后 in the end到来为止 by the end of(用于一般将来时和过去完成时)19.某个时间 sometime 一段时间 some time 有时 sometimes 几次 some times20.danger 形 dangerous 危险中 in danger be endangered 濒临灭绝的 21.newspaper 可数 news 与 paper 不可数information 不可数 advice 不可数 suggestion 可数 message

22、 可数22. 等某人 wait for sb . wait for sb. to do sth.等不及做某事 cant wait to do23. 停止做某事 stop doing 停下来去做另一件事 stop to do忘记做过的某事 forget doing 忘记去做某事 forget to do记得做过某事 remember doing 记得去做某事 remember to do继续做某事 go on doing continue doing 继续做另一件事go on to do continue to do设法努力去做某事try to do 尝试做某事try doing对做过事感到遗憾

23、(已做)regret doing 遗憾去做 regret to do(未做)意味着做某事 mean doing 打算做某事 mean to do 需要做某事need to do 需要被做某事 need doing =need to be done情不自禁做某事 cant help doing 不能帮助做某事 cant help to dogo on with + 名词七上1.天气:多风的windy 多云的 cloudy 晴天的、阳光充足的 sunny 下雪的 snowy 热的 hot 寒冷的cold 温暖的 warm 凉爽的cool潮湿的 humid 干旱的 dry 多雾的 foggy 下雨的

24、 rainy 结冰的icy提问天气如何:Whats the weather like? = Hows the weather?2.lie现在分词lying 躺下,位于lie lay lain lying说谎 lie lied lied lying下蛋,放置 lay laid laid laying die现在分词dying dead(adj.) death(n.) died(过去式)He has been dead for 3years. /He died 3 three years ago.His death made me sad. tie现在分词tying3.surprised surp

25、risingamazed amazinginterested interestingexcited excitingbored boringtired tiringfrustrated frustratingmoved movingtouched touching relaxed relaxingpleased pleasant4.surprise: in surprise惊讶地 to ones surprise令某人惊讶的 surprise sb. 使某人感到惊讶 be surprised at 对感到惊讶5.形容词:high 名:height 形容词 deep 名:depth 形容词 lo

26、ng 名:length 形容词 wide 名:width动词weigh 名weight6. be patient with be careful with/of be strict with sb in/sthargue with=have a fight with=have an argument with (生的气)end up with 以结束 begin with以开始与相处得好 get along well with get on well with be good withgo on with help sb.with sth在某事上帮助某人7.once一次 twice 二次 th

27、ree times三次8.尽力做某事(1)、try to do (2).try ones best to do (3).do ones best to do (4)get out of ones way(5) 千方百计做某事try every means to do(6)努力做某事make an effort to do9.look 看:look at 钦佩,仰慕/仰起头看/将尊为榜样:look up to查找:look up 看一看:have a look 留神.当心:look out 寻找:look for 轻视某人,往下看:look down (on) 照顾:look after 把看作

28、:look 浏览:look through 看上去像:look like10.你怎么了?(1)Whats the matter with you?(2)Whats wrong with you?(3)Whats the trouble with you?(4)Whats your trouble?(5)Whats the problem with you?(6)Whats up?(7)Is there anything wrong with you?(8)What is going on?11.ill(adj) (n :illness) 与sick(1)都当生病讲 (2).都可

29、放在be动词后,sick可做定语(a sick man),ill不能12.收到某人的信 (1).hear from (2).get a letter from (3).receive a letter from给某人写信write a letter to sb=write to sb13.worry:worry about be/feel/become worried aboutlook worried 看上去担心14.+doing de 词语 大总结practice doing finish doing enjoy doing mind doing allow doing feel like

30、 doing permit(承认) doing consider doing admit doing avoid doing advicedoing appreciate doing imagine doing keep doing miss doing suggest doing mention doing+ doing 短语大总结 be busy doing be used to doing be worth doing cant help doing devote to doing(致力于做某事) feel like doing get used to doing give up doi

31、ng Have fun/trouble/problems/difficulty (in) doing keep on doing looking forwards to doing pay attention to doing succeed in doing stop/prevent/keep sb. from doing15. 下决心做某事make up ones mind to dodecide to do / not to do make a decision to do make decisions to do 16.介词后+doingconsider doing=think about doing七年级下册1.还需要10天:another ten days=ten more days2.前天:the day before yesterday 昨天:yesterday 今天:today 明天:t

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