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1、八上练习册答案英语八上练习册答案英语【篇一:人教版 英语 八年级上册 同步练习(1-12单元八上练习册答案英语含听力及答案)】xt满分120分,限时100分钟,得分 第一部分听力I.情景反应:根据你所听到的句子选出相应的答语。每个句子读遍。(5 分)1. a. it?s very kind of you.b. you are right. i?m full now.c. ok, i?ll buy some for myself.2. a. you look so sad.b. i want to eat someth should stay in bed.3. a. wha

2、t do you think of it?b. good idea. let?s make a plan for the journey.c. the great wall is the Ion gest wall in the world.4. a. they left school when they were fourteen.b. they went to school when they were fourteen.c. they had n?t gone to school un til they were fourtee n.5. a. it?s too big.b. the s

3、tyle is in fashi on.c. i think he is the same size as tom.n.图片理解:听对话,请根据每小题给出的问题选择正确的图画。 每段对话读一遍。(5分)6. what game is jane going to play?7. what is the man?s favorite kind of music?8. what does the man do now?9. where are they going to meet?a b c10. what could mary do whe n she was four?a b cm.对话理解:根

4、据你所听到的对话内容,选择正确的答语。每段对 话读两遍。(5分)11. who are the speakers?a. teacher and stude nt.b. son and mother.c. classmates.12. whe n did the man get home?a. at about 8 : 00 p.m.b. at about 8 : 10 p.m.c. at about 8 : 30 p.m.13. how ofte n does mrs gree n clea n her car?a. every week.b. twice a mon th.c. every

5、day.14. what did the man advise?a. calli ng the police.b. ask ing a doctor to come.c. going to the school.15. how long is the library ope n on weeke nds?a. for 5 hours. b. for 8 hours. c. for 9 hours.IV .短文理解:根据所听短文的内容,选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。(5分)16. what?s david?s favorite?a. collect ing stamps. b. collect in

6、g coins. c. collect ing toys.17. how long has he bee n collect ing them?a. for one year. b. for about two years.c. for about three years.18. how many coins has david bee n collect ing?a. about 2OO.b. about 250.C. about 300.19. where does david store them?a. in the boxes. b. in the bags.c. in his des

7、k.20. how does he get them? which one is not true?a. he cha nges some paper money for them. b. he buys some.c. his pare nts give him some as gifts.第二部分英语知识运用I .根据题意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词 (每小题1分,共10分)21. she likes ( 巧克力)very much and eats them everyday.22. how about havi ng some ( 咖啡)?yes, please.23. where is

8、 my pen? (或许)it?s in your backpack.24. we can learn a lot about computer if we often surf the (网络).25. what?s your favorite ( 节目)?it?s cctv n ews.26. could you help me?of c .27. i?m pretty healthy, for( 因为)i e every day.28. we visit our gran dmother in the country o a week.29. for m kids, the weeke

9、nd was a mixture of fun andwork.30. we should have good h of studies.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)31. do you visit your gran dpare nts?twice a week.a. how oftenb. how manyc. how long d. whe n32. what she usually on weeke nds?she usually watches tv at home.a. is; do b. does; doesc. do; do d. does; do33. the old m

10、an is eighty years old, he is veryhealthy.although; buta. because; sob. because; /c. although; / d.34. how ofte n do they watch tv?they watch tv a week.a. one a week b. once c. one the week d. once a week35. hours do you watch tv every ni ght?about half an hour.a. how long b. how many c. how often d

11、. how much36. gina is pretty healthy because she has a healthy .a. lifestyle b. activity c. wayd. hobby37. my un cle works in en gla nd. he comes back to china a year.a. three time and fourb. three and four timesc. three or four times d. three times and four38. we should try more vegetables and frui

12、t becausethey are good for our health.a. eat b. to eat c. eati ng d. eats39. i think chin ese is quite differe nt en glish.a. in b. with c. from d. as40. i think drinking milk is our health.a. good at b. bad forc. good for d. bad at41. we don?t like because it isn?t healthy.a. fruit b. vegetables c.

13、 milkd. ju nk food42. my gran dfather goes to the movie because he thinks there are too much people there.d. ofte na. always b. hardly ever c. sometimes43. is his lifestyle the same yours?n o, it isn?t.a. asb. in c. at d. from44. my mother was ill. so i had to stay at home and her.a. look after b. l

14、ook at c. look for d. look like45. zha ng hao ofte n comes to school early and he is late for school.a. always b. n ever c. ofte n d. usuallym.选词并用其适当形式填空(每小题1分,共5分)46. running in the morning is good for our .47. how ofte n does your mother go shopp ing? a week.48. alice sleeps tha n eight hours eve

15、ry day.49. i don?t like coffee. i think it isn?t good for myhealth.50. can you tell me the betwee n this picture and thatone?IV .句型转换(每小题2分,共10分)51. my best frie nd goes skateboard ing once a week . (就划线咅 B分提问)52. (就划线部分提问)tony ofte n plays soccer on weeke nds.53. (就she practices play ing the pia no

16、 two hours every day. 划线部分提问)54. she goes to the supermarket on weeke nds.(改为否定句)55. her favorite program is on eyes .(就划线部分提问)V .完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)most children56tv. by watching tv they can see and learn 57a nd know many thin gs58their country and the world. they can lear n better an d59with tv tha n

17、 the radio.60 they can 61a nd watch62the same time.becausemany childre n watch tv only on saturday or sun day. they arealways busy with their less ons. but63childre n watch tv64everyni ght. they go to bed very late. they can?t have a good rest.how65you, my young friend?56. a. like watch in gb. liked

18、 watchc. like watch d. like watched57. a. a lot b. many c. a lots d. lots of58. a. to b. with c. for d. about59. a. easyb. easier c. more easyd. more easily60. a. whatb. why c. whe nd. what about61. a. liste nb. liste ns c. liste n tod. liste ns to62. a. on b. at c. in d. for64. a. at b. on c. in d.

19、 /65. a. are b. old are c. about d. isW .阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)keep ing better eat ing habits can help you reduce disease( 减少疾病).a healthy eating plan means choosing the right foods to eat and prepari ng foods in a healthy you often change your toothbrush? maybe you think it is unnecessary ( 不必要的).

20、a study shows old toothbrushes bring disease. you should ofte n cha nge your toothbrush.exercise, swimmi ng, cycli ng, jogg ing, skii ng, dancing, walki ng and some other activities can help you stay healthy. you should exercise at least three times a week , do it about twenty minutes or more each t

21、ime.pla n out your life. you should have breakfast before you go to school. have a proper( 合适的)meal for lunch. follow a healthy diet.根据短文内容判断句子正(t)误(f)。66. the passage is mainly about healthy foods.67. “ mind the toothbrush ” is the best title for the second passage.68. you must exercise twen ty-fiv

22、e minu tes each time.69. proper diet can help us stay healthy.70. every one n eeds a healthy diet.bmike is a factory worker. he is often very tired after a day?s work. his wife, je nny, has no job, so she stays at home to cook the meals. every day he can have his dinner whe n he gets home from his f

23、 day, mike came home very late because he was very busy in the factory. he was very hungry whe n he got home.he was not happy whe n he found his dinner was not ready. hewas very angry with his wife. he shouted at her, “ i?m going outto eat in a restaura nt. ”“wait for five minutes, ” said

24、his wife.“ why? do you think that dinner will be ready in five minu tes? ”asked mike.“ of course not, ” she answered. “ but i can be ready to go w thyou in five minu tes. ”71. mike works in .a. a factory b. an office c. a school d. a hospital72. je nny stays at home because .a. she likes cook ing b.

25、 she loves her husba nd very muchc. she does n?t have a jobd. she does n?t, want to work73. one day, mike came home very late because .a. he wan ted to have dinner in a restaura ntb. he had a lot of work to doc. he was angry with his wife d. his wife did n?t cook dinner74. mike was whe n he found hi

26、s dinner was not ready.【篇二:人教版八年级上册英语 (新目标)配套练习册答案】上册英语(新目标)配套练习册答案unit 1 how often do you exercise?secti on ai.1. program 2.results 3.exercise 4.twice 5.i nternetii. dbddc abciii.I. helps 2.skateboard ing 3.once 5.shopp ingiv. 1. surfs the internet 2. goes to the movies 3. n ever arrives l

27、ate4. t 4.fours times a month 5. how ofte nv. ofte n does go 2. what does do 3. does go does n what do do 5.what isvi. cdabsecti on bi.1. different 2. health 3. habit 4.try 5. keep 6.although 7. for 8. better ii.ddcba adacdiii. goes 2. eat ing 3. to esercise 4.get 5. to drinkiv. 1. healthy lif

28、estyle 2. of course,twice a week 3. how many good for 5. as for mostv. dbdac accabvi. cbdcd babcavii. (略)unit 2 what s the matter ?secti on ai.1. matter 2. foot 3.toothache 3. mouth 5. headache 6. fever 7. rest 8. teethii. dadca abaiii. 1. stomachache 2. ill 3. feet 4.better 5.backacheiv. 1. wh

29、at s matter with 2. should lie down rest 3. have a fever 4. with honer 5. not feiii ng well 6. see a den tistv. 4.when did it start 5. how is she fellingvi.egadciiioutioi i/ ii.iiiiv31. to have ,to eat 2. exercise 3. enjoying 4. to hear 5. stressed.1. go to bed ,to stay healthy 2. too much 3. stress

30、ed:,angry 4. western countries 5. shouldn t studybbadc aacda .dcdcai. (略)【篇三:新目标八年级英语上配套练习册答案】.beaches 2.most 3.myself 4.fed 5.bored1.yourself be 3.diaries 4.w on do.1-5 cabbd.1.summer camp 2.on vacation ;went to the mountainsanyone frie ndly4.a ny where in terest ing 5.quite a fewvi

31、. I.where did ; go2.didn t visit3.what was ; like 4.what did ; do5. did ; dovii. 1-5 ecagdviii. I.every on e2.everyth ing 3.someth ing4.nothing 5. no one6. a ny where7.a nythi ngsecti onbi. 1.below2.duck3.h ungry 4.traders5.bori ngii. 1.buildi ngs visit3.activities4.walki ng5.differe ncesiii. 1-5 acacd 6-10bcbaaiv. 1.tried paragliding 2.rode bikes /bicycles 3.walked up ; the top ;someth ing special4.umbrella ; wa

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