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1、最新冀教版六年级英语下全册教案Unit1Lessons1-6 SportsLesson1 Ping-pong and basketball教学目标:a、要求学生掌握重点单词与短语airport, again, live , learn, wow, know ,great, tired, suitcase;live in, want to , have a good trip ,go home b、 学习句型:“ What time is it ? Its ”教学用具:多媒体课件 、 钟面 、 录音机教学时间 : One class 、教学过程:Step 1 : Class opening an

2、d Review1) Greeting2) Reviewlead in课件出示日历,通过师生问答,生生、同桌对话练习句型: What day is it ? It教师谈话导入:今天九月一号,Jenny与Danny正在讨论李明来到加拿大学习英语的日期,预知精彩,且瞧课文。Play“ The number game” to review number 、Step 2 : Presentation and practice(新授及练习):1、Teaching “ What time is it ? ”1) Use a big clock to teach “ What time is it ? ”2

3、) Demonstrate : Move the hands on the clock as I ask and answer the question 、 Then get volunteers to answer the question 、Heres a simple way to say some times in English 、1:45 one forty five 2:10 two ten5:37 five thirty seven 8:00 eight oclock3)Extend knowledge (知识拓展):2:10 two ten or ten past two教师

4、讲清“past”与“a quarter”4:30 four thirty or half past foue教师讲解“half”、9:00 nine oclock or nine4) Practice : Practice in pairsAsk the volunteers to more the hands on the clock as they ask and answer the question 、2、Teaching “ the text ”1) When the students listen to the tape , think over these questions :

5、When do Jenny , Danny , Li Ming live ?Why is Li Ming coming to Canada ?When does Li Ming arrive ?When will Li Ming go home ?How long will Li Ming live in Canada ?How does he come ?What time did Li Mings plane arrive ?Who meets him at the airport ?Did he have a good trip ?2)Read the dialogue and disc

6、uss the questions in groups 、3)Ask the students to answer the questions 、4)Read by themselves , then read role-play 、Step 3 ConsolidationMake up a dialogue about meeting someone at the airport 、 Divide the class into small groups 、 Ask each group to include in their dialogue the question and answer

7、、 “ What time is it ? Its- ”Step 4 Summary课后小结:本课就是一个复习,巩固,让学生适应长假的课时,所以在本课的讲解中,我由浅入深、先由问候语入手,逐步延伸到What time is it ?句型、学生掌握良好、有的个别的学生对suitcases的单复数的概念还有点模糊,有待于在教学中不断改进、本课总体来说一个复习课,没有太多的生单词,而在讲课时不能出色的完成,可以说我准备的不够,以后要引以为戒,备好每一节课,上好每一堂课、Step 5 Homework1、Activity book2、 Copy the new words in this class、

8、自我问答:您会正确运用look与see不?Look表示“瞧”这一动作。要表示瞧某处则用look at”。如:Look at the blackboard、 瞧黑板Look at my mouth、 瞧我的口型。See表示“瞧见;瞧到”。如:I see Li Ming、 我瞧见李明了。I see a black cow、 我瞧见一头黑牛。Lesson2 At the sports shop教学目标:1、 知识与技能目标:能听说读写need, any, or三个生词 。 理解“some ,any ,”二词用法上的不同。 让学生掌握并熟练运用“I need” “Do you have any?” “

9、Do you want this/these or that/those ? ” “ How much are they?”2、情感目标: 通过购物的情境练习,感受英语的氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学难点分析:学生在具体的语言环境中能运用本课重点句型与同伴进行交际。教学课时:一课时。教学过程:一、Class opening and review1、 Review :basketball ping-pong sport runners shorts T-shirtT: What sports do you play?Whats your favourite sport?What do you

10、 wear to play _?设计意图:教学伊始由词到句循序渐进的帮学生进入状态,同时也符合我校提倡的口语交际训练。2、Review word: “this that these those” (直接出示使学生再现,接下来由老师讲授)二、New concept1、INTRODUCE(介绍)(1)、Teach word “or”(通过实物摆放的不同方位教授)T: What sport do you like? Is this ping-pong ball or that basketball?Do you like this ping-pong ball or that basketball?

11、S1: I like this ping-pong ball、T:What sport do you like? Is this ping-pong ball or that basketball?Do you like this ping-pong ball or that basketball?S2:I like that basketball、T: Do you like these books or those books?S3: I like_、T: Do you like these runners or those runners?S4: I like_、(大量练习几种选择疑问句

12、的问答)设计意图:方位词this, that, these and those 虽然曾出现过好几次,但仍然就是一个难点,学生不容易掌握,所以通过教授选择疑问句让它们再次在真实的语境中说出,应该两全其美。但教师必须每个类型至少示范两个。(2)Teach word “need any”(3)(教师接学生的问答顺势说,使整个教学过程一气呵成,做到有效地衔接)T: I dont have _、 I need _、 Do you have any _s?S: Yes、/No、Spell the word “need any、(利用feet与need, many 与any对比记忆,并区分some any

13、的用法)Practice in pairs、(小组合作中互相练说,克服学生面对全体不好意思的、怕说错的思想,可培养她逐渐树立自信的意识。)2、示范角色表演“Shopping”3、情景模拟:“开心超市”规则:一名学生扮演店内售货员,其她学生扮演顾客,到商店买东西,练习句型:A: I need_、 Excuse me、 Do you have any s?B:Yes、 Ill show you!/No!Do you want this/ these_ or that/those_?A:I like_、How much is it/are they?B: dollars!A: Ill take_,p

14、lease、(此时同时讲解美元与元的区别。如:one dollar,two dollars;one yuan,two yuan、 还要解释并练习一下如何问多少钱How much is it? How much are they?)4、听录音跟读。5、学生再自编对话表演。(设计意图:以上在理清脉络之后,将课文中的重难点扎实了,在让学生对照板书,学生在表演对话时就没有很大的困难了。)三、Class closingHomework:亲自到体育用品商店买一次东西并运用所学语言。板书设计:Lesson2、 At the Sports Storeany need orA: I need_、 Excuse

15、me、 Do you have any_ s?B:Yes!/No!Do you want this/ these_ or that/those_?A:I like_、How much are they?B: _ dollars!课后习题:一. 改错:these book this runners some ballthose pencil that T-shirts any soups二. 选词填空:any, some, these, those, this, that1. Do you like _T-shirt or _T-shirt?2. Do you like _shorts or _

16、shorts?3. We need _ ping-pong balls、 Do you have _ balls?Lesson3 Lets play!教学目标:1.知识目标:能四会单词light,heavy,throw,catch,hit;能灵活使用句子The basketball is heavy、 The ping-pong ball is light、 Im throwing/catching the basketball、 Im hitting the ping-pong ball、2.能力目标:能利用所学的词汇与句子表演本课对话并运用于打篮球与乒乓球的活动中。3、 情感目标:培养学生

17、对两种球类运动的喜爱之情。教学重、难点:要求四会的单词与要求掌握的句式。教具、学具准备:1、 单词卡片,石头,羽毛等轻重对比的物体,篮球,篮筐,乒乓球,乒乓球拍,球网,有条件可带学生去操场上这节课,课后习题卡(每人一张)。2、 录音机或课件。教学过程:Class Opening and Review1、 T:Hello, class! Whats your favourite sports?S:My favourite sport is _、2、 T:I want to learn basketball/ping-pong ball、 Can you teach me?S:Yes、(设计意图:

18、开头直接提出老师想学打篮球与乒乓球,让学生做小老师教,激发了学生的学习兴趣,增强了学生的自信心。)New Concepts1. 教师右手拿篮球并说The basketball is heavy、左手拿乒乓球并说The ping-pong ball is light、让学生模仿练习。2. 利用准备的实物练习heavy 与light、3. 教师告诉学生篮筐就是net,拿着篮球投篮,边投边说Im throwing the basketball、 Say “throw,throwing”,please、学生模仿练习。4. 教师没投中就说This is too hard、 The basketball

19、is too heavy、 学生模仿练习。5. 教师拿着乒乓球投篮,一下就投中了就说This is too easy、 The ping-pong ball is light、 学生模仿练习。6. 然后把篮球传给别的学生并说Im throwing the basketball、 Hes catching the basketball、 Say “catch,catching”,please、 学生模仿练习。7. 教师又拿起乒乓球拍并告诉学生This is a paddle、 Im hitting the ping-pong ball、 Say “paddle,hit,hitting”,plea

20、se、 学生模仿练习。8. 听录音两至三遍,完成课后习题。9. 学生分组编对话。10、汇报演出。(设计意图:这节课的教学可在教室布置环境也可以到操场去上,让学生真正体会篮球与乒乓球运动,激发学习兴趣。在句子中学习单词,做到词不离句,最后过度到对话练习,形成篇章,对学生的综合语言运用能力有了很大的提升。)Class ClossingActivity bookHomework课下打篮球与乒乓球并把所学语言运用进去。板书设计:Lesson 3、 At the Gym Lets play!The basketball is heavy、The ping-pong ball is light、Im th

21、rowing/catching the basketball、Im hitting the ping-pong ball、课后习题:一 根据要求写单词:写出现在分词形式 写出反义词hit- heavy-throw- hard-catch- this-learn- these-teach-二. 填空:1.I want to _ basketball、 Can you _ me?2、 The basketball is _、 The ping-pong ball is _、3、 Im _ing the basketball、 Hes _ing the basketball、4、 Im _ting

22、the ping-pong ball、Lesson4 Did you have fun?教学目标1)、能听说读写bought, taught, thought、2)、复习巩固以前所学的四种时态,能能够正确地进行听说读写。3)、学会唱“What did you do?教学难点分析复习巩固以前所学的四种时态,能能够正确地进行听说读写。教学课时 一课时教学过程一、Class opening and review、1、投影出示一些单词,让学生说出它们的过去时,与将来时。其中包括buy , teach, 与think、(由于这三个词的过去时以前没有接触过,所以暂时放到一边)2、对话练习。老师提问一些问题

23、让学生回答。(1)What did you do yesterday?(2)What are you going to do tomorrow?(3)Do you usually、?每个问题找几个同学回答。二、New Concepts、继续瞧复习题1中留下的未知项,即buy , teach, 与think三个词的过去时如何改写。老师将这三个词的过去时添加上去,教学生如何读,并反复拼写,加以识记。并共同找到bought, taught, thought三个词语在书写与发音方面的共同点与不同点,便于学生比较与掌握。2、阅读练习。要求学生自学课文第一部分,然后回答以下几个问题:Where did J

24、enny and Li Ming go?What did Jenny do?What did Li Ming do?What did Jenny do?学生读完后,共同交流学习成果,老师加以总结、3、根据课文第二部分的内容,设计一些时态填空,让学生试着自己填写。(1)They usually _ (teach) each other a sport、(2) Jenny _(go) to the park tomorrow、(3) Danny alwys _ (think) he can catch the ball、(4) This morning , Jenny and Li Ming_(b

25、uy)some things at the store、(5) They _(teach) each other a sport yesterday、(6) Danny _(think) he could hit the ball、4、学唱“What did you do?”学会后,将学生分成两组对唱,一问一答。三、Class Closing、师生齐唱:“What did you do?”结束课堂。板 书 设 计Lesson 4: Where Did You Go?What did you do?teach-taught buy-bought think-thought8.课堂练习(1)The

26、y usually _ (teach) each other a sport、(2) Jenny _(go) to the park tomorrow、(3) Danny alwys _ (think) he can catch the ball、(4) This morning , Jenny and Li Ming_(buy)some things at the store、(5) They _(teach) each other a sport yesterday、(6) Danny _(think) he could hit the ball、Lesson 5 A basketball

27、 game教学目标1、能听说读写player, game, team, win 与lose、学会 jump up等短语。2、能听明白在比赛中一些简单的指示,用win 与lose、表示比赛的结果,以及比赛中分数的表示等。教学重难点重点 : 1、能听说读写player, game, team, win 与lose、学会 jump up等短语。2、能听明白在比赛中一些简单的指示,用win 与lose、表示比赛的结果,以及比赛中分数的表示等。难点 能听明白在比赛中一些简单的指示,用win 与lose、表示比赛的结果,以及比赛中分数的表示等。教学课时:一课时教学流程1、Class opening and

28、 review、做游戏“Charades以复习学生在前面已掌握的表示职业的词汇。这些词有:teacher,clerk, cashier,waitress, waiter, bus driver等。2、New Concepts、(1)、为学生播放一段篮球比赛的实况录相。先为学生介绍比赛的双方,引入新词:player, team与game、在讲解这三个新词时,可引学生利用对比的方法,总结字母发音的规律。(2)、边放录相,边为学生做现场解说,把课文内容通过示范的形式展示给学生。瞧完录相后,总结如何介绍一场比赛,介绍一场比赛需要了解哪些内容。比如:比赛的地点,时间,比赛的双方对员,比赛中比分的情况,比

29、赛的结果等。(3)、学生自学课文。要求:找出文中有关比赛的内容,画出来。找学生读出自己找出的有关语句。让学生自己把画出的语句读两次。(4)、将全班学生分为若干组。在每组中,找出一个学生向其她学生介绍本组的队员与比赛情况,并在最后根据比分的多少,判断出谁胜谁负。每组可根据自己的特长,选取不同的比赛内容。本组练习以后,老师组织各组学生在班内表演。表演前老师提出要求:介绍本组表演的游戏名称。介绍本组的队员分组或分工情况。向大家汇报比赛的比安情况。裁判胜负情况。各组表演完后,大家共同找出表演最好的一组,讲解最好的一个同学。并说明她们分别好在什么地方。3、Class closing、老师向同学们提出希望,希望同学们在课下多做这样的比赛活动,用于练习巩固本节所学内容。课堂练习、Tell your mother and father what you have learn today、2、Whats your favourite sports作业安排 活动手册3、4题Unit2Lessons 7-12 Good health to you!Lesson 7 Always Have Breakfast!一、教学目标:

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