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高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 11Unit 13.docx

1、高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 11Unit 13高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 11-Unit 12 Unit 11-Unit 12提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点Unit 11单词slar anind nstitutin an(vt) supprt dail ahieve liel zne private institute grasp aster perfet arrange rel failure valle base aragen rgan frard breathrugh arh ar annune evlutin battle短语set ft n have an effet n e t

2、 life ai(sth)at set up rel n deal ith put frard句型1hatever引导让步状语从句2ae+it+宾语补足语t d/thatUnit 12单词fitin belief league balln btan appl applied servant hale hunter llisin panin peranent guest vage irn abard lap dislie prisnergentle arble shre luggage brilliant hesitate buther urtain lip短语ae a living set u

3、t in publi thr light upn ut up e n believe in turn ut begin ith句型find+复合宾语Unit 11理解:要点诠释单词1ahieve讲:vt达到(某目标、地位、标准);得到;完成;实现例:hina has ahieved the highest rate f eni grth in the rld this ear 中国今年实现了世界最高的经济增长率。 e ant all ur students t ahieve ithin their hsen prfessin 我们希望所有的学生在各自选择的专业领域内都能有所成就。链接提示 (1

4、)ahieve suess取得成功 (2)ahieve vitr取得胜利 (3)ahieve nes gal实现目标 (4)ahieve nes purpse达到目的 ()ahieveent n 完成;达到;成就;成功练:Their pla_ great suess and brught in a large prfit t the theatreAappreiated Bahieved expeted Dseized提示:句意为:他们的戏剧取得了巨大的成功,为剧院带了很大的利润。ahieve suess意思是“取得成功”。答案:B2liel讲:ad ≈adv 有可能的;可能会;适当的;

5、大概;或许;很可能例:Sn shers are liel in the next 24 hurs 未的24小时内可能有阵雪 He is liel t in=It is liel that he ill in 他可能会赢 Its liel t be ld tnight 今天晚上可能会变冷。 There is nt liel t be uh rain trr 明天不会下大雨。 He is the st liel persn fr the b 他是最适合那份工作的人。 He ill ver liel e b ar 他大概会开车。链接提示 liel作表语时常见句型 (1)Sb/Sthis liel t

6、 d sth (2)It is liel that练:Nadas,ithin a shrt al alng a bus street,u are_t find a hain stre_a fastfd restaurant,a baer,r a superaretAprbable;se inds Bliel;f se indpssible;se ind f Dunliel;se ind f提示:be liel t d sth意为“很可能做某事”,主语可以是人,也可以是物,而pssible,prbable主语不能是人,排除A、项;f se ind作后置定语,修饰a hain shre。答案:B3

7、arrange讲:vt安排;筹备;整理;排列;布置例:The part as arranged quil 聚会很快就安排好了。 an I arrange an appintent fr nda? 我可以安排星期一约见吗? Have u arranged h t get t the airprt? 你安排好如何去机场了吗?链接提示 (1)arrange fr sbt d安排某人干某事 (2)arrange ith sbfr sth与某人商定某事 (3)arrangeent n 整理;安排练:The anager has_fr her t g t the airprt t eet an iprta

8、nt guestAased Bsent alled Darranged提示:句意为:经理安排她去机场接一位重要的客人。as fr 想要,要求;send fr派人去请;all fr需要,要求。答案:D短语1set ft in(n)讲:该词组的义项有“踏上;造访;进入”。一般说,表示“踏上”时,用set ft n;表示“踏进”时,用set ft in。例:The ere filled ith hen the set ft n hinese sil again 当他们再次踏上中国的土地时,他们兴奋不已。 She sre she uld never set ft in his huse ever ag

9、ain 她发誓不再进入他的房子。链接提示 (1)get/up/rise t nes feet站起/跳起身 (2)n ft步行;徒步 (3)n nes feet 站着;(病后)复原;自立 (4)struggle t nes feet挣扎着站起 ()stand n nes n feet独立自主;自主 (6)at the ft f在底部练:At the sight f the big dg,the b uped_At the feet Bunder his feet t his feet Dunder the feet提示:本题考查动词短语up t nes feet。答案:2rel n/upn讲:该

10、词组的义项有“信赖;依赖;依靠”。例:I rel n u t help e 我依赖你帮助我。 I rel n getting the ne next ee 我相信下星期可以得到那笔钱。链接提示 (1)rel n/upn sbt d sth相信某人会做某事 (2)rel n it that指望 u an rel upn it that he ill e 你放心他会的。练:hether the lthes ill be read the da after trr ill _the tailrsAdeide Brel n hear Dsee提示:deide用在此句中,应该使用被动语态;hear或se

11、e的主语多为指人的词。故选B项。答案:B3put frard讲:该词组的义项有“推举、提出、提倡、促进”。例:e put hi frard fr the psitin f hairan 我们推举他当主席。 He had n desire t put frard his plan 他不想提出他的计划。链接提示 (1)put aside 放在一旁;搁置;储蓄 I put aside 200 dllars ever nth 我每月储蓄200美元。 (2)put aa 收起;(为将而)储蓄 Let e ust put these files aa 让我把这些收拾好。 (3)put thrugh 顺利完

12、成;接通电话 Please put e thrugh t r Brn 请接布朗先生。(4)put it叙述;表达 Let e put it in anther a 让我换个方式说明。 ()put ut使熄灭;扑灭;生产;出版 The put ut fift ne bs last seasn 上一个季度他们出了0本新书。练:(1)The latest data_ b the states suggested that the business as iprvingAputting frard Bt put frardput frard Dput up提示:句意为:政府提供的最新数据表明贸易在不断

13、提高。由句意判断,用put frard;date与put frard有逻辑上的被动关系,应该用过去分词,故选项。答案:(2)(2010重庆模拟)Befre the ar bre ut,an peple_ in safe plaes pssessins the uld nt tae ith theAthre aa Bput aagave aa Darried aa提示:thr aa扔掉;put aa放置;整理;give aa泄漏(秘密/消息);arr aa运走;搬走。句意为:战争爆发前,很多人都把他们带不走的东西放在安全地方。故选B项。答案:B(3)(2010全国模拟)The frest gua

14、rds ften find apfires that have nt been_ pletelAturned dn Bput utput aa Dturned ver提示:turn dn关小;拧低;put ut扑灭;put aa放置;整理;turn ver打翻。依据句意选B项。答案:B句型1hatever引导让步状语从句讲:注意观察下面教材原句: hatever great ahieveents the future a have in stre fr hina,it is liel that an f the ill be brn in nrthestern Beiing 在中国将不论取得多

15、么巨大的成就,很可能它们中的许多将会发生在北京的西北部。 hatever引导让步状语从句时,等于n atter hat,意思是“无论何事/何物”。例:hatever happens,I ill g =N atter hat happens,I ill g 无论发生什么事,我都去。 hatever I suggest,he alas disagrees =N atter hat I suggest,he alas disagrees 无论我提什么建议,他总是不同意。链接提示 “疑问代词+ever”构成的词,如hatever/hever,既可以引导让步状语从句,还可以引导名词性从句,而“n att

16、er+疑问代词”只能引导让步状语从句。练:D_ u thin is right,_ thers sa es,I_ Aall;hat;d Ball that;hatever;anhat;hat;an Dhat;hatever;ill提示:从句子意义和结构看,_thers sa是让步状语从句,意思是”无论别人说什么”,排除A、两项;第一空可填hat引导宾语从句,hat在从句中作主语,也可填all that,all作d的宾语,that引导定语从句,在从句中作主语,u thin是插入语;从下看,答话人表示将会这样做,故选D项。答案:D2ae+it+宾语补足语+t d/that讲:注意观察下面教材原句:

17、 Zhngguanun ade it pssible fr hi t fll his dreas and help the untr he lves aes it lear that siene and business an and ust r tgether t build the future 在“ae+it+宾语补足语+t d/that”这一句型中,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式、从句或动名词。例:The an ade it lear that he uldnt aept the tas 这个人说得很清楚,他不想接这个任务。 She ade it ipssible t as

18、hi t help us 她认为叫他帮助我们是不可能的。链接提示 在这个句型中除了ae外,还可以用feel,nsider,thin,find等动词。练:I ust than parents_ t be a llege studentAt ae it pssible fr e Bt ae it pssible t efr aing it pssible fr e Dfr aing it pssible t e提示:依据than sbfr sth排除A、B项;依据动词不定式的复合结构fr sbt d排除D项。故选项。答案:辨析1inlude,inluded,inludinginlude是及物动词,

19、可以用于主动语态或被动语态;inluding要放在被包括的名词或代词之前;inluded要放在被包括的名词或代词之后。即时练习: (1)Their naes are_ in the list (2)There are a lt f naes in the list,_ his nae (3)There are a lt f naes in the list,his nae_ (4)e n lnger_ hi ang ur friends ()There are 40 students in ur lass,_ fur students fr Aeria答案:(1)inluded (2)inlu

20、ding (3)inluded(4)inlude ()inluding2b,r (1)b是可数名词,侧重职业。表示某个人“失业”,应说ut f a b;表示多个人失业可以说ut f a b,也可以说ut f b(s)。 (2)r作“工作”解时,是不可数名词。它可以构成很多固定结构,如:g t r(去上班);be at r(在工作中;在班上);after r(下班后);ut f r(失业)。r作“著作、作品”解时,是可数名词;表示“工厂;工事;机”时,常用复数形式。即时练习: (1)I ging t the hspital t see ne f friends after_ (2)She lie

21、d t us beause she had t in rder t get a_ (3)If anne at _ disvers the seret,I shall lse _ (4)Ne_ are needed beause a nuber f peple are ut f_ ()The irn_ is utside the it (6)Sething is rng ith the_ f ath (7)Have u read the_ f Shaespeare?答案:(1)r (2)b (3)r,b (4)bs,r/b(s) ()rs (6)rs (7)rs3h lng,h sn,h fte

22、n,h far (1)h lng表示“多长时间”,询问动作和状态持续的时间,通常与延续性动词连用,常用表示一段时间的状语回答。h lng还可以表示长度,意思是“多长”。 (2)h sn表示“多久”,询问动作还要多久才发生,通常与瞬间性动词连用,常用“in+一段时间”回答。 (3)h ften表示“多长时间一次”,询问动作发生的频率,通常用ver ften,usuall,seld,seties,ne/tie/three ties a da/ee/nth/ear,three ties a nth/ear等回答。 (4)h far表示“多远;多长的路”,询问距离的远近。即时练习: (1)_ is t

23、he exhibitin ging t begin? In t das (2)_ is the fatr aa fr ur huse? Nearl 4 ileters (3)_d u pla basetball? Three ties a ee (4)_ ill the eeting g n? Abut half an hur ()_has ur father been ut f r? Sine 2003 (6)_ is this river? It is re than 300 ileters答案:(1)H sn (2)H far (3)H ften (4)H lng ()H lng (6)

24、H lng诱思:实例点拨【例1】(2010辽宁沈阳质量检测)Nie Haisheng,_ his daughter sn nveed her greetings n his birthda,heard it in the spaeship,happ and exitedAh Bt hh Dith h提示:nvet把传递给,在本句中介词t提前,后接关系代词h,引导非限制性定语从句。答案:B【例2】(2010重庆模拟)hat shuld I d ith this passage? _the ain idea f eah paragraphAFinding ut BFund utFind ut DT find ut提示:下为祈使句,用动词原形。答案:【例3】(2010江西模拟)The anager,_it lear t us that he didnt agree ith us,left the eetingrAh has ade Bhaving adeade Daing提示:由两个动作发生的时间可知,选项用完成式;A项时态错误,项表示被动不合适。故选B项。答案:B讲评:解考查非谓语动词作定语的题时,要把握好非谓语动词与定语从句的互换,本题可以用h had ade替换having ade。

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