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1、人教版英语八年级上册Unit2Schoollife教案1. 学会谈论不同的学校及各类学生的学校生活二、过程与方法 通过对比中外各类学校情况,借助课外媒体、材料,反复使用练习,在潜移默化中学好本单元需要掌握的知识点和语言点. 3、情感态度与价值了解中西方学校情况,感受中西方文化如在教育、人文等反面的异同,为理解英语、学好英语奠定基础. Period 1 Welcome to the unitTeaching aims and demands: 1. Talk about the school life and review the words about school life. 2. Lear

2、n different words which mean the same thing between British English and American English. 3. Learn the differences between British English and American English. Teaching difficulties and importance: 1. Grasp the spelling of British words and American words such as shop and store, lorry and truck, fi

3、lm and movie, football and soccer, and so on. 2. Know the differences between British English and American English. 3. Grasp the words: British, lorry, eraser, fall, store, truck, movie, soccer 4. Grasp the phrases: be cleverer than, be like doing 5. Grasp the sentences: Why dont sb do sth? =Why not

4、 do sth? Whats school like? Teaching preparation: pictures, recorder, computer, and the flags of Britain and England Teaching steps: StepLead-in T: Do you like our school? What do you like? How many subjects do you learn? Can you tell me some names of them? S: Chinese, Math, English, PE, Geography,

5、etc. (Encourage the Ss to say more about it.) T: Good. Is there another word for Math? S: Yes. Maths. T: Great. Maths is Math. Maths is British English. While Math is American English (write on Bb) Step Pre-task (Welcome to the unit) Show the flags of the UK and the USA. Tell them that people speak

6、English in both Britain and the USA, but sometimes they use different words which mean the same thing. T: I know many boys like playing football. Do you know what it says in American English? S: Soccer. T: Do you know the same use of other words? Please give me some examples. Write other right answe

7、rs of the students on the Bb. Teach the students the new words.Step While-task Task 1 Practise the new words more. Pay attention to the pronunciations and spelling. Task 2 Finish Part A on Page 23. Task 3 Write down both the British and American words, then finish Part B. Step Comic strips Do you re

8、member Hobo and Eddie? They are talking about school life. Listen to the tape and answer: What does Eddie think of the school life? Listen again and read after it. Act the dialogue in groups and pairs. Step Explanation1. British / American English 英式/美式英语2. see a film = watch a film 看电影 3. buy sth.

9、for sb.= buy sb. sth 买某物给某人4. go with you 和你一起去5. have to work harder 不得不更勤奋工作6. be like 像7. ideal school 理想的学校Step Post-task Fill in the blankets 一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Why dont you _ (play) basketball with us?2. Eddie thinks school is like _ (watch) TV.3. Hed like _ (be) a doctor in the future.二、根据首字母填

10、单词。1. When f_ comes, the leaves turn yellow.2.R_ means eraser.3. What are the B_ and American words for these things?三、翻译。1. 你理想中的学校是什么样的?2. 学校生活就像看电视,但是广告较少。3. 我妈给我买了一台电脑作生日礼物。Step. Homework 1. Remember the new words and language points in this lesson.2. Preview the new words in Reading.Period 2 Re

11、ading (1)Teaching aims and demands: 1. Know the school lives in British school and American school. 2. Learn to read and understand the article with different ways of reading. 3. Learn how to understand the writers opinion. Teaching difficulties and importance: 1. Know the meanings of the new words:

12、 mixed, buddy, language, during, discuss, offer, guy, French, foreign, end, baseball, win 2. Understand the meanings of the phrases: in Year 8=in Grade 8,a mixed school, bring in, a Reading Week, the end of sth., as well, twice a week, spend time doing sth, offer sb. help, each other.3. Catch the ma

13、in information about Lives in a British school and an American school. Teaching preparation: recorder and computer Teaching steps: Step I. Lead-in Review the British and American words in different forms. Step II. Pre-task Use the pictures to teach some new words. Do Section B.Answer some questions:

14、1. Do you like our school?2. How many lessons do you have every day?3. Whats your favourite subject?4. How long do you do sports every day?5. Whats your school life like?Introducing:在英国,中等教育通常在11-16岁,并按照year划分(Years7-12)。Year 8相当于中国的8年级。学生16岁时要参加普通教育证书(GCSE)的考试。通过后才能在学校或私立中学接受两年的中等教育,之后要参加级考试。美国的中等教

15、育通常分为初中(6th-8th grades)和高中(9th-12th grades)9th grade 相当于中国的九年级。Step III. While-task T: Eddie thinks school is like watching TV. Now John and Nancy are talking about their lives in school. Lets see if it is like watching TV. Life in a British school Task 1 Read Passage 1 and answer:Who wrote the first passage?What activity does the school have every year? Task 2 Read Passage 2 and answerWho wrote the second passage?Who else are mentioned(提及) in the passage?Task 3 Listen to the tape and read after it. Fill in the form.Task 4 Do Section B3. Check

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