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2、5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AEnglish teachers needed immediately for schools in ChinaAbout UsShenzhen Cambridge Culture International Education is an education

3、solution provider that was founded in 2014 and its main office is in Shenzhen and is contracted by education departments across China to hire and manage foreign teachers for schools.We are not an agency. We hire and manage you from the start (getting on the plane) to finish (returning home )! We off

4、er visa support, teacher training, lesson planning guidance and the chance to meet other participants before you go to China. And our programmes are designed to ensure you arrive in China feeling confident, prepared and supported, so that you can make the most of this incredible opportunity.Benefits

5、 TEFL Certificate course assistance Work visa(Z visa) sponsored Flight allowance Pre-arrival training and orientation Airport pickup, bank, phone card, and apartment rental assistance Accident insurance Three nights free hotel on arrival Salary range: 11,000RMB ( 1,608USD) - 18,000RMB (2,631USD) per

6、 month ( 150% - 200% above local average) Performance bonus Teaching hours being less than 13 hours per week Chinese public holidays & Summer vacation Ongoing teacher mentoring and assessment ( classroom observations, seminar and monthly training sessions)Chinese Lesson (2 hours/week)Part-time oppor

7、tunities (We use our large and knowledgeable alumni community to help our teachers connect and find new opportunities so you can develop your skills and career path outside the classroom ! )Position Student Ages: kindergarten (3 -6 years old); Primary (6 -12 years old); Middle School (13 -19 years o

8、ld) Classroom fully equipped with computer, projector, board, and microphone Curriculum and teaching materials provided Local teacher assistantRequirements 10 - 12 months contract Bachelors Degree(学士学位) or above in any field 120-hour TEFL certificate required Native-English speaking level Hold a pas

9、sport from the U. S. A. , Canada, Australia, U. K. , South Africa, New Zealand, or Ireland Age from 20 years old to 55 years old (visa requirement)Living and working in China will be a wonderful opportunity. Come and join us!Company Website: http :/www. cambridgeculture. com1. What can we know about

10、 Shenzhen Cambridge Culture International Education?A. It has a history of more than a decade.B. It has the Chinese government as a sponsor.C. Its main task is to train foreign teachers for Chinese schools.D. It provides a service package for foreign teachers to work in China.2. What benefit can tea

11、chers get from working with the organization?A. One week s free hotel. B. Medical insurance.C. Higher salary than local average. D. Legal aid during public holidays.3. Who may be qualified for the position?A. A Canadian who hasn t got the TEFL certificate.B. An experienced English teacher who is 65

12、years old.C. A professor who can only work in China for half a year.D. A native English speaker who has a Doctor s Degree in education.【答案】1. D 2. C 3. D【解析】这是一篇应用文。本文是一则英语外教招聘通知。招聘外教的单位是深圳剑桥文化国际教育中心,这是一所与中国教育部签订了聘请并管理外教合同的机构。另外,文中还提到了在该机构工作的福利、该机构的地理位置、该机构的应聘要求。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据文中第二段第二句提到“We hire and

13、manage you from the start (getting on the plane) to finish (returning home )!”该机构会对招聘来的外教从上飞机那一刻开始一直管理到回家。同时,第三句还提到“We offer visa support, teacher training, lesson planning guidance and the chance to meet other participants before you go to China”该机构会给外教提供签证、培训、教学指导、结识其他参与者等服务。故选D项。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据文章b

14、enefits部分的salary range,外教老师的工资为11000至18000人民币,比当地的平均工资水平要高出150%-200%,因此外教老师能在该机构获得高薪水的福利。故选C项。【3题详解】推理判断题。根据文章中requirements部分,可以判断外教老师需要TEFL certificate“英语教师资格证书培训项目”,故A项错误。外教年龄“Age from 20 years old to 55 years old”20岁-55岁,故B项错误。外教需签署10-12个月的合同,即“10 - 12 months contract”,故C项错误。外教学历的要求为学士及以上“Bachelo

15、rs Degree(学士学位) or above in any field”,故D项正确。BJim McGee was once an Air Force pilot in Vietnam. In 2017, he was seriously ill because his kidneys(肾)were gone.Jim immediately started dialysis (透析), but a person of his age on dialysis usually lives only about four years. Transplants are a long-shot al

16、ternative. The National Kidney Foundation estimates that 13 people die every day while waiting for a donor with the right blood and tissue types. Jim s wife, Shirley McGee, and some family friends offered but werent a match.Desperate, Shirley had T-shirts made that said “I m in need of a donor.” Her

17、 husband would wear one whenever he went to downtown Sarasota. No luck.In early 2018, Jim didnt feel like attending a reunion of some Air Force buddies in Monterey, California. “I said, Is it really worth going to Monterey to sit in dialysis for two days?” Jim recalls. “And my wife said, Yeah, come

18、on. You really want to see your friends. And I am glad I made that decision.”In California, Jim reunited with six fellow airmen, including one he hadn t seen in nearly 50 years: Doug Coffman. The two had met when they both were learning Vietnamese before they went overseas. Jim told Doug and his oth

19、er comrades about his predicament(困境),Doug, then 70, happened to have the right blood type and immediately decided to help.But could he? Shirley s guess was that doctors would tell Doug what they had told her: Youre too old.He immediately had his doctor send his medical records to Georgetown Medical

20、 Center, where Jim was being treated.Within a month, Doug was cleared for major testing. The testing revealed not only that Doug s tissue type matched Jim s but also that he had the kidneys of a 35-year-old.When the doctors gave him the OK to donate, Doug immediately called Jim, and asked for the fi

21、rst surgery date available. On September 18, 2018, Doug went into surgery at 7: 30 a. m.; Jim followed at 9: 30 a.m. By noon, they were both in the recovery room. The transplant was a success.4. Which of the following can best describe Shirley?A. Helpful and considerate. B. Reasonable and energetic.

22、C. Outgoing and thankful. D. Knowledgeable and talkative.5. How did Jim feel about his illness just before going to Monterey?A. Satisfied. B. Discouraged. C. Ashamed. D. Nervous.6. Why did Jim McGee decide to go to Monterey?A. To seek help. B. To practice Vietnamese.C. To meet his fellow airmen. D.

23、To have a thorough examination there.7. What can we know about Doug Coffman?A. He was too old to help. B. He seldom visited his doctor.C. He acted without delay in helping Jim. D. He was 35 years younger than his age.【答案】4. A 5. B 6. C 7. C【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了空军飞行员Jim McGee因为肾脏不见而病的非常严重,从而需要每天透析,但透

24、析也只能维持四年的生命。Jim McGee和他的妻子迫切地寻找着捐赠者但都徒劳无功。2018年Jim McGee极不情愿地去参加了空军飞行员的聚会,在聚会上他向他的同伴讲述了自己的困境,正好Doug与Jim McGee的血型相符,虽然Doug年纪大了,但Doug的各项检查结果都非常好,最终他们完成了捐献。【4题详解】推理判断题。文中第二段最后一句提到“Jim s wife, Shirley McGee, and some family friends offered but werent a match.” Jim的妻子Shirley和几个家庭成员都想捐献肾脏给Jim,但是没有成功。同时,第三

25、段又提到“Shirley had T-shirts made that said “I m in need of a donor.”Shirley穿着印有“我需要捐赠者”的T恤来帮助Jim找到捐献者。另在文中第四段提到“And my wife said, Yeah, come on. You really want to see your friends.”,Jim本来不打算参加聚会,但是在妻子Shirley的鼓励下,Jim还是去参加了聚会,最终受到了捐赠。可以说明Shirley是一个愿意帮助且体贴的人。B. Reasonable and energetic.合理、充满活力。C. Outgoi

26、ng and thankful.外向、感激的,D. Knowledgeable and talkative.知识渊博、能言善道。故A项正确。【5题详解】推理判断题。文章第二段提到“13 people die every day”每天都有13个人因为等不到捐献者死亡,这给Jim增加了心理上的压力,在第三段提到“Desperate No luck.”虽然Jim的妻子通过宣传的形式想为Jim找到捐献者,但也是徒劳无功。所以Jim感到非常的沮丧。A. Satisfied.满意的,B. Discouraged.沮丧的,C. Ashamed.羞愧的,D. Nervous.焦虑的。故B项正确。【6题详解】细

27、节理解题。文章第四段提到“And my wife said, Yeah, come on. You really want to see your friends. And I am glad I made that decision.” Jim妻子鼓励他去参见聚会,鼓励他去见见他的朋友,Jim到了之后也觉得自己做了个正确的决定。故C项正确。【7题详解】推理判断题。在文章中第6段提到“immediately decided to help”,第8段“He immediately had his doctor”、第10段“Doug immediately called Jim”出现了三次“imm

28、ediately”立刻地,Doug得知Jim的情况后“立刻”决定帮助,“立刻”联系了自己的医生,在得知检查结果后“立刻”安排了手术,说明了Doug是毫不犹豫地帮助Jim。故C项正确。【点睛】同学们在做题时要留意在文章中反复出现的词。1. 反复出现可表示强调。表达作者的情感态度等。2. 前后文呼应。强调该词在文中的作用。如在第四题中,询问关于Doug Coffman的情况,在文中可发现出现了三次immediately立刻地,可以发现作者使用该词来强调Doug Coffman处理事情的及时,即答案选C。CA survey in the Philippines has shown the count

29、ry uses a “shocking” amount of single-use plastic, including nearly 60 billion sachets (小袋) a year, a new report said Friday. The report, produced by the non-governmental organization GAIA, is part of an effort to collect data on plastic consumption as environmentalists push for government action to

30、 reduce plastic waste.It contains shocking figures: every day, almost 48 million shopping bags are used throughout the Philippines, adding up to more than 17 billion a year. And that figure does not include the smaller, thinner and often transparent plastic bags known as “labo” bagsaround 16.5 billi

31、on of those are used per year across the country, the report says. The figures are based on 21 waste assessments conducted in 13 cities across the Philippines, with the national figures produced by extrapolating(推断) from local results.More than half of non-recyclable plastic analyzed in the survey c

32、ame from sachetssmall plastic packets often lined with aluminium or containing other materials that make them non-recyclable. Small portions of products ranging from coffee to shampoo are often sold in sachets in the Philippines, and are seen as an affordable solution for consumers.But Grate said the popularity appeared to be more a result of what is available, with wealthier consumers simply buying multiple

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