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1、雅思作文社会类社会类话题2014年7月12日 (社会话题)年轻人是否适合政府岗位题目:Some people think young people are not suitable for important positions in the government,while other people think it is a good idea for young people to take on these positions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.There is a debate about whether yo

2、ung generation is qualified for important positions in the government. In this essay, I will discuss the viewpoints of both supporters and opponents and give my own opinion.It is generally believed that young people are immature and inexperienced. They tend to make decisions without enough considera

3、tion, which may lead to serious consequences if they are in charge of important department of the government. Many young people are spoilt by their parents in their childhood and adolescence. This young generation is less considerate and responsiblethan their parents and grandparents. As government

4、positions concern the welfare of citizens and require serious commitment, young people seem to be unsuitable for these positions.On the other hand, some people argue that young people should be given more opportunities to do government work. They have more energy and enthusiasm for their jobs than t

5、he older generation. What is more important is that young people are receptive to new ideas and technology. They are expected to bring innovative style to the government work, which is considered as rigid and conservative. For example, in some cities, young officials of the government use online soc

6、ial networking to interact with local residents and enhance the ties of the government and the public.In my view, young people should be encouraged to take more responsibilities for government work. This is a good way to change the stereotype (老套的,一成不变的)of the government and improve its service. Con

7、sidering their lack of experience, job training may be needed before people take on their positions. They are likely to make mistakes, but this is how they grow and become competent for their jobs.反对方的理由:年轻人不成熟(immature),缺乏经验(inexperienced),还可以写年轻一代被父母宠爱,变得不够周到(inconsiderate)和不负责任(irresponsible),这些都

8、是教育话题里面反复使用的素材和词汇。最后提到政府的工作关系到人们的福利,需要认真的承诺(concern the welfare of citizens and require serious commitment),所以年轻人不适合支持方的写法:年轻人有活力,有热情(have energy and enthusiasm),易于接受新思想和新技术(are receptive to new ideas and new technology)。他们善于创新(innovative)能够改变政府的刻板和保守(rigid and conservative)。用到了一个举例论证,比如一些年轻的政府官员使用社

9、交网和民众交流,增进政府和人民的关系,这样就用到科技话题里面的一些例子了。结论段,仍然是折中式的写法,支持年轻人做政府的工作,但是需要给他们一些job training,允许他们犯错误,并且在错误中成长2013年11月16日雅思写作范文 语言减少的利弊题目:Across the world today, the use of many languages has been declining. Only a few languages have been increasingly used. Is this a positive or negative development?It is re

10、ported that every year several languages die out and only a few languages are expected to become dominant across the world in the future. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this trend.Undoubtedly, with the decreasing number of languages, communications between nations would become

11、 easier, which would promote the development of various sectors, such as tourism, trade, education, etc. Language barriers have long impeded international exchange and cooperation, causing a lot of inconveniences and frustrations. If people from different countries use the same language, they do not

12、 need to worry about communication problem when travelling, studying and doing business in another country. Another advantage of popularizing some universal languages is enormous. In many cases, incorrect translation leads to misunderstanding and embarrassment. With fewer languages spoken, these pro

13、blems can be effectively solved.On the other hand, the extinction of languages also causes wide concerns. As language is the carrier of culture, the disappearance of the language spoken by a community often means the loss of some forms of culture, including songs, literature and local traditions.For

14、 example, among some minority groups in China, people do not want to learn their local languages. As a result, the younger generations know little about the history and customs of their communities. Their lives are not different from those who live in big cities. This is a pity, as culture diversity

15、 is regarded as valuable assets of human beings. Overall, it is true that fewer languages would make life easier. However, from the perspective of preserving cultures, we should make an effort to save some languages from dying out.这个题大家可能觉得也不是很难,因为语言减少带来了方便、效率,能够促进国际交流、商务、旅游的发展,减少误解。还有一个,能够减少翻译费用,全世

16、界每年由于语言不通而花费在翻译上的费用也是惊人的。弊端怎么写?语言减少会导致少数民族文化的消失,这一点估计大家都想到了,但是写来写去好像也就那么几个词。这时候你可以举例子。比如大家去外地旅游,发现每个地方都一样。问问那些少数民族地区的年轻人,很多都已经不会说当地的语言。这无疑是文化的损失。其实语言学习是很功利的,你为什么学英语,而不去学拉丁语、希腊语,不去学满文、蒙古文?所以文章结尾我们还是号召政府采取行动吧。健康类2014年7月19日Some people think that the government has the duty to ensure that its citizens have a healthy diet, while others believe this is individuals responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

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