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本文(人教版英语九年级 Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark 讲义练习后附答案.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教版英语九年级 Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark 讲义练习后附答案.docx

1、人教版英语九年级 Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark 讲义练习后附答案第1讲Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark语法题+句型语法题一:句型转换1. My uncle often took a walk here in the past. (同义句转换)My uncle _ _ take a walk here.2. I used to live in Beijing.(变为大凡疑问句并做否定回答)_ you _ _ live in Beijing?_, I _.题二:完成句子1.你过去留着长发,不是吗?You_hav

2、elonghair,_?2.这里过去有一个公园.There _ _ _ a park here.3.你的朋友过去是什么样子的人?What _ your friend _ _ _like?题三:用所给词的合适形式填空1. You look different now. You used to_ (be)fat.2. Jim is used to _ (run) every morning so hegets up early every day.3. Wood is used to _ (make) paper.4. Wood is used for _ (make) paper.小结:used

3、 to do:过去常常做某事(过去的习惯,强调与现在的对比,暗指现在不了)无人称变化,无其他时态否定形式:didnt use to do/ usednt to do疑问形式:Did +主语+use to do?Used +主语+ to do?反义疑问句:陈述句,didnt/ usednt +人称代词?难点1.过去常常做某事:used to do2.习惯于:be used to doing / n.3.被用来做:be used to do/for doing.句型题四:填空Itsbeenthreeyearssincewe_(see)ourprimary school classmates.题五:

4、完成句子我已经10年未吸烟了。(自从我上一次吸烟算起,迄今已十年。)It _ _ 10 years _ I _ lasttime.题六:句型转换1. Now shes not shy anymore. (同义句转换)Nowshes _ _ shy.2. I can no longer wait. (同义句转换)I _ wait _ _.题七:填空1._(Hang)outwithfriendsisalmostimpossible for me now.2. Climbing hills _ (be) good for our health.题八:改错Eventhoughtheyarebusy,b

5、uttheyarealwaysthinking of me.题九:单选Dont give up _ you fall behind others.A. sinceB. butC. even thoughD. because题十:填空1.Immuch_(busy)now,andIworkeven_ (hard) than I used to.2.Lilyisquite_(tall)butherhusbandismuch _ (tall).题十一:单选I was late for the concert. _ I met an old friendon the way.A. Thats becau

6、seB. Thats whyC. As a resultD. Because of第2讲Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark重点词语(上)词语题一:填空幽默感a _ of _He has a great sense of _ (humor);he can tellstories in _ (humor) ways.题二:填空1. Please keep _ (silent) here.2.Nobodyknewtheanswersoeveryonesattherein_ (silent).3. She prayed(祈祷) _ (silent).题三:单选S

7、heissobusythatsheonlygoestovisitherparents_.A. in timeB. on timeC. all the timeD. from time to time题四:完成句子1.Inajob_(interview),youdbetterfollow the rules.2.The_(interview)isaskingmesomequestions.3.Beforethejobinterviewthe_(interview) got nervous.题五:寓词于境(写出下列标粗单词的英文意思)1. Let medeal withhim.2. We ofte

8、ndeal withhim.3. He was able todeal withthe problem.4. She tried her best todeal withher fear.5. They spenta great deal ofmoney.6.Its adeal!7.Itsnot a bigdeal.8.Whats thedeal?题六:完成句子We require you _ (wear) the seat belt.拓展:要求某人做某事_ sb. _ sth._ sb. _ sth._ sb. _ sth.题七:完成句子Sheseldomspeaks,_?(反义疑问句)类似

9、的词:几乎不_;从不_;几乎没有_ (可数);_ (不可数).题八:完成句子1.Heismybestfriendandhe_deeply. (影响我)2.Heismybestfriendandhe_strong _ _ me. (影响)第3讲Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark重点词语(下)词语题一:语法填空1. He was absent _school yesterday because hewas ill.2.Theschooldismissed(开除)himbecauseofhisrepeated _(absent) from school.阅读理

10、解1. In the absence of enough evidence,we dont believewhat he said.2.Inhislaterlifehebecameevenmoreabsentminded.题二:完成句子1. _ (fail) is the mother of success.2. He failed _ (catch) the bus so he had to takea taxi.3.Shecriedsadlybecauseshe_.(考试不及格)4. I worked so hard because I didnt want to _ _. (让父母失望)

11、5. You cant _ _ _ the rules.(必须遵守)题三:单选Has Mike received his mothers mail?Yes, he signed for it _ this morning.A. in factB. in silenceC. in personD. in public题四:完成句子Im proud of being a Chinese. (同义句转换)I _ _ _ _ a Chinese.题五:完成句子1.Whenautumncomes,leaveswill_(变黄).2. _ _ (左转)at the second crossing.3. I

12、f you need help, you can _ _ (求助)meat any time.4. Please _ _ (打开) the TV.5. Its _ _ (轮到你) to clean the kitchen.题六:寓词于境(写出下列标粗单词的中文意思)1. It is hard for me totake upa new job at my 50s.2. Homework alwaystakes upmost of my spare time.3. Move the books out, whichtake uptoo much room.辨析1. I ampreparingfo

13、r the coming exam.2. I ampreparedfor the coming exam.题七:fight短语填空继续奋斗_ _为而奋斗_ _与作斗争_ _题八:完成句子1. If you have a try, you can _ _(胜利).2. Although it is raining hard, he can _ _ school. (按时到达)3. Lets _ _ (约定)8:00. Is it convenientfor you?第4讲Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark书面表达书面表达题一:初中生活丰富多彩,在经历两年多的初中生活之后,相信你一定有很多变化,请写一写你及你的生活在初中生活前后的例外。要求:1. 80词左右2.文中不可出现真实姓名

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