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高一英语外研版必修二单元测试Book2 Module 1.docx

1、高一英语外研版必修二单元测试Book2 Module 1Book2 Module 1单元测试题(外研版)Class: n加油 Name: Marks: n加油 满分(120)一、单项填空 (n加油共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分) 1n加油. Do you have sweet tooth? n加油 Yes, but Im on diet now. n加油 A. n加油a; B. ; a n加油 C. ; D. a; a 2. n加油Take plenty of exercise evn加油ery day, you will become fatter ann加油d fatter. A.

2、 or B. and n加油C. so D. but3. Thn加油ere is like walkingn加油 as a means of keeping fit. Youve gn加油ot that right. A. something B. anytn加油hing C. everything D. nothinn加油g4. How about the soup?n加油 great! I love it. A. Tan加油sting B. Tasted C. Tasn加油tes D. Taste5.n加油 His body temperature is aboutn加油 37. Well

3、, its . He doesnn加油t have a fever. A. on加油rdinary B. normal C. common Dn加油. usual6. Its quite n加油near from here to the railway statn加油ion. Its only about a wan加油lk. A. five-minute B. five-minn加油utes C. five minutes D. five minn加油utes7. Listen, somen加油one is knocking at the door. I n加油 it. A. will an

4、swer B. shoun加油ld answer C. answer D.n加油 have answered8. Id rather sn加油ome wine, if you dont mind. Non加油t at all, anything you wan加油nt. A. to have B. having C. haven加油 D. had9. The dress cost me $100, but n加油I have been told thatn加油 it is worth half then加油 price . A. at most B. in all n加油 C. at all

5、D. at lean加油st10. As the proverb goes, n加油“A journey of a thousand n加油miles with a single sten加油p”. Every day is a nn加油ew day. A. are begun B.n加油 is begun C. begin D. begins 11. n加油The dark clouds are gn加油athering and hanging lower n加油and lower. It . Lets go home at n加油once. A. is raining n加油 B. is

6、going to rain C.n加油 rained D. rains 12. From n加油 Ive said, you can see Im n加油an outgoing boy, and I lin加油ke making friends. A. that B. how n加油C. what D. who 13. “I shall take yn加油ou wherever you like as soon as you arn加油e travel,” promised the boys fathn加油er. A. well enough to n加油 B. enough well to

7、C. well to enoun加油gh D. enough to well14. Gao Xiaosong bn加油ecame the first famous star aftern加油 drinking and be put in prison.n加油 A. to drive B. drove C. drivin加油ng D. having driven15. Bob hurt hisn加油 leg while playing fon加油otball. . Lets go and sen加油e him after class. A. Thn加油at couldnt be better B

8、. Wn加油ell, Im sorry. C. Why? D. Terrificn加油!二、完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1.5分, n加油满分30分)Through my school yearn加油s I never imagined falling in love. n加油I wanted to stay 16 just watcn加油hing my friends get mistreated (虐待) byn加油 their 17 all the time. In mn加油y 18 year just turning 17, mn加油y best friend decided to

9、 set n加油me up with a stranger Id 19 known加油n. I was really lucky to even加油n 20 it to the place ben加油cause my parents were son加油 21 with me at the time. So we men加油t and not even a 22 n加油to say. I wasnt too excited. I was totan加油lly nervous. At the tn加油ime I knew there was somn加油ething in him I 23 .

10、n加油I couldnt understand that feeling inn加油side 24 me he was the one. n加油My senior year after school endedn加油 and he had to 25 the Marin加油nes (海军陆战队) and I had to go to Ohio. We n加油both had decided to end our relationsn加油hip 26 we didnt thin加油nk it works from far distance. It n加油was all over. On my 2

11、0 birthdn加油ay there was a 27 on the mail fon加油r me and it came fron加油m 28 with his name on it. n加油It had taken him a long time to n加油 29 me and he finally made it. n加油After that day he 30 he would nn加油ever let me go again. Todn加油ay hes my 31 , my best friend, n加油and my hero. Within a millin加油on mile

12、s away from me, he has 32 hn加油is promise. I love him with all my n加油33 and Im here waiting. He has been n加油deployed (调度) overseas for n加油8 months and we only 34 by n加油e-mail and sometimesn加油 calls on the 35 . Today and n加油every upcoming day I wn加油ake up with a smile just waiting for hn加油im to come b

13、ack home safn加油ely.16. A. along B. singn加油le C. away D. lonely17. A. teachers B.n加油 parents C. classmates D.n加油 boyfriends18. A. priman加油ry B. senior C. junior D. mn加油iddle 19. A. never B. ever C.n加油 even D. once20. A. take Bn加油. bring C. have D. make21. A. worried n加油B. anxious C. strict D. angry22

14、. n加油A. word B. letter C. message D.n加油 topic23. A. hated Bn加油. disliked C. liked D.n加油 envied24. A. saying B. n加油giving C. telling D. n加油stopping25. A. leave for Bn加油. take part C. serve for Dn加油. work in26. A. becn加油ause B. even if C. as in加油f D. now that27. A. bn加油ook B. note C. letten加油r D. gift

15、28. A. my boyfriend n加油B. a Marine base C. his hometn加油own D. a faraway place29. A. find B. sn加油ee C. visit D. call30. An加油. cried B. said C. promised D. menn加油tioned31. A. husband B. boyfriendn加油 C. hope D. future32. A. made B.n加油 kept C. broken D. taken33. A. hn加油ead B. heart C. wish D. mindn加油34.

16、 A. miss B. kiss C. thinkn加油 D. communicate35. A. n加油weekends B. line C. warship D. sea三n加油、阅读理解 (共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分n加油40分)AResearchers say bedtimen加油 rules may improve a chin加油lds development. A new study n加油found better results in foun加油r-year-olds who go to ben加油d around the same time every night a

17、nn加油d sleep at least eleven hours. Gettin加油ng less than that led ton加油 lower abilities in language, ren加油ading and early math n加油skills.Researchers studied about eightn加油 thousand children whose parents tn加油ook part in the research on early chiln加油dhood. The parents answeren加油d questions by telephon

18、n加油e at nine months and again atn加油 four years. Researcher Erika Gaylor an加油sked parents to follow routines n加油(惯例) like reading books or telling stn加油ories to their children. Cn加油hildren who go to bed n加油after nine oclock took ln加油onger to fall asleep andn加油 slept less. Children also gotn加油 less sl

19、eep if they did not haven加油 bedtime routines.A separatn加油e study found that more sleep may even mn加油ake a person run faster. Then加油 study was small seven pn加油layers in the Stanford University footn加油ball team. For the study, they aimed fon加油r (争取) at least ten hours of n加油sleep each night during the

20、 sn加油eason. After seven to eight wn加油eeks of more sleep, the players ran fan加油ster in short training races. They an加油lso felt less sleepy durinn加油g the day.Stanford sleep researcher n加油Cheri Mah says sleep shon加油uld be part of a players tran加油ining program. This is some of her an加油dvice: Adults shou

21、ld tn加油ry to get seven to eight hours of slen加油ep a night. Teenagers and young adun加油lts should aim for nine hours on加油r more. Go to bed and wake up at then加油 same time every day. Andn加油 take brief naps during the dan加油y to get more sleep.36. Whn加油at does Erika Gaylor think cn加油an help children fall

22、 asleep? n加油 A. Talking with childn加油ren. B. Doing the samn加油e things at bedtime. C. Askingn加油 doctors for advice. D. Goin加油ng to bed after nine oclock.3n加油7. The underlined “that” n加油in the first paragraph refers n加油to “ ”. A. a bedtn加油ime rule B. a four-year-on加油ld child C. a book D. eln加油even hou

23、rs sleep38. From then加油 fourth paragraph we can learn thn加油at . A. football playen加油rs need more sleep than others n加油 B. players are easin加油ly injured if they dont sleep wen加油ll C. too much training can makn加油e players feel sleepy D. enn加油ough sleep can make players n加油do well in races39. What is n

24、加油the researcher Cheri n加油Mahs advice? A. Wed bettn加油er not take naps during the day. B.n加油 Teenagers should gen加油t up earlier. C. Wed better wakn加油e up at the same time every dan加油y. D. Adults should sleep at leastn加油 eight hours a night.BA soldier,n加油 who was finally coming homn加油e after having fo

25、ught in Vin加油etnam, called his parentn加油s from San Francisco.“Mom and Dad, Imn加油 coming home, but Ive a favn加油or to ask. I have a friend whn加油om Id like to bring home with n加油me.”“Sure,” they replied, “wen加油d love to meet him.”“Theres n加油something you should know,” the son加油n continued. “He was n加油h

26、urt pretty badly in the fightingn加油. He stepped on a landmine (地雷) and n加油lost an arm and a leg. He has nown加油here else to go, and I wann加油t him to live with us.”“Im son加油rry to hear that, son. Maybe we can helpn加油 him find somewhere to live.”“No, Mom n加油and Dad, I want him tn加油o live with us.”“Son,

27、” said the father,n加油 “you dont know what youren加油 asking. Someone with such a hann加油dicap (残疾) would be a terrible bun加油rden on us. We have our own lin加油ves to live, and we n加油cant let something lin加油ke this disturb our lin加油ves. I think you should justn加油 come home and forget about this gun加油y. He

28、ll find a way to live on his on加油wn.”At that point, thn加油e son hung up the phone. The parentn加油s heard nothing more from him.n加油 A few days later, however, they receivn加油ed a call from the San n加油Francisco police. They were toln加油d their son had died after n加油falling from a building. The pon加油lice b

29、elieved he killed himself. Thn加油e heartbroken parents n加油flew to San Francisco and were takenn加油 to identify the body of theirn加油 son. They recognized himn加油, but to their horror they aln加油so discovered something thn加油ey didnt know their son had n加油only one arm and one leg.n加油 40. The soldier callen

30、加油d his parents to n加油 . A. ask his parents to allow his n加油friend to live with them B. fin加油nd out if his parents would n加油accept him as a handicapped man n加油C. tell them to come to San Fran加油ncisco to identify his dead body D. len加油t them know he loved then加油m from the bottom of n加油his heart41. Th

31、e parentsn加油 wouldnt accept their sons frienn加油d because . A. they were too cn加油old-hearted to show lon加油ve to anybody B. they hatn加油ed a man who had lost any parn加油t of his body C. they din加油dnt want any strange person to live wn加油ith them D. they thoun加油ght his friend would make their liven加油s uncomfortable42. Which of tn加油he following statements is TRUE? A. Thn加油e soldier and his friend bn加油oth lost an arm and a leg. n加油B. The police made a mistake about thn加油e identity of the dead body. C.n加油 The parents were

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