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1、平安校园申报材料平安校园申报材料小勐统镇半坡完小创建“平安校园”申报材料 创建“平安校园”是校园精神文明建设的一项重要举措同时也是深化教育体制改革强化创新意识加速学校发展增强办学实力的重要保障。半坡完小立足于为教育事业改革与发展营造良好环境加强学校安全工作确保师生安全和学校稳定坚持把创建“平安校园”列入学校管理的重要内容深入开展创建活动保障素质教育在我校实现可持续性的发展。 一、 学校基本概况 小勐统镇半坡完小创建于1956年位于小勐统镇东南方向距镇政府8公里学校占地面积4150平方米 校舍总建筑面积为2728平方米。2010年以来上级部门高度重视和关心学校发展对学校加大了投入新盖了教学楼、学

2、生宿舍、食堂目前工程已接近尾声。 学校现有七个教学班324名学生住校生209名在职教职工19名其中小学高级教师 11名小学一级教师6名小学二级教师2名。在全校师生的不懈努力下学校取得了丰硕成果:1998年半坡完小被评为县级“文明学校”,2008年5月半坡完小学生参加的全县青少年科技创新大奖中作品石刻乌龟获得科技创新发明与制作一等奖和绘画作品回家的路获得创作一等奖,2009年9月团结进取、质量优秀的半坡完小又被县委政府评为县级“教育工作先进集体”三等奖荣誉称号。近年来学校教师在全市、县“三优”评比和种比赛活动中获奖达17人次之多。 pharmacological action and clini

3、cal application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of th

4、e digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for use, co

5、ntraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: the differential diagnosis of tuberculous per

6、itonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of x-ray examination

7、 of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of co

8、mmon diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic 二、 领导重视、组织健全 学校领导对创建“平安校园”非常重视充分认识到安全工作是学校的首要工作是重中之重创建“平安校园”是落实科学发展观的具体体现是为学校教育教学活动的开展创设一个良好环境。为此半坡完小成立学校安全工作领导小组及相关的工作小组。 1、安全工作领导小组: 组 长:赵李发 副组长:村委会主任周文斌 学校政教主任王 岚 组 员:半坡完小教师李杨华 段开孝 罗国清 李虎华 学校管理委员会成员李

9、光林 李强 熊正荣 鲁在文 2、安全工作小组: 组长:王 岚 副组长:李杨华 组员:段开孝 李虎华 蔡 艳 段国美 李在荣 李发姝 罗美林 张宁霞 胡秀媛 刘相芹 李生荣 罗国清 鲁司贵 李俊良 杨满仓 赵忠芹 3、学校安全检查小组: 组长:王 岚 副组长:罗国清 组员:李杨华 段开孝 李虎华 李在荣 李生荣 杨满仓 4、班级安全工作小组: 组长:各班班主任 副组长:各科任教师 组员:各班班干部、少先队干部 indicase; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscop

10、y and gastric juice extraction, the the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns dise ledge: clinical know?is (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ontraindi

11、cations and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosuse, ch stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for ency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of di

12、gestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wasemerg ive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and masterion of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written r

13、ecords, conduct a comprehenspharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical applicatject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basicc knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking

14、ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the suby subject of internal medicine, has a system of academiray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinolog-ation of liver biopsy, contraindications

15、 and complications, indication of x2 5、学校安全法制顾问: 小勐统镇派出所副所长:李军 三、 创建“平安校园”采取的具体办法及措施 1、加强组织领导 学校把创建“平安校园”工作当做学校工作的重中之重来抓成立创建“平安校园”领导班子并特邀小勐统镇派出所人员担任学校的法制副校长领导小组成员分工明确制定出合理计划、定期检查、及时汇报保证学校各项工作有序开展。 2、加强制度建设 为保证各项措施落到实处我校制定了各项安全制度。共分成八大类:第一类是学生接送制度,学生离校、返校制度,家校进行有效衔接制定出学校职责、挂钩教师职责、接送家长职责。每学期在召开家长会时由学校

16、政教主任带领全校家长学习相关的安全知识。学校对接送家长做出一些相关要求如:往返家校途中不得乘坐任何车辆,学生到校、离校实施家长、学生双签名。第二类是教学安全制度:学校制定出教学安全实施细则并组织教职工认真学习确保室内和室外教学安全。如:要求教师做到不迟到、不旷课、提前3分钟进教室落实课前点名制度,上体育课时体育教师要合理安排运动量和运动强度,上实验课时实验教师课前要对实验器材进行安全检查。第三类是消防安全制度,学校要确保消防设施随时可用组织教师、学生学习使用消防器材,每学期进行一次消防演练,进行消防安全讲座等。第四clinical knowledge: the differential ?er

17、culous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: d Tubd conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosis (tuberculosis anthe abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the ind

18、ications for use, contraindications an aust,treatment of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wash stomach, anus exh , be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and master emergency diagnosis andnatio

19、nosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require proper history, written records, conduct a comprehensive physical examical action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical application of gastric mucpharmacologiUnderstanding: principles of diagnosi

20、s and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic eases.vation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common disamiliar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cul

21、tiray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. f-psy, contraindications and complications, indication of xy of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biosiologdiagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis

22、; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns disease; the pathophy3 类是卫生安全制度,如:饮食卫生安全、食堂卫生安全、学校环境卫生安全、教室卫生安全、疾病的预防与治疗等针对以上每一方面做出相应的规定。第五类是交通安全制度,如:学生不得横穿马路、在马路上嬉戏玩耍、不乘坐任何车辆、不爬车、追车等。第六类是用电安全制度,学生用电必须在教师或家长的指导下正确使用一律不准攀爬变压器、电杆不得随便触摸电线不得擅自接各种开关、灯头等。第七类是签订各种安全协议制度;如:学校和教师签订摩托车、机动车安

23、全责任状学校和学生及监护人签订安全协议书。第八类是建立各种应急机制,对一些有可能发生的安全事故做好预防制定出相应的应急预案力求把损失降到最低。如:交通安全应急预案、火灾应急预案、地震等自然灾害应急预案。 3、加大实施力度 ,1,学校安全检查小组定期对学校校舍和各项安全设备进行检查。保证学校电路及各种开关、插座、各种用电设备完好。校舍、围墙、蓄水池等设施无安全隐患随时关注消防设施及性能、楼道、楼梯、扶手、照明等安全情况。 ,2,加强对学生的行为规范养成教育和法制安全教育。由于我校学生基本都是农村子女学生易冲动好争胜法律、纪律意识相对淡薄所以学校非常重视对学生的行为规范养成教育和法制安全教育。平时

24、要求班主任组织学生学习小学生守则和小学生日常行为规范通过抓学生的礼仪、迟到、旷课、完成ject of common diseases. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basicc knowledge. Cultivation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline of clinical skills, be able to handle the suby subject of internal med

25、icine, has a system of academiray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. familiar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinolog-ation of liver biopsy, contraindications and complications, indication of xindicase; the pathophysiology of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II sk

26、ills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the the differential diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis and Crohns dise ledge: clinical know?is (tuberculosis and Tuberculous peritonitis) and chronic diarrhea. (2) clinical knowledge, s

27、kills required: ontraindications and conventional methods of operation. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: abdominal tuberculosuse, ch stomach, anus exhaust, the abdominal cavity puncture indication and operation and triple cavities tube the indications for ency diagnosis and treatment

28、 of common diseases of digestive system diseases. Feeding and gastrointestinal decompression, wasemerg ive physical examination, be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system regular and masterion of gastric mucosa protective agent; II skills requirements: require

29、proper history, written records, conduct a comprehenspharmacological action and clinical application of Proton pump inhibitors, pharmacological action and clinical applicat4 作业情况、上课纪律、就餐纪律、就寝纪律、卫生习惯和广播体操等方面有效地提高了学生的行为规范。学期结束对表现较好的班级授予“平安班级”的光荣称号。每学期进行一次法制安全讲座对学生进行法制安全教育。通过晨会讲话、法制讲座、黑板报、主题班会等形式增强学生的法

30、制意识和安全意识以及自我保护能力。 ,3,突出师德师风建设。学校干部队伍加强政治学习用理论凝聚教师,改进工作作风用人格凝聚教师,加强交流合作用情感凝聚教师。学校要求教师要具有“三爱”,爱学生、爱岗位、爱学校,、“三让”,让学生成才、让家长放心、让社会满意,“三负责”,对学生负责、对学校负责、对事业负责,的思想境界。每一位教职工要关心、爱护学生尊重学生人格不准体罚或变相体罚学生。凡有体罚和变相体罚行为的老师不管对学生有没有造成伤害都要对相关教师予以严肃批评和处理。 ,4,加强卫生管理严把食品安全关。对学生制定科学的生活作息制度培养良好的卫生习惯努力做到“六勤”即:勤刷牙、勤剪指甲、勤理发、勤洗澡

31、、勤换衣、勤晒被褥,“六不”即:不喝生水、不吃不洁变质食物、不抽烟喝酒、不乱用毛巾、水杯、不随地吐痰、不乱扔果皮、纸屑、杂物。做好卫生清扫工作做到教室每天两打扫,中午、下午,清洁区每天一打扫宿舍每天一打扫及时清理污水沟、墙角不留卫生死角。关注学生饮食卫生保障学生健康食堂内外经常打扫做到:无苍蝇、无Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. 2. basic eases.vation of clinical thinking ability, mastering the discipline

32、of clinical skills, be able to handle the subject of common disamiliar Rotary purpose: basic theory of Endocrinology subject of internal medicine, has a system of academic knowledge. Cultiray examination of the digestive system. (11) endocrine Professional 1. f-psy, contraindications and complications, indication of xy of chronic diarrhea and diseases; II skills required: gastroscopy and gastric juice extraction, the indication of liver biosiologdiagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis; the differential diagnosis of int

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